DP Warstory 2: Pablo vs Pat22331 (Serebii)

There haven't been any warstories lately, so might as well write one myself since I love reading them, so maybe if I do more I'll encourage other people to write more.

I decided to mix up my team a little and use old Pokemons I had trained in some of my boxes but tried to keep some 'synergy'. The team was focused around DDTar, with Sleep and Paralyze support to let it set up.

So the Teams are as follows:



And so the battle begins I select his name in the WiFi common room.

This is a 37 turn battle, and it included Stealth Rock on both my side, his side AND Sandstorm!

PaBlO sends in Spiritomb.
PAT sends in Heracross.

Aight so I just HAVE to assume it's AS Heracross and thus it is unable to OHKO Spiritomb, only CBones can.

Heracross used Megahorn, but the attack missed.
Spiritomb used Hypnosis, Heracross fell asleep.

That was unfair I guess, but I would've benefitted more from it hitting and then Pain Splitting the upcoming threat.

PAT withdrew Heracross for Manaphy.
PaBlO withdrew Spiritomb for Tyranitar.
Tyranitar whipped up a Sandstorm.
Manaphy is hurt by the Sandstorm.

Well that sucked, I am now at a CLEAR disadvantage as Surf just wrecks me.

PaBlO withdrew Tyranitar for Sceptile.
Manaphy used Grass Rope (15%).
Sceptile is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Manaphy is hurt by the Sandstorm.

Doesn't STAB Surf do more to Tyranitar than Grass Rope? O well, worked out better for me I guess.

PAT withdrew Manaphy for Blissey.
Sceptile used Leaf Storm (30%).
Sceptile's Special Attack drops.
Sceptile is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP with Leftovers.

I of course can't let Sceptile in to get Ice Beamed or Thunder Waved and I see this as an opening for my main Pokemon again.

PaBlO withdrew Sceptile for Tyranitar.
Blissey used Ice Beam (10%).
Blissey is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP with Leftovers.
Tyranitar recovers HP with Leftovers.

Well Tyranitar is in and if he doesn't have Skarm I think I have a good shot of sweeping him (remember at this point these were my thoughts and I didn't know his full team).

PAT withdrew Blissey for Skarmory.
Tyranitar used Dragon Dance, Attack and Speed rose.
Tyranitar recovers HP with Leftovers.

Lame, he does have SkarmBliss and I realize at this point how WEAK my team is to skarmory. I assume he will Whirl Wind Tyranitar away so might as well dent Skarmory as hard as possible with Stone Edge, maybe even get a lucky CH for the OHKO.

Tyanitar used Stone Edge (50%).
Skarmory used Whirl Wind.
Swampert was dragged into the battle.

Well anything besides Sceptile was going to hurt when it came in on Skarmory, so at this point I just assume I will most likely lose but I'll still try my best, and my best comes out with some nice prediction on Skarmory since as you may have noticed, did not carry Leftovers.

Skarmory used Feather Rest. He restored (50%) HP.
Swampert used Earthquake (50%).

LOL Skarmory gets Earhquaked yay, so he knows he can't Feather Rest safely, but one bad prediction on my part could screw me over pretty bad. And thus the following turns are mind games between Skarmory and Swampert.

Skarmory used Drill Peck (11%).
Swampert used Stealth Rock.
Rocks circulate the opponent's area.

Skarmory used Stealth Rock.
Rocks circulate my area.
Swampert used Earthquake, it doesn't affect foe Skarmory.

Dam, got beaten to the mind games. I figure he's scared to Feather Rest anymore before I hit him once more at least.

Swampert used Water Fall (20%)
Skarmory used Whirl Wind.
Sceptile was dragged into the battle.
Sceptile is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Sceptile is hurt by the Sandstorm.

Well this is kind of a releif as Sceptile will most surely force Skarmory to switch, or else it eats a Focus Bomb, and I figure his only other "safe" switchin is Blissey so time for Sceptile to shine.

PAT withdrew Skarmory for Blissey.
Blissey is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Sceptile used Focus Bomb (45%).
Sceptile is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey is is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP with Leftovers.

Dam Blissey didn't die, I was hoping Stealth Rock would seal the deal to OHKO it. O well it will next turn.

Sceptile used Focus Bomb... but the attack missed.
Blissey used Thunder Wave.
Sceptile is paralyzed it may be unable to move.
Sceptile is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP from Leftovers.

Well that sucked so much I can't even being to describe it. Sceptile is far weakened by Sandstorm and Stealth Rock and it is now paralyzed so it can't threaten Skarmory as it'll just get KOed by Drill Peck. I can't switch it out as it no longer threatens anything at this point, so bye bye Sceptile.

Blissey used Softboiled. She restored (50%) HP.
Sceptile is paralyzed and cannot move.
Sceptile is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP from Leftovers.

LOL this just made Sceptile's efforts completely useless at this point. O well too bad, I can't beat Skarmory anyways.

Blissey used Ice Beam (30%).
Sceptile fainted.
Blissey is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP from Leftovers.


Heh this is pretty much game, as nothing threatens his Skarmory right now.

PaBlO sent in Swampert.
Swampert is hurt by Stealth Rock.

PAT withdrew Blissey for Skarmory.
Skarmory is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Swampert used Water Fall (20%).
Swampert recovers HP from Leftovers.
Skarmory recovers HP from Leftovers.

Eh. My only shot at KOing Skarmory and he survived with 1% HP or even 1 HP alone who knows, but that really really sucked. I then get ready cause the mindgames being again.

Skarmory used Feather Rest. He restored (50%) HP.
Swampert used Earthquake (48%).
Swampert recovers HP from Leftovers.
Skarmory recovers HP from Leftovers.

LOL skarmory gets Earthquake'd again, gotta love that. At this point I don't think I can win this battle but eh might as well give it my best. I'm unsure if he will just keep Feather Resting until he has a good chunk of HP from Leftovers and risk me never CHing or he will Whirl Wind me away thinking I will Earthquake once more.

Skarmory used Drill Peck (12%).
Swampert used Water Fall (22%).
Skarmory fainted.
Swampert recovers HP from Leftovers.


Wow I was pretty sure he would Whirl Wind me away, but he didn't and chose to Drill Peck instead. Ah well at least Skarmory is out of the way and I have a legitimate chance now I'm thinking, but turns out Skarmory was the least of my worries.

PAT sent out Gyarados.
Gyarados is hurt by Stealth rock.
Gyarados's Intimidate lowers Swampert's attack.

Well that sucks alot, I got nothing to battle that thing, nothing, NADA, I really need to include BoltBeamers in my teams. After much thinking I figure the only way to stop it is sacrificing something and then using my surprise Pokemon.

PaBlO withdrew Swampert for Spiritomb.
Spiritomb is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Gyarados used Dragon Dance, Speed and Attack rose.
Gyarados is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Gyarados recovers HP from Leftovers.
Spiritomb is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb recovers HP from Leftovers.

WTH do I do against that THING? I'm unsure if he will take this chance to Dragon Dance his way to victory OR if he will attack me. I can't use Hypnosis because Hera is already asleep and I won't break the Sleep Clause cause that'd be very cheap even though we didn't really agree on any rules but IMO they are always 'known' even if not mentioned.

Gyarados used Water Fall (80%).
Spiritomb used Dark Pulse (24%).
Gyarados is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Gyarados recovers HP from Leftovers.
Spiritomb is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb recovers HP from Leftovers.

I dunno what would've dealt more damage to be honest, cause I don't know the EV's/IV's of the Gyarados and because it already is at 75% due to Stealth Rock (<3) so I jut took the safe choice. Now I figure its NOW or never and I have to bring in my surprise Pokemon.

PaBlO withdrew Spiritomb for Garchomp.
Garchomp is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Gyarados used Water Fall (75%).
Gyarados is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Gyarados recovers HP from Leftovers.

No Sand Veil hax for me oh well, guess that seals it as I have nothing to counter Dragon Dance Gyarados... OR DO I?!?!?!

Garchomp used Outrage (51%).
Gyarados fainted.


ZOMG! YES! The tides of the battle turn around when all seemed lost and ASChomp surprises like NEVER before!

PAT sent out Blissey.
Blissey is hurt by Stealth Rock.

Ah well, Garchomp is stuck there for sure, but Blissey is a weird choice and I should KO it with Outrage as well! No clue why he didn't bring in Manaphy.

Garchomp used Outrage (62%).
Blissey used Soft Boiled. She recovered (50%) HP.
Blissey is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP with Leftovers.

That Blissey survived probably with 1% HP, the HP bar was barely visible and I thought I was doomed for sure. If my Garchomp was 31 IV in Attack instead of 24 I think I'd have gotten the kill for sure... lazy me, ah well at least Garchomp didn't confuse himself so blissey dies for sure next turn OR whatever comes in takes a nice hit.

Garchomp used Outrage (57%).
Blissey fainted.
Garchomp became confused out of fatigue.


PAT sent out Manaphy.

I can only assume he chose Blissey over this guy as getting a good Manaphy is hard, so it may have had a -Def + Sp. Att/Speed nature or simply bad IV for Defense and HP and he didn't think it would survive the Outrage from Garchomp OR it didn't have Ice Beam? Garchomp was very weakened from the previous hit by Gyarados so Surf or Grass Rope would've finished him for sure. Who knows.

Well back to the battle, I don't want to risk Garchomp dying and Stealth Rock does 6.25% cause he's resistant so he still has quite a few switchins and due to AS he can revenge kill amazingly.

PaBlO withdrew Garchomp for Blissey.
Blissey is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Manaphy used Surf (15%).
Blissey is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP from Leftovers.

If he has Tail Glow he can threaten Blissey alot, so might as well paralyze him to stop him from sweeping.

PAT withdrew Manaphy for Heracross.
Heracross is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Blissey used Thunder Wave, but the attack missed.
Heracross is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Blissey recovers HP from Leftovers.

I still don't know what his last Pokemon is, I'm just hoping it's something weak and fast so that Garchomp can take care of it. I'm afraid of Sleep Talk so I will switch to Spiritomb as if he Sleep Talks In Fight I'll be undamaged and after one Sleep Talk, CB/AS/AG don't let Sleep Talk work anymore so sacrificing Spiritomb seems an ok choice at this point.

PaBlO withdrew Blissey for Spiritomb.
Spiritomb is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Heracross is fast asleep.
Heracross is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb recovers HP from Leftovers.

W00t no Sleep Talk, so Spiritomb gets free recovery.

Heracross is fast asleep.
Spiritomb used Pain Split.
Battlers shared the pain (130 HP each).
Heracross is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb recovers HP from Leftovers.

And now the final turns of the battle, in which his last Pokemon is finally unveiled.

Heracross is fast asleep.
Spiritomb used Dark Pulse (24%).
Heracross is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb recovers HP from Leftovers.

PAT withdrew Heracross for Manaphy.
Manaphy is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Spiritomb used Dark Pulse (20%).
Manaphy is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Manaphy recovers HP from Leftovers.
Spiritomb is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb recovers HP from Leftovers.

Unsure if he will Tail Glow or not, I just rather do as much damage as possible to ensure Garchomp can finisht it off.

Manaphy used Surf (40%).
Spiritomb used Dark Pulse (20%).
Manaphy is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Manaphy recovers HP from Leftovers.
Spiritomb is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Spiritomb recovers HP from Leftovers.

Manaphy used Surf (10%).
Spiritomb fainted.
Manaphy is hurt by the Sandstorm.
Manaphy recovers HP from Leftovers.


PaBlO sent in Garchomp.
Garchomp is hurt by Stealth Rock.

PAT withdrew Manaphy for Heracross.
Garchomp used Dragon Claw (10%).
Heracross fainted.


PAT sent in Electivire.
Electivire is hurt by Stealth Rock.

I'm unsure if Dragon Claw will OHKO and I'm still afraid of Manaphy, so I figure I can spare any Pokemon to switch from Dragon Claw to EQ and finish the sweep.

PaBlO withdrew Garchomp for Swampert.
Swampert is hurt by Stealth Rock.
Electivire used Ice Punch (26%).

HP Grass perhaps?

Electivire use Cross Chop (35%).
Swampert used Earthquake (80%).
Electivire fainted.


Nope, so Electivire succumbs.

PAT sent out Manaphy.
Manaphy is hurt by Stealth Rock.

Manaphy used Grass Rope (20%).
Swampert fainted.
Manaphy is hurt by Sandstorm.
Manaphy recovers HP from Leftovers.


PaBlO sent out Garchomp.
Garchomp is hurt by Stealth Rock.

Garchomp used Outrage (8%).
Manaphy fainted.


Well that was a very nice game, and I was on the edge all the time and I think I exploited my opponent's mistakes fairly well.

-Garchomp cause hey, he lived up to its label: biggest threat in DP.

Hope you enjoyed reading, it sure as hell wasnt that fun taking notes and typing it up but it's worth it.
ASChomp, nice. Stuff like that is why I prefer CBChomp over SD Chomp. Anyways nice battle. I'm also glad I will be running HP Grass Electivire.
HP Grass 'Vire?
(Wants to make a warstory in which I'm victorious vs. Lupo Aro because he got ripped by Blissey but the match ended rather embarrasingly).

EDIT: 1313th post.

Now if I remember everything correctly I CAN make a warstory of me vs. Megamiz which ended up with AGMence destroying 5 of his guys (including Cresselia), but the match is like 24 minutes long.

EDIT2: Where were you on Sunday?
That's awesome, AS Garchomp came out of nowhere, that's really a nice pokemon. I'm not sure I wouldn't have kept my once-DDed Gyarados in myself...however I'm pretty sure I personally would have DDed again lol

And Juuka, it seems like he doubted himself because he was adding to the dramatic effect of the warstory, in my opinion, which makes it all the more awesome.
HP Grass 'Vire?

Now if I remember everything correctly I CAN make a warstory of me vs. Megamiz which ended up with AGMence destroying 5 of his guys (including Cresselia), but the match is like 24 minutes long.

How about NO. Ever since that match, I've carried Manmuu (Mamoswine) like I do my dick. Great story PaBlo. Now get on WiFi/MSN so we can make another warstory.
HP Grass 'Vire?
(Wants to make a warstory in which I'm victorious vs. Lupo Aro because he got ripped by Blissey but the match ended rather embarrasingly).

EDIT: 1313th post.

Now if I remember everything correctly I CAN make a warstory of me vs. Megamiz which ended up with AGMence destroying 5 of his guys (including Cresselia), but the match is like 24 minutes long.

EDIT2: Where were you on Sunday?

sorry I came back too late from out of town, and I'm going again this weekend, but the one afterwards we can battle for sure, and help out X-Act although it might be too late for that.
Excellent warstory, thanks very much for posting.

AS Outrage is interesting, because it takes care of many of the main concerns that you get while using Outrage in the first place...namely, Weavile or Starmie coming in and instakilling you while you're locked in.
Great story, boss. Nice read and nice win!

It also emphasizes something i've been thinking all along: 70% accuracy moves fucking blow, lol
sorry I came back too late from out of town, and I'm going again this weekend, but the one afterwards we can battle for sure, and help out X-Act although it might be too late for that.

Great warstory, man.

You're never too late for that. I still need that information badly. So, if you do it, million thanks in advance!

PabloMeza said:
Skarmory used Drill Peck (12%).
Swampert used Water Fall (22%).
Skarmory fainted.
Swampert recovers HP from Leftovers.


Wow I was pretty sure he would Whirl Wind me away, but he didn't and chose to Drill Peck instead. Ah well at least Skarmory is out of the way and I have a legitimate chance now I'm thinking, but turns out Skarmory was the least of my worries.

Btw, Whirlwind always goes second, so even if he had Whirlwind'd you, you would have KOed him with Waterfall before he forces you to switch.

Also, Hypnotising that Heracross in your very first move was extremely risky, since Heracross might have been a Sleep Talk version, and you activated his Guts by the sleep.
AS outrage Garchomp was something I was hoping to pull out as a surprise.. Dratt.

This I think is the best war story so far.. Good job!

Have a nice day.
Great warstory, man.

You're never too late for that. I still need that information badly. So, if you do it, million thanks in advance!

Btw, Whirlwind always goes second, so even if he had Whirlwind'd you, you would have KOed him with Waterfall before he forces you to switch.

Also, Hypnotising that Heracross in your very first move was extremely risky, since Heracross might have been a Sleep Talk version, and you activated his Guts by the sleep.

I will do it, and will try and get it done during the course of next week with someone that is not jibaku or whatever, I'm sure SePh258 would be willing to help, right Seph? ;)

I know Whirlwind goes second and I still would've killed Skarmory, but I thought he'd expect an Earthquake from me thinking I'd think he would Feather Rest. Mind Games FTW :)

Also yeah, Hypnotizing Hera was a bold move, but since he started with it, I assumed AS (which was probably correct) so he wouldn't choose Sleep Talk as his first move and he would of course go first so I think choosing Hyposis was a wise choice.
very nice story, gives me something to think about...time to open that Word document and get on with my team again...

edit: on turn #31, wouldn't Pain split haven't been a better choice?
Finally, a story where Gachomp actually shows what it's worth instead of being hailed for being the best on-paper sweeper. Agreeing with anyone who says this war story is good.
I would have replied to this earlier, but I got distracted by Fish's topic.

Good story, I actually thought of an AS Garchomp a while back, but I can say Outrage never occurred to me.
nice story, but here's a question:

what are your EV's on ASChomp? 252 atk is basically a given i think, but it seems like 252 speed might be overkill... maybe i'm just wrong and a 252/252/5/1 spread could work well [-gotta use all them EV's :) -]
I gave it 252 Speed because its sole purpose is to sweep and it can be very helpful against boosted stuff that gets surprised by an outrage in the face such as the gyarados in the war story. It's just kinda a coushon so I don't get sweeped by Rock Cart Rhyperior/Rampardos or other AS stuff. very few stuff has 450 speed after AS.