Data Battle Tower (For all your Match-Seeking Needs!)

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3v3 Singles NFEs
1 Day DQ
0 Recover/Chill
ASB, unless you have something else that isn't too restricting in mind
Accepting! I'm currently awaiting approval on a purchase of an Exp. Share, do you mind if I use it?
Update: Got the Exp. Share. Good to go :)

Items=Only for Exp. Share, Lucky Egg, etc.

ASB arena is fine.

Ref, anyone?
(I think SimonSays is still looking for a ref for his 3v3 singles match on the last page, so he's first)
Need a subref for this match, although i don't exactly know how many people will ref.

EDIT: Also, sending out another match.

2v2 singles 1 strongmon for each team, the other is NFE.
Training battle
3 day DQ
2 recoveries 5 chills
Arena: ASB arena

Neither of these have been accepted, so...

"We need your help, [Smogon username]! Andross has declared war on the galaxy! He's invaded the [Match where i need a subref], and is trying to take over [Match where i need a partner]! Our army alone can't do the job! Hurry, [Smogon username]!"
After a time out, im back to battel again! Requesting:

3v3 singles, All NFE
Training battle
3 day DQ
Unlimited recoveries Unlimited chills
Arena: I think if you pick, then I pick my pokemon second?
1v1 Singles
2 Day DQ
Arena: ASB Arena
FE Gym Training
Send only ONE Pokemon to the Ref.

I'll take it. i wont use an item however.

EDIT: For the benefit of the ref, KAXTAR DO NOT VIEW PLEASE

Charizard, Zoan, Male
Nature: Lonely
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or brushfire areas.
Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks except under the effects of Smack Down and Gravity, even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.
Blaze: Type: Innate
When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33%, the base damage of any fire attack is increased by two (2). (eg Flamethrower goes from 10 to 12, Fire Blast from 12 to 14)
(Unlocked) (DW) Solar Power:
Type: Innate
When in bright sunlight, this Pokemon burns solar energy and 1 HP/action to increase the Base Attack Power of all their special attacks by two (2).

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 2 (-)
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100

EC: 9/9
MC: 4
DC: 5/5

Heat Wave
Dragon Claw
Shadow Claw
Air Slash
Metal Claw
Dragon Rage
Scary Face
Fire Fang

Dragon Dance
Flare Blitz
Belly Drum

Rock Slide
Swords Dance
Hidden Power Grass 7
Reposting for dummy's sake if he chooses to ref it
3v3 Singles NFEs
1 Day DQ
0 Recover/Chill
ASB, unless you have something else that isn't too restricting in mind

Accepting! I'm currently awaiting approval on a purchase of an Exp. Share, do you mind if I use it?
Update: Got the Exp. Share. Good to go :)

Items=Only for Exp. Share, Lucky Egg, etc.

ASB arena is fine.

Ref, anyone?
(I think SimonSays is still looking for a ref for his 3v3 singles match on the last page, so he's first)

This guy... EndQuote, Ziposaki, PM teams. =]
I feel bad that I never reffed one of these crazy 6-person melee battles before so yeah, going to go do it. Perhaps a brawl afterward but we'll see.

First person chooses arena, and if it's LC, mixed, strongmons, training, etc because that's important.

Second person chooses mode (1v1 or 2v2 singles preferred, please no doubles/triples) and DQ (1 day and you die).

Third person chooses recovers/heals.

Fourth person chooses items (probably on just for the exp share stuff?).

Fifth person chooses switch mode (lol probably not).

Sixth person chooses the abilities.

plox join i need to learn how this works.

uhh i guess you can post in placeholders, but direct it at this post so we know what's going on. don't want 2 people making an arena at the same time.
I feel bad that I never reffed one of these crazy 6-person melee battles before so yeah, going to go do it. Perhaps a brawl afterward but we'll see.

First person chooses arena, and if it's LC, mixed, strongmons, training, etc because that's important.

Second person chooses mode (1v1 or 2v2 singles preferred, please no doubles/triples) and DQ (1 day and you die).

Third person chooses recovers/heals.

Fourth person chooses items (probably on just for the exp share stuff?).

Fifth person chooses switch mode (lol probably not).

Sixth person chooses the abilities.

plox join i need to learn how this works.

uhh i guess you can post in placeholders, but direct it at this post so we know what's going on. don't want 2 people making an arena at the same time.

Hello i an ready to have my ass handed to me again.
LC (muahahaha), not training

Flora: don't forget that you pick the arena as well! You can forfeit that to the next poster though.

Arena choice forfeited to next poster.
Seeing as my match against TheWolfe isn't going to get reffed...

I want to be a part of Flora's big super brawl!

Arena: Tourney Arena... IN SPACE!!!
Field Type: Rock/ Steel/ Ice
Complexity: Intense
Format: All

Restrictions: No Air, No Weather Except Sun and Sandstorm, No Sound-based Moves



In commendation of the 1000th successful launch from Mossdeep City, the local scientists decided to take a take a shot at terraforming the Moon. Apparently, it was more successful than they ever anticipated. And what better way to make a modern city than with an Arena?

It's in every way like the normal Tournament Arena, save for the large glass dome about 30m above the ground and the absolutely gorgeous view of the vast expanse of space. The lack of atmosphere doesn't support clouds, so rain and hail are out of the question. The glass that the dome of the arena is fairly Sturdy, but it is very much breakable and will smash if "hit everything" moves are used too much. (treat it as a 150HP entity, Steel/Normal type with Rank 4 Defenses). Mmm, space...

And as an added touch, there is a 5% chance of a certain little orange-eyed personality core will come rolling in, yelling all sorts of nonsense about Space. What effect this causes is totally up to ref's discretion.

Flora: I think the arena is decent, but the amount of restrictions and limitations can be annoying to remember/annoying in general. Being too close to realism seems to be the issue here. Remember, it's Pokemon.

I'd lower the amounts of restrictions. Perhaps keep "no rain and hail" but remove no air and sound-based moves. Space suits should not limit any moves whatsoever. I like the 5% chance of the random thing with ref's discretion (don't worry, I don't bite). I think I'm fine with everything else.

EDIT: Lightened it up. I think, with 6 Players, 2v2 Singles and a 2 Day DQ for players, and a 7 Day DQ for the Ref would be fine. 3rd person can agree/disagree.
What better way to test a new arena than with a brawl? Well, I could list many...

5v5 BRAWL [Training]
3 Day DQ
2 Recover / 5 Chills, though I doubt we'll be needing them.

Simple arena again.
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