On Knife's Edge

On Knife's Edge

Hello Smogonites! I'm here with another Pokemon battle. If any of you care enough to read, please continue =P

(Side Note: After reviewing my 'NFE' versus OU matches I felt that you were right after all pwnemon, something was missing. Took me a while to figure out what it was, but I'm now fairly certain that it's the lack off offence. The 'NFE' team is more about taking people by surprise/ killing off Pokemon until you can get a sweep. A lack off offence in general means that there is less room for epic predictions/drama and therefore although the battle is more challenging (in reference to my 'NFE' team), it isn't as exciting. Anyway the point being, I've given up that team for now and have replaced it with one of my old mix tier teams instead.)

Right so I've been battling on the ladder with this team for about 2 days now (-peak 1288). I've had a few nice battles so far but this is the one that stuck in my mind the most because it was realllly close at the end. I love matches like that, where the ending could go either way. Anyway I don't want to give away too much right now.

Rosevee's Team:


Dennis's Team:


Battle between Rosevee and Dennis started!

Tier: Standard OU
Mode Singles
Variation: +19, -13
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

Rosevee sent out ThunderGOD (Manectric)!
Dennis sent out Staraptor!

100% vs

OMG. He's using a mix tier team!! Lol this is the 1st time I've seen someone else on the ladder using a mix tier team (no Weather Pokemon and Chansey don't count *facepalm*).

Anyway, Staraptor is most likely either going to be Banded or Scarf, but since he's using it in the lead position it's probably Scarfed. Now it's either going to be Adamant or Jolly but I assume it will be Adamant for that extra kick in power. (The only reason I can think of to run Jolly over Adamant is maybe to outrun Adamant Scarf Terrakion (& Landorus) but it's probably not worth loosing that power in Staraptor's case.) Right, so if he's Adamant Nature it's safe for my Manectric to attack because I'm Scarfed and I'm going to outrun him. Here we go!

Turn 1

ThunderGOD used Thunderbolt!
It's super-effective! The foe's Staraptor lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Staraptor fainted!

Score is 6-5

100% vs

Everything went according to plan! So I'm up by one already but of course the battle isn't over yet. He sends out Jolteon's and I'm Scarfed so I obviously have no choice but to switch out. I can either switch into Gliscor or Ferrothorn but Jolteon is either going to be running Hidden Power Ice or Grass most likely, so naturally Ferrothorn is the safest switch here since Jolteon can't do shit to it.

Turn 2

Rosevee called ThunderGOD back!
Rosevee sent out Thimble (Ferrothorn)!
The foe's Jolteon used Thunder Wave!
Thimble was paralyzed!

100% vs

He nicely goes for the T-wave here but luckily for me Ferrothorn doesn't really care abut paralyse, in fact it feeds off of it - Gyro Ball will now have a stronger attack.

Right so I now have Ferrothorn out. He has a Volcarona. I wonder what he's going to do... I'm going to Switch into Manectric because I don't want this super bug setting up on me and sweeping. Switcheroo is going disable that bug by locking him into a move. With the rest of my team being resistant to it's stabs I should be able to work around it now.

Turn 3

Dennis called Jolteon back!
Dennis sent out Volcarona!
Rosevee called Thimble back!
Rosevee sent out ThunderGOD (Manectric)!

100% vs

I hope he doesn't switch ;-;

Use Butterfly Dance! Use Butterfly Dance!

Turn 4

ThunderGOD used Switcheroo!
ThunderGOD switched items with the foe's Volcarona!
ThunderGOD obtained one Leftovers!
The foe's Volcarona obtained one Choice Scarf!
The foe's Volcarona used Quiver Dance!
The foe's Volcarona's Special Attack rose!
The foe's Volcarona's Special Defense rose!
The foe's Volcarona's Speed rose!

Phewph! Right so now an obvious switch is coming. I highly doubt he'll switch into Starmie or Azumarill because their electric weak, and Scizor will take a nasty hit from Manectric and won't be able to OHKO with Bullet Punch anyway, so the only thing he has left is Jolteon and therefore I'm just going to go for the Flamethrower now.

Turn 5

Dennis called Volcarona back!
Dennis sent out Jolteon!
ThunderGOD used Flamethrower!
The foe's Jolteon lost 41% of its health!
The foe's Jolteon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

100% vs

Looks like it's going to be an 3KO with Flamethrower. I could switch to Ferrothorn now but if I do that he'll switch too. If he does happen to carry Hidden Power Ice my team could possibly have a bit of trouble with it so I'm just going to attack and that will at least weaken it enough to be picked of my Feraligatr's Aqua Jet.

Turn 6

The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
ThunderGOD lost 44% of its health!
ThunderGOD's Special Defense fell!
ThunderGOD used Flamethrower!
The foe's Jolteon lost 37% of its health!
The foe's Jolteon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
ThunderGOD restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Ok so he get's a special defence drop here which is going to mean that Manectric will most likely be finished off in one hit now instead of two. In a way I'm kind of greatful for this though lol. If he hadn't got that special defence drop he could have possibly switched into Azumarill to absorb that Flamethrower and use Aqua Jet to finish me off, but right now his minds probably cloudy just wanting to finish that Manectric off. Therefore I'm going to switch into Ferrothorn because it's a safe switch and I don't want Manectric dying when he could still prove valuable to me.

Turn 7

Rosevee called ThunderGOD back!
Rosevee sent out Thimble (Ferrothorn)!
The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
It's not very effective... Thimble lost 7% of its health!
Thimble's Special Defense fell!
The foe's Jolteon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Thimble restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

99% vs

Ok, so he's most likely going to switch back into Volcarona here. If I stay in this turn though he's most likely going to go for that Fiery Dance and then I can get my Flash Fire boost on my Rapidash =D. Anyway I'm not going to risk using Leech Seed or Spikes against Jolteon because I can't risk him passing a Sub to something like Scizor if he happens to run those moves, so Power Whip it is!

Turn 8

Dennis called Jolteon back!
Dennis sent out Volcarona!
Thimble used Power Whip!
It's not very effective... The foe's Volcarona lost 9% of its health!
Thimble restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

100% vs

Ok time for that Flash Fire boost, I hope...

Turn 9

Rosevee called Thimble back!
Rosevee sent out Pegasus (Rapidash)!
The foe's Volcarona used Fiery Dance!
Pegasus's Flash Fire raised the power of its Fire-type moves!

100% vs

Hmmm right, so it's obvious he's going to switch here. He only has two water type Pokmeon to absorb a possible powerful incoming boosted Flare Blitz. It will probably be Azumarill (because bulky) but I'm going to go for the Flame Charge here for two very good reasons. 1. if he switches into Starmie instead I can get the speed boost to outrun it and kill it with Wild Charge. 2. I don't want to waste valuable HP on recoil damage against Azumarill because it isn't as big of a threat to me and I need Rapidash to kept in good health because its the only thing that resists both of Volcarona's stabs which I don't want to risk a misprediction against it.

90 vs

Turn 10

Dennis called Volcarona back!
Dennis sent out Azumarill!
Pegasus used Flame Charge!
It's not very effective... The foe's Azumarill lost 22% of its health!
Pegasus's Speed rose!
Pegasus is hurt by its life orb!

Right I can't risk him using Aqua Jet against me now, but I have a feeling he will probably expect me to switch into Ferrothorn (and thus use Super Power), so I'm just going to be annoying and switch into Latios lol. Either way Latios resists both Aqua Jet and Super Power XD (and I highly doubt he's going to use Ice Punch against Rapidash/Ferrothorn so I'm safe).

Turn 11

Rosevee called Pegasus back!
Rosevee sent out Skylor (Latios)!
The foe's Azumarill used Superpower!
It's not very effective... Skylor lost 51% of its health!
The foe's Azumarill's Attack fell!
The foe's Azumarill's Defense fell!

49% vs

Phewph, it all went according to plan. Ok so now he's stuck on Super Power. He definitely isn't going to stay in and probably fearing that beastly Drago Meteor that Latios carries in general, he's probably going to switch into Scizor to take the hit so I'm going to go straight for the Hidden Power - Fire.

Turn 12

Dennis called Azumarill back!
Dennis sent out Wu-Tang (Scizor)!
Skylor used Hidden Power!
It's super-effective! The foe's Wu-Tang lost 100% of its health!

49% vs

Score is 6-4

49% vs

Alright so Latios is still on enough HP to be worth saving and Ferrothorn is a safe switch into Starmie. Let's do this thing!!

Turn 13

Rosevee called Skylor back!
Rosevee sent out Thimble (Ferrothorn)!
The foe's Starmie used Surf!
It's not very effective... Thimble lost 15% of its health!
The foe's Starmie is hurt by its life orb!
Thimble restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

91% vs

Alright so in case he switches out into Volcarona, I'm going to use Leech Seed. Leech Seed should bring Volcarona's health down enough for Rapidash to OHKO with Flare Blitz.

Turn 14

The foe's Starmie used Hidden Power!
It's super-effective! Thimble lost 63% of its health!
The foe's Starmie is hurt by its life orb!
Thimble used Leech Seed!
The foe's Starmie was seeded!
Thimble restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Starmie is sapped by leech seed.


What da hell!?!

Hidden Power Fire O.O zomg, did not expect that... Well ok hmmm, he has leech seed on him and I want to save Ferrothorn later for that Jolteon. If he's going to use Hidden Power Fire again it wont be doing much so I'm just going to switch into Latios.

Turn 15

Dennis called Starmie back!
Dennis sent out Volcarona!
Rosevee called Thimble back!
Rosevee sent out Skylor (Latios)!

48% vs

I didn't expect him to switch out but anyway he decides to goe into Volcarona. Luckily I still have Rapidash who is going to resist both stabs.

Turn 16

Rosevee called Skylor back!
Rosevee sent out Pegasus (Rapidash)!
The foe's Volcarona used Bug Buzz!
It's not very effective... Pegasus lost 28% of its health!
Pegasus's Special Defense fell!

62% vs

Hmmm a special defence drop but it's still looking like I can dish out another hit. I no longer have much use for Rapidash and this bug is still somewhat of a threat to me so I'm just gonna go for the Flare Blitz which won't KO even at max damage but at least it will be on low enough health for Feraligatr to finish it off.

Go Rapidash! Fry that Bug!

Turn 17

The foe's Volcarona used Bug Buzz!
It's not very effective... Pegasus lost 42% of its health!
Pegasus used Flare Blitz!
The foe's Volcarona lost 75% of its health!
Pegasus is hit with recoil!
Pegasus fainted!

Score is 5-4

100% vs

Please don't get burn hax. Please don't get burn hax.

Turn 18

Chopper used Aqua Jet!
It's super-effective! The foe's Volcarona lost 14% of its health!
The foe's Volcarona fainted!
Dennis sent out Azumarill!

Score is 5-3

100% vs

Feraligatr is still on 100% HP (with no burn hax ;P) and I still need to save him for later so I will therefore need to find a death fodder. Don't think I have much use left for Latios since Starmies Ice Beam is going to kill it and his Jolteon has Shadow Ball, so it looks like Latios is getting the sack =<

Turn 19

Rosevee called Chopper back!
Rosevee sent out Skylor (Latios)!
The foe's Azumarill used Return!
Skylor lost 48% of its health!
Skylor fainted!

Score is 4-3

42% vs

Alright he's stuck on Return so I'm going to send in Ferrothorn. He doesn't have a safe switch for Power Whip therefore it's safe to go for it (whilst hoping it hits lol because it's looking like a 2KO from that Banded Return.)

Turn 20

The foe's Azumarill used Return!
It's not very effective... Thimble lost 23% of its health!
Thimble's Iron Barbs hurts the foe's Azumarill!
Thimble used Power Whip!
It's super-effective! A critical hit! The foe's Azumarill lost 65% of its health!
The foe's Azumarill fainted!

I get a Crit here but it doesn't matter because I've already done damage calculations and it had >100% chance to OHKO. Rawr!

Score is 4-2

25% vs

He switches into Starmie and I know he carries the Hidden Power Fire but letting any of my other Pokemon take further damage just isn't worth the risk when Ferrothorn is about as good as dead anyway. (At least Starmie going to take LO damage from this attack.)

Turn 21

The foe's Starmie used Hidden Power!
It's super-effective! Thimble lost 24% of its health!
Thimble fainted!
The foe's Starmie is hurt by its life orb!

Score is 3-2

61% vs

Right so now I'm thinking that I've definitely lost this match because the remainder of my Pokemon are Starmie weak ;-;. I use Thunderbolt even though I know it's pointless because I'm going to be easily finished off by a LO stab Surf from Starmie.

Turn 22

Dennis called Starmie back!
Dennis sent out Jolteon!
ThunderGOD used Thunderbolt!
The foe's Jolteon's Volt Absorb absorbs the attack!
The foe's Jolteon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
ThunderGOD restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

67% vs

OMG. I did not expect that. Umm well I'm just going to stay in and attack because A. Manectric is off no use to me now and B. If he's running HP Ice I'm doomed anyway lol.

Turn 23

The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
A critical hit! ThunderGOD lost 67% of its health!
ThunderGOD fainted!
The foe's Jolteon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Score is 2-2

He gets a Crit here but it doesn't really matter because based on my remaining health I would have been 2KO'd anyway. Hmm so right now I'm wondering if he carries HP Ice... Since I see the Shadow Ball though, it could possibly mean that he's running HP Grass and that Shadowball is just used for extra coverage (for Latios? maybe...) Well we'll never know unless I continue lol.

100% vs

Turn 24

The foe's Jolteon used Shadow Ball!
Batman lost 27% of its health!
Batman's Special Defense fell!
Batman used Earthquake!
It's super-effective! The foe's Jolteon lost 76% of its health!
The foe's Jolteon fainted!

Score is 2-1

73% vs

Alright so he has Starmie and I have two Starmie weak Pokemon. Not Good. I just use Protect even though I know my fate is inevitable unless I think of a plan quickly...

Turn 25

Batman used Protect!
Batman protected itself!
The foe's Starmie used Ice Beam!
Batman protected itself from the attack!
Batman restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Gahhh think Rosevee! Think!

Holy Crap I still could win this!!! He has Life Orb so if I can take his Starmie down to a low enough health Feraligatr mayyy be able to finish it off. He's not going to risk using Thunderbolt against a Gliscor, unless perhaps he can read my mind and predicts this switch... lol

Turn 26

Rosevee called Batman back!
Rosevee sent out Chopper (Feraligatr)!
The foe's Starmie used Ice Beam!
It's not very effective... Chopper lost 18% of its health!
The foe's Starmie is hurt by its life orb!
Chopper restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

88% vs

Feraligatr takes the Ice Beam like a pro!! but it still did a fair chunk of damage... Hmm anyway I'm going to switch back into Gliscor now to get that HP down even lower from the LO damage.

Turn 27

Rosevee called Chopper back!
Rosevee sent out Batman (Gliscor)!
The foe's Starmie used Thunderbolt!
It had no effect!
Batman restored HP using its Poison Heal!

97% vs

Hmmm so I can either switch back into Feraligatr or just let Gliscor die hmmm. Well I'm just going to let Gliscor die for two very good reasons. 1. Can't afford having him predict me (and Thunderbolt) otherwise I won't stand a chance. 2. I doubt Feraligatr can take another hit from Ice Beam anyway and still have enough HP left to live the LO Thunderbolt too.

Turn 28

The foe's Starmie used Ice Beam!
It's super-effective! Batman lost 97% of its health!
Batman fainted!
The foe's Starmie is hurt by its life orb!

Score is 1-1

87% vs

Right so it call comes down to this! Feraliagtr versus Starmie Rawr!

Hmmm so I'm fairly certain I can live a Thunderbolt (- it isn't worth doing a damage calculation for this though this late in the battle.) Hmm now assuming I live the Thunderbolt what would do more damage: Resistant Base 120 Super Power + a weak -1 base 40 stab Torrent Aqua Jet OR a Resistant Base 75 Ice Punch + a stronger base 40 stab Torrent Aqua Jet?!?!

Well the answer is I don't know because I was too lazy to do all that maths at the time lol. When it comes to Pokemon battling sometimes you just gotta trust your gut instinct =P

Turn 29

The foe's Starmie used Thunderbolt!
It's super-effective! Chopper lost 80% of its health!
The foe's Starmie is hurt by its life orb!
Chopper used Ice Punch!
It's not very effective... The foe's Starmie lost 18% of its health!
Chopper restored a little HP using its Leftovers!


Here we go!! It all comes down to this!! Aqua Jet gooo!!

Turn 30

Chopper used Aqua Jet!
It's not very effective... The foe's Starmie lost 9% of its health!
The foe's Starmie fainted!

Rosevee won the battle!


Good Game Dennis!!! =D



- To my opponent for using a cool team!! (I can see you put a lot of thought into it for it to work around the current OU Metagame but the only thing you may possibly need to worry about is Gastrodon/Rotom-W/Tentacruel, but other than that I think it's well put together =)


- OMG. I can't think of anything lol - (minor hax but in my opinion none of it made a crucial difference.)


I picked this battle because in my opinion it was fun/exciting and it had an epic ending! It was one of the closest matches I've had so far (enough though the guy was using a mix tier team lol).

Umm so... hmm please comment guys ^^

ps. I know there isn't a lot of humour in my commantary.. but I can't help the fact that I'm not funny ;-; lol

Battle Log:-

Loved this warstory!!

Was well paced and your comments were very insightful. You gave us your reasoning for each move prior to making it, as well as laying out what your options were at the time.

I also thought it was a great choice of battle. In the beginning it seemed as though you were running circles around your opponent but after they made some key moves the battle really heated up. Don't worry about having no humor(dog pic at the end was great :) It was still a great read and your tone was perfect.

9/10 from me my son :)

If I counted correctly, there were a whopping 4 Special Defense drops? And I'm sure the probability of that is 10^-4 which is pretty low! Anyways, a very good and entertaining read. I imagined you saved a log, so you should upload to aesoft.
Very entertaining read, great teams, good commentary, good formatting. 9.5/10

I don't really see how the title is relevant to the story, though
I think this is your best warstory yet, nice job! A very good battle with a lot of interesting Pokemon and strategies, very contested and decent commentary.

I will say that your commentary just doesn't "pop" the way some people's does, but it's definitely good. I'm quite pleased with this, well done!

<shameless plug> I'm going to be writing my own warstory soon here, using my own mixed tier team! Hopefully it'll be even better than the last one I did </shameless plug>

EDIT: Nvm, I've decided that the battle I was going to write up wasn't actually close enough and that I was actually in control too much. The only reason I ever thought I was going to lose was because I forgot about something, so I'll keep going until I get a better battle.
Maybe it was just the phrasing of the commentary but it seemed like you had control over this battle the whole time, even though it was close.

In your commentary, you should avoid reiterating the events of the turn or describing what will happen during the next one. Instead, try to supplement them with constructive information, like a reading of the opponent based on what he's done so far, or an insight into his moveset supported by knowing his team members, or a close analysis of previous attacks that leads you to a logical course of action. The ground rule is: people want to see intelligence, and in a battle that was not intelligently fought, the commentary will struggle.

Good luck with your stories. Keep battling and learning. By the "intelligence" people want to see, I don't mean you have to be an absolute genius, just experienced and full of thoughts you want to express. You don't have to have a keen sense of wit or a sharp tongue to do that.
8.5/10: One of the better war stories I have read. Only critique is to clean up your commentary a bit to make it more interesting. Just saying what happened doesn't add much to the story. Good job, I enjoyed reading.
Great battle, yet again! You started off predicting everything he'd do so he seemed to change it up a bit at the end which made it much more interesting. Keep working on your commentary like the others before me have said and your warstories will be on a professional level in no time! Also, love the pictures/memes you use in all your stories lol.
Great battle, great user, great Pokemon. 8.5/10. Sorry, but so many sp. def drops...
9/10, comments were awesome and fun to read, and ally helped explain why you did what you did. There was a lot of prediction, some of which was hard to believe (I don't know, I kind of thought you got lucky with your opponent not seeing the obvious switch back to Gliscor at the end), but I could see why you chose to do the stuff you did, and it made sense.

I agree you seemed to have good control over the battle, which isn't a bad thing to me. It's nice to see what one can do when they have the luxury of being in control.

Very good Warstory overall.
Thanx for all the comments guys!!

I will try my best to take any advice/criticism I received on board =3

9/10, comments were awesome and fun to read, and ally helped explain why you did what you did. There was a lot of prediction, some of which was hard to believe (I don't know, I kind of thought you got lucky with your opponent not seeing the obvious switch back to Gliscor at the end), but I could see why you chose to do the stuff you did, and it made sense.

I agree you seemed to have good control over the battle, which isn't a bad thing to me. It's nice to see what one can do when they have the luxury of being in control.

Very good Warstory overall.

When battling I feel like there are two types of players: one's that don't tend to predict much and those who always have that prediction key switched on. Sometimes in the start of the match (you are just getting to know your opponent) and thus are not fully aware of how they play when it comes to battling and prediction. Most people tend to play it safe the first few turns just to see how their opponent plays it out.

When I saw Dennis team on team preview, my first assumption was that he would be a good player and thus make the right moves. The reason I thought this is because his team looks well built in my opinion and he's using a mix tier team, which is something most people wouldn't attempt to do unless they have a somewhat decent understanding of the Metagame.

On the whole, this guy is a good battler. The only reason why I did as well as I did is because the truth is, I would have made the high majority of the moves he made in his shoes - just to clarify this is the only reason why I was able to stay ahead of him.

As for the ending Treadshot. I would have used Thunderbolt in his position too. Going for the Ice Beam/Surf would have been just too risky in case the Feraligatr carries Crunch and even if my opponent where to switch back into Gliscor it wouldn't matter because I could still outrun and kill it.

Thank you for commenting though Treadshot, I really appreciate it =)


Ps. I didn't mean to make myself sound all superior to my opponent if that's how it came across during my commentary. Like I said, the only reason why I did as well as I did is because I would have made most of the same moves in his shoes lol. Anyway Dennis you are a great battler and I hope you keep up the good work! =P
i lol'd when you were like 'OMG mixed tier team!' when your lead was a manectric and you had rapidash/feraligatr to top it up

pretty good battle though
Great battle, great user, great Pokemon. 8.5/10. Sorry, but so many sp. def drops...
You've got to be kidding. They had no impact on the battle whatsoever, apart from that time where Rosey cleverly guessed that Dennis would go for the finish with another Shadow Ball. And that's an example where hax actually made the thing more interesting.

Which, by the way, is no small feat. Great job Rosey, do want moar !
This is a very nice improvement from your last warstories. The formatting and commentary is nice, and the team is lovely. I enjoyed reading all of your warstories, but can you make it sound more exciting? That would be great. 9/10
Loving this warstory much more than your first two. Well done, and your team was much more interesting this time (for me at least). Good work.
Very good warstory, though Manectric's Switcheroo was really something I could see coming from a mile away since that thing has so few usable moves. Maybe it's because you elaborated in the Warstory that he was choiced, though..

Either way, you sound like a very intelligent battler, I liked the way you wrote the story.
Cool battle!Nice use of not so used pokes especially Manectric,which fucked up your opponent with Trick.
There were some crucial misplayes from your opponent though.Manectric is naturally faster than Staraptor and he didnt have to risk you having the scarf while he has a Jolteon on his team.
Finally the most important mistake that your opponent did is using Ice Beam against Gliscor.Surf ohkoes Gliscor also and does more damage to Feraligatr.If Feraligatr had been hitten with Surf instead of Ice Beam he would have died from Tbolt...
Thanx for your feedback everyone ^^

Great battle. :) Just as everyone said, this warstory was very fun to read. Make more! :)

If enough people enjoy reading my Warstories I will continue to write more, however I have recently received some mixed opinions about my style of battling... Whilst some people find my battles entertaining, others regard me as a 'noob' (because I'm not using a typical standard team) and therefore believe that my battles are a waste of space - so I'm not really sure where to go from here.

But I guess that's how life goes sometimes.