List of released Dream World Pokemon

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It kinda has to be a Cave area next. If you look at the unreleased DW Pokemon, it's mostly just the Dragon, Rock, Ground, Ice, & Dark-types all of which fit nicely in a cave.

Notable cave-dwelling Dream World Pokemon off the top of my head:

Good Thick Fat Mamo, Rough Skin Chomp (if he gets a second chance), Sand Power Hippowdon, and Bulkier-Excadrill (Sandslash) should all come in at the same time. Pro-Sand-ban will love that. (Unless they spilt it and make a Snow area or Desert area or some BS like that)

They're CLEARLY saving the best area for last. :/

I actually had a REALLY similar theory to this, only it was a desert area instead of a cave, and it included stuff like Cacnea, Sandshrew, Shieldon, Trapinch, Numel etc. But yeah, all the other stuff will be included in future areas, no doubt.

Also, I hate to string off topic a little, but how the heck are you getting so many points so quickly? I only have 590 and I want to unlock the other areas :(
I actually had a REALLY similar theory to this, only it was a desert area instead of a cave, and it included stuff like Cacnea, Sandshrew, Shieldon, Trapinch, Numel etc. But yeah, all the other stuff will be included in future areas, no doubt.

Also, I hate to string off topic a little, but how the heck are you getting so many points so quickly? I only have 590 and I want to unlock the other areas :(

You might be doing what I did earlier. When you go and play through the mini games, don't give the tree a berry. Just ask to go back home (preferable to do this when you're on the last map before the tree). Then go back to the dream bridge. Any pokemon you find will always stay there until you actually pick one, so you could accumulate pokemon for a month before actually picking one and having the rest of them at the tree go away.

Everytime you go through the dream bridge and play mini games, you get points. Just play for an hour. Also do berries, get dream pals, and water other people's berries.
Again, not talking about the GTS, and I imagine if people traded on a forum they'd go by the honor system.
& you can always check out the stats and stuff on the guy you're trading with.

re: new area, Serebii seyz "something big is coming, trust me"
so there's that!

Except unless you are a regular poster in WiFi and have your trade thread or something, people will usually go onto the GTS to directly trade.

I'm not really an expert at GTS, but iirc you can't view the ability. I could be wrong though...
Except unless you are a regular poster in WiFi and have your trade thread or something, people will usually go onto the GTS to directly trade.

I'm not really an expert at GTS, but iirc you can't view the ability. I could be wrong though...
Presumably people posting on this forum could go to a different section of this forum and find someone to trade with, be it through a trade thread, a pm or whatever
Or a different forum (I think most Pokemon forums would have one, especially ones that have information on DW Eevee being available)
Hi. This is my first post here as I normally lurk but I wanted to share that I just found a male Castform in Pleasent Forest with water pulse (I forgot to take a picture though). I have over 20000 points (to give an idea of its possible score requirement). Looks like there are new pokemon available (imposter ditto please).
Hi. This is my first post here as I normally lurk but I wanted to share that I just found a male Castform in Pleasent Forest with water pulse (I forgot to take a picture though). I have over 20000 points (to give an idea of its possible score requirement). Looks like there are new pokemon available (imposter ditto please).
We've known about Castform for a while. He's available at 7,500
Oh ok. It's just that it isn't in the list in the OP and I had never seen one before so I thought it was new.
You know, perhaps Castform should be listed on the front page (Even though it still has forecast). Otherwise people keep bringing it up.

As for GTS hunting, sure, you don't see the ability. But the thrill of the hunt comes in finding it! Well, not really. I say try to make/use good offers. Especially if they're level 10 as it's more likely to be a dream world ability. That's how I got my DW Eevee off the GTS.

Still, asking around here is a better option since I'm sure there's plenty of people here that can breed them by now. Even more so with the simple requests thread in the wifi forum.
Each to his own I guess. I prefer transferring them from my JP version though.

Also breeders usually keep 1 female Eevee for breeding, so the Eevees should be more of like Level 1 instead...
Don't wanna spam, but how do you guys take screenshots on DW Pokes? I'm getting confuddled cause I wanna do that too D:

Had a successful run today, befriended 21 Pokes before it became barren, although only a handful were female. Oh well, I'm just racking up points so I can unlock the other areas really, nothing special :P
Um, just do it like how you do a normal screenshot. Press Print Screen, then copy to Paint and crop the picture(optional). Upload it to an image-hosting website, then post the image in here.
You know, perhaps Castform should be listed on the front page (Even though it still has forecast). Otherwise people keep bringing it up.

Well my opinion is that it should be listed despite not having a dream world ability because it does have dream world exclusive moves such as water pulse.
Yeah, normally you're looking for level 1 Eevees. I'm just saying on the rare chance you see a level 10 one it's more likely to be a DW ability since some people get extra ones off Dream World. Or they just don't care.

On the note of Castform, if we DO add it then I can fetch up pages for each move, as I'm certain all of Castform's moves are confirmed in this topic.
You might be doing what I did earlier. When you go and play through the mini games, don't give the tree a berry. Just ask to go back home (preferable to do this when you're on the last map before the tree). Then go back to the dream bridge. Any pokemon you find will always stay there until you actually pick one, so you could accumulate pokemon for a month before actually picking one and having the rest of them at the tree go away.

Everytime you go through the dream bridge and play mini games, you get points. Just play for an hour. Also do berries, get dream pals, and water other people's berries.

Does going home to start again, when the area map is at 'one movement left' do something that going home from the tree will not? Am aware of the multiple runs on the 'island' as i go maybe six times usually.
FAQs are cool for stuff like that.

Anyhow, as I said I went through and found stuff that confirmed Castform stuff.

EDIT: Direct pictures is probably a better idea.
Castform with Ominous Wind (Egg move)
Castform with Ember (Level up move)

Does going home to start again, when the area map is at 'one movement left' do something that going home from the tree will not? Am aware of the multiple runs on the 'island' as i go maybe six times usually.
Nah, I don't think there's a difference. I used to return to home when at the tree. Now I don't and it's all the same. I return at "one step left" now only because I don't have to sit through the tree cutscene every time I retreat.
Stating that I have a Castform (f) @ Ominous Wind, had default moves leading to level ten so i used some TM's for Energy Ball & Blizzard and kept Hail.

Also have female Intimidate Qwilfish with 3 defaults up to ten, but has SECRET POWER. Poison Sting, Water Gun (i think), Minimize.

In my PC storage and can imgur a DS screenie. Not much else to mention other than...

seeing, on first post, a number tally of number of species available, by region (Japan vs elsewhere). The long wall of text 'could' also be put in a 'hide' box.
I don't think this has been posted anywhere, but for those of you who are sick of DW (I know I am), I have found a way to bring back two Pokemon in one day of DW session. Proof shown here.

What you will need to do is this
1. Send a Pokemon to Global Link
2. Do NOT play DW yet, check your DS clock and note the time.
3. Wait until the DS clock hits 0:00, meaning the next day has come on the DS clock. You may have to wait till the next day for this.
4. Log on and play DW as usual, until you find a Pokemon you want to take back, or Pokemon stop appearing. If you do have something you want to take back, head to the Tree of Dreams and take it back.
5. Exit the DW.
6. Start your Pokemon Black/White game and wake your Pokemon up.
7. Enter Game Sync again. Oh look, you can put a Pokemon to sleep, do so.
8. Go back to the DW again, and note that Pokemon and items have started to appear again.
9. Get your second Pokemon.

Basically you're combining two days of DW into one session, so you have to not play DW for at least one day after you last played. Very convenient if you've unlocked all the areas and are at 10000+ points since you'll find yourself rejecting a lot of Pokemon. You also don't have to religiously log on 24 hours after your last session anymore. The only catch is that you have to finish both sessions in an hour, which isn't too bad if you just take back a Pokemon you want immediately after finding it in your first session.
Get one kill with Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Earthquake or Fire Blast and Dragon Claw is already better than Outrage.

And lol Dragon Dance is an Egg move.

Moxie Bagon with Outrage DW Special? But then, it would have no Dragon Dance :sadface:

Or fuck it, bring back an Outrage tutor for the third game, troll freak.
Yeah, Maverick Hunter stated that one a while back. I've been using it whenever I slack off and miss a day, since it's pointless if you do it daily.


Carvanha with Bite (Level up move)

This should take care of all move confirmations at the moment, as well as every confirmation in Sparkling Sea. Now if I could just find female sudowoodo/growlithe so I can screenshot them... (I have them from the GTS but not from Dream World directly)
I have a couple questions about dual synching with an account if anyone could help me out? These are pretty case specific so any information helps.

- When synching two games (Black AND White) to a single account- can I then send a Pokemon from either game and get Pokemon on that respective game? EX: My account currently only has White, but I RNG in Black- so can I sync up my Black and start using my 10000+ point account and send Pokemon to my Black for RNGing?

- If I did sync my Black up, is there a way to unsync my White? The reason I ask is because I would like to restart my White to RNG a ID SID and then resync my White to my account with my Black.
I have a couple questions about dual synching with an account if anyone could help me out? These are pretty case specific so any information helps.

- When synching two games (Black AND White) to a single account- can I then send a Pokemon from either game and get Pokemon on that respective game? EX: My account currently only has White, but I RNG in Black- so can I sync up my Black and start using my 10000+ point account and send Pokemon to my Black for RNGing?

- If I did sync my Black up, is there a way to unsync my White? The reason I ask is because I would like to restart my White to RNG a ID SID and then resync my White to my account with my Black.

1. Yes
2. Nope
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