Hyper Offense in Ubers

Dialga is indeed the best receiver!
The best moveset for him is Brick Break,Aura Sphere,Dragon Pulse and Thundebolt!
The only thing that can take a hit from him and live to tell the tale is S.Defensive Jirachi...
I want to know why your hitting Kyogre and Groundon with Earthquake and not Outrage.

I generally don't like using Outrage unless I know it will one shot it. Otherwise, Ferro can come in and laugh at me because sub+LO+Iron Barbs+SR= 63% of my health gone at the second Outrage. I would lose my Garchomp for reasons that could have been avoided.
Arceus @ Spooky Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SpAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Recover
- Extremespeed
- Shadow Claw

I have been doing very well on the ladder with this Ghost-Arceus set. It's essentially running the same set as the Extreme Killer Arceus but it obviously cannot be hit by Extremespeed and unboosted Extreme Killer Arceus with Silk Scarf only 3HKO-4HKOs it with super effective Shadow Claw. Also, Arceus-Ghost's STAB Shadow Claw destroys a number of Ubers pokes
Arceus @ Spooky Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SpAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Recover
- Extremespeed
- Shadow Claw

I have been doing very well on the ladder with this Ghost-Arceus set. It's essentially running the same set as the Extreme Killer Arceus but it obviously cannot be hit by Extremespeed and unboosted Extreme Killer Arceus with Silk Scarf only 3HKO-4HKOs it with super effective Shadow Claw. Also, Arceus-Ghost's STAB Shadow Claw destroys a number of Ubers pokes
I don't know but this set seems very weak to me...
Your stab move is a 70 BP one,and your coverage move is a 80 BP move with no super effective coverage...

From the top of my head i can easily think of 10 common Uber pokes that stop this set : Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Dialga, Groudon, Lugia with Toxic and Reflect, NormalCeus, Giratina, Tyranitar, Excadrill and Scizor.
Shadow Force on SC and Brick Break on Recover @Adamant made him better. He still have a good STAB with SF and doesnt fear Darkrai / Mewtwo with his Extrem Speed even though he cant OHKO them without SR and one layer of spikes (which is easy to setup). Skarmory isnt worth to be mentionned since he can take all SDceus anyway. Dialga take a lot on BB (70-80), same goes for Ferro (76-90), Lugia is OHKOed by SC although he can be troublesome for the SF version, NormalCeus doesnt hurt GhostCeus and take his mom on BB (70-80 on the offensive one, StallCeus burn him though), Gira/tar/Exca are handled easily while Scizor can be troublesome if at full health but he's not common.
If he runs a fighting move and an Adamant nature then he is certainly ok!
Running a fighting move alongside with his ghost move of choice(SC or SF) give him perfect coverage!
Then for the last slot either ES or Recover are perfectly fine!
On a hyper offence team I wouldnt have recover. and there is no reason to run jolly as you cant get by another arceus extremspeed anyway. On that note, how many speed evs do you guys put into your SD Arceus' ? I normally put 252 with Adament to beat other Arceus to the E-speed.
As many of you who have been playing 5th Gen Ubers for a while now know, balanced and stall teams have been the most prominent teams used for a while now. Although offensive teams are just recently starting to climb in popularity again, there's still plenty to explore about the playstyle, hyper offense in particular.

I think the big reason why hyper offense is uncommon is EK Arceus. It has solid counters, but take a look at them: Giratina, Skarmory, Bronzong, Lugia, support Ghost Arceus, support Groudon, Terrakion, etc. Offensive Groudon takes a ton and fails to OHKO Arceus back in return. CS Terrakion fails to OHKO Arceus with Close Combat barring two layers of hazard support, and CB Terrakion risks dying to Earthquake. That leaves the first five, none of which fit on HO teams. How are you going to stop EK Arceus? Frankly at the moment my best answer is simply to not use HO ...
The only reason why Offense team are so difficult to play in BW is because of Arceus, not only EKceus (I've way more problem with CMceus than EKceus). His natural bulk and his ability to setup on anything is just too much for them.
The only reason why Offense team are so difficult to play in BW is because of Arceus, not only EKceus (I've way more problem with CMceus than EKceus). His natural bulk and his ability to setup on anything is just too much for them.

Yea, this is true. I've been testing several HO / offensive uber teams for quite some time, and the top threats always remain the same:

1.] SD Arceus
2.] Double Dance / Offensive Groudon
3.] Toxic Spikes

There are plenty of ways to handle ex killer, I've personally found that offensive groudon and t.spikes to be much more dangerous. T.spikes wears down offensive teams very fast, and double dance groudon is nightmare because it can easily tear apart offensive teams if played correctly.