Battle Subway

Hi guys, I didn't read the whole thread...

But I've had great success(Borat accent) with Trick Room as a team concept in general.
Reuniclus, Conkeldurr and Dragonite/Scizor.

Thing is, I didn't reach THAT far, compared to previous records set by Jumpman, but I've reached a healthy streak of 40-ish, which is perfect for those who just wanna grind the BP:)

Strategy wise, I've observed that the CPU HAS NO WAY to deal with Trick Room. Save for the freak-KO on Reuniclus and the way of countering.

Thing of note, Conkeldurr is bred with both Drain Punch and Mach Punch. This is important: You NEED to have both. Priority works wonders, and Drain Punch recovers HP. (I personally use a Bulk-Up Conkeldurr, but swapping in my Guts-Abuse one seems to work too. Only problem would be fighting the boosters.)

Dragonite is bred with Multiscale, and it's running Bulky-Dance.

Ugh. Sadly, I'm going a Sub-Puncher Conkeldurr since I didn't have access to Drain Punch. Really, really sucks to not have. -=(
Ugh. Sadly, I'm going a Sub-Puncher Conkeldurr since I didn't have access to Drain Punch. Really, really sucks to not have. -=(

It's tricky to breed a DrainPunch+MachPunch one, but that thing saved me in many cases.

Drain Punch+ Mach Punch Conkeldurrs can be bred from a 4th Gen Hitmonchan(Mach Punch(FromTyrogue) and Drain Punch TM) and a random Timburr, you can try that:)

I gave you the suggestion of Garchomp earlier, do you remember, or was your decision that he was not compatible with Chandelure, Porygon2, and Whimsicott? (He tends to be paired with Ground-immune pokemon, but even without them he's still not bad)
I am deciding to use an After You-abusing team of Choice Scarf Cinccino, Focus Punch Flame Orb Conkeldurr, and the aforementioned Porygon2 and Chandelure. What should Chandy's moveset be, apart from the aforementioned Heat Wave?
I just wanted to point out that we got Entrainment as a skill for this too.
Now I haven't actually used it myself, but wouldn't you get to see the opponent's ability change like it does when it's used against you?
Also easy to get, just catch an audino.
Could you use Entertaiment with Durant with the abillity Traunt, and then switch to something like DD Haxorus?

DD on the slack off turn, and protect on the attacking.
It's tricky to breed a DrainPunch+MachPunch one, but that thing saved me in many cases.

Drain Punch+ Mach Punch Conkeldurrs can be bred from a 4th Gen Hitmonchan(Mach Punch(FromTyrogue) and Drain Punch TM) and a random Timburr, you can try that:)

Yeah.. there in lies my problem. Poketransferring isn't really easy for me to do (don't have two DS's), and the Hitmonchan I pulled over only had Mach Punch, so I was able to breed that over.. but with no access to Drain Punch on B/W, I'm sort of out scout. =(
Yeah.. there in lies my problem. Poketransferring isn't really easy for me to do (don't have two DS's), and the Hitmonchan I pulled over only had Mach Punch, so I was able to breed that over.. but with no access to Drain Punch on B/W, I'm sort of out scout. =(

I could totally trade you a male Timburr with both moves, but depends on when you're online, mate.

I could totally trade you a male Timburr with both moves, but depends on when you're online, mate.

Oh wow, really? Well.. I'm online throughout the day at some point in most cases. Currently 4:48 AM where I'm at (I should really go to bed..), but yeah. That'd be *really* helpful. With a male Timburr, that'd at least let me rebreed my Conkuldurr, so I could use my SubConk when needed, and then the Bulk-Up/Drain Punch/Mach Punch Conk in other cases. :D That'd be sweet.

Maybe you could just.. shoot me a PM whenever you're able? No rush or anything. It's just super awesome you'd be willing to help me out. =)
Oh wow, really? Well.. I'm online throughout the day at some point in most cases. Currently 4:48 AM where I'm at (I should really go to bed..), but yeah. That'd be *really* helpful. With a male Timburr, that'd at least let me rebreed my Conkuldurr, so I could use my SubConk when needed, and then the Bulk-Up/Drain Punch/Mach Punch Conk in other cases. :D That'd be sweet.

Maybe you could just.. shoot me a PM whenever you're able? No rush or anything. It's just super awesome you'd be willing to help me out. =)

PM, sent:)
There is no throphy for the Super Single line or the Super Double line

It is actually a updated trainer card for defeating Both the Super Single line and Super Double battle line. But there are no throphies for those two lines.
And Chatot, if I'm not mistaken, because of the uncensorable Chatter.

EDIT: Oh snap, I clicked on the wrong thread >.> Left my comp, came back and thought this was the Flat Battle thread for some reason. Yeah, even though I never used Chatot, I can safely say it is NOT banned in the Subway. *Maybe* in the wi-fi subway, I don't know if the voice behind Chatter is transmitted across wi-fi when you download a set of battles.
I'm going to use a Drizzle Politoed in doubles. Does anyone have any suggestions for evs/natures? And actually it might work quite well in singles too, so any suggestions for that?
I'm using Thundurus and Toxicroak as a lead for rain in doubles, so while I can't suggest EVs or nature for Politoed I do suggest using Toxicroak in tandem with him. Fake Out stops dangerous pokemon on the first turn, and Dry Skin allows him to soak up some HP at the same if Politoed Surfs. Beware of Tyrantiar and Abomasnow, especially the latter who not only changes the weather but is resistant or neutral to Water, Ice, Grass, and Electric-type attacks, the staples of rain teams. You may want to carry Rain Dance on an extra pokemon so that you don't have to spend two turns (Switch out, switch back in) renewing rain.
I'm using Thundurus and Toxicroak as a lead for rain in doubles, so while I can't suggest EVs or nature for Politoed I do suggest using Toxicroak in tandem with him. Fake Out stops dangerous pokemon on the first turn, and Dry Skin allows him to soak up some HP at the same if Politoed Surfs. Beware of Tyrantiar and Abomasnow, especially the latter who not only changes the weather but is resistant or neutral to Water, Ice, Grass, and Electric-type attacks, the staples of rain teams. You may want to carry Rain Dance on an extra pokemon so that you don't have to spend two turns (Switch out, switch back in) renewing rain.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Yeah, I was also thinking of using Thundurus. But I got a DW Poliwag (female) off the GTS, and can't even get Thundurus since I have Black.
I was actually thinking of using Toxicroak, I know it was used last gen. It seems to be the best answer to Abomasnow (I took a look at its movesets and they look really bad, I mean Double Team? Frost Breath?) since Drain Punch 2HKOs. Also, Hurricane from Dragonite OHKOs though it would be unreliable due to Hail.
Perhaps I should make Politoed slow so its weather is the one that "wins", I think that's how it works this gen.
As for extra Rain Dance, I expect Kingdra could spare a moveslot (thanks for the tip).
Is anyone aware about the natures, IV and EV distribution among the Battle Subway Pokemon encountered? I'm trying to figure out how to distribute EVs for a Naive Work Up Tauros with Intimidate and Life Orb. I want to be able to kill Skarmory after one Cheer Up. Just to be safe, I calculated the EVs needed to kill a Careful max SpD/max HP Skarmory after Stealth Rock, and it requires a lot of EVs that could impact Tauros's sweeping potential. Am I giving the Battle Subway too much credit here?
Hmm, I was wondering how well Inconsistent users would do on the Battle Subway. Probably has been mentioned before, but I'm too lazy to do a search.

Everyone complains about Inconsistent being broken (I bet it is, I just haven't battled enough to meet it), so could it work in the BS?

This is complete theorymon, from someone who has no experience with BT/BS. Just a thought.
Is anyone aware about the natures, IV and EV distribution among the Battle Subway Pokemon encountered? I'm trying to figure out how to distribute EVs for a Naive Work Up Tauros with Intimidate and Life Orb. I want to be able to kill Skarmory after one Cheer Up. Just to be safe, I calculated the EVs needed to kill a Careful max SpD/max HP Skarmory after Stealth Rock, and it requires a lot of EVs that could impact Tauros's sweeping potential. Am I giving the Battle Subway too much credit here?

First of all, all battles you play after beating the Subway master are with 31IV Pokémon. You can check the Nature and the EV spread in the list I provided in the OP.

About your strategy, allow me to say it doesn't seem really good. Not only using Stealth Rock is absolutely not recommended in 3v3 singles (let alone in 4v4 doubles), finding time to set up and sweep will be nigh impossible at higher streaks. Between the several Quick Claw users and some frightening Choice Scarfers (CS Eruptionn Typhlosion, CS Charizard, CS Terrakion etc), your sweeping attempts will be thwarted out more often than not.
So, just had a 100~ streak deathtouched by the following:

Uxie/Drapion/Garchomp (Trick Lead) v Abomasnow/Cryogonal/Mamoswine

Abom DTs into Trick, switches out, I TWave the inc Cryo. Flash into a Frozen Blizzard(1). Blizzard again for the KO, pull in Drapion. Banking on the Eva or SpDef boost, Accupressure into a 30% Blizzard, SpA boost, second one produces yet another SpA boost. Rest up to full, wake up at 40%, get the SpD boost, Cryo hits me with 3 Icy Winds, Accu gives me Acc x2 and an Attack. At this point, I'm thinking I should Rest up again, even though my HP is around 45% due to Black Sludge, but I figure with one more SpDef boost, I'll be untouchable. Hit the Accu, and Cryo uses Explosion. Drapion KO. -_- Mamoswine comes in, against my Garchomp, and proceeds to Ice Shard me to death. Fantastic.

I'll admit, I probably could have Rested at some point before the Explosion, but I had a feeling of dread the instant that second Accupressure produced my second SpA boost. Oh well.
So, just had a 100~ streak deathtouched by the following:

Uxie/Drapion/Garchomp (Trick Lead) v Abomasnow/Cryogonal/Mamoswine

Abom DTs into Trick, switches out, I TWave the inc Cryo. Flash into a Frozen Blizzard(1). Blizzard again for the KO, pull in Drapion. Banking on the Eva or SpDef boost, Accupressure into a 30% Blizzard, SpA boost, second one produces yet another SpA boost. Rest up to full, wake up at 40%, get the SpD boost, Cryo hits me with 3 Icy Winds, Accu gives me Acc x2 and an Attack. At this point, I'm thinking I should Rest up again, even though my HP is around 45% due to Black Sludge, but I figure with one more SpDef boost, I'll be untouchable. Hit the Accu, and Cryo uses Explosion. Drapion KO. -_- Mamoswine comes in, against my Garchomp, and proceeds to Ice Shard me to death. Fantastic.

I'll admit, I probably could have Rested at some point before the Explosion, but I had a feeling of dread the instant that second Accupressure produced my second SpA boost. Oh well.

If you provide me a screenshot of your record I can add you to the record list
Done with Supah Singles. Gonna leave my record hanging at 49. xD

Question: If I start on Sup-ah Doubles, will my Singles Record be wiped out?
If you provide me a screenshot of your record I can add you to the record list
Meh, it's a team I jacked from others, not really my style to take credit for their work. I'm just using them for BP and to laugh at some of the Battle hax the computer employs. Thanks though! Maybe when I'm actually creative and come up with my own ideas I'll post them :D
Meh, it's a team I jacked from others, not really my style to take credit for their work. I'm just using them for BP and to laugh at some of the Battle hax the computer employs. Thanks though! Maybe when I'm actually creative and come up with my own ideas I'll post them :D

A record's a record. I wish I could get that high up there.