Walrein (QC 3/3) (GP 2/2)

no I'm just locking this, I can tell already that this will be far too much effort for the GP team. You still don't have the spacing right under [SET], the EVs should look like 232 HP / 252 Def / 24 SpD not 232HP/252Def/24SpD, you're still missing an [Other Options] section, and almost everything in your SET COMMENTS section is grammatically wrong (it should be KO not K.O., Toxic not toxic, etc.

It's great that you want to contribute to Smogon, but if you can't even just c/p what chanazn, myself, or Cloud 8 gave you then I really don't think you're ready to.
Im not a qc member, but i would recommend making the walreins not bloody (change color of the word walrein to standard text color its red right now).
Ok, It's done. I pm'd two QC members, not sure why I haven't gotten a reply/check.....
I actually don't know how it got red.....I was c/p ing the revised edition that I sent to oglemi and.....it came up like that.....lol

You need to go into specifics on a lot of things. Why is the typing bad defensively?
What makes it a great staller? Why is Dream World ability a let down? etc. The answers may seem obvious but are necessary for people new to competitive battling.
Mention something about its decent Sp. Atk and how it can use its STABs effectively with it. Mention how it is crippled by all hazard specifically T-Spikes and SR. Mention how it needs a lot of support (T-spikes users, Rapid Spinners, Hail, Spinblockers for T-spikes users etc.)

Set Comments: Math is scary but convinicing. 12% + 6%= 18% x 2= 36%> 25% (look at how pretty that looks) dont use that though, comment on why this set is used (being able to recover more health than lost from Substitiute). Go into the use of Sub and Protet, Sub protects from status and Protect allows you to get an extra 18% of health but be wary of set-uppers. Talk about the 32-turns Walrein gets of PP, its kind of a must, iirc it can kill 2 or so full health Pokemon off with Toxic and Hail but check that. Talk about the low PP that Blizzard has. I wouldnt say Roar is useless outside of hazards considering how an opponent an easily predict a Protect and set-up so Roar allows you to defend against that.

Additional Comments: This is really barren, odd considering how much support Walrein needs. Hail support is obvious, T-spikes are basically required (which you have but needs to be emphasized). Rapid Spinner/ T-spikes absorber (Claydol has nice synergy and Cryogonal likes hail, Roselia can also absorb T-spikes too). Getting rid of poison/steel/ flying types is nice and Dugtrio can do that to poison and steel types while SR help control the latter. Talk about the purpose of the EVs (HP allows best Sub and Leftovers recovery, most resistances are physial so max defense with the rest dumped into Sp. Def.)

Other Options: Not many. Talk about Curse and how it is outclassed by Lapras. Brine is gimicky with Super Fang as it has 195 base power when the opponent is below 50% with STAB but Surf is more reliable.

Checks and counters: Once again, why do you mention Muk when there are so many other pokemon that are immune to Toxic and are neutral to his STABs too. All poison types in the tier are iirc, as well as majority of Steel types specifically Aggron who has a super effective, STAB, 150 base power attack to use on you. When you mention Clefable it is not all specially inclined pokemon, it is specially defensive and only those that arent hurt by Toxic like Drapion and Clefable. Walrein is super slow so a swift Toxic or Taunt means its bascially screwed. When you say phazers and mention Munchlax also mention Poliwrath for Circle Throw and Encore and mention how they fear Toxic. If hail is gone when facing a sun or rain team Walrein is severely crippled. Rhydon can break through Subs with Rock Blast and once again hazards suck.
I mentioned why attract sucks. Maybe Muk just came to mind when I thought of toxic immunities. I'll add your changes. Thanks for the input. Once again, I'm looking for QC.

EDIT: okay, done.

I'm glad this worked out. ^_^

kingcharizard, be patient. The Smogon staff are extremely busy, and you can't expect instant replies.
mention what the hp and defense/SpD evs do

merge taunt and encore in checks/counters

aggron is not a boss counter, it is a shaky check that, best case scenario, gets roared out after breaking the sub or worst case scenario gets sub/protect stalled or just ohkoed by water stab.

scald > surf (as long as it gets it which i'm 98% sure it does)

drapion can switch in, be immune to toxic and have decent SpD, and whirlwind it out or taunt it while soaking up toxic spikes. add it to checks

captivate blocks special attackers and is very bad, remove it from oo.

munchlax is not a good choice to phaze walrein, it takes full damage from entry hazards and hail damage.

lanturn resists both stabs, has supereffective stab, and potentially to heal bell. add waters in general, but it specificalky to checks/counters bc they resist both stabs.

do that stuff and then [QC APPROVED 3/3]
mention how the hp evs give it a # that allows walrein to restore all the hp made by a sub within two turns, this is very important.

also, dugtrio cant trap flying types.
Can we stop the "omg ice type is horrible" hyperboles? It's something that really bothers me when I see this statement randomly thrown in most ice types' analyses.

Ice/water is the combination of a great and a bad defensive type, therefore it can't be "horrible". It's merely mediocre.
Its two resistances are great (especially 4x ice) and not all of its weaknesses are crippling. UnSTABbed Grass attacks are almost non-existant in BW and Grass types themselves aren't switching into something with STAB Blizzard anytime soon. Its other 3 weaknesses are bad, but not enough to consider its typing "horrible".Please correct that statement.

I am leaving this as is. It has received 3 QC checks, I think it's fine. Its really not needed.

Oh and omicron, I had a brain fart whilst posting that. Sorry. Stupid idiocy.
[- _-] Writing it up now, but I am busy, it will take a couple days, please bear with me.
After discussing with Honko I think the last slot should be Toxic / Roar / Super Fang because Cryo has Levitate and is too big of a pain for hail teams
After discussing with Honko I think the last slot should be Toxic / Roar / Super Fang because Cryo has Levitate and is too big of a pain for hail teams

Okay will do.

Again, I am sorry for the write up, as I have been very busy lately, it is not yet up.

EDIT: Done, I am ready for GP.

erm......how do I change the tag to copyediting?