np: OU Suspect Testing Round 4 - Blaze of Glory

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Dark Void broke Darkrai. - Wrong.
Air Slash/Seed Flare broke Skymin - Wait what? No.
Outrage broke Mance in 4th Gen - Mence was never broken.
Swords Dance breaks Garchomp in 4th Gen - No. Swords Dance + Yache plus the fact that you either had it or lost broke it.
Draco Meteor broke Lati@s in 4th Gen - No. Soul Dew did.
Recover broke Deo-D in Gen 4 - No. It wasn't even broken there.

See where I'm going?

Because those two have no correlation.

Is Infinite Rain, Boosting Water-type attacks by x1.5, a part of Swift Swim, Kingdra, ect?


Is doubleing the speed of Kingdra, ect, a part of Politoad?

No, it is Swift Swim, which is a part of Kingdra, ect.

See the problem here, the two are broken in tandem, but not as standalone. Rain has not been proven as broken standalone yet, and Swift Swim is certainly not broken under self-supporting conditions [Rain Dance].

Is Speed Boost a part of Blaziken? Yes
Is HJK a part of Blaziken? Yes
Is Flare Blitz a part of Blaziken? Yes
Is coverage moves to hit all of its counters a part of Blaziken? Yes
Is Swords Dance a part of Blaziken? Yes
Is the ability to be a mixed sweeper part of Blaziken? Yes

See the difference? Blaziken is banned because Blaziken is broken... as Blaziken. Speed Boost is a part of Blaziken, Swift Swim is not a part of Politoad, nor Drizzle a part of Kingdra.

The only way a complex ban would come into force is if Speed Boost was a broken ability in its own right, like Moody was. Ninjask and Yanmega are not going Uber anytime soon.

Banning Speed Boost on Blaziken is like banning Dark Void on Darkrai, or Outrage on Gen 4 Mance, or Air Slash on Skymin.

Drizzle + Swift Swim is combo banned because they are broken in tandem, but not alone. [Well, Drizzle might be, we'll see how Round 4 goes]

Speed Boost was a part of Blaziken. Everything broken about Blaziken came from Blaziken. Therefor, Blaziken was not fine, and there is no grounds fo a combo ban.

Wait, so by your logic, if Blaziken got a dream world ability like, say, Iron Fist or , it would still be broken?

Banning Speed Boost on Blaziken is not at all like banning Dark Void on Darkrai or Outrage on Mence or Air Slash on Skymin. You know why? Because unlike all of the other things you listed, it is an ABILITY. Key word, ABILITY. The ability to take its craptacular speed to new heights entirely. The reason that Speed Boost Sharpedo/Ninjask/Yanmega aren't broken is beacause they have poor offensive stats, craptacular defenses, and in the case of the latter two, a 4x weakness to Stealth Rock. Blaze Blaziken's best shot at outspeeding anything in OU was agility which its fragility and weaknesses to Water/Ground/Flying would not allow it to do easily. Speed Boost Blaziken made this a non-issue because it required NO SETUP. It didn't require the use of a moveslot. It didn't require it to switch into something faster. The ability itself is broken ON BLAZIKEN. Stay with me here, ON BLAZIKEN. If Rampardos got Speed Boost, it would be broken. Wouldn't it? If Feraligatr got Speed Boost, it would be broken, wouldn't it? Speed Boost itself is a busted ability, the only reason it wasn't banned before was because it was on bad Pokemon.

On the Drizzle + Swift Swim issue, I was using that as an example of the first ability ban. You missed that point entirely.

Also, just listen to everything SJcrew said.
sigh... in regards to the evasion arguement... For those that are pro-evasion... Are you guys saying that the metagame needs to have 2-3 pokes per team with movesets that include aurasphere, swift, and ariel ace if one wants to guard against evasion? I think there are one or two more moves that will never miss no matter what I just dont remember what they are...

Seriously I am not trying to be an ass I just want clarification on this.

EDIT: The Blaziken thing is stupid... I understand banning Blaziken with speed boost, but I do not understand how Blaziken with blaze.... a UU pokemon by gen 4 standards... gets banned...

Again... Really what to know a logical explanation for that one.
i have said you this a million times!my concern about sand veil is uncompetitiveness not that it makes garchomp broken!stop telling me about about garchomp's brokeness...
Y'know why people keep saying that? Because they think we should only be banning for being broken. Arguing anything else isn't going to get you anywhere at this stage.

did you forget what i said before?the counters must be viable in their current enviroment?so roserade will use a 60bp move just to kill one poke that isn't even common?hariyama will run the useless vital throw instead of revenge or close combat or even brick break(breaks screens)only to kill one poke that again is very you see i could go on...
sand veil and snow cloak don't have counters becuase always hitting moves suck!badly!that's why we have banned the evasion raising moves...if the always hitting moves didn't suck so bad then why didn't we let double team in our metagame huh?'cause with these moves we could handle double team without any problem solved see?but unfortunately these moves are not used for a don't tell me sucky options that noone would ever use for a problem that i present right in your eyes...
So, wait, let me remind you of a small argument earlier. You're saying that the perfect acc. moves suck, right? So, say, why would someone use a move like that, for the damage or the effect? Well, the damage is the main part - the fact that it's guaranteed is just a side-bonus. So, is Iron Head the same?
No. The simple truth is that, if evasion is that much of a problem, the perfect accuracy moves are completely viable. If you still insist that they're not worth running at the moment, then Sand Veil/Snow Cloak aren't enough of a problem for you to run them. There is no other middle ground. Either it is a threat, in which case you would at least consider running the response, or it's not that big a threat, in which case you have no real ground in this argument.

yes you are so right...why i didn't think about it earlier???every major powerhouse usually has 6 free turns to boost it's evasion to the point that it will be hit only once every 3 hits.and because usually most powerhouses are very bulky they can take 2 or 3 hits before they die?right?
are you serious?in which game you will find six free turns?evasion will give them to you?'cause even after 3 uses the opponent has bigger chances of hitting you that it has to in most of the battles your offensive powerhouse will die in 1 or 2 hits before it even gets to pls get real!if you are treating things like this then ok...imagine a +6/+6/+6 volcarona?scary right?let's ban it?but wait i will volcarona find all these turns?and about the defensive juggernanunts that you were talking about...i imagine that you are reffering to pokes which have reliable recovery or else it doesn't matter how defensive they are 'cause when i switch into my counter they will die in 3 hits at most.and as i told you before 3 hits are not difficult to they have double team,healing move,and what?a boosting move to raise their attack or something?fine then they only use 1 attacking move so this means that they are walled by 100 pokes...or do they use an attcking move along with toxic.any steel type with recovery can take them.any ppoison type with recovery can get them.every glsicor can take them.every poke with recovery and sub can take he running 2 moves so he can have good coverage...fine then he is just walled easily by many things 'cause his attack is unboosted and uninvestes(you said defensive juggernaunts so i assume that they will be defensively evd)...
Let's take a quick look at, say, Quagsire. It's Unaware, runs a defensive set and can spam Double Team. Let's say it runs Stockpile/Double Team/Recover/Ice Beam. So yeah, Pokemon like Empoleon can wall it... but he walls them just as well. And if you say it won't be able to set up easily, you've not gone against a defensive Quagsire lately. Stockpile to +3 is pretty easy to reach, and it's pretty much Taunt, Grass-attack or watch and weep.

so why did we ban the move and not the pokes that became broken with it?'cause we banned this move due to uncompetitiveness!
No, we banned it because the majority voted to, most likely. That doesn't mean it's broken or uncompetitive, it just means people didn't want it, so it was undesirable. The reasoning behind that is unknown to pretty much all of us, so quit saying it was for a lack of competitiveness without a way of proving it.

Roosh: Why does an ability make it different to an attack? Both are parts of the Pokemon that are specific to that Pokemon (possibly specific to others, but definitely not available to all.) We're leaning towards that slippery slope argument again, where we look at each side:
- Basic bans (The whole of Ubers)
- Complex ban (Drizzle + Swift Swim)
- Specific ability ban (Speed Boost Blaziken)
- Specific move ban (Dark Void Darkrai)
- Overly specific bans ("Ho-oh's OU as long as we ban this and this and...")

Obviously, we've already got the first two. Obviously, we want to avoid the last one. The question always comes up regarding the other two, but most would agree that the move ban needs to be avoided, so it just comes down to that middle one - personally, I see that as closer to the Specific Move Ban than the Complex Ban. The argument is: how far do we go? At what point do we say "No, it's the Pokemon that we ban - let's not try to keep it in OU by limiting its options"?
sigh... in regards to the evasion arguement... For those that are pro-evasion... Are you guys saying that the metagame needs to have 2-3 pokes per team with movesets that include aurasphere, swift, and ariel ace if one wants to guard against evasion? I think there are one or two more moves that will never miss no matter what I just dont remember what they are...

You know that never miss moves aren't the only way to combat evasion, right? Haze and Clear Smog remove evasion boosts, Snatch punishes them by taking the boost for yourself, Taunt prevents them from setting up in the first place. Hell, evasion has more ways to be dealt with than entry hazards.
Roosh: Why does an ability make it different to an attack? Both are parts of the Pokemon that are specific to that Pokemon (possibly specific to others, but definitely not available to all.) We're leaning towards that slippery slope argument again, where we look at each side:
- Basic bans (The whole of Ubers)
- Complex ban (Drizzle + Swift Swim)
- Specific ability ban (Speed Boost Blaziken)
- Specific move ban (Dark Void Darkrai)
- Overly specific bans ("Ho-oh's OU as long as we ban this and this and...")

Obviously, we've already got the first two. Obviously, we want to avoid the last one. The question always comes up regarding the other two, but most would agree that the move ban needs to be avoided, so it just comes down to that middle one - personally, I see that as closer to the Specific Move Ban than the Complex Ban. The argument is: how far do we go? At what point do we say "No, it's the Pokemon that we ban - let's not try to keep it in OU by limiting its options"?

We have the first three
Inconsistant or whatever the real english is
is an ability ban
Specific move bans are too far. An ability however, can be broken. A move is difficult to decide. Spore is a more widespread (albeit not very) 100% Sleep move, and all of the users of it are legal (Breeloom, Amoonguss, Smeargle, etc.). Dark Void is essentially Spore with a different name. Banning something like that would be taking it too far, because there are so many moves that are similar to other moves. I'm not saying ban the Speed Boost ability for everything, just Blaziken.

Air Slash has a huge distribution, and Serene Grace is why Skymin was banned, essentially making it a hax machine. Before anyone mentions Togekiss, its poorer typing and much slower speed make it far easier to take out than Skymin.

Also, I highly doubt Blaziken would be in OU at all if it had Blaze.
You know that never miss moves aren't the only way to combat evasion, right? Haze and Clear Smog remove evasion boosts, Snatch punishes them by taking the boost for yourself, Taunt prevents them from setting up in the first place. Hell, evasion has more ways to be dealt with than entry hazards.

Yea I thought of those... but those primarily work on moves like double team and minimize. It does not affect those abilities that the last 10 pages of the forum have been talking about. Now your talking about rain dance/ss/sunny day/hail or you must have cloud nine/drizzle/drought/sandstream/unaware/snow warning to counter those.

Also, after an evasion boost cant taunt miss?
Wait, so by your logic, if Blaziken got a dream world ability like, say, Iron Fist or , it would still be broken?

Banning Speed Boost on Blaziken is not at all like banning Dark Void on Darkrai or Outrage on Mence or Air Slash on Skymin. You know why? Because unlike all of the other things you listed, it is an ABILITY. Key word, ABILITY. The ability to take its craptacular speed to new heights entirely. The reason that Speed Boost Sharpedo/Ninjask/Yanmega aren't broken is beacause they have poor offensive stats, craptacular defenses, and in the case of the latter two, a 4x weakness to Stealth Rock. Blaze Blaziken's best shot at outspeeding anything in OU was agility which its fragility and weaknesses to Water/Ground/Flying would not allow it to do easily. Speed Boost Blaziken made this a non-issue because it required NO SETUP. It didn't require the use of a moveslot. It didn't require it to switch into something faster. The ability itself is broken ON BLAZIKEN. Stay with me here, ON BLAZIKEN. If Rampardos got Speed Boost, it would be broken. Wouldn't it? If Feraligatr got Speed Boost, it would be broken, wouldn't it? Speed Boost itself is a busted ability, the only reason it wasn't banned before was because it was on bad Pokemon.

Whether it is an ability or a move is irrelevant. They are all factors which make up a pokemon. The only factor which can said to be distinct is species, for being linked directly to a list of all others, as opposed to the others which can only be directly linked to a list of species. Which is why species are what is banned when a combination is broken.

Blaziken+Speed Boost alone is not broken. There are sets which contain both which are total jokes (say, peck/sand attack/ember/protect). It is Blaziken as a sum total, including his best moves (especially HJK, which is on every broken set and a neccessary ingredient for his brokeness), that is broken.

Also, speed boost Rampardos would be a joke. Scizor BPs it to hell, and hippowdon and probably a lot of physical walls laugh at it. Plus it's much slower and probably needs at least +4 to outrun excadrill. Speed boost feraligatr is not much better; it is walled by bulky waters, and most physical walls can take a hit from it at +2, unlike from blaziken.

In order to be broken in and of itself and bannable by itself, an ability needs to be broken on everything that gets it, regardless of the other qualities of the pokemon. Moody is a strong example here, since it allowed even Bidoof to sweep Uber teams.
Whether it is an ability or a move is irrelevant. They are all factors which make up a pokemon. The only factor which can said to be distinct is species, for being linked directly to a list of all others, as opposed to the others which can only be directly linked to a list of species. Which is why species are what is banned when a combination is broken.

Ok you sound like you know what you are talking about... why is regular old Gen 4 UU blaze blaziken banned?
Darusare: Not what I meant. Specific Move/Ability bans are "This Pokemon with this move/ability is banned" as so many people suggested with Dark Void Darkrai or Speed Boost Blaziken. I doubt anyone's suggesting moving Ninjask/Yanmega/Sharpedo to Ubers.

Roosh: That's what I mean. It is, in effect, more than a complex ban. It's not just "Your team can't have this." It's "This Pokemon can't have this." That's a lot worse than anything we've seen in the past, and that is what I meant about trying to draw the line somewhere.
Whether it is an ability or a move is irrelevant. They are all factors which make up a pokemon. The only factor which can said to be distinct is species, for being linked directly to a list of all others, as opposed to the others which can only be directly linked to a list of species. Which is why species are what is banned when a combination is broken.

Blaziken+Speed Boost alone is not broken. There are sets which contain both which are total jokes (say, peck/sand attack/ember/protect). It is Blaziken as a sum total, including his best moves (especially HJK, which is on every broken set and a neccessary ingredient for his brokeness), that is broken.

Also, speed boost Rampardos would be a joke. Scizor BPs it to hell, and hippowdon and probably a lot of physical walls laugh at it. Plus it's much slower and probably needs at least +4 to outrun excadrill. Speed boost feraligatr is not much better; it is walled by bulky waters, and most physical walls can take a hit from it at +2, unlike from blaziken.

Rampardos actually gets QuakeEdge, Fire Punch, and Outrage. Coverage isn't too much of a problem for it. I mainly used them because they were the first things that came to mind. Imagine, for example, Speed Boost Tyranitar or Flygon.

Blaziken @ Speed Boost + the best moves is the only set worth using in OU, am I not mistaken? The ability did break Blaziken. You can't ignore this. If Blaziken got ANY other DW ability, ANY other one (Bar maybe Water Absorb or Flash Fire, the first being utterly ridiculous), it would be perfectly fine, would it not?

Take this set, for example.

Blaziken @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252Atk/252Spe/4HP

-Flare Blitz
-Hi Jump Kick
-Stone Edge

While this set is a great attacker, a base 80 speed and lack of priority make it vulnerable to Gliscor and other walls that outspeed it. Would it be banworthy?
Darusare: Not what I meant. Specific Move/Ability bans are "This Pokemon with this move/ability is banned" as so many people suggested with Dark Void Darkrai or Speed Boost Blaziken. I doubt anyone's suggesting moving Ninjask/Yanmega/Sharpedo to Ubers.

Roosh: That's what I mean. It is, in effect, more than a complex ban. It's not just "Your team can't have this." It's "This Pokemon can't have this." That's a lot worse than anything we've seen in the past, and that is what I meant about trying to draw the line somewhere.

The difference though is that moves can be similar to each other. Abilities are unique.
...Really? So, if 6 different Pokemon get the same ability, it's still unique?
Speed Boost isn't unique to Blaziken. That is the important part of this. If Speed Boost was broken, fine, ban it. But Ninjask/Sharpedo/Yanmega, etc, are all perfectly fine. If, say, HJK were broken, fine, ban it, but things like Mienshao/Hitmonlee are perfectly fine. If every single element needs to come together to make it broken, then we always have, and generally will, ban the Pokemon in question, since that only limits that one Pokemon, and not every other Pokemon with that ability/attack that would otherwise suffer as a result.
Abilities are unique for the Pokemon they are given. I worded that incredibly poorly. Speed Boost is unique to Blaziken because it is the only one that proves how the ability can break the mon, and yes, I am saying that on other Pokemon, it is fine because those Pokemon tend to have horrendously crippling weaknesses. (Stealth Rocks and poor defenses respectively. There are 4 Speed Boosters in total, correct?)

Speed boost Blaziken is broken. I'm not disputing this, but Blaze is not. In total, counting DW Simisear, there are 6 Pokemon that get Blaze (I think, correct me if I'm wrong). None of them are/were broken in their own regard, correct? (Please answer this instead of skimming over it.)
Y'know why people keep saying that? Because they think we should only be banning for being broken. Arguing anything else isn't going to get you anywhere at this stage.
of 'course it is going to get me somewhere.i have my personal belief(not me only a lot of people actually) on how bans should be made.who are you to tell me that by supporting it i am not going to get anywhere?there are not only people that think that bans are made only on broken things.there are plenty of people that support uncompetitiveness(some agree with my view on this term some not,but they all support bans due to it)and there are also many people who can be covinced that bans should be made 'cause of it...

So, wait, let me remind you of a small argument earlier. You're saying that the perfect acc. moves suck, right? So, say, why would someone use a move like that, for the damage or the effect? Well, the damage is the main part - the fact that it's guaranteed is just a side-bonus. So, is Iron Head the same?
No. The simple truth is that, if evasion is that much of a problem, the perfect accuracy moves are completely viable. If you still insist that they're not worth running at the moment, then Sand Veil/Snow Cloak aren't enough of a problem for you to run them. There is no other middle ground. Either it is a threat, in which case you would at least consider running the response, or it's not that big a threat, in which case you have no real ground in this argument.
sand veil doesn't have to be enough of a problem to get banned or require counters.this is what happens to broken things.again i am talking about uncompetitiveness.realize that...
the only thing that sand veil has to do to prove worth of a ban is to introduce only luck to the metagame without adding anything else that promotes skill and not having enough viable counters.
that's what i am discussing.if you want to discuss if sand veil breaks garchomp do it with someone else...
and what is the similarity between iron head and 100% hiting moves.the one brings an effect that has a chance to happen and the other doesn't?sry but i can't quite follow you...

Let's take a quick look at, say, Quagsire. It's Unaware, runs a defensive set and can spam Double Team. Let's say it runs Stockpile/Double Team/Recover/Ice Beam. So yeah, Pokemon like Empoleon can wall it... but he walls them just as well. And if you say it won't be able to set up easily, you've not gone against a defensive Quagsire lately. Stockpile to +3 is pretty easy to reach, and it's pretty much Taunt, Grass-attack or watch and weep.
so yes emploelon can do nothing...except from setting up sr and then roaring you away(in 3 turns he will have succeed).or do you prefer ferrothorn which sets up 3 layers of spikes and then he kills you in 4 turns...(he wants 1 power whip to hit and that is the chance that power whip has to hit at +6 evasion more or less).or do you prefer skarmory which again sets up 3 layers of spikes and then phazes you out?or do you prefer vaporeon or any bulky phazer that just phazes you away?or do you prefer me switching between my 2 pokes with recovery while you do nothing except wasting your pps and my time...or do you prefer me switching in a poke that has more pps than you and recovery and then stall you out?there are many more things but i think that this list is big enough to prove you that this quagsire is not going to break any metagame...

No, we banned it because the majority voted to, most likely. That doesn't mean it's broken or uncompetitive, it just means people didn't want it, so it was undesirable. The reasoning behind that is unknown to pretty much all of us, so quit saying it was for a lack of competitiveness without a way of proving it.
yes but there was a reason that people didn't wanted's not so simple as saying: 'it was undesirable'.when you make nominations you must clearly say why you think that something must be nominated for a ban.and why do you think that people didn't want evasion in the game?can you guess?
Ok say you do ban Speed Boost. You end up soft-banning Ninjask, who was far from broken, and in return, you get your precious Blaziken.

So, you would ban Ninjask for the sake of using Blaziken?
Ok say you do ban Speed Boost. You end up soft-banning Ninjask, who was far from broken, and in return, you get your precious Blaziken.

So, you would ban Ninjask for the sake of using Blaziken?

You're missing my point. Ban Speed Boost in tandem with Blaziken. Other users can keep it.
Rampardos actually gets QuakeEdge, Fire Punch, and Outrage. Coverage isn't too much of a problem for it. I mainly used them because they were the first things that came to mind. Imagine, for example, Speed Boost Tyranitar or Flygon.

Blaziken @ Speed Boost + the best moves is the only set worth using in OU, am I not mistaken? The ability did break Blaziken. You can't ignore this. If Blaziken got ANY other DW ability, ANY other one (Bar maybe Water Absorb or Flash Fire, the first being utterly ridiculous), it would be perfectly fine, would it not?

Take this set, for example.

Blaziken @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252Atk/252Spe/4HP

-Flare Blitz
-Hi Jump Kick
-Stone Edge

While this set is a great attacker, a base 80 speed and lack of priority make it vulnerable to Gliscor and other walls that outspeed it. Would it be banworthy?

Neither of those would be broken either. Tyranitar would still probably prefer sandstream, and flygon lacks a way to boost its attack. In fact, there aren't too many pokemon who'd be broken with speed boost... chomp, haxorus, mienshao, maybe darminition,victini... scyther as the ultimate bper...
Not comprehensive but it's not nearly as much as you claim.

And why don't you take this set for example?

Blaziken @ LO
Speed Boost
252atk/252 speed/6 hp, adamant.

Flare Blitz
thunderpunch(legal with speed boost?)/sky uppercut/brick break

This set, while being pretty good against offensive teams, can't break through powerful defensive walls, especially those resisting fire (bulky waters). Too bad it doesn't have a base 130 stab fighting move with no drawbacks bar 90% accuracy*, or else it would be able to power through those walls, except maybe something like Slowbro or something.

*(since if it misses blazikens dead no matter what, so it wouldn't care if say, it lost half its health when it misses)
Neither of those would be broken either. Tyranitar would still probably prefer sandstream, and flygon lacks a way to boost its attack. In fact, there aren't too many pokemon who'd be broken with speed boost... chomp, haxorus, mienshao, maybe darminition,victini... scyther as the ultimate bper...
Not comprehensive but it's not nearly as much as you claim.

And why don't you take this set for example?

Blaziken @ LO
Speed Boost
252atk/252 speed/6 hp, adamant.

Flare Blitz
thunderpunch(legal with speed boost?)/sky uppercut/brick break

This set, while being pretty good against offensive teams, can't break through powerful defensive walls, especially those resisting fire (bulky waters). Too bad it doesn't have a base 130 stab fighting move with no drawbacks bar 90% accuracy*, or else it would be able to power through those walls, except maybe something like Slowbro or something.

*(since if it misses blazikens dead no matter what, so it wouldn't care if say, it lost half its health when it misses)

Did you answer my other question? No. While that set isn't broken it's incredibly powerful. But I was not posing an 'If Blaziken didn't have Hi Jump Kick' set. I was posting a LEGITIMATE set.
Blaze is obviously not broken; that has been established long ago. Speed Boost Blaziken is not broken by itself. It's HJK, Flare Blitz, etc. that break it. I was against its ban, but I see a perfectly good reason for it.

As for "Move X is okay but not on Pokémon Y" I can see how some people dislike this, but it has proven to be popular in foreign metagames, e.g. Japan.

Also, Ho-Oh for OU.
i have said you this a million times!my concern about sand veil is uncompetitiveness not that it makes garchomp broken!stop telling me about about garchomp's brokeness...

And I have responded a million times that uncompetitiveness is not a valid argument, and yet you have yet to give much other reason.

did you forget what i said before?the counters must be viable in their current enviroment?so roserade will use a 60bp move just to kill one poke that isn't even common?hariyama will run the useless vital throw instead of revenge or close combat or even brick break(breaks screens)only to kill one poke that again is very you see i could go on...

Actually lets just look at three words:

...useless vital throw...

And then look at what I said again:

jas61292 said:
However, you will now want to respond to this with "But those moves aren't good." Well, if you hate those abilities so much, then yeah, they are good. Don't complain about something when there is a solution, just because you don't like the solution.

and finally i asked you about wobbufet for a show you that your logic is flawed...wobuffet is just an example.but the point is that lack of counters is not always a reason to ban something.mew for example with the multiple sets that he can run doesn't virtually have any counters...if he nasty plots and you send in something to counter the standart nasty plot he just batton passes and screws you right away.if he sends in a phazer you just got burned 'cause it was the stall breaker decide to send in something faster that can take most of its hits and then it suddenly uses agility and again batton passes to something that can fuck you you see how it doesn't have any counters???is it broken?i don't think so...

Wobbuffet doesn't have counters if you are referring to counters as a Pokemon that can switch in and either beat it or force it out. However if you take the broader term counter, then yes, it has many. Taunt owns it. It can't touch Magic Bounce Pokemon. If he ends up as a last Pokemon left he is usually dead weight.

When I said something is broken if it has no counters, that is the kind of counter I was referring to, not the "switch in" definition.

Dark Void is essentially Spore with a different name.

The Pokemon obsessive inside me just wants to point out that this is not true. Dark Void is only 80% accurate, so its actually worse than Spore. Its only advantage is that in Doubles/Triples it can put multiple opponents to sleep at once.
And I have responded a million times that uncompetitiveness is not a valid argument, and yet you have yet to give much other reason.
i don't have to give you any other believe that my reasoning is not right,not me.if you don't accept the term uncompetitive as an arguement then stop arguing.stop this discussion.why do you continue to talk about brokeness when i talk to you about uncompetitiveness?just stop this discussion...for god's sake...

Actually lets just look at three words:

And then look at what I said again:
and here you tell me what?you said to me before to not say something that is inconvenient for you without any solid reasoning.and i must hear you?i don't think so....

Wobbuffet doesn't have counters if you are referring to counters as a Pokemon that can switch in and either beat it or force it out. However if you take the broader term counter, then yes, it has many. Taunt owns it. It can't touch Magic Bounce Pokemon. If he ends up as a last Pokemon left he is usually dead weight.

When I said something is broken if it has no counters, that is the kind of counter I was referring to, not the "switch in" definition.
when we refer to counters here we refer to them as the typical meaning in smogon if you want to say something different than that you must make it clear...or else people will not understand you and they will have a wrong image about your thought and your beliefs...
Wait, so by your logic, if Blaziken got a dream world ability like, say, Iron Fist or , it would still be broken?

Banning Speed Boost on Blaziken is not at all like banning Dark Void on Darkrai or Outrage on Mence or Air Slash on Skymin. You know why? Because unlike all of the other things you listed, it is an ABILITY. Key word, ABILITY. The ability to take its craptacular speed to new heights entirely. The reason that Speed Boost Sharpedo/Ninjask/Yanmega aren't broken is beacause they have poor offensive stats, craptacular defenses, and in the case of the latter two, a 4x weakness to Stealth Rock. Blaze Blaziken's best shot at outspeeding anything in OU was agility which its fragility and weaknesses to Water/Ground/Flying would not allow it to do easily. Speed Boost Blaziken made this a non-issue because it required NO SETUP. It didn't require the use of a moveslot. It didn't require it to switch into something faster. The ability itself is broken ON BLAZIKEN. Stay with me here, ON BLAZIKEN. If Rampardos got Speed Boost, it would be broken. Wouldn't it? If Feraligatr got Speed Boost, it would be broken, wouldn't it? Speed Boost itself is a busted ability, the only reason it wasn't banned before was because it was on bad Pokemon.

On the Drizzle + Swift Swim issue, I was using that as an example of the first ability ban. You missed that point entirely.

Also, just listen to everything SJcrew said.

If Rampardos got Speed Boost, It would be Broken

The only lol part of your post otherwise i agree.

Yeah it would be broken in metagame where priority that one hit kill him is fucking everywhere without weather to save you.

And his speed is not so high that + 2 become game over like Blaze
No one answered this.... why is blaze blaziken currently banned? Can anyone come up with any viable reason at all?

SImply, you NEED to handle him as fast as you can or it guarantee kill. It doesnt matter if he dont sweep, he nearly guarantee kill easier than most thing. This is the most important part before some hater start arguing. Your goal is to KILL not SWEEP complete team(which he does very great)

Statistically he has good attack and past turn 2 you almost always win.
In sun, he is fucking powerful that his counter get crapped over by his power.

Ask other for more broad explanation. This is the core part only

EDIT : because most dont want(and IIRC you cant have) to have complex ability ban banning speed boost + blaze and banning SB is unreasonable so far(lol ninjask)

sorry for misposting
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