Raging Sands

Introduction - Decided to make another RMT, because I generally got bored with my rain teams. So I tried something new and cooked up this little team.


(Hippowdon) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Slack Off
- Roar

The sand starter. My priority is to get rocks up, and I start roaring. If there is a Politoed, I'll head out to Politoed, as he is my only counter to rain teams. Slack off is there to promote him living longer, and I just love throwing roar's at people.


Zero (Tyranitar) (M) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 56 Atk / 200 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Crunch
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Superpower

The Second Sandstreamer. Flamethrower is a 2KO on Nattorei, which I can deal with. 2 Sandstreamers are actually needed to make sure that the sand is up. I frequently find rain teams, and find that I need 2. Mixtar is generally used to take out various threats that I find threatening, such as Gliscor etc.


Prototype-0 (Randorosu) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sand Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Earthquake
- Rock Polish
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Stone Edge

Late-game sweeper. Hidden Power Ice, is actually a surprise hit against Garchomps, and Gliscors. And I love using it. Earthquake is for coverage, and the good old Polish set is to outspeed most pokemon in the metagame. Stone Edge is for the yummy dragons, or Gyarados. I chose him for the reason that he is my favorite pokemon. He does well in the previous Sand teams that I made, and I wanted to try a new set., which was this one.
With Entry Hazards up, and with Suicune doing his thang, I can actually KO some surprising pokemon.


Suicune @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Roar
- Boil Over

As suggested by one of the people who commented below, I tried a Suicune. Overall, he is doing OK once entry hazards are up. I might swap him out for a Gyarados, but for now I am a little happy with his performance. Although, there are times when that he is sleeping, a poke comes in sets up in my face, and I am forced to switch out, while the sleep counter resets (God do I hate it,) although he is doing fine


Scizor (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Superpower
- Quick Attack

Classical Band Scizor. Suggested by one of people who commented down below, I tried it. Superpower is a 2KO to Nattorei, while Quick Attack is just there, when bullet punch can't do crap. He is doing generally well, and I don't think I should change right now. If you think that there is a better option, please comment below


Nattorei (M) @ Shed Shell
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 248 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Leech Seed
- Spikes
- Power Whip
- Thunder Wave

Due to Shandera's running around like its some stampede, I was forced to run Shed Shell. Since most Shandera's run scarf, I proceed to go to Tyranitar and hit them one of the moves he has. Thunder Wave is to give Tyranitar, Azumarill and Randorosu a generally easier time to take things out. I like using entry hazards now and then. Power Whip is there for the RD teams, and I like taking out Kingdra's. He also serves as having many resists and one his weaknesses are covered with Randorosu and the other being Hippowdon

HELP - I need to deal with RD teams, and feel like swapping Azumarill out - Options?

Ratings and suggestions are recommended.

NOTE - (This team serves as a Standard OU AND Dream World team, so recommendations from both sides of the spectrum are recommended.)


- Banded

- ResTalk Variant

Pursuit over Crunch for Tyranitar


These people do not deserve a picture, mostly because lazy


1.Your team has 4 water weaknesses and two resistances.
2.two sandstormers are too much. Other rain teams only have one rainstarter, and they rack your water weaknesses
3.Many sandstorm sweepers are weak to either water or ice; add a bulky water like rotom-W
4.CM Birijiron sweeps you. Consider cm latias or scarfchomp.
If you're countering Shandera with Tyranitar you should use Pursuit to make sure it can't come back in again.

I've really become unimpressed with Dory lately. In the sand I think a double dance Terakion or has far better coverage and amazing double STAB. You could use scarf though for the surprise quick KO.

Band Scizor makes for a better priority user than Azumaril and can U-Turn into one of your streamers in an emergency if the weather gets switched. It also acts as a hard counter to Rankurusu if Tyranitar bites it.

A bulky Suicune would also help with rain teams and your problems with water and ice attacks.

Bold 252 HP / 252 Df / 4 SpD
Boil Over
Sleep Talk

With great bulk you can cause burns with Boil Over and shuffle your enemies through all your hazards and make your endgame sweep all the easier for Landlos. When Roar is picked by Sleep Talk it doesn't have negative priority so if your opponent is slower they might not even get an attack off. Also acts as a useful status absorber and allows you to use X-Scissor on Dory instead if you choose to keep him.
I second Jaroda's notion of using Pursuit on Tyranitar, possibly instead of Crunch. That way, you can make a certain Scarf-Trapper regret trapping you.

Calm Mind Birijiron DOES sweep most of this team...holy crap. Swords Dance Technician Breloom could give this team just as many problems with physical attacks instead of special ones, letting itself set up with Spore. In general, you don't seem to have an answer to powerful Fighting-Types like Machamp and Roobushin, who can seriously cause your team problems with the likes of No Guard Dynamicpunches and boosted Drain Punches or Mach Punches.

Erufuun leads carrying Leech Seed and Taunt stop not only your Hippowdon lead, but can annoy much of this team (especially if it's carrying Charm and/or Light Screen in addition to Taunt and Leech Seed.) Landlos and Tyranitar have moves it hit it for super effective damage, but Leech Seed and Light Screen can still be major annoyances for many members of the team.

Just a couple of things to consider. Unfortunately, I can't think of any replacement options at the moment. I'll get back to you when an idea comes to me.
If you're countering Shandera with Tyranitar you should use Pursuit to make sure it can't come back in again.

I've really become unimpressed with Dory lately. In the sand I think a double dance Terakion or has far better coverage and amazing double STAB. You could use scarf though for the surprise quick KO.

Band Scizor makes for a better priority user than Azumaril and can U-Turn into one of your streamers in an emergency if the weather gets switched. It also acts as a hard counter to Rankurusu if Tyranitar bites it.

A bulky Suicune would also help with rain teams and your problems with water and ice attacks.

Bold 252 HP / 252 Df / 4 SpD
Boil Over
Sleep Talk

With great bulk you can cause burns with Boil Over and shuffle your enemies through all your hazards and make your endgame sweep all the easier for Landlos. When Roar is picked by Sleep Talk it doesn't have negative priority so if your opponent is slower they might not even get an attack off. Also acts as a useful status absorber and allows you to use X-Scissor on Dory instead if you choose to keep him.

I will try out Scizor, and perhaps Suicune. But who to replace for Suicune though?

Doryuuzu on the other hand, is basically the most common used pokemon in the Sands. If you can think of a better option go shoot your answer.

Another person -

1.Your team has 4 water weaknesses and two resistances.
2.two sandstormers are too much. Other rain teams only have one rainstarter, and they rack your water weaknesses
3.Many sandstorm sweepers are weak to either water or ice; add a bulky water like rotom-W
4.CM Birijiron sweeps you. Consider cm latias or scarfchomp.

Birijiron I have rarely seen it used, neither SD. I believe 2 sandstreamers a mandatory option. If Hippowdon goes down.. the rain takes over.. and I don't like that. I can switch to Nattorei, but people usually switch out Politoed. I prefer keeping both my sand streamers, but where will CM Latias or Scarfchomp fit in?

Also to continue on opponents using rain starters, I am usually forced to switch back to the sands, and Tyranitar here can't suffer to many water hits. Sure I can go to Nattorei, and hope that I can get a free sand switch in, but what happens when good ol Politoed comes back? I have barely used Scarfchomp or Latias, but would they work in place of tyranitar?

I am also replacing Pursuit, over crunch.
Dory may be common, but that doesn't mean it's the best. Dory usage has been on a steady decline since so many pokemon in the top 20 can reliable check or even counter it like Breloom, Landlos, Skarmory, Gliscor and Roopushin for example. It's easy to sweep with in the lower ranks but up top everyone is prepared for it and it's simply underwhelming. In fact I haven't been swept by one since October when I was still experimenting. Landlos is far more threatening with a much better stat spread, typing and movepool. Not to mention it's far more unpredictable. Everyone knows what Dory is packing so it's easy to predict. Tell me, how often do you actually find yourself sweeping with it personally against good players?

So yeah, you already have a Landlos on your team however so you should be fine. It's a tad redundant with Dory anyway. But yes I would suggest trying out Suicune and Scizor over Azumaril and Dory.
Dory may be common, but that doesn't mean it's the best. Dory usage has been on a steady decline since so many pokemon in the top 20 can reliable check or even counter it like Breloom, Landlos, Skarmory, Gliscor and Roopushin for example. It's easy to sweep with in the lower ranks but up top everyone is prepared for it and it's simply underwhelming. In fact I haven't been swept by one since October when I was still experimenting. Landlos is far more threatening with a much better stat spread, typing and movepool. Not to mention it's far more unpredictable. Everyone knows what Dory is packing so it's easy to predict. Tell me, how often do you actually find yourself sweeping with it personally against good players?

So yeah, you already have a Landlos on your team however so you should be fine. It's a tad redundant with Dory anyway. But yes I would suggest trying out Suicune and Scizor over Azumaril and Dory.

Alright thanks for your help, I'll try both of them, and see how it turns out

Also Suicune has.. Pressure? Should I use pressure, if its exclusive to that set, or why not water absorb?
Wouldn't Impish be the better nature on Nattorei since its not running gyro ball? Who knows, you might be able to outspeed something after the T-wave...
I'd run Band/Scarftar instead of mixed, just cause you can so easily trap enemy politoed's and KO them, ruining all chances for Rain teams beating you. Landlos can take out Gliscor itself, in any case. Also, you really need LO on Landlos, especially since you are running an RP set and will be very focused on KOing before your opponent can really hurt you. I'd also prefer running Breloom over Azumarill just for more usefl priority (in most cases) and a way to rip apart opposing Sand teams (save Landlos) and to a lesser extent, rain teams. Besides, with the new mechanics, Spore is pretty much an OHKO
Thought some had two. Cause Species Clause DOESN'T exist.
In all seriousness, why do you use this team for DW?
The idea is to use it in WiFi if at all possible. Much easier to play...
So you expect someone to have two drizzle politoeds. Anyways, species clause does exist, and if it didn't, then the uber tier would be arceus spamming.
If you're not feeling Suicune than Gyarados can pretty much pull off the exact same thing only Dragon Tail does damage when it phazes. The extra fighting and water resist is nice and Landlos and Hippo cover your electric weakness.
I'd run Band/Scarftar instead of mixed, just cause you can so easily trap enemy politoed's and KO them, ruining all chances for Rain teams beating you. Landlos can take out Gliscor itself, in any case. Also, you really need LO on Landlos, especially since you are running an RP set and will be very focused on KOing before your opponent can really hurt you. I'd also prefer running Breloom over Azumarill just for more usefl priority (in most cases) and a way to rip apart opposing Sand teams (save Landlos) and to a lesser extent, rain teams. Besides, with the new mechanics, Spore is pretty much an OHKO

Meh, Usually Landlos gets hit when I get a nice Polish up. He barely has any HP left, and life orb recoil could fuck me over. I personally don't like LO. The recoil has prevented me from pulling a successful sweep, and I really don't want to use a LO for my Landlos. Band Tyranitar? Hmmm.. I could try that, thanks for that idea. Breloom over Azumarill, which I switched for Scizor.. could work.

Although the sand damage really isn't helpful to Mr.Loom and he is hard to switch on, Rain Pokes. Although I might consider Breloom. Thanks for your help.

To the other guy, for Gyarados I might try him out, but Suicune might last for little bit.

Thought some had two. Cause Species Clause DOESN'T exist.
In all seriousness, why do you use this team for DW?
The idea is to use it in WiFi if at all possible. Much easier to play...

I have never seen 2 Politoeds... ever. Even without the species clause. And to be honest, another Politoed in the team = BRoooken