Smogon University PO Statistics — April 2011

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Rated Dream World Usage Stats

| 251 | Butterfree | 510 | 0.2540 |
| 252 | Entei | 495 | 0.2465 |
| 253 | Blaziken | 478 | 0.2381 |

Dream world looks really interesting for other reasons though. I'm seeing pokemon that people have called "broken" (like Shadow Tag Gothitelle and Mischievous Heart Volbeat) in the high 100s, and very decent pokemon much lower (eg Mesprit comes in at 352, below Litwick and Mienfoo). It's clear that there is much, much more to explore, and I can't wait for tiering to start.
quick question: where's the cutoff for our OU? Is it a fixed number of Pokemon? Or do we base it on usage? or on percent usage? (I remembered something about tiering involving current month and pervious two month's percent usage, but I could be wrong.)

I'm asking this because the recent posts talked about a pressing concern for overpowered Pokemon dropping to UU. So why not lowering our definition for OU to allow more Pokemon into OU? Let's say for example, all Pokemon with percent usage of 2% and above are OU. This gives us 74 OU Pokemon, ending with Empoleon (BW Rated OU).
ohh 3.41% huh? thanks AJC! That explains why the OU list ends up with 53 Pokemon, Tornadus being the last one that qualifies.

Is there a thread here somewhere where I can read the reasoning behind this percent cutoff? 3.41% seems arbitrary too me, but I'm sure there's a reason behind it. I'd like to see if there's a way to lower the cutoff to increase the number of OU to prevent UU from being overrun by overpowered Pokemon, rather than introducing another tier between them. Hope somebody could explain it here, or at least point me to the correct thread.
ohh 3.41% huh? thanks AJC! That explains why the OU list ends up with 53 Pokemon, Tornadus being the last one that qualifies.

Is there a thread here somewhere where I can read the reasoning behind this percent cutoff? 3.41% seems arbitrary too me, but I'm sure there's a reason behind it. I'd like to see if there's a way to lower the cutoff to increase the number of OU to prevent UU from being overrun by overpowered Pokemon, rather than introducing another tier between them. Hope somebody could explain it here, or at least point me to the correct thread.
3.41% of that statistic equates to exactly 5% of something. I'm not entirely sure what that is, but it seems to work.
A quick question, do we have flat battle and VGC usage stats?

Comparing those to standard BW OU might be useful, as they're the official nintendo metagames.
I don't like this system of usage determining tier. There are some really great Pokémon that are not getting used so they get demoted to a lower tier which in turn destroys everything currently in that tier. I'm starting to think there will need to be more tiers than Uber, OU, UU, and NU. Maybe an RU (Rarely Used)
There WAS no UU tier.

Look at early DP.

So many things pretty much got auto-BL'd because they didn't fit what was expected out of UU. There was something like 20 Pokémon banned.

Much later, BL and UU were merged. We have FAR fewer bans from UU as Gen 4 UU stands now. If we just assume Gen 5 UU will resemble Gen 4, we'll end up with the same problem down the road.
There WAS no UU tier.

Look at early DP.

So many things pretty much got auto-BL'd because they didn't fit what was expected out of UU. There was something like 20 Pokémon banned.

Much later, BL and UU were merged. We have FAR fewer bans from UU as Gen 4 UU stands now. If we just assume Gen 5 UU will resemble Gen 4, we'll end up with the same problem down the road.

20? If we just imported the ADV BL list, it was a whole tier, with 40 or so pokémon.
I don't like this system of usage determining tier. There are some really great Pokémon that are not getting used so they get demoted to a lower tier which in turn destroys everything currently in that tier. I'm starting to think there will need to be more tiers than Uber, OU, UU, and NU. Maybe an RU (Rarely Used)

banlists help. i expect a lot of shit to become BL, and UU will eventually stabilize a bit. maybe this time though NU could get a ban list or something.
I would love to see the statistics for Triple Battles. Especially OU Triples. You can put Uber aswell seeing as many people play Uber Triples aswell.
I'm really getting into them and have thought of a couple of strategies that may not occur to a lot of people.
I just want to see what other's use and what they've come up with.

Edit: And then I realise that Smogon only has BW OU Triples. You should really add proper Triples to the server as they have them on the Random Match-ups in-game. Therefore it would be cool if you put Rotation Battles in too. No other server has them, Smogon would be unique.
hey i love how everyone is jumping on the "electivire is pretty bad" bandwagon about 2 years after it was relevant, good work guys. hey have you heard the one about chuck norris??
hey i love how everyone is jumping on the "electivire is pretty bad" bandwagon about 2 years after it was relevant, good work guys. hey have you heard the one about chuck norris??

Most of the time, people were just answering other's questions about why Electivire is bad.
hey i love how everyone is jumping on the "electivire is pretty bad" bandwagon about 2 years after it was relevant, good work guys. hey have you heard the one about chuck norris??

This is a good point tbh. It started getting annoying years ago, and everybody is starting to sound like a broken record now...

Also, it's annoying, because all the "n00b" players go around saying "Electivire sucks", because they think it makes them look cool.
Electivire is actaully not that bad...
it just not as good as how hyped it was...but it's really not that bad
Plus it looks fucking awesome

Fucking yellow ninja with a mustache?
Hell yeah
banlists help. i expect a lot of shit to become BL, and UU will eventually stabilize a bit. maybe this time though NU could get a ban list or something.

Current Kyurem wrecks in UU hopefully bans and the like will prevent this sort of stuff from continuing to happen
Since there are quite a few more new pokemon does anyone think more pokemon should be included in OU?

I think we should follow PO's lead and have more tiers--"LU" I think they call the new one?

I'm looking at a plot of useage vs. ranking (for Standard), and it's quite interesting. As a semi-log plot, it's pretty straight (meaning usage decays exponentially with ranking).

Also interesting, the slope of the semi-log curve changes abruptly at 30/31 (Chandelure/Scrafty). Just observations at this point. Conclusions to come.
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