Flat Battle / Random Battle Discussion

I guess it's alright... I did some calcs and figured out that eviolie bidoof is bulkier than bibarel when I made it. I originally intended for it to be an "lulz u just gawt pwnd by uh doof", but I found it too easily walled by steels. Apparently Virizion finds it quite useful, which is good.
why use any moody pokes...all your doing is cluttering the random matchup with pokemon you know are banned in standard gameplay because they are unfair and that you wouldnt enjoy facing
why use any moody pokes...all your doing is cluttering the random matchup with pokemon you know are banned in standard gameplay because they are unfair and that you wouldnt enjoy facing
A number of reasons, I suppose... some do it for the lulz, some enjoy watching others ragequit or DC, and I'm sure a lot of people would use them just simply because they want to win. Not too many people care about Smogon's rules.

As for the Disconnecting issue, I haven't had it as bad as some other posters. I have a 9-1, 1615 record in rated Doubles now, with 4 disconnects that happened just as I dealt the finishing blow, which really annoys me. Free battles have been a little better, but I still find quite a few last-second DCers.
why use any moody pokes...all your doing is cluttering the random matchup with pokemon you know are banned in standard gameplay because they are unfair and that you wouldnt enjoy facing
I really don't think a Bidoof clutters it up... And random wifi isn't really competitive; How many people do you think even know what Smogon is? I'd never break something like the sleep clause (fine line between unfair and slightly cheap), but I'm sure as hell gonna use whatever I want.
We attach moral terms like "fair" and "unfair" because we want to romanticize what we do, but, just like in real life, the most important function of the rules is to give people an absolute leaning-wall from which all future decisions can be made, rather than, in the real life example, the arbitrary state, which makes decisions as they come and can't be predicted. I don't approve of the lack of sleep clause in Free Mode, for instance, but having made it so already it is in Game Freak's best interest to leave it as it is instead of editing the game because a certain party thinks it's unfair. Although I am fascinated by tiering debates on Smogon and like hearing both sides of the argument whether or not I agree with them, I think Game Freak's adamant "We're not changing anything" stance is better in the long run.

Of course, I still agree that they never should have ditched the sleep clause in the first place, whether or not it is wise now for them to change it back the way it was.
I was more interested in Trolldoof to be honest.

Well, if you search for "Bidoof" in the Battle Video search, all the videos with the OT of "Melissa" are me (there's only 3 up now, though). When I use Bidoof and Starmie on the same 3-man team, I usually end up using Bidoof first unless I really need Starmie (For things like Gliscor or Empoleon)
Well, if you search for "Bidoof" in the Battle Video search, all the videos with the OT of "Melissa" are me (there's only 3 up now, though). When I use Bidoof and Starmie on the same 3-man team, I usually end up using Bidoof first unless I really need Starmie (For things like Gliscor or Empoleon)

The other two were interesting, but I especially liked the Smeargle one, even though nothing special happened, just because I didn't see it coming. I didn't think Smeargle even at +6 would be able to OHKO things like Haxorus (Base ~20 attack is nothing to write home about) but with Life Orb and STAB Extremespeed, it's something else.
The other two were interesting, but I especially liked the Smeargle one, even though nothing special happened, just because I didn't see it coming. I didn't think Smeargle even at +6 would be able to OHKO things like Haxorus (Base ~20 attack is nothing to write home about) but with Life Orb and STAB Extremespeed, it's something else.

Well, I only used Ice Shard (Same damage with Technician and SE I think, I have it for 4x-weaks) so it wasn't a boring ES spam-fest.

Mine is Hasty, it has like 73 Attack (somewhere around that, whatever the max is) so my Attack should be 219 after +6.
I was thinking about making a new Single Battle team, any suggestions?

Edit: Yes, I think I fought about 12 Latios, and I lost to every single one.
Well, I only used Ice Shard (Same damage with Technician and SE I think, I have it for 4x-weaks) so it wasn't a boring ES spam-fest.

Mine is Hasty, it has like 73 Attack (somewhere around that, whatever the max is) so my Attack should be 219 after +6.

219 would be after +4, 292 would be the result afer +6.
Random poke to sweep with of the day: Raticate! I just wanted to try Guts Raticate for lolz but to my surprise it swept for me.
Damn...HORRIBLE day for random battles. The two games I won I got D/Cs and all the others were losses. Went from 1600s to just below 1500 lol.
Finally got a speed boost Blaziken... I can clearly see why it's banned. I don't even have SD, and it still OHKOs more stuff than I'd think. A LO HJK vs. Reuniclus (don't know the spread) did ~40%, which, suprisingly, was not even a crit.
how did you get a speed boost blaziken? they are not released are they?
i was random battling, the ammount of suspicious pokemon the japanese use is rediculous, fully EV trained dream world shinys in a ful lteam of said shinys? fishy
how did you get a speed boost blaziken? they are not released are they?
i was random battling, the ammount of suspicious pokemon the japanese use is rediculous, fully EV trained dream world shinys in a ful lteam of said shinys? fishy
Well, it is released in Japan. Has been for a while.
Some dick scarf Salamence smoked me 2x CH'd Draco Meteor on my Reniculus and Thundrus, two times in a roll .... SOOOOO MUCH FUN.

I'm definitely using Blaziken from now on. I think Moody might be too wonky to be reliable though. I will need a Moody counter for sure... Toxicroak perhaps?

For those who don't like Nintendo's rules, the best way to force them to change is to use these "cheap" tactics to a point that they have to consider changing it.
Some dick scarf Salamence smoked me 2x CH'd Draco Meteor on my Reniculus and Thundrus, two times in a roll .... SOOOOO MUCH FUN.

I'm definitely using Blaziken from now on. I think Moody might be too wonky to be reliable though. I will need a Moody counter for sure... Toxicroak perhaps?

For those who don't like Nintendo's rules, the best way to force them to change is to use these "cheap" tactics to a point that they have to consider changing it.

Well, if Dark Void Smeargle in Doubles didn't even make them blink...
Soooo many choice scarf heracross around lately. Soooo easy to counter. i fought an excadrill that used giga impact today, didnt do 20% to scrafty...then they raged then they disconnected....
Giga Impact is a good indication that your opponent is pretty crappy...

Oh, I'm talking about Singles for Moody. I'm going to use Drizzletoad for sure for Doubles.
heh i must bring over my wobuffet and finish up my dark void smeargle for doubles.

i beat a guy with endeavour aron, they quit after i fainted thier glaceon :(

doesnt help that the field is inbalanced to the japanese with thier suspisiously hacked looking ev trained good natured shinys and dream world pokes.
if they are going to let us battle then surly they should release everything at the same time.
anyway, any other dream world starters?