Want to see your Original sprites on the X-Box Live Arcade?

Good lord have I been dead for too long.

Glad to say I'm almost done with the revamp of the Metal Armadillo and should be done by the end of today, hopefully. So there's something to look forward to.

As for the updated encyclopedia, did you guys get the revamped Ice Ibex adult I made awhile back? Here it is again in case you missed it.

Haven't done a revamp in this style yet, but yeah.

Whenever I get done with the Metal Armadillo Infant, I also wouldn't mind picking up either the Earth Ant or Fire Thylacine as well for revamping, if no one minds. Also, with the Anglerfish revamp, do you intend for both to be revamped, or just the Infant? I can start work on it as well, since it was my idea originally.

Also, glad to have you back, Jon! Again, sorry for being so sporadic, but yeah. +)
Good lord have I been dead for too long.

Glad to say I'm almost done with the revamp of the Metal Armadillo and should be done by the end of today, hopefully. So there's something to look forward to.

As for the updated encyclopedia, did you guys get the revamped Ice Ibex adult I made awhile back? Here it is again in case you missed it.

Haven't done a revamp in this style yet, but yeah.

Whenever I get done with the Metal Armadillo Infant, I also wouldn't mind picking up either the Earth Ant or Fire Thylacine as well for revamping, if no one minds. Also, with the Anglerfish revamp, do you intend for both to be revamped, or just the Infant? I can start work on it as well, since it was my idea originally.

Also, glad to have you back, Jon! Again, sorry for being so sporadic, but yeah. +)

Ah, shit. Yeah I have the new Ice Ibex and I just forgot to update it. I think you submitted it while I was off the project so I just didn't think about it. I will get that fixed.

With the Shadow Angler its really just the juvenile that needs work. The Adult is good.

If you wouldn't mind, now that I remember it exists, would you finish the revamps on the juveniles for the Ibex, Armadillo and Angler before you move onto another set? Since those are yours I would rather you be the one who does them. Thanks!
Ah, shit. Yeah I have the new Ice Ibex and I just forgot to update it. I think you submitted it while I was off the project so I just didn't think about it. I will get that fixed.

With the Shadow Angler its really just the juvenile that needs work. The Adult is good.

If you wouldn't mind, now that I remember it exists, would you finish the revamps on the juveniles for the Ibex, Armadillo and Angler before you move onto another set? Since those are yours I would rather you be the one who does them. Thanks!

Sounds like a plan to me! Expect the newer Armadillo Infant sometime tonight.
Encyclopedia Updated!

There were a couple of things that I missed on the last one. Everything SHOULD be up to date now. Let me know if I am lying again.


I will update the Overworld encyclopedia soon as well for those of you who are working on those sprites. For now just consult both encyclopedias to see whats going on. There have been no new overworld sprites submitted lately so don't worry about that.
Alright, Im gonna at least finish the baby atomic gorilla and the two overworld sprites by this week before I leave on vacation next week. If i can, I'll also do some touch ups on some of the other ones.
"It'll be done by tonight!" Next day...
"I'll definitely do it today!" Distractions, Next day...
"I'm going to be productive today!" Reads required summer reading, forgets sprite, Next day...
"OK, I'm tired. No spriting today." Next day...
"Do it before I go to bed!" Dammit Synchtube, Next day...


Yeah, so I am officially the world's worst procrastinator. That was literally the past five days' excuses as to why I failed to finish this. Hopefully not too big of a deal, but yeah. Done now, so I'm happy at least. I had to edit this thing's outline at least three times in order to get it right. Still not sure if I like the back arm showing, but yeah. Tried to put it in a more dynamic pose this time, and hopefully this will work. +)

Also, I shaded the chest scales in a different style as well, but I thought it used way to much pillow shading and just didn't look as good. the alt shade can be seen here, if anyone's interested.
http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/...ncepts and Sprites/MetalArmadilloInfant-3.png

Again, sorry for the massive delay. I hate myself too whenever I do this kind of thing, so yeah. +/

And yeah, working on the Shadow Angler Infant and Ice Ibex Infant next.

EDIT: SA Infant concept art, and yes, I intend to repose it. Tell me what you think!

Revamping the adult solar owl and working on the juvenile lamprey (I guess it's going to be some kind of leech). Could we just simply replace the spiders with the lamprey line since they need a revamp anyways?
Alright, Im gonna at least finish the baby atomic gorilla and the two overworld sprites by this week before I leave on vacation next week. If i can, I'll also do some touch ups on some of the other ones.

Awesome! Sounds good! Where are you going on vacation?

Tonight I will have time to sprite, so I will (try to) finish the adult Lion then. So expect it tonight or tommorow. ^^

Sweet! Can't wait to see it!

"It'll be done by tonight!" Next day...
"I'll definitely do it today!" Distractions, Next day...
"I'm going to be productive today!" Reads required summer reading, forgets sprite, Next day...
"OK, I'm tired. No spriting today." Next day...
"Do it before I go to bed!" Dammit Synchtube, Next day...


Yeah, so I am officially the world's worst procrastinator. That was literally the past five days' excuses as to why I failed to finish this. Hopefully not too big of a deal, but yeah. Done now, so I'm happy at least. I had to edit this thing's outline at least three times in order to get it right. Still not sure if I like the back arm showing, but yeah. Tried to put it in a more dynamic pose this time, and hopefully this will work. +)

Also, I shaded the chest scales in a different style as well, but I thought it used way to much pillow shading and just didn't look as good. the alt shade can be seen here, if anyone's interested.
http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/...ncepts and Sprites/MetalArmadilloInfant-3.png

Again, sorry for the massive delay. I hate myself too whenever I do this kind of thing, so yeah. +/

And yeah, working on the Shadow Angler Infant and Ice Ibex Infant next.

EDIT: SA Infant concept art, and yes, I intend to repose it. Tell me what you think!

Ha ha ha ha. No worries. I know by now that when you say that I will have it by tonight that I wont see it for another week, LOL. As for the juvenile... I like the perspective you are getting with the rotated spine and such. I think you need to scrap the fancy plating on the limbs and just make basic legs because right now it is hard to tell what is going on. Also the tail probably dips down too much... right now it almost looks like he is flying or something. Have it curve around the side or something...

Angler juvenile looks much better. Maybe throw in the back arm too? and just make sure it feels like there is perspective and depth there.


Revamping the adult solar owl and working on the juvenile lamprey (I guess it's going to be some kind of leech). Could we just simply replace the spiders with the lamprey line since they need a revamp anyways?

Looking forward to the owls! I don't know if you saw but I have adapted the lamprey to be the adult shadow bat/lamprey thing. You can make a juvenile revamp to fit it if you want but I think that's where its going to go. My boss REALLY wants spiders, lol.
Do the spiders need to be Atomic? Metal Spiders could be interesting...

I'll take your advice though, Jon. Will require some more screwing with the outline, but I have been getting more at peace with that concept as of late. +)

As for the Shadow Angler, glad to hear you like it! As I mentioned in my post, I plan on reposing it for the actual sprite in a more dynamic pose, so no worries there.

Thanks for the speedy reply!
Do the spiders need to be Atomic? Metal Spiders could be interesting...

I'll take your advice though, Jon. Will require some more screwing with the outline, but I have been getting more at peace with that concept as of late. +)

As for the Shadow Angler, glad to hear you like it! As I mentioned in my post, I plan on reposing it for the actual sprite in a more dynamic pose, so no worries there.

Thanks for the speedy reply!

Alrighty! Sounds good! I think we will try and keep the spiders atomic for now just because I think we can do cooler things for a metal concept.

How about a swordfish for the last metal concept?

Swordfish could actually be interesting!
Tha Earth Lion Adult in tha house!

A bit late, but yeah.. busy as always.

I will slightly edit the juvenile lion, so that it fits more with the adult.
@Dhjona: it looks good, but it looks like the head is comming from the side rather than turning, and the one leg looks like its just randomly jutting out rather than actually in a place that looks right. otherwise good :)

@suitman: THAT LOOKS SO COOL *idolises*