Nintendo Q3 Press Briefing - Wii U to be released by end of 2012 in JP, NA, EU, & AU


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Summary from Michan of NeoGAF:
Wii U:
  • User accounts: Wii U will have individual user accounts, rather than one system-wide account.
  • NFC: Near Field Communication ("touch" data transmission from accessories, credit cards, etc... sort of like QR/Streetpass combined) will be built-in.
  • Online: Miyamoto: "Network has to have a totally new concept to be different."
  • NSMB 3DS announced: Planning to release a totally new side-scrolling action Super Mario in 2D as a key title for the Nintendo 3DS in the next fiscal year.
    200 3DS titles in development.
  • Nintendo first-party DLC: Nintendo considering DLC for their own software, mentions "Super Mario" as an example:
    "If a Super Mario user gets tired, we can then sell digital extras which will drive extra revenue, encourage higher communication amongst users, and possible increased satisfaction and hardware install bases."
  • More Swapnote-like apps? Because of the success of Swapnote, Nintendo is considering other strategies to benefit from this social behaviour.
  • "Path to profits is improve 3DS and focus on software. Super Mario titles will drive a lot of profitability."
  • 60% of 3DS users have connected to the Internet; wants to expand digital offering, but at "infant stage" now.
  • Iwata: "Nintendo's priority is to satisfy existing 3DS users, as well as to prepare titles that will expand the user base combined with network."
  • Third parties: Several new, previously unconsidered alliances/partnerships with third parties.
  • Communities: You haven't seen the last of them!
  • Retail title downloads: 3DS and Wii U both support digital download of retail titles, but... they still aren't quite sure how to implement it just yet.
  • Item billing: "We should not decline third parties if they want to offer item billing" (paying to unlock content).
  • DLC: Still planning to offer DLC (possibly talking about their own software), but needs more time to complete its feasibility study on the market and its needs.
  • More sharing: "Digital will include user to user communications and sharing" (More social networking integration? More Swapnote-like apps? More emphasis on Streetpass/Spotpass?).
  • Better-paced software + DLC: Nintendo has learnt that it shouldn't have stagnant periods between software launches: can fill the gap, and DLC can extend the life of a title.
  • Asia: Planning products for Asia, local partners (WiiQue U?) yet to be announced; still issues of copyright.
  • This will be Nintendo's worst financial year, but Iwata thinks the company can reach break-even on 3DS hardware in Q3 of this year.
  • Miyamoto still around, Iwata angry at Wired. "Miyamoto is saying his basic work is to create a big hit."
Obviously, my first hope is "Nintendo Network" is streamlined. Good to hear things like individual accounts and such. No mention of the term "friend code" yet, right?

As a side note, Yoshinori Ono who is the director of Street Fighter said this about the Wii U:
What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is able to offer. We have been trying the development kits and some of its new characteristics will improve its possibilities. It isn’t something like Kinect or similar accessories, it’s something different.
I can’t tell you more about it because, if I do, Nintendo will send assassins to finish me! (laughs) But let’s say that Wii U will be a console with so many and unique possibilities that it will be difficult to show them in the box they are going to sell it or to be published by magazines and other mediums.

Guess that's a good sign?
"User accounts: Wii U will have individual user accounts, rather than one system-wide account."

God damn finally. Nintendo is realizing their friend codes aren't the smartest business idea ever.
NSMB 3DS announced: Planning to release a totally new side-scrolling action Super Mario in 2D as a key title for the Nintendo 3DS in the next fiscal year.
have incredible hardware capable of creating a fully 3 Dimensional world shown in beautiful 3D visuals without the need for bulky glasses


2D Mario sells better than 3D Mario. 2D Mario takes less effort to make than 3D Mario. Nintendo is losing money. Why wouldn't they create another 2D Mario?
It may very well be the best financial decision for them, but I for one am not going to waste my money on another 2D mario on my 3D system, or any other 2D game for that matter.
It may very well be the best financial decision for them, but I for one am not going to waste my money on another 2D mario on my 3D system.
Every time I see someone say this I assume they are 10 years old. In this case I know better, so I ask you: What makes you not want to buy well-designed games because they happen on a 2D plane? And you haven't even received a 2D Mario on your 3DS yet. This will be the first one.
I will not buy it because I have played and beaten every 2D mario released in the US. I'm done with it. And yes, I've downloaded both Super Mario Land 1 and 2 for my 3DS. Obviously, the new mario would be different than any of the other ones, but considering the hardware capabilities I'm just not going to be satisfied with a NSMB rehash with neat backgrounds in 3D. If its best for the company whatever, I hope it sells well, but me personally, I'm not going to waste my money on it. I don't think I'm alone here. This system is capable of incredible things, but pretty backgrounds that look like they're far off isn't one I'm personally interested in.
Ok, if you don't enjoy the games or are burnt out on them that's fine. I just don't get "This system can do 3D. I don't want to play 2D games on it."
Meh. I'm still not that sold on the Wii U, from what I've heard of it at least. Granted it has yet to come out, but from what I've read it doesn't seem that appealing to me.

I'm sure there's a bunch of people who would love it, but that's just my opinion. And I really hope they don't start bragging about how much better their console's graphics are. No shit, it's been 6-7 years since the 360 and PS3 have been released. I'd be appalled if the console didn't have at least as capable graphics as the 360/PS3. It will be interesting to see if developers will port over games to the Wii U (should we just call it the U?) or will it still be the step child that the Wii is today (at least for big multiplatform games)? Only time will tell I guess, but they should at least release good developer tools.
Ok, if you don't enjoy the games or are burnt out on them that's fine. I just don't get "This system can do 3D. I don't want to play 2D games on it."
Well, I mean, I'll admit it's a little bit of that too. Like, this system is capable of doing things that no other Nintendo system has ever been able to do. It's just a bit of a let down to see it not really, you know, utilized. I will admit that a sidescroller can be quite beautiful on the 3Ds, with the layered backgrounds and foregrounds and this can have unique gameplay opportunities that non 3D visual sidescrollers just can't replicate, but after playing stuff like Zelda, Resident Evil, Ace Combat, and Mario Kart its just disappointing to me to see a game that doesn't take advantage of this amazing new capability to build completely realistic looking 3 Dimensional worlds.
Honestly I'm not excited about the Wii-U. From what I've seen the system is going to remain as powerful as the Wii was compared to this generation.
Will be looking forward to the new 2D Mario but I'm more eagerly awaiting picking up SM3DL soon.

Account-based system for Nintendo's online is much better than the current.
Most recent rumours (take with a huge pinch of salt) say that the Wii U is 5x more powerful than the current generation with the Xbox 360's successor being 6x. If this is true, we may see something like the last. Instead of XBX > GCN > PS2 in terms of power, it might end up being PlayStation 4 > Xbox Next > Wii U assuming Sony takes a bit of time to make their system more powerful than Microsoft's.

Oh, also rumours saying they won't be calling it Wii U which would make a lot of sense. 3DS confused people and Wii U confused even more.
New Smash Bros.? New Smash Bros.

Cool new account system. Though the friend code system didnt really bother me.

Mostly hyped for Zelda HD. I hope they make a Monster Hunter for the Wii U.
Most recent rumours (take with a huge pinch of salt) say that the Wii U is 5x more powerful than the current generation with the Xbox 360's successor being 6x. If this is true, we may see something like the last. Instead of XBX > GCN > PS2 in terms of power, it might end up being PlayStation 4 > Xbox Next > Wii U assuming Sony takes a bit of time to make their system more powerful than Microsoft's.

Oh, also rumours saying they won't be calling it Wii U which would make a lot of sense. 3DS confused people and Wii U confused even more.
I haven't bothered playing catchup with rumors, but I doubt the Wii U would be 5x more powerful personally, I personally peg it probably being slightly better than a PS3 (which isn't saying much these days). Guess we'll see though, hopefully they'll have seen what went wrong with the Wii and will beef up the tech.

Also overall power probably won't mean too much I would think, as long as all 3 next gen consoles have specs that are similar (generally speaking), developers will probably be happy as it makes porting between the 3 a lot easier (in comparison to having to dumb down things to get them to work with the technologically inferior Wii compared to PS3/360). Otherwise, if the Wii U turns out to be underpowered, then again they're not gonna have that good of 3rd party support yet again.

But I digress, as long as Nintendo gets rid of their horrible fucking friend codes, I'll probably look at buying a Wii U for sure instead of being iffy, as I like the concept of their tablet controller. And if that's not so good for some games, that's what 3rd party gear is for. 3DS, meh, it's a gimmick I still say, I won't bother getting it until they inevitably release gen 6 of Pokemon for it, necessitating an upgrade then.
Honestly Nintendo could put out something that uses PooPooPaper as cartridges and I'd still buy it as long as they had Zelda, Smash Bros, Metroid, and their other staples. That's all I really expect out of their system and I'll pay for it like a sucker every time. Anything else is just a bonus.
3DS, meh, it's a gimmick I still say, I won't bother getting it until they inevitably release gen 6 of Pokemon for it, necessitating an upgrade then.

I don't see the logic behind this - just because it has 3D graphics which some may see as a gimmick, does not negate the fact that it's vastly superior to the original DS series (except for the battery life). While the 3DS library isn't impressive yet, it will probably end up as good as the DS (which also had a slow start). I don't see why anyone would want to be left behind with a much weaker system that won't have any new games for it.

As for the Wii U, I hope that rumour about the name-change is true... or else it could negatively impact sales due to confusion, etc.

Also, I don't think the differences in graphical capabilities among next-gen consoles will be important as they were this generation, as long as the Wii U is reasonably powerful for its time. There's a point where you can't really add much more to the visual experience... games already look realistic enough on current HD consoles, so in a generation where all the consoles have HD, it should be easier for Nintendo's console to gain support from other companies. Unless their controller screws it all up.
DLC: Still planning to offer DLC

Oh god, no. Please no.

I'm still not sold on the Wii U. I love my Wii but I honestly doubt I'll be interested in a slight upgrade. The more I hear about it, the less I like.
Don't think I'll be like last time when I spent months trying to get a Wii just to get bored of it after a few months. I currently own an Xbox 360 but I might switch over to a PS4 rather than something like an Xbox 720 because the 360 can be really unreliable sometimes and I trust the same thing will happen in the next generation.
I think that one thing the WiiU will have in its favor is being first out of the gate. Initially it will be the only new system. According to the news, the next XBox system will be out about a year after that, and then literally 4 years later the next Play Station system will finally come out. If people want the hottest new thing they'll pretty much have one choice for a year, and then only two choices for three more years.
If the 200 3DS games part is true, there's bound to be a few gems in there. Time to get a 3DS then...