What Pokemon Should Have Been Named

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I was trying to think of cool nicknames for my pokemon today when I was making a team for PO when suddenly it hit me; :evan: I can think of names that are more fitting for pokemon than the ones that gamefreak gave them.

Here are some examples that I created;

Ferrothorn -> Agrablade (Agra = Agrarian, Blade = It's covered in spikes and shit, and also agra could also be aggrablade also kind of sounds like aggravate and it makes sense because Ferrothorn aggravates people since it has Iron Barns and also Ferrothorn looks like it is aggravated.

Reuniclus -> Fetumagu (Fetu = Fetus, Magu = Magic. Fetumagu sounds cuter and it rolls off the tongue better. Also magu kind of sounds like 'my goo' which is what Reuniclus is to me.

Terrakion -> Billdozer (Bill = a common male name, Dozer = a name commonly given to dogs. Put them together and it sounds like bulldozer which is what Terrakion does to Tyranitars (which should be called 'Stonosaur'). Also Billdozer is like a man and a pit bull put together which is what 'Terrakion' is.

Please discuss.
No way if they called Metapod penis moms wouldn't let their kids buy the game. Think about it realistically.

...It was a joke. We know full well that GF would never do it, we just enjoy mocking GF endlessly about Metapod's phallic appearance and inability to learn moves besides Harden.

Eh, more seriously: Cofagrigus-> Dessicask. Dessicask contains 100% less snigger fodder, is closer phonetically to Desukaan (Cofagrigus's Japanese name), and is honestly a cooler, more badass name IMO.
...It was a joke. We know full well that GF would never do it, we just enjoy mocking GF endlessly about Metapod's phallic appearance and inability to learn moves besides Harden.

Hey, now that's just being mean. Metapod can so know other moves.

When my Penis evolved, it already knew Tackle and String Shot.
You might be onto something with renaming Tyranitar as 'Stonosaur.'

I always thought Kyogre was a shitty/ugly-sounding name. Some spinoff of Megalodon, the most badass thing ever known to swim the seas, would have sounded better and worked well with Groudon.
pretty sure that wargle is braviarys japanese name lol.

Geodude -> Rockman

Rock is more straight-to-the-point than geo, and man sounds better with rock than dude.

inb4 megaman
pretty sure that wargle is braviarys japanese name lol. tbh the japanese names are better than the english names about 90% of the time!

Japan was making a dig against America. The eagle is the symbol of America and Wargle has similar colors to the flag.
I say they should have just stuck to the style of the Japanese names from rby (or red-green-pikachu):

raticate => rat

ratata => babyrat

gloom => stinky-flower

oddish => Mysteryweed

Charmeleon => Lizard

Bellsprout => Still-a-bud

And we could just keep naming Pokemon in the same style.

Salamence => dragon

Dragonite => fatdragon

Garchomp => sharkdragon

Hippowdon => Hippo

Donphan => Elephant

Mamoswine => Mammoth

etc. etc.
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