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With Life Orb, does it boost the BP of the move by 30% or the actual damage by 30%? For example if an attack has a BP of 100, would it be 130? Or would it be like if an attack would normally deal 50%, would it deal 65% with LO?
With Life Orb, does it boost the BP of the move by 30% or the actual damage by 30%? For example if an attack has a BP of 100, would it be 130? Or would it be like if an attack would normally deal 50%, would it deal 65% with LO?

boosts the actual damage output by 30%
Must I carry Bullet Punch on SRing Metagross, or I can use Thunderpunch insted? Also, are Reflect and Light Screen good options?
Must I carry Bullet Punch on SRing Metagross, or I can use Thunderpunch insted? Also, are Reflect and Light Screen good options?

It depends on what your team's needs are, although if you're going for full support [SR + Screens and one Attack], it may be better to use Bronzong, due to his superior bulk and Levitate.

If your team as trouble with pokemon weak to Electric, and you don't benifit much from Bullet Punch, by all means, use Thunderpunch.
I just hatched a shiny male sassy eevee via masuada method and I was wondering which eevee evolution I should evolve it into. I already have shiny umbreon, vaporeon and espeon from trades. Which remaining Eevee evolution would be the best to evolve it too?
I think I would've said Flareon, if you're really opposed to another Umbreon. Sassy Jolteon would certainly be different...
thanks for the advice. I'm going to go with shiny Flareon just because although Jolteon has a cool shiny the sassy nature does not really suit it well because it is -speed and speed is Jolteons greatest strength.
If I want my weather to go last, should I use an iron ball or lagging tail?

Probably not. You should use slower Pokemon like Hippo instead or not run any speed (like for Poli). A gimmick like Iron Ball + Fling TTar is possible, but not the best option.
I'm in need for some advice to improve my battle subway super single streak.
My current team is:

Infernape @ Focus sash
(Hasty / 252atk/ 4spatk/252speed)
Fake out
Close Combat

Scizor @ Choice Band
(Adamant / 252HP/ 252atk/ 4spdef)
Bullet Punch

Gastrodon @ Leftovers
(Calm / 252hp/ 4def/ 252spdef)
Earth Power
Ice Beam
Hidden Power (electric)

This team is pretty basic, just lead with Infernape and fake out anything (to counter other focus sash/sturdy leads) that isn't a ghost or has Inner focus, then proceed to dispatch with close combat/Overheat or U-turn away if it's not a favorable matchup, specifically water types for whose I have gastrodon ready for a couple of storm drain boosts. I know gastrodon's evs don't quite fit with the current moveset but given the basic AI of the subway trainers I easily get 2-3 free boosts unless they have a secondary neutral attack, besides it would be hard to give up on such a good coverage. So far the biggest threats I've faced are pokemon such as Chandelure (completely walls Infernape, rapes scizor and I'm not sure if there's a set with energy ball in the subway) and bulkies like swampert or hariyama.
I also was thinking about taking out pursuit on scizor since it doesn't get much use (although it's great to catch those perish song users) but I don't know what to replace it with :/
Is Regirock viable in OU as a SRer?

Only if you have Sandstorm up, and even then there's probably better SR users available to you. He has a lot of nasty weaknesses that greatly hinder his usefulness, and the lack of reliable recovery and speed mean he'll fall prey to many opponents. If you can keep sandstorm up though, he might have some value due to his colossal defenses. I'd also recommend a wish passer, to make up for his lack of recovery. Again though, you're probably better off using something else.
When will be the next oppertunity to challenge the Frontier? Also why do some users have * and + after thier username?
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