Flat Battle / Random Battle Discussion

Ah, sorry. I said 'bring' when I meant 'pick'. This is the line I was referring to that needs fixing:
  • Number of Pokemon: You can bring up to 6 Pokemon with you. For the battle, however, you will pick 3 for Singles, 4 for Doubles, and 6 for Triples/Rotation, and the remaining Pokemon will not be used. You must always bring the minimum number of Pokemon.
For those of you annoyed with D/Cers:

I have found it is useful to keep a journal that, in addition to logging your win/loss count for each day, records the number of D/Cs you get. It's not effective at "getting back" at the people who did that, but it makes you feel like those half-wins at least count for something.
D/Cs dont bug me much anymore.

Anyways, I haven't run into much more interesting stuff lately. A bit of rain, two Endeavor teams, an increasing amount of in game mashup teams (unfortunately >__>), and a rather surprising amount of Abomasnow.

Since I'm bored and we don't have a subforum for this or something, I think it would be a great idea if we share teams in the meantime and explore the metagame(s) in greater detail.

My team:
Latios @ Expert Belt
- Draco Meteor
- Grass Knot
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Psychic

Tyranitar @ Focus Sash
- Stone Edge / Ice Beam
- Crunch
- Flamethrower (considering Fire Blast)
- Superpower

Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Trick

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
- Spikes
- Leech Seed

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
(still testing sets)
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Protect

Blaziken @ Life Orb
- Flare Blitz
- Hi Jump Kick
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Protect

Yeah I realize this is a bit boring standard-ish approach to things but it's doing consistently well (well barring stupid Blaziken misses). But I'd like to hear more ideas so I can get out of my comfort zone more comfortably...Mr.Fuji gave me an idea a while back involving Tyranitar, Sub Minimize BP Drifblim, and Substitute Garchomp.

So fire away!

PS: I believe the random match ladder is also implemented in the current SU server. Havent tried it out though.
I keep track of the teams I face, at least in Pokemon and leads used against me (I count Pokemon if they're on the team, not just if I actually see them in combat).

Some of the most popular ones from the 100 teams I faced on Free Random Wifi, including disconnectors:

Zoroark-17 times
Volcarona-15 times
Hydreigon-13 times
Ferrothorn-11 times
Garchomp-10 times
Metagross-10 times

BW Starters on teams:

Emboar-8 times
Serperior-7 times
Samurott-7 times (I could have sworn it was more common. . .)

I didn't encounter that many auto-weather Pokemon, oddly enough, even though I fought many Japanese players.

Rotom forms:

Rotom-Wash-8 times
Rotom-Heat-1 time
Rotom-Mow-2 times
Rotom-Fan-1 time
Rotom-Fridge-1 time

This is just for fun, and I can't be bothered to comb through all the common leads yet. . .
When I first got black I thought random battles would be the best part, but I was let down. I just wish we could use six pokemon other than three for single battles.

Edit, I'm going to start recording the pokemon I encounter for now on.
Well, as seen in my sig, I've encountered 34 D/Cers total, which I didn't count towards my total streak because I felt that'd be arrogant. But anyways, as Jibaku said, I might as well post my team.

EDIT: And on a side note, I saw a team will all NFE's at lv 50. The guy had like, 200+ wins. I'm assuming he had a different team, since I absolutely dominated him, but still. The video number is
[36-03894-02680], if anyone wanted to see it.

Note that my team changes CONTANTLY. Like, almost daily.

Scyther @C. Band
-B. Break
-Aerial Ace
-Quick Attack

Metagross @Rocky Helmet
-Hone Claws
-Meteor Mash
-Hammer Arm
-Bullet Punch

Conkeldurr @Red Card (lolitemclause)
-Bulk Up
-Drain Punch
-Mach Punch
- Payback

Murkrow @Eviolite (Prankster)
- Roost
- Substitute
- Mean Look
- Perish Song

Latios @Life Orb
- Draco Meteor
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Psyshock
- Dragon Pulse

Chadelure (Sprocket's set, which he posted earler) @Focus Sash
- Flame Charge
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball

Other notable members:

Zoroark @Focus Sash
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
- Flamethrower
- Focus Blast

Crobat @Flying Gem
- Acrobatics
- Hypnosis
- U-Turn
- Taunt

Galvantula @Life Orb
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Disable (Fillerlol)

Many, MANY more, but these are the core of my team.

Feedback will be appreciated... I guess lol. First RMT (almost)!!
The main three for my team is usually:

Chadelure @ Focus Sash (Lead usually)
Modest, Flash Fire
- Flame Charge
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball

Raikou @ Expert Belt
Rash, Pressure
- Thunder
- Hidden Power Ice
- Aura Sphere
- Weather Ball

Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
Adamant, Guts
- Bulk Up
- Payback
- Mach Punch
- Drain Punch

I've said enough on Chandelure already. By far my favorite lead in this format.

Raikou is Anti-Weather, and a lot of people don't expect a STAB Expert Belt Super-Effective Thunder to hit as hard as it does. The reduced speed and weakness to Earthquake is really what holds it back though, but I don't think I would be happy with a faster Raikou that can't use Aura Sphere.

Conkeldurr usually has enough bulk to survive one or two hits, Bulk Up a couple times, and recover it's HP with Drain Punch, or KO with Bullet Punch. Or at the least, inflict serious damage. Many people switch in with a Ghost (usually Gengar) expecting a fighting attack, only to get face-pounded by Payback.

The remaining three team members are in constant flux while I try different strategies, but some of the more useful ones include:

Tyranitar @ Dark Gem (for lack of a Chople Berry right now)
- Dragon Dance
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Earthquake

Zapdos @ Lum Berry
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice
- Roar
- Roost

Azelf @ Life Orb
- Psyshock / Psychic (Depending on my mood)
- Hidden Power Fighting
- Fire Blast
- Nasty Plot

Scizor @ Life Orb
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Brick Break
- Swords Dance

Vaporeon @ Lum Berry
- Rain Dance / Protect
- Hidden Power Electric
- Wish
- Surf

Bronzong @ Power Brace (old Trick Room Bronzong from 4th gen)
- Gyro Ball
- Trick Room
- Light Screen
- Explosion

Garchomp @ Yache Berry
- Outrage
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance

Honestly though, the majority of the time I'm using the first three, or swapping one out for Tyranitar. I've tried using others but I haven't found other team members that I'm happy with yet. Item clause is definitely the biggest annoyance, as I just cannot replace Leftovers on Conkeldurr with anything else at all.

Murkrow @Eviolite (Prankster)
- Roost
- Substitute
- Mean Look
- Perish Song
One word: Evil.
Much to my surprise I saw someone bring a Wobbuffet on his team. Unfortunately, he ragequit before he got a chance to use it.
I've noticed something about the DCers. Most of them are from the U.S. Not a single Japanese player has DC'd on me yet. Just saying......
I've seen Japanese players ragequit far more than US players. Then again, the number of Japanese players outnumbers US players by about 10 to 1 right now.
Every corner of the planet has DC'd on me. Percentagewise, the Japanese players DC less than the westerners for me, but that number would increase if I were a better player and actually won more games against them (Japanese double battlers are INSANE).
I actually tried Random Singles yesterday for the first time. Won my first battle by actually staying in on a Chomp with Hydreigon... and then lost 9 battles in a row, before quitting. Is it just me, or does 105/110 base speed not suffice in Random match up?
Because most of the time, I just got swept due to my whole team(Mienshao, Hydreigon, Gengar) being outsped.

For the record: Every single Chomp I encountered there was a sub user, surprisingly.

I guess I´ll have to breed a better team for Random. Meh...

EDIT: Obviously no D/Cers encountered here. Not even the first one I played.
I actually tried Random Singles yesterday for the first time. Won my first battle by actually staying in on a Chomp with Hydreigon... and then lost 9 battles in a row, before quitting. Is it just me, or does 105/110 base speed not suffice in Random match up?
Because most of the time, I just got swept due to my whole team(Mienshao, Hydreigon, Gengar) being outsped.

For the record: Every single Chomp I encountered there was a sub user, surprisingly.

I guess I´ll have to breed a better team for Random. Meh...

EDIT: Obviously no D/Cers encountered here. Not even the first one I played.
105+ seems to be like a great number for me. I usually pick my 3 pokes not only by matchup, but also by who outspeeds what. And winning/losing is very trippy, to say the least. Sometimes I'll go on streaks of 5-10, then proceed to love 4 matches in a row before giving up.

And on a side note, is it just me or is really easy to predict what pokes the other person will bring? I find myself usually correctly picking what their lead or something like that.
Now that I've got over 100 wins in Triple Battles, I've noticed the number of people who DC against me has shot way up.

I've never had a French opponent disconnect against me, although the sample size there is pretty small so far.
I've never had a French opponent disconnect against me, although the sample size there is pretty small so far.

I noticed the same thing, and was going to mention it earlier. I've had Spanish, UK, and German players D/C against me, but not one French player. Of course, again, a relatively small sample size.

EDIT: A couple of strategies in the double battle games really caught my attention:

Alomomola + Lilligant

First turn, Alomomola uses Soak on an opponent and Lilligant uses Sunny Day. Then a much faster-than-before Lilligant uses SolarBeam on the now-Water-type opponent while Alomomola uses Soak against the other opponent. I didn't see how the whole team worked after this though.

Whimsicott + Terrakion

Whimsicott uses Beat Up on Terrakion, which hits 4 times (4 teammates). Each time, Terrakion's Attack goes up a stage. Then a Choice-Band'd or Choice-Scarf'd Terrakion tears things up with Rock Slide.
(Double post to bump this and bring up a separate point)

Has anyone noticed that the trainer card changes color depending on how many stars you have? After 100 wins it changes to a bronze color, where it runs through the player's avatar. Am I seeing things or is this really the case?
I haven't really noticed the trainer card color changes, I be in my zone lol. Though I seen far more Japanese D/Cs than any other country. It's mostly the ones with 100+ wins.
In my experiences it's always been the Americans DCing and the Japanese play through the whole match. The Japanese players also tend to have innovative teams so it's usually more fun playing against them.

Haven't played in about a month(gonna start again this week), but i have a doubles record of 70-4 with the following team:

Hitmontop @ Life Orb (Technician)
Adamant, 252 Atk / 252 HP / 6 Spe
- Fake Out
- Mach Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Detect

Tornadus @ Flight Gem (Prankster)
Jolly, 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 6 HP
- Acrobatics
- Taunt
- Tailwind
- Hammer Arm (been meaning to change to Protect)

Thundurus @ Electric Gem (Prankster)
Timid, 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 HP
- Discharge
- HP Ice
- Protect
- Thunder Wave or Taunt

Krookodile @ Lum Berry for lack of a better item (Intimidate)
Jolly, 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 6 HP
- Crunch
- EQ
- Rock Slide
- Protect

The above four are usually the Pokemon I bring against typical teams. My backups are:

Chandelure @ Focus Sash (Flash Fire)
Modest, 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 HP
- Heat Wave
- Shadow Ball
- Trick Room
- Imprison

If it looks like they have a TR team I bring this guy and it's basically auto-win.

Metagross @ Normal Gem (Clear Body)
Adamant, 252 Atk / 252 HP / 6 Spe
- Meteor Mash
- Explosion
- Earthquake
- Protect

Barely ever use him but he comes in handy in certain situations.

Genies dominate the metagame and Hitmontop is definitely very underrated, more people should use him. I posted some videos of this team here if anyone would like to see.
I now doubt all validity of Flat Battles after playing a dude with an illegal Arcanine. That is unless Serebii is wrong and Arcanine does get Close Combat. I'm pretty out of touch with Gen 5 so far so its always a possibility.
I now doubt all validity of Flat Battles after playing a dude with an illegal Arcanine. That is unless Serebii is wrong and Arcanine does get Close Combat. I'm pretty out of touch with Gen 5 so far so its always a possibility.
What? Arcanine does learn Close Combat, and Serebii says that it does.