Anybody here have their concealed carry permit?

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i hate guns

published in '98 but there's a million other articles just like it out there and I sincerely doubt things have gotten any better.

The United States leads the world's richest nations in gun deaths -- murders, suicides, and accidental deaths due to guns...

The United States accounted for 45 percent of the 88,649 gun deaths reported in the study, the first comprehensive international scrutiny of gun-related deaths.

Genny said:
I for one believe that the Constitution is a bit dated itself and we probably shouldn't need to follow it to this exact T anymore, especially about the gun laws. Actually basically only about the gun laws, those should most likely be removed in this day and age.

yeah, i don't know a jot about american history but wasn't the official text something to do with having a well-prepared militia in order to secure the freedom of the state from potential invaders? That couldn't seem any more irrelevant in this day and age so why do people still swear by an outdated law that has caused the unneccesary and violent deaths of literally millions of their own citizens?
Mostly because the founders were extremely vague about what exactly they meant. Here is the full text of the second amendment;

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Now obviously it links the militias and the right to bear arms together, but does it link it exclusively to militias?
hello im from england what is guns


These are guns.

Funny you say that, because the role of gun-carrying in America is historically linked to a little event called the Revolutionary War.
i may be a little outside my realm of expertise here but i believe there is a judicial system that interprets the constitution in the context of modern-day situations
So...why do you volunteer at the free needle and condom clinic then?

Your contradictions are very confusing, if people do fine without any help or protection....why do you volunteer? They don't need your help, right?

You volunteer because you know you make a difference in the world around you. You need to expand your thought process on that a bit...

BTW, I don't carry conceiled. But, I support it. I hope if I ever get attacked and I have my life threatened...some good man nearby is carrying conceiled and damn well knows how to handle a firearm.

I own guns to protect myself and those I care about. If some bastard breaks into my home with the intent on hurting me or others, laugh all you want from behind a keyboard. I'll meet that bastard standing tall. IE..I've got the tool to protect myself instead of being a victim.

It happens. I've seen it firsthand, with my own eyes. Too many times. That is the world we live in. Predators prey on victims and take from others. That is a fact. The wolf/sheep dynamic. Attacking GOOD people who own guns is not the right fight.

Numbers don't lie. Where there is a heavily armed population, the number's show that crime is lower. If you are actually in NorCal, you should know that.

Are you serious, i volunteer at needle exchanges because it helps me just as much as everyone else, do you think I want more people who arent safe to have sex with because they have AIDS?
You are trying to act like I think that people cant make a difference in the world, wrong I know they do, what I dont believe is that having more guns concealed or otherwise is going to lower crime rates. you are reading a point of view into my posts that does not exist.

oh look
a vigilante with a self-imposed sense of duty and arbitrary idea of justice carrying a gun
what could go wrong
oh look
a vigilante with a self-imposed sense of duty and arbitrary idea of justice carrying a gun
what could go wrong

edit: as far as a _real_ response, I don't think guns are that big of a deal, but I pretty much feel that everything happens for a reason so I don't give a fuck what happens anymore. Anywho, I do feel like If you are going to own a gun, you should have to take a psychological evaluation and be trained in how to use a gun and be safe with it and not let 7 year olds play cops and robbers with Mr. 357. It's just like everything else, if you're smart about it, nobody gets hurt. Besides, its not like if we take away gun rights people are going to suddenly stop owning guns. I'm pretty every Haitian in Miami has at least 3 guns and no licenses or permits for them.
Why has this become a thread about whether Americans should be able to carry guns anyway?

The OP posted an honest and sincere first post, and maintained his cool for at least the first page. I don't really get why this has been outrageously trolled throughout. We get it-- there are many Americans who think gun laws should be revised, and Europeans/Canadians think we're a backwards country, whatever-- that's not even what this thread is about.

I came into the thread knowing from the title alone that it would get trolled hard-- that doesn't make it any less disappointing to see.
Why has this become a thread about whether Americans should be able to carry guns anyway?

The OP posted an honest and sincere first post, and maintained his cool for at least the first page. I don't really get why this has been outrageously trolled throughout. We get it-- there are many Americans who think gun laws should be revised, and Europeans/Canadians think we're a backwards country, whatever-- that's not even what this thread is about.

I came into the thread knowing from the title alone that it would get trolled hard-- that doesn't make it any less disappointing to see.

As trite as what I'm about to say is true- he opened himself up to it hard. read his OP, i think that your being disingenuous tbh, you know exactly why this reaction came up.
As trite as what I'm about to say is true- he opened himself up to it hard. read his OP, i think that your being disingenuous tbh, you know exactly why this reaction came up.

What? No he didn't. His first post had literally no political content - all he wanted to know was whether there were any other gun enthusiasts in this forum. He did very little to provoke the ensuing comments.

Honestly it's like if a gay guy made a post asking for everyone's favorite brand of lube and everyone started quoting bible passages at him.
Some themes will inevitably spark a political debate, guns is simply one of them.

I'm fairly sure the TS knew and expected it.
Some themes will inevitably spark a political debate, guns is simply one of them.

I'm fairly sure the TS knew and expected it.

I don't see why a thread discussing gun ownership has to devolve into a "are guns bad" debate, and I say that as someone who loves picking internet fights. We have plenty of threads that involve discussion of fucking outside marriage, but we don't have our (apparently sizable) Mormon population popping in to remind us that we're naughty sinners.
On the topic of gun ownership in general, I see nothing wrong with carrying a handgun if you feel it necessary to protect yourself and your kin, but a great deal of people who possess guns likely do not need their 4 or 5 shotguns and rifles to "protect themselves", and I feel that just makes others uncomfortable and isn't really healthy
I don't see why a thread discussing gun ownership has to devolve into a "are guns bad" debate, and I say that as someone who loves picking internet fights. We have plenty of threads that involve discussion of fucking outside marriage, but we don't have our (apparently sizable) Mormon population popping in to remind us that we're naughty sinners.

'does anyone here like guns'
'no not really'

much better thread right
I don't see why a thread discussing gun ownership has to devolve into a "are guns bad" debate, and I say that as someone who loves picking internet fights. We have plenty of threads that involve discussion of fucking outside marriage, but we don't have our (apparently sizable) Mormon population popping in to remind us that we're naughty sinners.

I'm not sure the comparison you make is a very fair one. Those that feel strongly against sex outside marriage know themselves marginalised and aren't exactly usually looking for occasions to make an ideological standpoint. It isn't exactly a hotly debated subject in society, at the very least not anymore.

Better comparisons would probably be abortion or gay marriage. People remain very divided on those issues, they are bound to turn into political debates no matter the presentation.

Besides, quite frankly I feel perfectly in tune with the spirit of the thread to answer to a question that asks if I conceal carry that I don't have any interests in firearms nor societies in which carrying one is custom.
I don't own a gun and couldn't see myself owning one. I've shot pistols, shotguns, rifles and paintball guns before and it's not entertaining enough for me to want to pursue. The only other reason why I might own a gun is protection, but I'd rather not get into a gunfight because some asshole on the street wants the $13 in my wallet. Plus as far as protection goes, you're way more likely to shoot someone you care about than you are to shoot someone who is trying to harm you. Gun ownership has always come across as irresponsible to me, but I think gun safety and training is a valuable set of knowledge to have (so I'm slightly conflicted)

yeah, i don't know a jot about american history but wasn't the official text something to do with having a well-prepared militia in order to secure the freedom of the state from potential invaders? That couldn't seem any more irrelevant in this day and age so why do people still swear by an outdated law that has caused the unneccesary and violent deaths of literally millions of their own citizens?

Americans putting blind faith in ancient laws handed down through the generations that cause nothing but unnecessary violence? That's basically everything you need to know about American history, and it doesn't look like that's changing any time soon.
In general it amazes me how often people bring up the argument "I need all these guns to protect my home/family/self etc." when you consider how rare and unusual the situation would be wherein using a gun is necessary. Honestly, if someone comes at me with even a knife, fuck shooting them, 'd just give them whatever money I had on me. The risk, even when possessing a firearm, really isn't worth it to me.
Americans putting blind faith in ancient laws handed down through the generations that cause nothing but unnecessary violence? That's basically everything you need to know about American history, and it doesn't look like that's changing any time soon.

You think the Constitution is outdated??? I cannot believe anyone would say such a thing.

Citizens should always have the ability to defend themselves from an overzealous Government. How else are they to protect their freedoms?

You believe it was a good idea to have guns 200 years ago then? How has200 years created an environment where the Citizens should no longer have guns?

People like to reference the "average" citizen when carrying a gun, however what is not mentioned is that the "average" citizen does not have one, so of course they would not know what to do.

When you get a conceal carry permit, you are required to take a safety/traning course.

In the end, people can call armed citizens *vigilantes* or *wanna be cowboys*, but anyone with one iota of critical thinking skills recognize these terms for what they are. Shaming techniques. Who says men cannot learn from women?

Call me whatever name you want, I have a rifle and soon a handgun. If having the means to defend myself, my liberty and my property makes me some villainous person, then I will carry my villainous label with pride.

There is always the possibility of tyrrany coming to any nation. The right to own guns is the best defense against such situations.

There are plenty of people who really do not care how free they are, as long as they do live. Then there are the rest of us that do care and actively desire to be free. All we ask is that you not drag us down into the abyss of defensless slavery with you.
You think the Constitution is outdated??? I cannot believe anyone would say such a thing.

Citizens should always have the ability to defend themselves from an overzealous Government. How else are they to protect their freedoms?

You believe it was a good idea to have guns 200 years ago then? How has200 years created an environment where the Citizens should no longer have guns?

People like to reference the "average" citizen when carrying a gun, however what is not mentioned is that the "average" citizen does not have one, so of course they would not know what to do.

When you get a conceal carry permit, you are required to take a safety/traning course.

In the end, people can call armed citizens *vigilantes* or *wanna be cowboys*, but anyone with one iota of critical thinking skills recognize these terms for what they are. Shaming techniques. Who says men cannot learn from women?

Call me whatever name you want, I have a rifle and soon a handgun. If having the means to defend myself, my liberty and my property makes me some villainous person, then I will carry my villainous label with pride.

There is always the possibility of tyrrany coming to any nation. The right to own guns is the best defense against such situations.

There are plenty of people who really do not care how free they are, as long as they do live. Then there are the rest of us that do care and actively desire to be free. All we ask is that you not drag us down into the abyss of defensless slavery with you.

It's so appropriate that your avatar is Huey. Fight the powah.
You think the Constitution is outdated??? I cannot believe anyone would say such a thing.

Plenty of things in the US Constitution have been found to be outdated (or missing) and subsequently amended over the years, I'm not even an American and I know this.

Little things like Women Voting, Slavery, Blacks Voting, and Presidential Term Limits were all totally missed in the original Constitution. So lets not be saying it's totally infallible and cannot become outdated, because it has already been shown to have flaws on several occasions.

The US Constitution isn't perfect or timeless, thus why Article 5 exists - even the founding fathers themselves knew it wasn't going to be a perfect and timeless document.
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