Flat Battle / Random Battle Discussion

So yeah, illegal combinations are allowed (undoubtedly because they're too lazy to implement the illegal combos)
Fixed that for you.

I too have battled a player using BellyJet, it reminded me of how long I spent searching for a way to breed those moves legally last gen, before realizing it was impossible. When playing against an illegal nature or move combination like that (or modest Eruptran), it's the only situation where I would D/C (despite how rampant that problem is, even in "Free" mode).

Anyone else see a lot of gimmick Pokemon in random battles? I've seen everything from Choice Scarfed Final Gambit Basculin, to Lv1 Sturdy-abusing Aron, to Double-Teaming OHKO machines.
Fixed that for you.

I too have battled a player using BellyJet, it reminded me of how long I spent searching for a way to breed those moves legally last gen, before realizing it was impossible. When playing against an illegal nature or move combination like that (or modest Eruptran), it's the only situation where I would D/C (despite how rampant that problem is, even in "Free" mode).

Anyone else see a lot of gimmick Pokemon in random battles? I've seen everything from Choice Scarfed Final Gambit Basculin, to Lv1 Sturdy-abusing Aron, to Double-Teaming OHKO machines.

I've never seen Basculin used by a good player. But for Final-Gambit'ers, I've only seen Accelgor and Scarfraptor (I use one myself). The gimmicks are common, but they make it fun, like the team of Clefairy/Jigglypuff/Poliwag/Tympole that beat Mienshao/Archeops/P-2/Hydreigon in Random Matchup doubles.
I've seen a Quash Murkrow and a Final Gambit Accelgor from a JP player with ~860 wins. Didn't work out for him though. First time I ever saw those moves competitively, and I can see them being usable in doubles.
I've seen a Quash Murkrow and a Final Gambit Accelgor from a JP player with ~860 wins. Didn't work out for him though. First time I ever saw those moves competitively, and I can see them being usable in doubles.

I saw someone's Murkrow use Quash on Weavile so he could kill it with his slower teammate.
I've seen a Japanese person use a team made up based on the Pokemon in Alder's team, with the Vanilliuxe and whatever, and that inspired me to make one of my own as well. Max HP Final Gambit Accelgor was used on the front, and was always used as the first Pokemon from what I've seen on the Battle Videos.
I've seen a Japanese person use a team made up based on the Pokemon in Alder's team, with the Vanilliuxe and whatever, and that inspired me to make one of my own as well. Max HP Final Gambit Accelgor was used on the front, and was always used as the first Pokemon from what I've seen on the Battle Videos.

I could do that right now.. I think I will.
Yeah, I already have a Volcarona and a Accelgor from my previous teams, I'll scrap something together.

P.S. How many posts do you make in a day? I thought you were at 20 posts one day, and now you're at 600?!

Well, I have all the Pokemon that Alder has (One of the first EV'eds I looked for was Vanilluxe), so hopefully people will realize what the team is for.

And the site says the average I have is 17.18 per day.
Haven't posted here in a while (3 entire days.) Anyways, I'm so glad that UU finally exists; I used to love playing on PBR with all UUs and dominating everything/everyone... Good times...
Haven't posted here in a while (3 entire days.) Anyways, I'm so glad that UU finally exists; I used to love playing on PBR with all UUs and dominating everything/everyone... Good times...
Can't agree more with this. I almost solely played UU last gen, and I'm very excited now that 5th gen UU is in full swing. I'll be busy breeding my favorite underused mons for quite a while now.

Also, it's very difficult for me to find a rated matchup lately, presumably because there are fewer doubles players, and the server is trying to pair my 14-1 record up against a similar one. Even once I find a battle though, there's no guarantee. My previous 5 matches in a row have all resulted in a D/C anyway, so it's really hard to maintain interest in random battles....
Can't agree more with this. I almost solely played UU last gen, and I'm very excited now that 5th gen UU is in full swing. I'll be busy breeding my favorite underused mons for quite a while now.

Also, it's very difficult for me to find a rated matchup lately, presumably because there are fewer doubles players, and the server is trying to pair my 14-1 record up against a similar one. Even once I find a battle though, there's no guarantee. My previous 5 matches in a row have all resulted in a D/C anyway, so it's really hard to maintain interest in random battles....

Which is why im just using simulators now. FC battles are alright though.
How often is everyone else getting disconnectors? My battle record is basically shit since 90% of the people that I would beat disconnect when they realize that they are going to lose.
Can't agree more with this. I almost solely played UU last gen, and I'm very excited now that 5th gen UU is in full swing. I'll be busy breeding my favorite underused mons for quite a while now.

I thought I was the only one lol. I'm also happy to see that many of my favorites such as Zoroark and Galvantula are UU.

EDIT: Once the salac berry is released I'll be overjoyed to bring back my first gimmick of gen. 4: BluesClues, the Endure-Salac Houndoom... That guy used to tear up everything in it's path...
Double-Posting for 2 reasons:

1.) I don't want my favorite thread to die... (It's only been 5 days... this isn't thread necro, is it?)

2.) I brought back my old Dual Screen team and I must say, it's a force to be reckoned with in flat battles; Uxie sets up 8-turn screens, sets up Stealth Rocks, then Mementos out to either Gardevoir, Gallade, Heracross, or Porygon-Z (Note that these aren't all on my team at one time). Gardevoir can take hits pretty well, as it took what I'm assuming to be a max spA Gengar's Shadow Ball with about 55% HP remaining, without even Calm Minding. Gallade is already very bulky, and is almost guaranteed at least 1 Bulk Up. Heracross also has considerable bulk, and is able to get burned/toxic'd by it's respective orb as it sets up a SD. P-Z is probably the MVP, with near-flawless coverage, good speed, and massive special attack which is only further boosted by the NP it always is able to get up. Oh course, the team can still function WITHOUT screens, just not nearly as well. I've done at least 6 matches with this team, an won them all (with no D/Cs, surprisingly.)
What I notice after a few matches..

1. ScarfChomp is pretty gay with STAB outrage tearing through everything. Make sure you have something that can wall/revenge kill it.

2. Significant number of ShellSmash/Sash/Cloyster. Its good to carry priority.

3. Saw a few Rain team with Politoad/Kingdra/[Filler]

4. Although majority of the teams are offense oreinted, Ferrothorn pops up once in a while to screw you up if you do not carry a fire move.

5. Lots of Latias/Latios.

My team has a designated slot for a Scarfed Dragon Killer, in form of ScarfChomp/Scarfgon to deal with those pesky dragons.
Yeah, I'm bumping this thread. U mad?

Anyway, one Pokemon I've found useful is Lanturn. Mine has shit IVs and still survives insane stuff like Heatran's Earth Power, Azelf's Energy Ball, etc. It hard counters Zapdos and can stall out P2 with Stockpile. I almost swept a team with it once.
You guys need to play rated random battles more and don't let all the Japanese players dominate the top 100!
why would you let someone who is literally paid to be pokemon obsessed to review pokemon? Isn't a high score 100% guaranteed?
Maybe it was a mistake meant for another thread?

Anyway, I've been using Scarf (Intimidate) Staraptor a lot in Random Matchup. He usually ends up U-Turning to the other pokes who weaken something or I mispredict and they faint, then he comes in and sweeps with Brave Bird until just missing on killing the last Poke or fainting himself from recoil. XD
But I've had great results with Scarf Galvantula.
I really dislike this generation wi fi restrictions. I wished you could just have a 6 on 6 flat battle or at least have it like 4th generation. What a shame maybe some how next game there is a change.
Just wanted to err... share this.

I can't remember all of the rotation battles I've had, but one was against a guy with a fun theme team.

Magnemite Evolution family and Electross. it was a Rain dance/Thunder team with metal sound.

I had a hard time against it without a ground types or fire moves. But it was fun.

I find Soak teams quite common now. Sometimes they are a bit hard to counter. It will be Soak + grass or/and Elec Pokemon.

Even with taunt, it can become difficult.

Those minimize Chanseys seemed to have vanished. And I was like, aww... now when I have a counter for it.
Same with Drizzle teams are not as common as before. (However there are still lots of them)
Same with Arons.

Less DCers now. I guess it is because I'm not using any 'common/hax' pokemons in my team. And people think it is more original? Have no idea...
But I get less DCers if I use like... Ampharos and Wigglytuff in my team. xD

Still tired of facing the same army of Legendary pokemons and err... common pokemons. :x