Wi-Fi Blacklist: as of January 30th, 2014

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Reporting downedbyrange to the blacklist for offering obviously hacked pokemon.

His offers are here and consist of a shiny Haxorus in a cherish ball, a shiny Victini in a quick ball and a shiny Zoroark in a luxury ball. I then asked for and received confirmation that he was the OT and they were shiny here.

I have screencapped both the post and the conversation in case he edits them.
Reporting downedbyrange to the blacklist for offering obviously hacked pokemon.

His offers are here and consist of a shiny Haxorus in a cherish ball, a shiny Victini in a quick ball and a shiny Zoroark in a luxury ball. I then asked for and received confirmation that he was the OT and they were shiny here.

I have screencapped both the post and the conversation in case he edits them.
It's not my business but I have to tell my opinion. I don't know this guy, also the pokemon are obviously hacked since you cannot get a Cherish ball Haxorus, a shiny Victini and a Shiny Zoroark (From the ingame event). It's really wrong to offer hacked pokemon, he admitted that they were his but did you try to make him understand? I mean you didn't even told him that they were hacked. As you can see he is new here so if you could try to get him in the right way with no hacks and such these things. I'm not against you. I'm totally with you and I totally agree with you, that you should report these things, but after a talk first. :)
Name-Haxorus OT-Blue
Somewhat vain
Ability-Mold breaker

Ability-Victory star

Capable of taking hits

Those are only three of the flawless pokemon i have atm just tell me what you could do with those.
Obviously adding downedbyrange to the blacklist as we don't need such hacks as offers around here.

I just have 1 question when the warning expires do i go off the black list?
Also how come your allowed to battle with them but not trade them those "hacks" are considered legal hacks when you battle with them why not when you trade them not trying to argue just asking a serious question i would like this to be answered in a calm way and not in a way that shows hate or dislike toward me thank you oh btw darkray i do believe a talk would have been good because i did not know that this was illegal i thought that a hacked pokemon had wrong nature/ability/stats etc. So yeah that would have been nice oh btw darkray im sure not all of tje pokemon on your thread are "legit" in fact i would be willing to argue that more then 3/4 of the pokemon on this site were created using a device such as an actionreplay or pokesav then distributed through this site that you have created for the pokemon community also i would like to argue the fact that i should be blacklisted for this offense unless i the offense expires on the date that it says because a simple warning would have been nice and also Expert Evan i would like to say poor moderation on your point because instead of talking to me like a normal human being you said one sentence let me quote you on this.
Offering illegally obtained pokemon is not welcomed here.
well thank you for that kind sir first of all you gave me a sentence about the offense didn't even tell me which pokemon were illegal and why i think that this kind of sloppy moderation should not be accepted at such a fine establishment for the pokemon community infact most of the "mods" if thats what you want to call them do not give coherent messages to you they quickly tell you what you did wrong with no explanation why its wrong and i think that the members off this website do not deserve to be treated that way here is another warning i got from another mod who did the bare minimum
When posting, it is a good idea to write so other people can understand you.
This was from Great sage who sent me this warning in response to something i posted and i will admit it was poorly written by me but easily could have been understood this is what i posted
OP when is this battle and goodluck Ooo maybe lanturn would also help but instead of the regular bolt/beam coverage due to his team i would go with waterfall and thunder bolt with confuse ray and thunder wave bc lanturn would be a good starter for that team do to the fact that lanturn being a bulky water type can actually withstand an earthquake from a steelix and be able to ohko it back also a good choice for ho oh because if u thunderwave ho oh he is pretty much useless falling to a lower speed then lanturn and lanturn would be able to 2hko with thunderbolt or waterfall.
That is what i said now he is trying to make a guessing game if he cant read it does that mean no one can no it doesn't and lately i don't like how these mods have been acting toward members who deserve the right to know what they did wrong instead of being given the bare minimum from kid/young adult moderators.
I think this is unfair and should be looked at buy the owner of this fine site I'm sorry for going on a rant here but it needed to be said hopefully this will help mods to make this a better website for members instead of being a cut throat place where if a mistake is made members without the right to appeal saying they didn't know are blacklisted right away I'm sorry but this is unfair I'm just trying to make Smogon a better place for regular members and kids that don't fully understand the rules. Thank you- Downedbyrange a regular member trying to make this place better.
Babismanias has the right mindset. His post
It's not my business but I have to tell my opinion. I don't know this guy, also the pokemon are obviously hacked since you cannot get a Cherish ball Haxorus, a shiny Victini and a Shiny Zoroark (From the ingame event). It's really wrong to offer hacked pokemon, he admitted that they were his but did you try to make him understand? I mean you didn't even told him that they were hacked. As you can see he is new here so if you could try to get him in the right way with no hacks and such these things. I'm not against you. I'm totally with you and I totally agree with you, that you should report these things, but after a talk first. :)
Bad things happen to those that don't read nor understand our rules, no need for us to keep spelling them out. You only get off the blacklist when others in our community feel they can trust you again if ever.
Drizzle is the same thing as rain dance

It's really not. Drizzle lasts until another weather becomes present. Where as Rain Dance lasts 5 or 8 turns plus takes a turn to setup.
As I just said, Rain Dance + SS is not banned. So someone breaking the site-wide banned combo, is blacklisting worthy.
Drizzle is the same thing as rain dance

No, it's not. Drizzle is an ability and Rain Dance is a move that means that you need one turn to use this move. Drizzle + Swift Swim is banned.
You should have mentioned this before doing it, i think that by doing this it wouldn't have caused any problem.
Id like to report BrbCig for purposely Dc'ing on me after i had my max attack, max speed scrafty jolly nature defeat 2, freeze on dragonite with ice punch, i use DD again and im at plus 2 speed and attack so he uses ferrothorn, i outspeed and use hi-jump kick and faint his ferrothorn and hihidaruma so he disconnects on me, he tells me that picking a different pokemon as the lead is cheating when he did it too, we started again because i picked only ninetails by accident so we ran and tried again and then he picks dragonite after first having picked reuniclus against my ninetails so he switched to dragonite when we re-picked and he didnt say anything about picking another one, nor is there a rule about it on the thread. Hes a Dc'er, what a jerk, he couldve easily ran.
Id like to report BrbCig for purposely Dc'ing on me after i had my max attack, max speed scrafty jolly nature defeat 2, freeze on dragonite with ice punch, i use DD again and im at plus 2 speed and attack so he uses ferrothorn, i outspeed and use hi-jump kick and faint his ferrothorn and hihidaruma so he disconnects on me, he tells me that picking a different pokemon as the lead is cheating when he did it too, we started again because i picked only ninetails by accident so we ran and tried again and then he picks dragonite after first having picked reuniclus against my ninetails so he switched to dragonite when we re-picked and he didnt say anything about picking another one, nor is there a rule about it on the thread. Hes a Dc'er, what a jerk, he couldve easily ran.

Don't tell a folk tale lie, how do you just Mislead your Ninetales when you have to confirm another 5 pokes ? Obvious Liar obvious, then you restart the game and switch the lead when your Ninetales was the obvious lead and I knew everything you would do, so you pull a gay move such as switching your lead, I wouldn't play this player at ALL, I've played over 30 people on smogon and I've never d'cd once wether I lost or won
Don't tell a folk tale lie, how do you just Mislead your Ninetales when you have to confirm another 5 pokes ? Obvious Liar obvious, then you restart the game and switch the lead when your Ninetales was the obvious lead and I knew everything you would do, so you pull a gay move such as switching your lead, I wouldn't play this player at ALL, I've played over 30 people on smogon and I've never d'cd once wether I lost or won

Umm i woulve led with it but i thought well obvious powerhouse is obvious and i picked scrafty i didnt mislead i rushed and picked only ninetails
Umm i woulve led with it but i thought well obvious powerhouse is obvious and i picked scrafty i didnt mislead i rushed and picked only ninetails

Cool story bro, Don't sugar coat the lies, Btw you didn't confirm right away it was quite a few seconds before it said " Stand by " again quit lying
Cool story bro, Don't sugar coat the lies, Btw you didn't confirm right away it was quite a few seconds before it said " Stand by " again quit lying

Don't tell a folk tale lie, how do you just Mislead your Ninetales when you have to confirm another 5 pokes ? Obvious Liar obvious, then you restart the game and switch the lead when your Ninetales was the obvious lead and I knew everything you would do, so you pull a gay move such as switching your lead, I wouldn't play this player at ALL, I've played over 30 people on smogon and I've never d'cd once wether I lost or won

you sound like an idiot. either way, both plead your case, and let the decision be made. take your flaming to VM/PM.
I'd like to report the user Delagacii for trading hacked pokemon.
His trade thread: UnderConstruction

As seen in his trade thread, he's trading adamant shiny 31/31/31/31/31/31 legendaries, timid shiny 31/30/30/31/31/31 raikou and hasty shiny 31/30/31/30/31/31 Love ball Raikou & Entei (They're just examples, if you take a closer look at the entire trade thread you'll discover other hacks)
Those spreads do not exist in 4th gen.
I'd like to report the user Delagacii for trading hacked pokemon.
His trade thread: UnderConstruction

As seen in his trade thread, he's trading adamant shiny 31/31/31/31/31/31 legendaries, timid shiny 31/30/30/31/31/31 raikou and hasty shiny 31/30/31/30/31/31 Love ball Raikou & Entei (They're just examples, if you take a closer look at the entire trade thread you'll discover other hacks)
Those spreads do not exist in 4th gen.

I was going to report it too. He also has some "Theoretically possible" Pokemons, which are impossible on HG if I remember correctly.
I'd like to report the user Delagacii for trading hacked pokemon.
His trade thread: UnderConstruction

As seen in his trade thread, he's trading adamant shiny 31/31/31/31/31/31 legendaries, timid shiny 31/30/30/31/31/31 raikou and hasty shiny 31/30/31/30/31/31 Love ball Raikou & Entei (They're just examples, if you take a closer look at the entire trade thread you'll discover other hacks)
Those spreads do not exist in 4th gen.
Yes in addition there are two dragonairs a rapidash scyther and a couple of others.
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