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There is a North East Regional which is (normally) close to New York. It changes location every year, so we can't really predict where it will be; although I would love it being in New Jersey again, it seemed pretty good last year for most people, and it will be very convenient for me again.
with your own ds..they make it REAL easy for hackers...

They have a perfectly competent hack checking device. (it even thought my Worlds 09 Weavile was hacked >__>)

oh ok so then anouther question sorry for my noobishness at this event is thier some sort off local listing for this so you know where you can particapate

There will be listing on Nintendo's website closer to time for the events, say in (late) March/April.

EDIT: Wow, didn't realize there was another page and got ninja'd baddddddddddd. lol
with your own ds..they make it REAL easy for hackers...

This isn't necessarily true, as the judges will notice the big ass AR in your ds, but those using R4s or devices like them might not get noticed right away, but will get caught eventually as in the later rounds every participant is indeed checked for hacks. This can become a big thing with hackers, but i think it will be minimal, and the use of our own systems will hopefully speed up the process, allowing more to participate in each tournament.
This isn't necessarily true, as the judges will notice the big ass AR in your ds, but those using R4s or devices like them might not get noticed right away, but will get caught eventually as in the later rounds every participant is indeed checked for hacks. This can become a big thing with hackers, but i think it will be minimal, and the use of our own systems will hopefully speed up the process, allowing more to participate in each tournament.

First, this is only IF they decide to do the same for the US, which is not confirmed. Regardless, should you suspect something even if your only 5% sure, you should call a hack check. It would be better to be wrong about the hack check you called, then be sorry you didn't call it.
Regardless, should you suspect something even if your only 5% sure, you should call a hack check. It would be better to be wrong about the hack check you called, then be sorry you didn't call it.

Agreed. Been there and it sucks to wish you called the hack check after you find out the guy that beat you was hacking.
If you lose,, it probably wouldn't matter...unless it's your first round at nats

A loss is a loss, and i think i can speak for everyone by saying, we don't really want to lose when it comes to the vgc, especially if it is due to any sort of hacking that can occur, and every match does count when it comes to the vgc, whether its your first round battle or semi-finals, they all count and could possibly earn you that invite you need or that trip. So it does matter whether you lose or not, especially if it is because of hacking.
We won't be required to have a DSi this year, will we? If not I plan on using my DS Lite again. lol

Yeah, I'll be sure to call a hack check if I lose, even if I don't think they hacked. Better be safe than sorry.
This. Although there is one issue with doing this; judges will get picky if you decide to call a hack check simply because you lost.
We won't be required to have a DSi this year, will we? If not I plan on using my DS Lite again. lol

This. Although there is one issue with doing this; judges will get picky if you decide to call a hack check simply because you lost.

No reason why you would need a DSi.
One would hope they've got some way to catch hacked Pokemon automatically within that new tournament setup they have or whatever. You know, so people don't feel the need to keep calling for a hack check whenever they lose.

One would hope.
So being completely new to VGC and hoping to get into it (it seems kinda intimidating heh) I was just wondering if an Excadrill + Thundurus strategy would work in a similar fashion to ZapChomp of Gen 4?
It can work, but you'll probably want Hidden Power Flying to take on Wide Guard users, like Mienshao and especially Conkeldurr.

And you need something else altogether to down Hydreigon.
Does doing the battle in 'Flat Battle' check the stats? I fear of hackers as well, so what are some things that are suspicious? (for example, I don't know entirely what moves with OHKO on certain pokes so wouldn't be sure to exactly call out someone).
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