Ubers Combination Thread (Generation 5 Edition)

I'm pretty sure I've already posted this somewhere else in Ubers but:

[Kyogre@Choice Specs and Modest, Water Spout / Thunder / Ice Beam / Surf + Rayquaza@Life Orb and Jolly, Outrage / ExtremeSpeed / Earthquake / Dragon Dance]

[Offensive Combination]

It's no secret that Specs Kyogre is a deadly wallbreaker, and this combination capitalizes on it. A Modest Water Spout from Choice Specs Kyogre conveniently places 4 HP Palkia in KO range of a +1 ExtremeSpeed from Rayquaza. It also cripples Ferrothorn, the most prominent Steel-type in Ubers, making it very difficult for it to wall a +1 Outraging Rayqauza. Earthquake disuades Choice Scarf Terrakion from switching in on a predicted Dragon Dance and smashes Steel Arceus, and also dispatches Dialga without Rayquaza from having to lock itself into Outrage. Overheat is also an option for removing a full-health Ferrothorn, making it much more difficult for the opponent to handle Kyogre.

This combination appreciates Rapid Spin (Rayqauza is SR weak, Kyogre needs full power Water Spouts). I personally enjoy using Choice Band Kabutops here which can also deal with Choice Scarf Terrakion in the rain if Kabutops packs Aqua Jet or a Jolly nature. Paralysis support is also appreciated here since it helps Kyogre deal with offensive teams more easily, and also makes Rayquaza more difficult to revenge kill if the opponent is relying on a Choice Scarfer.
Added the combination now. Some of the sprites disappeared so I am not adding them yet. When Fireburn/Jibaku wants to do it, they can just add them in.
wobbuffet + cloyster + kyogre,

wobbuffet @ leftovers, 28 hp, 228 def, 252 spdef, calm
counter, mirror coat, encore, safeguard

cloyster @ life orb, 232 atk, 32 spatk, 244 spe, naive
shell smash, rock blast, hydro pump, icicle spear

kyogre @ choice scarf, 64 hp, 252 spatk, 192 spe, modest
water spout, surf, ice beam, thunder

it isn't perfect, but, once your opponent realizes kyogre is scarfed and not specs'd ferrothorn or blissey will come in, making them wobbuffet bait and allowing cloyster free set up. if palkia comes in wobbuffet can usually kill it too, unless it's mixed and bluffs cs or is some sort of nasty specs variant that bluffs thunder and 2hko's wobb with hpump. also probably has trouble with grassceus.
Added the combination now. Some of the sprites disappeared so I am not adding them yet. When Fireburn/Jibaku wants to do it, they can just add them in.

Apparently all images from aragon are defective and do not work for some odd reason now. I switched my post's images so that they do work now. Also lol at the result of drown all.
[note this is not a troll]
[Kyogre @ Choice Scarf Timid, Water Spout / Ice beam / Thunder / Hydro Pump + Wobbufett @ Leftovers Calm, Counter / Mirror Coat / Encore / Safeguard + Poliwrath @ Leftovers and Jolly, Encore / Belly Drum / Waterfall / Brick Break]
[Wobbufett Type Combination]

[With Kyogre, Swift Swim Poliwrath becomes effective, plus Scarf Kyogre can be used to check Groudon and Rayquaza with Hydro Pump or Ice Beam, respectively. Wobbufett with Encore works as a free Encore set-up and helps eliminate other Swift Swim or Scarf threats such as Kingdra or Scarf Shaymin-S. With Wobbufett and Kyogre removing the faster or weather negating checks, Poliwrath is able to safely come in and Belly Drum opponents so its STAB backed by Rain can sweep through an opposing team causing most of the UBER metagame to fall in 1HKOs. Poliwrath does support its own Encore rather than a third attacking move to ensure that if say Darkrai or a faster Taunt comes in against Wobbufett, Poliwrath's Encore can effectively outpace and trap the foe into a free switch or in Poliwrath's case, a free belly Drum. Don't worry about Stealth Rocks, Leftovers and Poliwrath's typing negate that damage after 1 turn being switched in, allowing for Poliwrath to always be able to Belly Drum at least twice.]

[This combination can be stopped by Faster foes such as Scarf Shaymin-S, or Pokemon with weather abilities like Kingdra, Groudon, or Rayquaza, but for the most part the only other Pokemon that can withstand a 1HKO from Poliwrath's STABs once Belly Drum has been used are defensive foes such as Shedinja, Giratina/O, and sometimes max HP/Def Lugia. Keeping in mind priority from the likes of Rayquaza and Arceus can damage Poliwrath, one must remember that Leftovers are used to secure survival after Belly Drum.]

[To fix these problems, one might also include entry hazard support. Stealth Rocks alone eliminate Shedinja, and Lugia's chances of surviving a Rain Belly Drum boosted Waterfall are completely negated. Toxic Spikes from the likes of Forretress can also help to wear down Giratina and Groudon.]
[Kyogre @ Choice Scarf Timid, Water Spout / Ice beam / Thunder / Hydro Pump + Wobbufett @ Leftovers Calm, Counter / Mirror Coat / Encore / Safeguard + Poliwrath @ Leftovers and Adamant, Encore / Belly Drum / Waterfall / Brick Break]
[Wobbufett Type Combination]

[With Kyogre, Swift Swim Poliwrath becomes effective, plus Scarf Kyogre can be used to check Groudon and Rayquaza with Hydro Pump or Ice Beam, respectively. Wobbufett with Encore works as a free Encore set-up and helps eliminate other Swift Swim or Scarf threats such as Kingdra or Scarf Shaymin-S. With Wobbufett and Kyogre removing the faster or weather negating checks, Poliwrath is able to safely come in and Belly Drum opponents so its STAB backed by Rain can sweep through an opposing team causing most of the UBER metagame to fall in 1HKOs. Poliwrath does support its own Encore rather than a third attacking move to ensure that if say Darkrai or a faster Taunt comes in against Wobbufett, Poliwrath's Encore can effectively outpace and trap the foe into a free switch or in Poliwrath's case, a free belly Drum. Don't worry about Stealth Rocks, Leftovers and Poliwrath's typing negate that damage after 1 turn being switched in, allowing for Poliwrath to always be able to Belly Drum at least twice.]

[This combination can be stopped by Faster foes such as Scarf Shaymin-S, or Pokemon with weather abilities like Kingdra, Groudon, or Rayquaza, but for the most part the only other Pokemon that can withstand a 1HKO from Poliwrath's STABs once Belly Drum has been used are defensive foes such as Shedinja, Giratina/O, and sometimes max HP/Def Lugia. Keeping in mind priority from the likes of Rayquaza and Arceus can damage Poliwrath, one must remember that Leftovers are used to secure survival after Belly Drum.]

[To fix these problems, one might also include entry hazard support. Stealth Rocks alone eliminate Shedinja, and Lugia's chances of surviving a Rain Belly Drum boosted Waterfall are completely negated. Toxic Spikes from the likes of Forretress can also help to wear down Giratina and Groudon.]

Adamant Poliwrath peaks at 478 Speed, which isn't even enough to outspeed Scarf Palkia. Defensive Kyogre is also a Pokemon that Poliwrath can't OHKO at +6, which is pretty pathetic, actually.

Something Shrang posted in non ubers thread. It exactly states why poliwrath is a rather iffy sweeper.
I just want to reserve Wallceus and Chansey. My friend Fiction has used it, and damn it works. Will edit later.
I guess one could make Poliwrath Jolly over Adamant and simply use Stealth Rocks to supplement the 10% damage loss by adding 12.5% damage to foes.

A jolly Poliwrath has 262 Speed or 524 speed which is enough to Outspeed by 1 point Scarfed neutral natured base 125 speed Pokemon like Darkrai and of course Anything slower like the Scarf Palkia mentioned.

I will edit the changes.
Regardless I am using Wobbufett to counter Scarf foes like Palkia anyways...
[Arceus@Leftovers Impish, Will-O-Wisp / Return / Recover / (Roar/Perish Song) + Chansey@Eviolite Calm, Toxic / Wish / Softboiled / (Seismic Toss/Stealth Rock)]


[Arceus Combination / Defensive Combination]

[Ah, these two wonderful walls. One of them creates a very sturdy physical wall, and the other is probably the best special wall in the Ubers metagame. The former one being, Wallceus of course and the latter is Chansey. Wallceus can take care of physical threats and shut them down with Will-O-Wisp, something Chansey obviously can't do with her base 5 Defense, or phaze them out with Roar in case they try to set up or use Perish Song in order to limit their sweep. While Wallceus takes care of physical threats, Chansey does the job on the special side, with her enourmous special bulk of 642 HP and 508 SpD. Chansey can also take care of special threats with Toxic; that will make them die very quick as Toxic damage gets bigger each turn.]

[Entry Hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, will shut this combo down rather quick. Wallceus does not enjoy being poisoned at all, and Chansey does not appreciate it either. Spikes will cause 25% damage each switch in assuming 3 layers are laid, and since this combo alternates between physical bulk and special bulk, you're going to switch a lot, causing more damage to Wallceus or Chansey. Plus, this combo does not appreciate hard hitting moves like SpecsOgre's Water Spout, as Chansey won't be able to take them forever. Moreover, both share their typing, which is only Normal type, making them prone to Fighting attacks.]

[Due to this combination's weakness to Fighting attacks, Giratina-O works very good in this combo, as it is immune to Fighting attacks and can also break Stall very well. Giratina also falls in the same category, but he cannot break Stall. A simple way to fix this is to use another combination; Ferrothorn and Tentacruel. This combination is rather common in Ubers, combined with Kyogre to boost its effectiveness by abling allowing Tentacruel's ability, Rain Dish, to work and by lowering Ferrothorn's x4 Fire- weakness to x2. Tentacruel can spin away hazards, which is mentioned above, can cripple this combination. While Tentacruel Rapid Spins hazards away, it can also set hazards among with Ferrothorn, and since Wallceus and Chansey wall a big variety of Pokemon, they will switch out and take damage each turn.]

A better place for SR on Chansey will be appreciated p-p
[Arceus@Leftovers Impish, Will-O-Wisp / Return / Recover / (Roar/Perish Song) + Chansey@Eviolite Calm, Toxic / Wish / Softboiled / (Seismic Toss/Stealth Rock)]


[Arceus Combination / Defensive Combination]

[Ah, these two wonderful walls. One of them creates a very sturdy physical wall, and the other is probably the best special wall in the Ubers metagame. The former one being, Wallceus of course and the latter is Chansey. Wallceus can take care of physical threats and shut them down with Will-O-Wisp, something Chansey obviously can't do with her base 5 Defense, or phaze them out with Roar in case they try to set up or use Perish Song in order to limit their sweep. While Wallceus takes care of physical threats, Chansey does the job on the special side, with her enourmous special bulk of 642 HP and 508 SpD. Chansey can also take care of special threats with Toxic; that will make them die very quick as Toxic damage gets bigger each turn.]

[Entry Hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, will shut this combo down rather quick. Wallceus does not enjoy being poisoned at all, and Chansey does not appreciate it either. Spikes will cause 25% damage each switch in assuming 3 layers are laid, and since this combo alternates between physical bulk and special bulk, you're going to switch a lot, causing more damage to Wallceus or Chansey. Plus, this combo does not appreciate hard hitting moves like SpecsOgre's Water Spout, as Chansey won't be able to take them forever.]

[A simple way to fix this is to use another combination; Ferrothorn and Tentacruel. This combination is rather common in Ubers, combined with Kyogre to boost its effectiveness by abling allowing Tentacruel's ability, Rain Dish, to work and by lowering Ferrothorn's x4 Fire- weakness to x2. Tentacruel can spin away hazards, which is mentioned above, can cripple this combination. While Tentacruel Rapid Spins hazards away, it can also set hazards among with Ferrothorn, and since Wallceus and Chansey wall a big variety of Pokemon, they will switch out and take damage each turn.]

A better place for SR on Chansey will be appreciated p-p

No mention at all about how you have two Normal types, so you are completely at the mercy of Fighting Pokemon?
[Arceus@Leftovers Impish, Will-O-Wisp / Return / Recover / (Roar/Perish Song) + Chansey@Eviolite Calm, Toxic / Wish / Softboiled / (Seismic Toss/Stealth Rock)]


[Arceus Combination / Defensive Combination]

[Ah, these two wonderful walls. One of them creates a very sturdy physical wall, and the other is probably the best special wall in the Ubers metagame. The former one being, Wallceus of course and the latter is Chansey. Wallceus can take care of physical threats and shut them down with Will-O-Wisp, something Chansey obviously can't do with her base 5 Defense, or phaze them out with Roar in case they try to set up or use Perish Song in order to limit their sweep. While Wallceus takes care of physical threats, Chansey does the job on the special side, with her enourmous special bulk of 642 HP and 508 SpD. Chansey can also take care of special threats with Toxic; that will make them die very quick as Toxic damage gets bigger each turn.]

[Entry Hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, will shut this combo down rather quick. Wallceus does not enjoy being poisoned at all, and Chansey does not appreciate it either. Spikes will cause 25% damage each switch in assuming 3 layers are laid, and since this combo alternates between physical bulk and special bulk, you're going to switch a lot, causing more damage to Wallceus or Chansey. Plus, this combo does not appreciate hard hitting moves like SpecsOgre's Water Spout, as Chansey won't be able to take them forever.]

[A simple way to fix this is to use another combination; Ferrothorn and Tentacruel. This combination is rather common in Ubers, combined with Kyogre to boost its effectiveness by abling allowing Tentacruel's ability, Rain Dish, to work and by lowering Ferrothorn's x4 Fire- weakness to x2. Tentacruel can spin away hazards, which is mentioned above, can cripple this combination. While Tentacruel Rapid Spins hazards away, it can also set hazards among with Ferrothorn, and since Wallceus and Chansey wall a big variety of Pokemon, they will switch out and take damage each turn.]

A better place for SR on Chansey will be appreciated p-p

Yes, I think you need a Giratina-O mention since it works really really well with Wallceus.
Ok heads up to all ! I uploaded Furai's submission with some fixing of mine own and i fixed the pictures ! So, this thread is ready for more, lets get building some more combos !!
Just saying, you forgot to mention Wallceus and Chansey is mine :P

I'll probably do Wobbu + Dragceus, we'll see about that
Shrang's old Manaphy set is actually even better now that Lati twins suck balls and no one really uses Grass Arceus.

This is for Wifi Ubers, the combo probably sucks in DW Ubers.

Bulky Kyogre/Bulky Manaphy
[Manaphy@Leftovers, Timid, Calm Mind/Surf/Ice Beam/Rest, Kyogre@Leftovers, Bold, Surf/Calm Mind/Rest/Sleep Talk]

[This core works well on Rain-based stallish teams. Defensive Kyogre is sturdy enough to counter RPDon and set up Rain with some frequency, while Manaphy in the Rain is incredibly powerful now that its chief counters, Latias and Latios, are rarely used in Wifi Ubers. Between the two of them, stall teams will suffer once Rain is guaranteed, and even offensive teams have difficulty breaking them down because of their bulk. Manaphy can also switch into SDRay and take ExtremeSpeed, as well as defeating non-Life Orb Darkrai in the Rain (and all Darkrai if you predict a Dark Void).]

[Zekrom pretty much shits on this combo, as well as Electric Arceus. Something else that can be annoying is a well-played Groudon+Latias/Latios combination. Enemy Kyogres with CM and Thunder (or just SpecsOgre), as you may expect, are a nuisance. Finally, CM Grass Arceus and any Perish Song Arceus can shut down your Calm Minding dreams.]

[Ferrothorn is a good check on Zekrom, and Grass/Electric Arceus and CM Latias/Latios all lose to Blissey. If Blissey has Calm Mind or Psych Up, she can beat an enemy CM Kyogre with Thunder as well barring bad luck with Crits. CM Grass Arceus is also recommended for this role. Finally, you can use a core of Forretress/Giratina, and with intelligent prediction you can bait Zekrom's Outrage into Forry to defeat it.
Are we allowed to post DW combo's? If so I'll probably be hated if I popularize this and because of how cheap this combo is but...
[Arceus@Leftovers or Life orb Adamant or Jolly, Swords Dance / Extremespeed / Shadow Claw / (Brick Break / Earthquake) + Chandelure @ Choice Scarf Timid, (Fire Blast/Flamethrower) / Overheat / Shadow Ball / (Energy Ball/ Curse)]

[Arceus Combination / Offensive Combination]

[Extremekiller is known for being a pokemon who can very easily sweep teams, having very few checks and only one true counter, Skarmory. Coincidentally, all of these checks happen to be Steel-Types, Giratina, or Lugia, and all are weak to Chandelure's STAB moves or do not enjoy Sun boosted Overheats. Extremekiller baits the Steel Types to switch in while Chandelure comes in and swifty ends there life with a wisp of it's fire. Chandelure also does a fantastic job of revenging things Arceus has trouble killing and can stop an opposing Extremekiller sweep by switching in on a predicted Extremespeed or Brick Break, and decimitate its life with a Sun-boosted STAB Overheat. ]

[Entry Hazards, in particular Stealth Rock in conjunction with Shed Shell frustrates the two, causing Chandelure to lose 1/4th of its HP everytime it hits the wrong thing. Support Groudon with a bit of Special Defense investment is also an annoyance, being able to stomach a Overheat from Chandelure and OHKO back with an Earthquake. Defensive Normal Arceus is also an issue, being able to take the same move but it cannot do much back to Chandelure unless it has Earthquake, while it is 2HKOed by Sun-Boosted Fire Blasts. In particular, Chandelure can also devastate the combo being able to switch away from it's doom due to shadow tag unlike other counters while being able to OHKO Arceus with Overheat unless its a 252 HP version but those are are <.< just sad. Attack Form Deoxys can destroy Chandelure since it can't outspeed it and hit Arcues hard with a Superpower, effecitvely crippling the core but sadly it must be wary since the moves it needs to do this, shadow ball and Superpower, are unable to hit both members of the core at all. Kyogre removes sun from the field and is able to annoy both of the team with scald. ]

[Xatu can prevent hazards from ever entering the field with its ability, magic bounce, and set up Light Screen or Reflect to help Arceus set up, with a screen by its side Arceus's fear of Deoxy-a is vastly lessened since it does not threaten it much at all. Gastrodon or Grass Arceus arguably check all forms of Kyogre, with the former being able to stay in on Chandelure as it is able to take a Energy Ball! Groudon also is nessecary since it sets up sun for the pair, and can set up Stealth Rocks to help insure that certain Groudon are not living a Sun boosted Overheat.]

Also does Wobb + stall breaking Mewtwo flat out suck <.< or is it just sad, I recall annoying quite a few people with it. Samething to the Forry + Ho-oh one.
Shrang's old Manaphy set is actually even better now that Lati twins suck balls and no one really uses Grass Arceus.

This is for Wifi Ubers, the combo probably sucks in DW Ubers.

Bulky Kyogre/Bulky Manaphy
[Manaphy@Leftovers, Timid, Calm Mind/Surf/Ice Beam/Rest, Kyogre@Leftovers, Bold, Surf/Calm Mind/Rest/Sleep Talk]

[This core works well on Rain-based stallish teams. Defensive Kyogre is sturdy enough to counter RPDon and set up Rain with some frequency, while Manaphy in the Rain is incredibly powerful now that its chief counters, Latias and Latios, are rarely used in Wifi Ubers. Between the two of them, stall teams will suffer once Rain is guaranteed, and even offensive teams have difficulty breaking them down because of their bulk. Manaphy can also switch into SDRay and take ExtremeSpeed, as well as defeating non-Life Orb Darkrai in the Rain (and all Darkrai if you predict a Dark Void).]

[Zekrom pretty much shits on this combo, as well as Electric Arceus. Something else that can be annoying is a well-played Groudon+Latias/Latios combination. Enemy Kyogres with CM and Thunder (or just SpecsOgre), as you may expect, are a nuisance. Finally, CM Grass Arceus and any Perish Song Arceus can shut down your Calm Minding dreams.]

[Ferrothorn is a good check on Zekrom, and Grass/Electric Arceus and CM Latias/Latios all lose to Blissey. If Blissey has Calm Mind or Psych Up, she can beat an enemy CM Kyogre with Thunder as well barring bad luck with Crits. CM Grass Arceus is also recommended for this role. Finally, you can use a core of Forretress/Giratina, and with intelligent prediction you can bait Zekrom's Outrage into Forry to defeat it.

Are we allowed to post DW combo's? If so I'll probably be hated if I popularize this and because of how cheap this combo is but...
[Arceus@Leftovers or Life orb Adamant or Jolly, Swords Dance / Extremespeed / Shadow Claw / (Brick Break / Earthquake) + Chandelure @ Choice Scarf Timid, (Fire Blast/Flamethrower) / Overheat / Shadow Ball / (Energy Ball/ Curse)]

[Arceus Combination / Offensive Combination]

[Extremekiller is known for being a pokemon who can very easily sweep teams, having very few checks and only one true counter, Skarmory. Coincidentally, all of these checks happen to be Steel-Types, Giratina, or Lugia, and all are weak to Chandelure's STAB moves or do not enjoy Sun boosted Overheats. Extremekiller baits the Steel Types to switch in while Chandelure comes in and swifty ends there life with a wisp of it's fire. Chandelure also does a fantastic job of revenging things Arceus has trouble killing and can stop an opposing Extremekiller sweep by switching in on a predicted Extremespeed or Brick Break, and decimitate its life with a Sun-boosted STAB Overheat. ]

[Entry Hazards, in particular Stealth Rock in conjunction with Shed Shell frustrates the two, causing Chandelure to lose 1/4th of its HP everytime it hits the wrong thing. Support Groudon with a bit of Special Defense investment is also an annoyance, being able to stomach a Overheat from Chandelure and OHKO back with an Earthquake. Defensive Normal Arceus is also an issue, being able to take the same move but it cannot do much back to Chandelure unless it has Earthquake, while it is 2HKOed by Sun-Boosted Fire Blasts. In particular, Chandelure can also devastate the combo being able to switch away from it's doom due to shadow tag unlike other counters while being able to OHKO Arceus with Overheat unless its a 252 HP version but those are are <.< just sad. Attack Form Deoxys can destroy Chandelure since it can't outspeed it and hit Arcues hard with a Superpower, effecitvely crippling the core but sadly it must be wary since the moves it needs to do this, shadow ball and Superpower, are unable to hit both members of the core at all. Kyogre removes sun from the field and is able to annoy both of the team with scald. ]

[Xatu can prevent hazards from ever entering the field with its ability, magic bounce, and set up Light Screen or Reflect to help Arceus set up, with a screen by its side Arceus's fear of Deoxy-a is vastly lessened since it does not threaten it much at all. Gastrodon or Grass Arceus arguably check all forms of Kyogre, with the former being able to stay in on Chandelure as it is able to take a Energy Ball! Groudon also is nessecary since it sets up sun for the pair, and can set up Stealth Rocks to help insure that certain Groudon are not living a Sun boosted Overheat.]

Also does Wobb + stall breaking Mewtwo flat out suck <.< or is it just sad, I recall annoying quite a few people with it. Samething to the Forry + Ho-oh one.

I'm not including DW combos just yet; maybe we'll leave that for the upcoming DW Ubers thread ! ;)

Also I've updated the OP with your suggestion mtr.
Also does Wobb + stall breaking Mewtwo flat out suck <.< or is it just sad, I recall annoying quite a few people with it. Samething to the Forry + Ho-oh one.

Confirming that the Wobb + stall breaking Mewtwo combo does indeed suck, after I tried it per Mr.lol's suggestion <.<

Edit: Nvm, it's better than what I originally thought.
Shrang's old Manaphy set is actually even better now that Lati twins suck balls and no one really uses Grass Arceus.

This is for Wifi Ubers, the combo probably sucks in DW Ubers.

Bulky Kyogre/Bulky Manaphy
[Manaphy@Leftovers, Timid, Calm Mind/Surf/Ice Beam/Rest, Kyogre@Leftovers, Bold, Surf/Calm Mind/Rest/Sleep Talk]

[This core works well on Rain-based stallish teams. Defensive Kyogre is sturdy enough to counter RPDon and set up Rain with some frequency, while Manaphy in the Rain is incredibly powerful now that its chief counters, Latias and Latios, are rarely used in Wifi Ubers. Between the two of them, stall teams will suffer once Rain is guaranteed, and even offensive teams have difficulty breaking them down because of their bulk. Manaphy can also switch into SDRay and take ExtremeSpeed, as well as defeating non-Life Orb Darkrai in the Rain (and all Darkrai if you predict a Dark Void).]

[Zekrom pretty much shits on this combo, as well as Electric Arceus. Something else that can be annoying is a well-played Groudon+Latias/Latios combination. Enemy Kyogres with CM and Thunder (or just SpecsOgre), as you may expect, are a nuisance. Finally, CM Grass Arceus and any Perish Song Arceus can shut down your Calm Minding dreams.]

[Ferrothorn is a good check on Zekrom, and Grass/Electric Arceus and CM Latias/Latios all lose to Blissey. If Blissey has Calm Mind or Psych Up, she can beat an enemy CM Kyogre with Thunder as well barring bad luck with Crits. CM Grass Arceus is also recommended for this role. Finally, you can use a core of Forretress/Giratina, and with intelligent prediction you can bait Zekrom's Outrage into Forry to defeat it.

Just saying, Manaphy gets access to Scald now, which is way more infuriating to deal with than Surf.
I think Groudon, Palkia and Ho-Oh makes an excellent core. Ho-Oh can take any special attacks it is not weak to, such as Ice Beams and Grass Knots aimed at Groudon and Dragon Pulses and Draco Meteors aimed at Groudon or Palkia; Groudon can take any Electric and Rock-type attacks aimed at Ho-Oh, can also to an extent tank Outrages aimed at Palkia or Ho-Oh and of course set up the Sun for Ho-Oh; and Palkia has a quadruple resistance to Water, which is the common weakness of Groudon and Ho-Oh.


Evaporation (Groudon) @ Leftovers
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Thunder Wave


Contraction (Palkia) @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Hydro Pump
- Spacial Rend
- Thunder


Regeneration (Ho-Oh) @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Brave Bird
- Flame Charge
- Recover
- Sacred Fire
I think Groudon, Palkia and Ho-Oh makes an excellent core. Ho-Oh can take any special attacks it is not weak to, such as Ice Beams and Grass Knots aimed at Groudon and Dragon Pulses and Draco Meteors aimed at Groudon or Palkia; Groudon can take any Electric and Rock-type attacks aimed at Ho-Oh, can also to an extent tank Outrages aimed at Palkia or Ho-Oh and of course set up the Sun for Ho-Oh; and Palkia has a quadruple resistance to Water, which is the common weakness of Groudon and Ho-Oh.


Evaporation (Groudon) @ Leftovers
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Thunder Wave


Contraction (Palkia) @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Hydro Pump
- Spacial Rend
- Thunder


Regeneration (Ho-Oh) @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Brave Bird
- Flame Charge
- Recover
- Sacred Fire

Could you please follow the established format and write up the descriptions and justification for this combination ?
I think Groudon, Palkia and Ho-Oh makes an excellent core. Ho-Oh can take any special attacks it is not weak to, such as Ice Beams and Grass Knots aimed at Groudon and Dragon Pulses and Draco Meteors aimed at Groudon or Palkia; Groudon can take any Electric and Rock-type attacks aimed at Ho-Oh, can also to an extent tank Outrages aimed at Palkia or Ho-Oh and of course set up the Sun for Ho-Oh; and Palkia has a quadruple resistance to Water, which is the common weakness of Groudon and Ho-Oh.


Evaporation (Groudon) @ Leftovers
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Thunder Wave


Contraction (Palkia) @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Hydro Pump
- Spacial Rend
- Thunder


Regeneration (Ho-Oh) @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Brave Bird
- Flame Charge
- Recover
- Sacred Fire

I have been using this combo in my team, and it simply wrecks. However, I have a few changes;
- On Groudon, you want 252 HP/252 Def/4 Speed, Impish in order to take on Extremekiller.
- Stealth Rock > Thunder Wave on Groudon
- Palkia should really be Scarf in order to revenge stuff easily, and in order to take on Scarf Kyogre better which is the #1 threat to this combination
- On Ho-oh, is Regenerator even released?
- Ho-oh should really be Substitute + Roost, best Ho-oh out there. 248 HP/252 Attack/8 Speed should suffice.

Ho-oh <3