NU Stats: August 2012


is a Tiering Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
NUPL Champion
Standard NU Rated Stats:

 Total battles: 36176
 Total teams: 72352
 Total pokemon: 434112
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Usage  | Percent | RealUse| RealPct | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Amoonguss          | 11452  | 15.828% | 9442   | 15.771% | 
 | 2    | Cinccino           | 11117  | 15.365% | 9043   | 15.105% | 
 | 3    | Alomomola          | 9624   | 13.302% | 7777   | 12.990% | 
 | 4    | Golurk             | 9125   | 12.612% | 7713   | 12.883% | 
 | 5    | Absol              | 9035   | 12.488% | 6952   | 11.612% | 
 | 6    | Gardevoir          | 8291   | 11.459% | 6688   | 11.171% | 
 | 7    | Miltank            | 7900   | 10.919% | 6666   | 11.134% | 
 | 8    | Armaldo            | 7459   | 10.309% | 6300   | 10.523% | 
 | 9    | Emboar             | 7074   |  9.777% | 5626   |  9.397% | 
 | 10   | Gothitelle         | 6833   |  9.444% | 5691   |  9.506% | 
 | 11   | Exeggutor          | 6589   |  9.107% | 5435   |  9.078% | 
 | 12   | Braviary           | 6343   |  8.767% | 5223   |  8.724% | 
 | 13   | Samurott           | 6199   |  8.568% | 4931   |  8.236% | 
 | 14   | Sawk               | 6118   |  8.456% | 4894   |  8.175% | 
 | 15   | Golem              | 5971   |  8.253% | 5546   |  9.264% | 
 | 16   | Haunter            | 5448   |  7.530% | 4333   |  7.238% | 
 | 17   | Eelektross         | 5446   |  7.527% | 4560   |  7.617% | 
 | 18   | Skuntank           | 5409   |  7.476% | 4306   |  7.192% | 
 | 19   | Altaria            | 5375   |  7.429% | 4350   |  7.266% | 
 | 20   | Zangoose           | 5292   |  7.314% | 4068   |  6.795% | 
 | 21   | Rotom-Fan          | 5247   |  7.252% | 4406   |  7.359% | 
 | 22   | Probopass          | 5201   |  7.188% | 4738   |  7.914% | 
 | 23   | Garbodor           | 5069   |  7.006% | 4468   |  7.463% | 
 | 24   | Charizard          | 5042   |  6.969% | 4125   |  6.890% | 
 | 25   | Ludicolo           | 4917   |  6.796% | 4079   |  6.813% | 
 | 26   | Gorebyss           | 4853   |  6.707% | 3815   |  6.372% | 
 | 27   | Swellow            | 4845   |  6.696% | 3784   |  6.321% | 
 | 28   | Musharna           | 4617   |  6.381% | 3707   |  6.192% | 
 | 29   | Gurdurr            | 4584   |  6.336% | 3775   |  6.306% | 
 | 30   | Regirock           | 4532   |  6.264% | 4032   |  6.735% | 
 | 31   | Cacturne           | 4431   |  6.124% | 3674   |  6.137% | 
 | 32   | Ampharos           | 4363   |  6.030% | 3667   |  6.125% | 
 | 33   | Carracosta         | 4151   |  5.737% | 3579   |  5.978% | 
 | 34   | Pinsir             | 4080   |  5.639% | 3349   |  5.594% | 
 | 35   | Ditto              | 4032   |  5.573% | 3228   |  5.392% | 
 | 36   | Drifblim           | 3952   |  5.462% | 3208   |  5.358% | 
 | 37   | Ninjask            | 3881   |  5.364% | 3585   |  5.988% | 
 | 38   | Weezing            | 3777   |  5.220% | 3225   |  5.387% | 
 | 39   | Electrode          | 3741   |  5.171% | 3328   |  5.559% | 
 | 40   | Misdreavus         | 3718   |  5.139% | 3170   |  5.295% | 
 | 41   | Bastiodon          | 3645   |  5.038% | 3342   |  5.582% | 
 | 42   | Torkoal            | 3609   |  4.988% | 3227   |  5.390% | 
 | 43   | Floatzel           | 3594   |  4.967% | 2880   |  4.811% | 
 | 44   | Kadabra            | 3418   |  4.724% | 2685   |  4.485% | 
 | 45   | Lapras             | 3349   |  4.629% | 2772   |  4.630% | 
 | 46   | Lickilicky         | 3313   |  4.579% | 2640   |  4.410% | 
 | 47   | Cradily            | 3186   |  4.403% | 2748   |  4.590% | 
 | 48   | Wartortle          | 3130   |  4.326% | 2577   |  4.304% | 
 | 49   | Marowak            | 2937   |  4.059% | 2486   |  4.152% | 
 | 50   | Leafeon            | 2765   |  3.822% | 2233   |  3.730% | 
 | 51   | Seismitoad         | 2751   |  3.802% | 2391   |  3.994% | 
 | 52   | Glaceon            | 2708   |  3.743% | 2186   |  3.651% | 
 | 53   | Camerupt           | 2678   |  3.701% | 2342   |  3.912% | 
 | 54   | Regice             | 2662   |  3.679% | 2124   |  3.548% | 
 | 55   | Serperior          | 2637   |  3.645% | 2170   |  3.625% | 
 | 56   | Electabuzz         | 2577   |  3.562% | 2149   |  3.590% | 
 | 57   | Raichu             | 2484   |  3.433% | 1978   |  3.304% | 
 | 58   | Torterra           | 2461   |  3.401% | 2092   |  3.494% | 
 | 59   | Articuno           | 2455   |  3.393% | 2021   |  3.376% | 
 | 60   | Sawsbuck           | 2439   |  3.371% | 1912   |  3.194% | 
 | 61   | Rampardos          | 2432   |  3.361% | 1925   |  3.215% | 
 | 62   | Zebstrika          | 2345   |  3.241% | 1971   |  3.292% | 
 | 63   | Kangaskhan         | 2337   |  3.230% | 2002   |  3.344% | 
 | 64   | Arbok              | 2326   |  3.215% | 1877   |  3.135% | 
 | 65   | Pikachu            | 2255   |  3.117% | 1720   |  2.873% | 
 | 66   | Flareon            | 2251   |  3.111% | 1750   |  2.923% | 
 | 67   | Gigalith           | 2247   |  3.106% | 2063   |  3.446% | 
 | 68   | Tauros             | 2186   |  3.021% | 1722   |  2.876% | 
 | 69   | Ursaring           | 2167   |  2.995% | 1733   |  2.895% | 
 | 70   | Tangela            | 2136   |  2.952% | 1781   |  2.975% | 
 | 71   | Piloswine          | 2081   |  2.876% | 1871   |  3.125% | 
 | 72   | Rapidash           | 2058   |  2.844% | 1618   |  2.703% | 
 | 73   | Linoone            | 1979   |  2.735% | 1606   |  2.683% | 
 | 74   | Swoobat            | 1962   |  2.712% | 1553   |  2.594% | 
 | 75   | Audino             | 1902   |  2.629% | 1507   |  2.517% | 
 | 76   | Fraxure            | 1888   |  2.609% | 1395   |  2.330% | 
 | 77   | Muk                | 1868   |  2.582% | 1580   |  2.639% | 
 | 78   | Butterfree         | 1862   |  2.574% | 1602   |  2.676% | 
 | 79   | Dragonair          | 1849   |  2.556% | 1534   |  2.562% | 
 | 80   | Jumpluff           | 1760   |  2.433% | 1458   |  2.435% | 
 | 81   | Persian            | 1752   |  2.421% | 1564   |  2.612% | 
 | 82   | Golbat             | 1729   |  2.390% | 1444   |  2.412% | 
 | 83   | Liepard            | 1678   |  2.319% | 1481   |  2.474% | 
 | 84   | Combusken          | 1663   |  2.298% | 1350   |  2.255% | 
 | 85   | Luxray             | 1651   |  2.282% | 1381   |  2.307% | 
 | 86   | Throh              | 1631   |  2.254% | 1336   |  2.232% | 
 | 87   | Mr. Mime           | 1592   |  2.200% | 1269   |  2.120% | 
 | 88   | Slaking            | 1591   |  2.199% | 1288   |  2.151% | 
 | 89   | Lairon             | 1569   |  2.169% | 1367   |  2.283% | 
 | 90   | Rotom-Frost        | 1517   |  2.097% | 1248   |  2.085% | 
 | 91   | Regigigas          | 1470   |  2.032% | 1193   |  1.993% | 
 | 92   | Meganium           | 1469   |  2.030% | 1235   |  2.063% | 
 | 93   | Mantine            | 1467   |  2.028% | 1211   |  2.023% | 
 | 94   | Volbeat            | 1461   |  2.019% | 1350   |  2.255% | 
 | 95   | Kingler            | 1451   |  2.005% | 1151   |  1.923% | 
 | 96   | Mawile             | 1446   |  1.999% | 1235   |  2.063% | 
 | 97   | Grumpig            | 1443   |  1.994% | 1202   |  2.008% | 
 | 98   | Stunfisk           | 1412   |  1.952% | 1229   |  2.053% | 
 | 99   | Relicanth          | 1362   |  1.882% | 1140   |  1.904% | 
 | 100  | Hypno              | 1357   |  1.876% | 1142   |  1.908% | 
 | 101  | Vileplume          | 1322   |  1.827% | 1096   |  1.831% | 
 | 102  | Basculin           | 1256   |  1.736% | 989    |  1.652% | 
 | 103  | Beheeyem           | 1251   |  1.729% | 997    |  1.665% | 
 | 104  | Shuckle            | 1245   |  1.721% | 1097   |  1.832% | 
 | 105  | Simipour           | 1222   |  1.689% | 925    |  1.545% | 
 | 106  | Klang              | 1181   |  1.632% | 941    |  1.572% | 
 | 107  | Dunsparce          | 1157   |  1.599% | 938    |  1.567% | 
 | 108  | Machoke            | 1134   |  1.567% | 938    |  1.567% | 
 | 109  | Simisear           | 1116   |  1.542% | 869    |  1.452% | 
 | 110  | Banette            | 1076   |  1.487% | 981    |  1.639% | 
 | 111  | Dodrio             | 1075   |  1.486% | 863    |  1.441% | 
 | 112  | Murkrow            | 1025   |  1.417% | 845    |  1.411% | 
 | 113  | Emolga             | 988    |  1.366% | 816    |  1.363% | 
 | 114  | Zweilous           | 979    |  1.353% | 787    |  1.315% | 
 | 115  | Huntail            | 952    |  1.316% | 735    |  1.228% | 
 | 116  | Lopunny            | 931    |  1.287% | 833    |  1.391% | 
 | 117  | Golduck            | 922    |  1.274% | 747    |  1.248% | 
 | 118  | Tentacool          | 916    |  1.266% | 756    |  1.263% | 
 | 119  | Shiftry            | 911    |  1.259% | 741    |  1.238% | 
 | 120  | Wailord            | 902    |  1.247% | 768    |  1.283% | 
 | 121  | Swanna             | 887    |  1.226% | 706    |  1.179% | 
 | 122  | Beartic            | 871    |  1.204% | 703    |  1.174% | 
 | 123  | Gabite             | 865    |  1.196% | 719    |  1.201% | 
 | 124  | Spinda             | 847    |  1.171% | 702    |  1.173% | 
 | 125  | Victreebel         | 840    |  1.161% | 699    |  1.168% | 
 | 126  | Bibarel            | 828    |  1.144% | 665    |  1.111% | 
 | 127  | Vigoroth           | 819    |  1.132% | 641    |  1.071% | 
 | 128  | Heatmor            | 814    |  1.125% | 676    |  1.129% | 
 | 129  | Exploud            | 812    |  1.122% | 666    |  1.112% | 
 | 130  | Magmar             | 784    |  1.084% | 627    |  1.047% | 
 | 131  | Tropius            | 780    |  1.078% | 596    |  0.996% | 
 | 132  | Duosion            | 769    |  1.063% | 631    |  1.054% | 
 | 133  | Whiscash           | 757    |  1.046% | 633    |  1.057% | 
 | 134  | Simisage           | 753    |  1.041% | 585    |  0.977% | 
 | 135  | Kecleon            | 753    |  1.041% | 642    |  1.072% | 
 | 136  | Granbull           | 750    |  1.037% | 607    |  1.014% | 
 | 137  | Raticate           | 749    |  1.035% | 616    |  1.029% | 
 | 138  | Wormadam-Trash     | 712    |  0.984% | 625    |  1.044% | 
 | 139  | Leavanny           | 685    |  0.947% | 562    |  0.939% | 
 | 140  | Glalie             | 668    |  0.923% | 619    |  1.034% | 
 | 141  | Octillery          | 663    |  0.916% | 544    |  0.909% | 
 | 142  | Sneasel            | 647    |  0.894% | 537    |  0.897% | 
 | 143  | Vanilluxe          | 646    |  0.893% | 503    |  0.840% | 
 | 144  | Noctowl            | 645    |  0.891% | 528    |  0.882% | 
 | 145  | Seviper            | 633    |  0.875% | 522    |  0.872% | 
 | 146  | Shedinja           | 623    |  0.861% | 425    |  0.710% | 
 | 147  | Magcargo           | 608    |  0.840% | 522    |  0.872% | 
 | 148  | Shelgon            | 584    |  0.807% | 452    |  0.755% | 
 | 149  | Beedrill           | 576    |  0.796% | 489    |  0.817% | 
 | 150  | Mightyena          | 565    |  0.781% | 437    |  0.730% | 
 | 151  | Walrein            | 547    |  0.756% | 471    |  0.787% | 
 | 152  | Whirlipede         | 545    |  0.753% | 488    |  0.815% | 
 | 153  | Parasect           | 525    |  0.726% | 421    |  0.703% | 
 | 154  | Girafarig          | 524    |  0.724% | 417    |  0.697% | 
 | 155  | Natu               | 493    |  0.681% | 408    |  0.681% | 
 | 156  | Dustox             | 477    |  0.659% | 375    |  0.626% | 
 | 157  | Monferno           | 462    |  0.639% | 390    |  0.651% | 
 | 158  | Corsola            | 446    |  0.616% | 383    |  0.640% | 
 | 159  | Maractus           | 442    |  0.611% | 354    |  0.591% | 
 | 160  | Chimecho           | 440    |  0.608% | 351    |  0.586% | 
 | 161  | Sandshrew          | 437    |  0.604% | 390    |  0.651% | 
 | 162  | Diglett            | 433    |  0.598% | 372    |  0.621% | 
 | 163  | Seaking            | 432    |  0.597% | 352    |  0.588% | 
 | 164  | Lampent            | 427    |  0.590% | 338    |  0.565% | 
 | 165  | Stantler           | 402    |  0.556% | 331    |  0.553% | 
 | 166  | Riolu              | 400    |  0.553% | 305    |  0.509% | 
 | 167  | Scraggy            | 396    |  0.547% | 316    |  0.528% | 
 | 168  | Fearow             | 394    |  0.545% | 343    |  0.573% | 
 | 169  | Mothim             | 394    |  0.545% | 314    |  0.524% | 
 | 170  | Togetic            | 392    |  0.542% | 320    |  0.535% | 
 | 171  | Masquerain         | 392    |  0.542% | 330    |  0.551% | 
 | 172  | Illumise           | 392    |  0.542% | 340    |  0.568% | 
 | 173  | Ariados            | 385    |  0.532% | 329    |  0.550% | 
 | 174  | Swalot             | 384    |  0.531% | 324    |  0.541% | 
 | 175  | Dewgong            | 383    |  0.529% | 329    |  0.550% | 
 | 176  | Furret             | 372    |  0.514% | 331    |  0.553% | 
 | 177  | Frillish           | 371    |  0.513% | 314    |  0.524% | 
 | 178  | Seadra             | 362    |  0.500% | 318    |  0.531% | 
 | 179  | Wigglytuff         | 357    |  0.493% | 292    |  0.488% | 
 | 180  | Pelipper           | 346    |  0.478% | 298    |  0.498% | 
 | 181  | Solrock            | 330    |  0.456% | 281    |  0.469% | 
 | 182  | Purugly            | 307    |  0.424% | 273    |  0.456% | 
 | 183  | Lunatone           | 307    |  0.424% | 275    |  0.459% | 
 | 184  | Sudowoodo          | 295    |  0.408% | 262    |  0.438% | 
 | 185  | Bellossom          | 276    |  0.381% | 231    |  0.386% | 
 | 186  | Pineco             | 273    |  0.377% | 249    |  0.416% | 
 | 187  | Pidgeot            | 271    |  0.375% | 236    |  0.394% | 
 | 188  | Vespiquen          | 269    |  0.372% | 214    |  0.357% | 
 | 189  | Omanyte            | 263    |  0.364% | 237    |  0.396% | 
 | 190  | Clamperl           | 254    |  0.351% | 209    |  0.349% | 
 | 191  | Cottonee           | 251    |  0.347% | 214    |  0.357% | 
 | 192  | Porygon            | 251    |  0.347% | 217    |  0.362% | 
 | 193  | Phione             | 246    |  0.340% | 213    |  0.356% | 
 | 194  | Dwebble            | 240    |  0.332% | 232    |  0.388% | 
 | 195  | Carnivine          | 238    |  0.329% | 201    |  0.336% | 
 | 196  | Chatot             | 226    |  0.312% | 179    |  0.299% | 
 | 197  | Gothorita          | 223    |  0.308% | 191    |  0.319% | 
 | 198  | empty              | 222    |  0.307% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 199  | Delcatty           | 219    |  0.303% | 192    |  0.321% | 
 | 200  | Delibird           | 212    |  0.293% | 173    |  0.289% | 
 | 201  | Beautifly          | 200    |  0.276% | 161    |  0.269% | 
 | 202  | Castform           | 195    |  0.270% | 169    |  0.282% | 
 | 203  | Onix               | 190    |  0.263% | 163    |  0.272% | 
 | 204  | Ledian             | 183    |  0.253% | 163    |  0.272% | 
 | 205  | Shellder           | 165    |  0.228% | 130    |  0.217% | 
 | 206  | Wynaut             | 159    |  0.220% | 134    |  0.224% | 
 | 207  | Farfetch'd         | 155    |  0.214% | 124    |  0.207% | 
 | 208  | Pignite            | 151    |  0.209% | 119    |  0.199% | 
 | 209  | Chinchou           | 148    |  0.205% | 145    |  0.242% | 
 | 210  | Wormadam-Sandy     | 146    |  0.202% | 132    |  0.220% | 
 | 211  | Lickitung          | 144    |  0.199% | 116    |  0.194% | 
 | 212  | Unfezant           | 143    |  0.198% | 124    |  0.207% | 
 | 213  | Mienfoo            | 130    |  0.180% | 120    |  0.200% | 
 | 214  | Plusle             | 124    |  0.171% | 108    |  0.180% | 
 | 215  | Pachirisu          | 123    |  0.170% | 111    |  0.185% | 
 | 216  | Ivysaur            | 123    |  0.170% | 110    |  0.184% | 
 | 217  | Cherrim            | 122    |  0.169% | 97     |  0.162% | 
 | 218  | Baltoy             | 121    |  0.167% | 91     |  0.152% | 
 | 219  | Bronzor            | 120    |  0.166% | 113    |  0.189% | 
 | 220  | Lumineon           | 118    |  0.163% | 105    |  0.175% | 
 | 221  | Dewott             | 114    |  0.158% | 99     |  0.165% | 
 | 222  | Yanma              | 104    |  0.144% | 92     |  0.154% | 
 | 223  | Pupitar            | 98     |  0.135% | 84     |  0.140% | 
 | 224  | Mantyke            | 83     |  0.115% | 67     |  0.112% | 
 | 225  | Marshtomp          | 81     |  0.112% | 75     |  0.125% | 
 | 226  | Staryu             | 81     |  0.112% | 67     |  0.112% | 
 | 227  | Luvdisc            | 79     |  0.109% | 62     |  0.104% | 
 | 228  | Sunflora           | 75     |  0.104% | 64     |  0.107% | 
 | 229  | Bayleef            | 72     |  0.100% | 62     |  0.104% | 
 | 230  | Watchog            | 70     |  0.097% | 59     |  0.099% | 
 | 231  | Vullaby            | 66     |  0.091% | 57     |  0.095% | 
 | 232  | Rattata            | 63     |  0.087% | 53     |  0.089% | 
 | 233  | Lileep             | 60     |  0.083% | 52     |  0.087% | 
 | 234  | Minun              | 58     |  0.080% | 47     |  0.079% | 
 | 235  | Meditite           | 56     |  0.077% | 51     |  0.085% | 
 | 236  | Grotle             | 54     |  0.075% | 52     |  0.087% | 
 | 237  | Grovyle            | 51     |  0.070% | 43     |  0.072% | 
 | 238  | Magnemite          | 49     |  0.068% | 43     |  0.072% | 
 | 239  | Magikarp           | 49     |  0.068% | 35     |  0.058% | 
 | 240  | Charmeleon         | 45     |  0.062% | 37     |  0.062% | 
 | 241  | Herdier            | 45     |  0.062% | 37     |  0.062% | 
 | 242  | Lombre             | 44     |  0.061% | 37     |  0.062% | 
 | 243  | Kabuto             | 44     |  0.061% | 39     |  0.065% | 
 | 244  | Poliwhirl          | 43     |  0.059% | 37     |  0.062% | 
 | 245  | Nosepass           | 40     |  0.055% | 36     |  0.060% | 
 | 246  | Shelmet            | 40     |  0.055% | 31     |  0.052% | 
 | 247  | Skorupi            | 39     |  0.054% | 30     |  0.050% | 
 | 248  | Clefairy           | 39     |  0.054% | 33     |  0.055% | 
 | 249  | Nidorino           | 37     |  0.051% | 28     |  0.047% | 
 | 250  | Rhyhorn            | 37     |  0.051% | 30     |  0.050% | 
 | 251  | Numel              | 34     |  0.047% | 29     |  0.048% | 
 | 252  | Koffing            | 34     |  0.047% | 29     |  0.048% | 
 | 253  | Graveler           | 34     |  0.047% | 33     |  0.055% | 
 | 254  | Zigzagoon          | 32     |  0.044% | 14     |  0.023% | 
 | 255  | Marill             | 30     |  0.041% | 23     |  0.038% | 
 | 256  | Boldore            | 30     |  0.041% | 27     |  0.045% | 
 | 257  | Duskull            | 29     |  0.040% | 23     |  0.038% | 
 | 258  | Sealeo             | 28     |  0.039% | 20     |  0.033% | 
 | 259  | Aron               | 28     |  0.039% | 22     |  0.037% | 
 | 260  | Croagunk           | 28     |  0.039% | 28     |  0.047% | 
 | 261  | Servine            | 27     |  0.037% | 24     |  0.040% | 
 | 262  | Kricketune         | 27     |  0.037% | 23     |  0.038% | 
 | 263  | Meowth             | 26     |  0.036% | 26     |  0.043% | 
 | 264  | Vibrava            | 25     |  0.035% | 23     |  0.038% | 
 | 265  | Flaaffy            | 24     |  0.033% | 22     |  0.037% | 
 | 266  | Eevee              | 23     |  0.032% | 20     |  0.033% | 
 | 267  | Quilava            | 22     |  0.030% | 20     |  0.033% | 
 | 268  | Slowpoke           | 22     |  0.030% | 21     |  0.035% | 
 | 269  | Mudkip             | 21     |  0.029% | 20     |  0.033% | 
 | 270  | Staravia           | 21     |  0.029% | 17     |  0.028% | 
 | 271  | Krokorok           | 21     |  0.029% | 16     |  0.027% | 
 | 272  | Phanpy             | 19     |  0.026% | 17     |  0.028% | 
 | 273  | Metapod            | 19     |  0.026% | 15     |  0.025% | 
 | 274  | Carvanha           | 19     |  0.026% | 13     |  0.022% | 
 | 275  | Croconaw           | 19     |  0.026% | 17     |  0.028% | 
 | 276  | Pawniard           | 18     |  0.025% | 15     |  0.025% | 
 | 277  | Unown              | 18     |  0.025% | 14     |  0.023% | 
 | 278  | Yamask             | 18     |  0.025% | 15     |  0.025% | 
 | 279  | Drilbur            | 18     |  0.025% | 15     |  0.025% | 
 | 280  | Larvesta           | 17     |  0.023% | 14     |  0.023% | 
 | 281  | Vulpix             | 17     |  0.023% | 15     |  0.025% | 
 | 282  | Squirtle           | 16     |  0.022% | 13     |  0.022% | 
 | 283  | Larvitar           | 16     |  0.022% | 11     |  0.018% | 
 | 284  | Zubat              | 16     |  0.022% | 13     |  0.022% | 
 | 285  | Eelektrik          | 14     |  0.019% | 11     |  0.018% | 
 | 286  | Shieldon           | 14     |  0.019% | 12     |  0.020% | 
 | 287  | Togepi             | 13     |  0.018% | 13     |  0.022% | 
 | 288  | Bulbasaur          | 13     |  0.018% | 12     |  0.020% | 
 | 289  | Corphish           | 13     |  0.018% | 11     |  0.018% | 
 | 290  | Anorith            | 13     |  0.018% | 13     |  0.022% | 
 | 291  | Aipom              | 12     |  0.017% | 12     |  0.020% | 
 | 292  | Swadloon           | 12     |  0.017% | 11     |  0.018% | 
 | 293  | Kirlia             | 11     |  0.015% | 8      |  0.013% | 
 | 294  | Growlithe          | 11     |  0.015% | 10     |  0.017% | 
 | 295  | Zorua              | 10     |  0.014% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 296  | Houndour           | 10     |  0.014% | 9      |  0.015% | 
 | 297  | Shroomish          | 10     |  0.014% | 9      |  0.015% | 
 | 298  | Starly             | 10     |  0.014% | 9      |  0.015% | 
 | 299  | Snover             | 10     |  0.014% | 9      |  0.015% | 
 | 300  | Happiny            | 10     |  0.014% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 301  | Darumaka           | 10     |  0.014% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 302  | Snivy              | 10     |  0.014% | 8      |  0.013% | 
 | 303  | Caterpie           | 10     |  0.014% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 304  | Archen             | 9      |  0.012% | 8      |  0.013% | 
 | 305  | Trapinch           | 9      |  0.012% | 7      |  0.012% | 
 | 306  | Hippopotas         | 9      |  0.012% | 7      |  0.012% | 
 | 307  | Drifloon           | 9      |  0.012% | 8      |  0.013% | 
 | 308  | Pansear            | 8      |  0.011% | 8      |  0.013% | 
 | 309  | Minccino           | 8      |  0.011% | 6      |  0.010% | 
 | 310  | Ponyta             | 8      |  0.011% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 311  | Pichu              | 8      |  0.011% | 8      |  0.013% | 
 | 312  | Voltorb            | 8      |  0.011% | 7      |  0.012% | 
 | 313  | Buizel             | 8      |  0.011% | 7      |  0.012% | 
 | 314  | Oshawott           | 8      |  0.011% | 8      |  0.013% | 
 | 315  | Surskit            | 7      |  0.010% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 316  | Jigglypuff         | 7      |  0.010% | 6      |  0.010% | 
 | 317  | Chimchar           | 7      |  0.010% | 7      |  0.012% | 
 | 318  | Gastly             | 7      |  0.010% | 7      |  0.012% | 
 | 319  | Wormadam           | 7      |  0.010% | 6      |  0.010% | 
 | 320  | Lillipup           | 6      |  0.008% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 321  | Shuppet            | 6      |  0.008% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 322  | Taillow            | 6      |  0.008% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 323  | Magby              | 6      |  0.008% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 324  | Hoothoot           | 6      |  0.008% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 325  | Feebas             | 6      |  0.008% | 6      |  0.010% | 
 | 326  | Joltik             | 6      |  0.008% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 327  | Golett             | 6      |  0.008% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 328  | Seedot             | 5      |  0.007% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 329  | Roggenrola         | 5      |  0.007% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 330  | Psyduck            | 5      |  0.007% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 331  | Cyndaquil          | 5      |  0.007% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 332  | Sunkern            | 5      |  0.007% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 333  | Tyrogue            | 5      |  0.007% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 334  | Wailmer            | 5      |  0.007% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 335  | Cranidos           | 5      |  0.007% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 336  | Cubone             | 5      |  0.007% | 5      |  0.008% | 
 | 337  | Elekid             | 5      |  0.007% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 338  | Cleffa             | 4      |  0.006% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 339  | Treecko            | 4      |  0.006% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 340  | Abra               | 4      |  0.006% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 341  | Kakuna             | 4      |  0.006% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 342  | Shellos            | 4      |  0.006% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 343  | Swablu             | 4      |  0.006% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 344  | Palpitoad          | 4      |  0.006% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 345  | Krabby             | 4      |  0.006% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 346  | Skitty             | 4      |  0.006% | 4      |  0.007% | 
 | 347  | Mankey             | 3      |  0.004% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 348  | Doduo              | 3      |  0.004% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 349  | Totodile           | 3      |  0.004% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 350  | Vanillish          | 3      |  0.004% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 351  | Piplup             | 3      |  0.004% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 352  | Spearow            | 3      |  0.004% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 353  | Chikorita          | 3      |  0.004% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 354  | Axew               | 3      |  0.004% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 355  | Dratini            | 3      |  0.004% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 356  | Gible              | 3      |  0.004% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 357  | Timburr            | 3      |  0.004% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 358  | Charmander         | 3      |  0.004% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 359  | Grimer             | 3      |  0.004% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 360  | Tranquill          | 3      |  0.004% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 361  | Hoppip             | 3      |  0.004% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 362  | Gloom              | 3      |  0.004% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 363  | Weedle             | 3      |  0.004% | 3      |  0.005% | 
 | 364  | Cacnea             | 3      |  0.004% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 365  | Deino              | 2      |  0.003% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 366  | Prinplup           | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 367  | Budew              | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 368  | Cascoon            | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 369  | Bellsprout         | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 370  | Beldum             | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 371  | Silcoon            | 2      |  0.003% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 372  | Swinub             | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 373  | Bonsly             | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 374  | Geodude            | 2      |  0.003% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 375  | Panpour            | 2      |  0.003% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 376  | Teddiursa          | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 377  | Glameow            | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 378  | Bagon              | 2      |  0.003% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 379  | Tirtouga           | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 380  | Bidoof             | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 381  | Nuzleaf            | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 382  | Machop             | 2      |  0.003% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 383  | Nidorina           | 2      |  0.003% | 2      |  0.003% | 
 | 384  | Buneary            | 1      |  0.001% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 385  | Tepig              | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 386  | Pansage            | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 387  | Goldeen            | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 388  | Pidgey             | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 389  | NidoranF           | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 390  | Cherubi            | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 391  | Mareep             | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 392  | Paras              | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 393  | Purrloin           | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 394  | Pidgeotto          | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 395  | Woobat             | 1      |  0.001% | 0      |  0.000% | 
 | 396  | Igglybuff          | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 397  | Chingling          | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 398  | Oddish             | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 399  | Munna              | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 400  | Drowzee            | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 401  | Exeggcute          | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 | 402  | Torchic            | 1      |  0.001% | 1      |  0.002% | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- + ------ + ------- +
Still no 1337 stats :<

Lead Usage Stats:

 Total battles: 36151
 Total teams: 72302
 Total pokemon: 72302
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Usage  | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Golem              | 2952   |  4.083% |
 | 2    | Cinccino           | 2472   |  3.419% |
 | 3    | Ninjask            | 2166   |  2.996% |
 | 4    | Armaldo            | 2110   |  2.918% |
 | 5    | Probopass          | 2076   |  2.871% |
 | 6    | Golurk             | 1837   |  2.541% |
 | 7    | Bastiodon          | 1738   |  2.404% |
 | 8    | Regirock           | 1702   |  2.354% |
 | 9    | Garbodor           | 1659   |  2.295% |
 | 10   | Miltank            | 1459   |  2.018% |
 | 11   | Electrode          | 1388   |  1.920% |
 | 12   | Braviary           | 1259   |  1.741% |
 | 13   | Torkoal            | 1175   |  1.625% |
 | 14   | Gigalith           | 1162   |  1.607% |
 | 15   | Rotom-Fan          | 1137   |  1.573% |
 | 16   | Amoonguss          | 1008   |  1.394% |
 | 17   | Cradily            | 941    |  1.301% |
 | 18   | Carracosta         | 922    |  1.275% |
 | 19   | Cacturne           | 896    |  1.239% |
 | 20   | Piloswine          | 890    |  1.231% |
 | 21   | Gothitelle         | 839    |  1.160% |
 | 22   | Gardevoir          | 831    |  1.149% |
 | 23   | Pinsir             | 819    |  1.133% |
 | 24   | Samurott           | 817    |  1.130% |
 | 25   | Volbeat            | 810    |  1.120% |
 | 26   | Camerupt           | 794    |  1.098% |
 | 27   | Persian            | 783    |  1.083% |
 | 28   | Eelektross         | 774    |  1.071% |
 | 29   | Butterfree         | 739    |  1.022% |
 | 30   | Seismitoad         | 709    |  0.981% |
 | 31   | Sawk               | 707    |  0.978% |
 | 32   | Absol              | 662    |  0.916% |
 | 33   | Marowak            | 632    |  0.874% |
 | 34   | Ditto              | 606    |  0.838% |
 | 35   | Gorebyss           | 606    |  0.838% |
 | 36   | Ampharos           | 594    |  0.822% |
 | 37   | Liepard            | 593    |  0.820% |
 | 38   | Torterra           | 584    |  0.808% |
 | 39   | Misdreavus         | 584    |  0.808% |
 | 40   | Charizard          | 568    |  0.786% |
 | 41   | Kangaskhan         | 547    |  0.757% |
 | 42   | Emboar             | 503    |  0.696% |
 | 43   | Exeggutor          | 493    |  0.682% |
 | 44   | Lairon             | 489    |  0.676% |
 | 45   | Skuntank           | 488    |  0.675% |
 | 46   | Jumpluff           | 454    |  0.628% |
 | 47   | Swellow            | 452    |  0.625% |
 | 48   | Haunter            | 451    |  0.624% |
 | 49   | Stunfisk           | 447    |  0.618% |
 | 50   | Banette            | 445    |  0.615% |
 | 51   | Ludicolo           | 437    |  0.604% |
 | 52   | Gurdurr            | 398    |  0.550% |
 | 53   | Alomomola          | 395    |  0.546% |
 | 54   | Electabuzz         | 386    |  0.534% |
 | 55   | Floatzel           | 374    |  0.517% |
 | 56   | Lopunny            | 368    |  0.509% |
 | 57   | Zebstrika          | 367    |  0.508% |
 | 58   | Glalie             | 359    |  0.497% |
 | 59   | Shuckle            | 358    |  0.495% |
 | 60   | Drifblim           | 356    |  0.492% |
 | 61   | Linoone            | 348    |  0.481% |
 | 62   | Kadabra            | 338    |  0.467% |
 | 63   | Rampardos          | 329    |  0.455% |
 | 64   | Rotom-Frost        | 319    |  0.441% |
 | 65   | Serperior          | 317    |  0.438% |
 | 66   | Altaria            | 300    |  0.415% |
 | 67   | Zangoose           | 298    |  0.412% |
 | 68   | Lapras             | 291    |  0.402% |
 | 69   | Golbat             | 290    |  0.401% |
 | 70   | Musharna           | 277    |  0.383% |
 | 71   | Relicanth          | 271    |  0.375% |
 | 72   | Glaceon            | 255    |  0.353% |
 | 73   | Pikachu            | 242    |  0.335% |
 | 74   | Slaking            | 241    |  0.333% |
 | 75   | Raichu             | 238    |  0.329% |
 | 76   | Combusken          | 238    |  0.329% |
 | 77   | Murkrow            | 231    |  0.319% |
 | 78   | Weezing            | 227    |  0.314% |
 | 79   | Mr. Mime           | 215    |  0.297% |
 | 80   | Swoobat            | 213    |  0.295% |
 | 81   | Mawile             | 209    |  0.289% |
 | 82   | Wormadam-Trash     | 209    |  0.289% |
 | 83   | Dwebble            | 208    |  0.288% |
 | 84   | Arbok              | 207    |  0.286% |
 | 85   | Articuno           | 204    |  0.282% |
 | 86   | Whirlipede         | 201    |  0.278% |
 | 87   | Tangela            | 200    |  0.277% |
 | 88   | Leafeon            | 196    |  0.271% |
 | 89   | Wailord            | 194    |  0.268% |
 | 90   | Ursaring           | 192    |  0.266% |
 | 91   | Flareon            | 181    |  0.250% |
 | 92   | Dragonair          | 179    |  0.248% |
 | 93   | Emolga             | 177    |  0.245% |
 | 94   | Magcargo           | 177    |  0.245% |
 | 95   | Beedrill           | 169    |  0.234% |
 | 96   | Kecleon            | 167    |  0.231% |
 | 97   | Simipour           | 166    |  0.230% |
 | 98   | Tauros             | 163    |  0.225% |
 | 99   | Hypno              | 159    |  0.220% |
 | 100  | Fraxure            | 156    |  0.216% |
 | 101  | Wartortle          | 155    |  0.214% |
 | 102  | Machoke            | 153    |  0.212% |
 | 103  | Sandshrew          | 150    |  0.207% |
 | 104  | Sawsbuck           | 150    |  0.207% |
 | 105  | Rapidash           | 149    |  0.206% |
 | 106  | Beheeyem           | 144    |  0.199% |
 | 107  | Shedinja           | 144    |  0.199% |
 | 108  | Regigigas          | 143    |  0.198% |
 | 109  | Spinda             | 142    |  0.196% |
 | 110  | Exploud            | 139    |  0.192% |
 | 111  | Monferno           | 139    |  0.192% |
 | 112  | Lickilicky         | 137    |  0.189% |
 | 113  | Bibarel            | 136    |  0.188% |
 | 114  | Illumise           | 135    |  0.187% |
 | 115  | Furret             | 134    |  0.185% |
 | 116  | Luxray             | 134    |  0.185% |
 | 117  | Diglett            | 132    |  0.183% |
 | 118  | Gabite             | 132    |  0.183% |
 | 119  | Simisear           | 132    |  0.183% |
 | 120  | Basculin           | 131    |  0.181% |
 | 121  | Solrock            | 131    |  0.181% |
 | 122  | Chinchou           | 131    |  0.181% |
 | 123  | Kingler            | 130    |  0.180% |
 | 124  | Meganium           | 129    |  0.178% |
 | 125  | Dunsparce          | 125    |  0.173% |
 | 126  | Audino             | 125    |  0.173% |
 | 127  | Dodrio             | 122    |  0.169% |
 | 128  | Grumpig            | 119    |  0.165% |
 | 129  | Sudowoodo          | 118    |  0.163% |
 | 130  | Muk                | 118    |  0.163% |
 | 131  | Throh              | 118    |  0.163% |
 | 132  | Omanyte            | 116    |  0.160% |
 | 133  | Lunatone           | 115    |  0.159% |
 | 134  | Ariados            | 114    |  0.158% |
 | 135  | Simisage           | 114    |  0.158% |
 | 136  | Pineco             | 113    |  0.156% |
 | 137  | Corsola            | 111    |  0.154% |
 | 138  | Chimecho           | 106    |  0.147% |
 | 139  | Purugly            | 106    |  0.147% |
 | 140  | Regice             | 104    |  0.144% |
 | 141  | Whiscash           | 101    |  0.140% |
 | 142  | Wigglytuff         | 91     |  0.126% |
 | 143  | Tentacool          | 90     |  0.124% |
 | 144  | Leavanny           | 89     |  0.123% |
 | 145  | Mantine            | 85     |  0.118% |
 | 146  | Raticate           | 84     |  0.116% |
 | 147  | Natu               | 84     |  0.116% |
 | 148  | Sneasel            | 83     |  0.115% |
 | 149  | Vileplume          | 82     |  0.113% |
 | 150  | Pelipper           | 82     |  0.113% |
 | 151  | Huntail            | 80     |  0.111% |
 | 152  | Octillery          | 77     |  0.106% |
 | 153  | Zweilous           | 75     |  0.104% |
 | 154  | Magmar             | 74     |  0.102% |
 | 155  | Klang              | 73     |  0.101% |
 | 156  | Masquerain         | 73     |  0.101% |
 | 157  | Noctowl            | 72     |  0.100% |
 | 158  | Duosion            | 70     |  0.097% |
 | 159  | Vigoroth           | 70     |  0.097% |
 | 160  | Shiftry            | 70     |  0.097% |
 | 161  | Fearow             | 69     |  0.095% |
 | 162  | Cottonee           | 68     |  0.094% |
 | 163  | Girafarig          | 66     |  0.091% |
 | 164  | Mienfoo            | 66     |  0.091% |
 | 165  | Beartic            | 66     |  0.091% |
 | 166  | Golduck            | 64     |  0.089% |
 | 167  | Bronzor            | 63     |  0.087% |
 | 168  | Mothim             | 61     |  0.084% |
 | 169  | Wynaut             | 60     |  0.083% |
 | 170  | Seviper            | 59     |  0.082% |
 | 171  | Parasect           | 59     |  0.082% |
 | 172  | Granbull           | 58     |  0.080% |
 | 173  | Maractus           | 57     |  0.079% |
 | 174  | Tropius            | 57     |  0.079% |
 | 175  | Castform           | 56     |  0.077% |
 | 176  | Victreebel         | 50     |  0.069% |
 | 177  | Wormadam-Sandy     | 50     |  0.069% |
 | 178  | Heatmor            | 50     |  0.069% |
 | 179  | Gothorita          | 49     |  0.068% |
 | 180  | Phione             | 49     |  0.068% |
 | 181  | Seadra             | 46     |  0.064% |
 | 182  | Yanma              | 44     |  0.061% |
 | 183  | Ledian             | 42     |  0.058% |
 | 184  | Vanilluxe          | 42     |  0.058% |
 | 185  | Delcatty           | 42     |  0.058% |
 | 186  | Porygon            | 40     |  0.055% |
 | 187  | Seaking            | 38     |  0.053% |
 | 188  | Shelgon            | 38     |  0.053% |
 | 189  | Pachirisu          | 37     |  0.051% |
 | 190  | Dustox             | 33     |  0.046% |
 | 191  | Onix               | 33     |  0.046% |
 | 192  | Dewgong            | 33     |  0.046% |
 | 193  | Walrein            | 32     |  0.044% |
 | 194  | Chatot             | 32     |  0.044% |
 | 195  | Grotle             | 31     |  0.043% |
 | 196  | Pidgeot            | 29     |  0.040% |
 | 197  | Lampent            | 28     |  0.039% |
 | 198  | Swanna             | 27     |  0.037% |
 | 199  | Bellossom          | 27     |  0.037% |
 | 200  | Vespiquen          | 25     |  0.035% |
 | 201  | Baltoy             | 25     |  0.035% |
 | 202  | Rattata            | 25     |  0.035% |
 | 203  | Croagunk           | 24     |  0.033% |
 | 204  | Beautifly          | 24     |  0.033% |
 | 205  | Swalot             | 24     |  0.033% |
 | 206  | Unfezant           | 23     |  0.032% |
 | 207  | Scraggy            | 23     |  0.032% |
 | 208  | Marshtomp          | 23     |  0.032% |
 | 209  | Mightyena          | 23     |  0.032% |
 | 210  | Nosepass           | 22     |  0.030% |
 | 211  | Togetic            | 21     |  0.029% |
 | 212  | Frillish           | 21     |  0.029% |
 | 213  | Kabuto             | 21     |  0.029% |
 | 214  | Delibird           | 21     |  0.029% |
 | 215  | Clamperl           | 20     |  0.028% |
 | 216  | Cherrim            | 19     |  0.026% |
 | 217  | Shellder           | 19     |  0.026% |
 | 218  | Lileep             | 19     |  0.026% |
 | 219  | Lumineon           | 18     |  0.025% |
 | 220  | Graveler           | 18     |  0.025% |
 | 221  | Mudkip             | 17     |  0.024% |
 | 222  | Meowth             | 17     |  0.024% |
 | 223  | Carnivine          | 17     |  0.024% |
 | 224  | Boldore            | 14     |  0.019% |
 | 225  | Farfetch'd         | 13     |  0.018% |
 | 226  | Plusle             | 13     |  0.018% |
 | 227  | Meditite           | 13     |  0.018% |
 | 228  | Pupitar            | 12     |  0.017% |
 | 229  | Slowpoke           | 11     |  0.015% |
 | 230  | Anorith            | 11     |  0.015% |
 | 231  | Stantler           | 11     |  0.015% |
 | 232  | Magnemite          | 9      |  0.012% |
 | 233  | Grovyle            | 9      |  0.012% |
 | 234  | Vulpix             | 8      |  0.011% |
 | 235  | Luvdisc            | 8      |  0.011% |
 | 236  | Lombre             | 8      |  0.011% |
 | 237  | Nidorino           | 8      |  0.011% |
 | 238  | Numel              | 7      |  0.010% |
 | 239  | Pignite            | 7      |  0.010% |
 | 240  | Pawniard           | 7      |  0.010% |
 | 241  | Bayleef            | 7      |  0.010% |
 | 242  | Dewott             | 7      |  0.010% |
 | 243  | Shieldon           | 7      |  0.010% |
 | 244  | Togepi             | 6      |  0.008% |
 | 245  | Quilava            | 6      |  0.008% |
 | 246  | Marill             | 6      |  0.008% |
 | 247  | Sunflora           | 6      |  0.008% |
 | 248  | Charmeleon         | 6      |  0.008% |
 | 249  | Shelmet            | 6      |  0.008% |
 | 250  | Aron               | 5      |  0.007% |
 | 251  | Jigglypuff         | 5      |  0.007% |
 | 252  | Larvitar           | 5      |  0.007% |
 | 253  | Staravia           | 5      |  0.007% |
 | 254  | Drifloon           | 5      |  0.007% |
 | 255  | Snover             | 5      |  0.007% |
 | 256  | Yamask             | 5      |  0.007% |
 | 257  | Roggenrola         | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 258  | Metapod            | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 259  | Ivysaur            | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 260  | Pichu              | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 261  | Koffing            | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 262  | Hippopotas         | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 263  | Voltorb            | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 264  | Vibrava            | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 265  | Kricketune         | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 266  | Cubone             | 4      |  0.006% |
 | 267  | Mantyke            | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 268  | Archen             | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 269  | Aipom              | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 270  | Shuppet            | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 271  | Larvesta           | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 272  | Joltik             | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 273  | Magikarp           | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 274  | Watchog            | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 275  | Magby              | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 276  | Starly             | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 277  | Swadloon           | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 278  | Servine            | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 279  | Feebas             | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 280  | Herdier            | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 281  | Skitty             | 3      |  0.004% |
 | 282  | Houndour           | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 283  | Eelektrik          | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 284  | Minccino           | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 285  | Lickitung          | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 286  | Sealeo             | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 287  | Chimchar           | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 288  | Staryu             | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 289  | Piplup             | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 290  | Bulbasaur          | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 291  | Corphish           | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 292  | Chikorita          | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 293  | Taillow            | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 294  | Carvanha           | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 295  | Clefairy           | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 296  | Drilbur            | 2      |  0.003% |
 | 297  | Pansear            | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 298  | Doduo              | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 299  | Squirtle           | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 300  | Pidgey             | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 301  | Phanpy             | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 302  | Minun              | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 303  | Budew              | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 304  | Shroomish          | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 305  | Poliwhirl          | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 306  | Kakuna             | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 307  | Riolu              | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 308  | Igglybuff          | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 309  | Gible              | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 310  | Panpour            | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 311  | Gastly             | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 312  | Charmander         | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 313  | Glameow            | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 314  | Zigzagoon          | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 315  | Unown              | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 316  | Wailmer            | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 317  | Palpitoad          | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 318  | Croconaw           | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 319  | Happiny            | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 320  | Machop             | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 321  | Cacnea             | 1      |  0.001% |
 | 322  | Cranidos           | 1      |  0.001% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- +
So we have the same top 5 as last month! Amoonguss is still top...mushroom, while Cinccino, Golurk, Alomomola and Absol still get big usage. Gardevoir, Armaldo and Emboar are all still top 10, albeit a bit changed, while Sawk and Braviary drop out of the top 10 to be replaced by Gothitelle and Miltank. Gothitelle has risen an incredible 128 places, and considering it only started getting usage from the 9th of August, that is massive. Zangoose moves up 8 places, but is still far too low in usage, but at least people are using Ludicolo now, as it moves up 14 places.

Finally I want to thank you all again for those activity levels, move battles than RU and LC combined another month running. Last month NU had 19000 battles, while this month NU had ~36000, compared to RU's ~19000, keep it up!
Amoonguss and Cincinno in the Top 2, obviously. Though I'm kinda confused why Alomomola is getting higher usage than Golurk, seriously it is just setup fodder IMO, especially to SUB CM GOTHITELLE.

| 10 | Gothitelle | 6833 | 9.444% | 5691 | 9.506% |
Gothitelle, even with its new ability, is not being used as much as other Pokemon, as a lot of top usage Pokes have Volt Switch and U-Turn. Will it still stay in NU though? I don't think so.
Yeah Gothitelles usage should be higher, but bear in mind it didn't get the full month with Shadow Tag available. Also, Gothitelle probably won't be going up at all based on usage alone, the only thing that could remove it from NU is if UU decide to ban it.

Oh and Amoonguss looks like it will remain NU too, despite the hype.
| 7 | Miltank | 7900 | 10.919% | 6666 | 11.134% |

I saw 2 Miltanks in 60 and over battles, that's pretty strange xD

| 8 | Armaldo | 7459 | 10.309% | 6300 | 10.523% |

Best Rapid-Spin user, if not for it, he'll be very low :/

| 10 | Gothitelle | 6833 | 9.444% | 5691 | 9.506% |

I don't have problems with her ! She's very predictable and the only thing you have to do is guessing wich item she has and use the right counter.

| 13 | Samurott | 6199 | 8.568% | 4931 | 8.236% |

He's a beast ! LO Hydropump is awesome and scores a lot of kills ! Strangely no one excepts the special version and send to me his Armaldo for a clean OHKO.

| 15 | Golem | 5971 | 8.253% | 5546 | 9.264% |
| 1 | Golem | 2952 | 4.083% |

I prefer Probopass as a SR setter, but i think that is a choice for every team if they needs priority&DEF or steel-type&SDEF.

| 17 | Eelektross | 5446 | 7.527% | 4560 | 7.617% |

He's a bitch ! He has an amazing bulk paired with good mixed offensive stats that makes Eele pretty unbredictable. He deserves more usage, but i'm happy that he didn't rises a lot 'coz i hate him lol

| 23 | Garbodor | 5069 | 7.006% | 4468 | 7.463% |

With Gothitelle, Garbo probably will drops in usage and, if you don't need a toxic-spiker, Cacturne is a best choice in his team slot as a spiker and offensive presence.

| 28 | Musharna | 4617 | 6.381% | 3707 | 6.192% |
| 29 | Gurdurr | 4584 | 6.336% | 3775 | 6.306% |
| 36 | Drifblim | 3952 | 5.462% | 3208 | 5.358% |

Those three are ogres ! They has good bulk or resistances/immunities and good set up moves (in case of Drifblim, is an ability: Unburden).
All three deserves a major use since they has potential to be top15 if not top10 mons. (maybe Drifblim is less powerfull but still very usefull)

And i see in the RU statistics that Roselia and Metang can return NU :D
Amoonguss and Cincinno in the Top 2, obviously. Though I'm kinda confused why Alomomola is getting higher usage than Golurk, seriously it is just setup fodder imo.

Probably just because of the whole Trollmoonguss (My official name for Trollomola/Alomomola and Amoonguss cores) thing going on. People probably realize, "Ohey Amoonguss is good Specially Defensive while Trollomola is Physically Defensive. Plus they both have Regenerator, so they should go together." which I have seen FAR TOO MANY TIMES on Showdown. I agree with you though in terms of it being setup fodder. I have torn that core down with SubCM Serperior, tad bit of a tougher time with Amoonguss because HP Ice/Fire doesn't hurt it too much unless you have about 2 or three Calm Minds up.

Trollomola's usage will probably drop back down again once people realize that the core isn't really that great.
I'm getting kind of tired of amoonguss everywhere. Alomomola isn't too annoying, it's just makes games longer, but amoonguss is always a pain.

I think these stats are actualy pretty nice, unlike in other months, there's few pokemon that should have a much higher usage rate imo.

I'm suprised to see charizard this high (21), kanga and tauros need more usage, they rock and tangela has been completely forgotten because of amoonguss.

I'm also suprised to see golem is still the number 1 lead, I thought people had started forgetting him a bit.
Just dropping a note that if current trends remain the same, we will get Roselia and Metang from RU, while giving up Absol. Other Pokemon reasonably close to dropping are Rhydon, Scolipede, Munchlax, Mandibuzz, Primeape, and OMASTAR (from most likely to least likely), while others close to moving up are Golurk, Braviary, Ludicolo, Sawsbuck, Cinccino, and Amoonguss (again, from most likely to least likely). I know these sorts of threads die out shortly after we go "ooh Amoonguss is in first!", so feel free to use this thread to speculate on what changes in the metagame these potential shifts may change, as well. :)
we will get Roselia and Munchlax
Fixed for accuracy of what will actually happen.

 | 48   | Wartortle          | 3130   |  4.326% | 2577   |  4.304% |
About time kids learned that this thing is not even good, but still not low enough.
Getting Roselia again would be cool, but would people actually use it over Amoonguss? Toxic Spikes is lame because grounded Poison-types are so popular (Skuntank rising in popularity again is cool), Spore > Sleep Powder, and I guess the only thing Roselia has left is Spikes and better SpA. I guess it'd be cool for spike stacking teams that would like Amoonguss but can't really afford to fit it on their team.
 | 6    | Gardevoir          | 8291   | 11.459% | 6688   | 11.171% | 

 | 28   | Musharna           | 4617   |  6.381% | 3707   |  6.192% |
Gardevoir is cool, but we all know Musharna deserves that spot.
Just dropping a note that if current trends remain the same, we will get Roselia and Metang from RU, while giving up Absol. Other Pokemon reasonably close to dropping are Rhydon, Scolipede, Munchlax, Mandibuzz, Primeape, and OMASTAR (from most likely to least likely), while others close to moving up are Golurk, Braviary, Ludicolo, Sawsbuck, Cinccino, and Amoonguss (again, from most likely to least likely). I know these sorts of threads die out shortly after we go "ooh Amoonguss is in first!", so feel free to use this thread to speculate on what changes in the metagame these potential shifts may change, as well. :)

ROSELIA! Actually, this thing might not be as good as it seems with all of the psychic and poison types in the tier (im looking at u gothitelle and amoonguss). Why absol, though? I mean, its strong, but not without its counters. Plus, it would probably cause a rise in golurk and gaycinno because A LOT of people use absol to deal with them.

I used to (and still do) go on PO a lot for mafia and today i tried an NU battle on the PO server. My opp had: Mandibuzz, Whimsicott, Electivire, and Rhydon all on the same team. I got pissed and ragequitted. What are the chances these mons moving down?

| 204 | Ledian | 183 | 0.253% | 163 | 0.272% |
| 208 | Pignite | 151 | 0.209% | 119 | 0.199% |
| 209 | Chinchou | 148 | 0.205% | 145 | 0.242% |

Really, guys?
| 208 | Pignite | 151 | 0.209% | 119 | 0.199% |

Really, guys?

Thats my fault, actually. If you look back at my post history you can see i was using an eviolite curse pignite for fun, turns out it was actually damn bulky and was able to consistently sweep players late game. Sadly, emboar is in the tier so it will probably never get an onsite analysis unless it gets a big spike in usage.
Change in Usage of Anything at Above 1.000%
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- +  
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Usage  | Percent | 
 |      |                    | Change | Change  |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Amoonguss          | +00    | -07.07% |
 | 2    | Cinccino           | +01    | +11.08% |
 | 3    | Alomomola          | +02    | +08.45% |
 | 4    | Golurk             | -02    | -06.07% |
 | 5    | Absol              | -01    | -02.44% | 
 | 6    | Gardevoir          | +02    | +16.22% | 
 | 7    | Miltank            | +07    | +22.78% | 
 | 8    | Armaldo            | -02    | +00.17% | 
 | 9    | Emboar             | +01    | +04.90% | 
 | 10   | Gothitelle         | +128   | +848.19%| 
 | 11   | Exeggutor          | +06    | +08.71% | 
 | 12   | Braviary           | -03    | -07.22% | 
 | 13   | Samurott           | -01    | -04.28% | 
 | 14   | Sawk               | -07    | -17.12% | 
 | 15   | Golem              | +04    | +01.05% | 
 | 16   | Haunter            | +09    | +10.31% | 
 | 17   | Eelektross         | -04    | -15.88% | 
 | 18   | Skuntank           | +29    | +78.21% | 
 | 19   | Altaria            | -03    | -14.14% | 
 | 20   | Zangoose           | +08    | +12.28% | 
 | 21   | Rotom-Fan          | -01    | +00.17% | 
 | 22   | Probopass          | -07    | -17.45% | 
 | 23   | Garbodor           | -12    | -22.93% | 
 | 24   | Charizard          | -03    | -02.97% | 
 | 25   | Ludicolo           | +14    | +39.89% | 
 | 26   | Gorebyss           | +03    | +05.16% | 
 | 27   | Swellow            | -04    | -05.46% | 
 | 28   | Musharna           | -01    | -05.61% |
 | 29   | Gurdurr            | +22    | +66.21% | 
 | 30   | Regirock           | +08    | +27.71% | 
 | 31   | Cacturne           | -07    | -12.46% | 
 | 32   | Ampharos           | +02    | +08.20% |  
 | 33   | Carracosta         | -07    | -15.69% | 
 | 34   | Pinsir             | -12    | -21.25% | 
 | 35   | Ditto              | -04    | -06.76% | 
 | 36   | Drifblim           | +00    | +08.74% | 
 | 37   | Ninjask            | +18    | +48.01% | 
 | 38   | Weezing            | -01    | +05.45% | 
 | 39   | Electrode          | +03    | +09.28% | 
 | 40   | Misdreavus         | -10    | -15.10% | 
 | 41   | Bastiodon          | -08    | -11.44% | 
 | 42   | Torkoal            | -10    | -13.94% |
 | 43   | Floatzel           | +02    | +13.92% | 
 | 44   | Kadabra            | -01    | +02.50% | 
 | 45   | Lapras             | +14    | +30.17% | 
 | 46   | Lickilicky         | -11    | -12.96% | 
 | 47   | Cradily            | -07    | -08.73% | 
 | 48   | Wartortle          | -30    | -47.85% | 
 | 49   | Marowak            | +20    | +37.08% | 
 | 50   | Leafeon            | +13    | +14.77% | 
 | 51   | Seismitoad         | +28    | +58.09% | 
 | 52   | Glaceon            | +02    | +02.55% | 
 | 53   | Camerupt           | -09    | -17.26% | 
 | 54   | Regice             | +03    | +02.42% | 
 | 55   | Serperior          | -09    | -14.34% | 
 | 56   | Electabuzz         | +14    | +23.25% | 
 | 57   | Raichu             | +21    | +38.48% | 
 | 58   | Torterra           | -10    | -17.85% |
 | 59   | Articuno           | +13    | +22.40% | 
 | 60   | Sawsbuck           | +25    | +51.03% | 
 | 61   | Rampardos          | +07    | +12.22% |
 | 62   | Zebstrika          | -10    | -14.93% |
 | 63   | Kangaskhan         | +12    | +23.75% | 
 | 64   | Arbok              | +18    | +38.94% | 
 | 65   | Pikachu            | -01    | -04.77% | 
 | 66   | Flareon            | -16    | -20.41% | 
 | 67   | Gigalith           | -18    | -21.86% | 
 | 68   | Tauros             | -15    | -18.06% | 
 | 69   | Ursaring           | -02    | +02.79% | 
 | 70   | Tangela            | -29    | -37.68% | 
 | 71   | Piloswine          | -15    | -20.53% | 
 | 72   | Rapidash           | -11    | -17.16% |
 | 73   | Linoone            | -02    | -05.20% | 
 | 74   | Swoobat            | -08    | -14.39% | 
 | 75   | Audino             | -17    | -26.71% | 
 | 76   | Fraxure            | +05    | +12.26% | 
 | 77   | Muk                | -12    | -20.01% | 
 | 78   | Butterfree         | -18    | -27.02% | 
 | 79   | Dragonair          | -02    | +01.63% | 
 | 80   | Jumpluff           | -06    | -08.15% | 
 | 81   | Persian            | +14    | +19.09% | 
 | 82   | Golbat             | +02    | +06.32% | 
 | 83   | Liepard            | +09    | +12.30% | 
 | 84   | Combusken          | -08    | -10.86% | 
 | 85   | Luxray             | +09    | +11.64% | 
 | 86   | Throh              | +07    | +09.31% | 
 | 87   | Mr. Mime           | +11    | +16.77% | 
 | 88   | Slaking            | +00    | +04.52% | 
 | 89   | Lairon             | -09    | -08.21% | 
 | 90   | Rotom-Frost        | -28    | -37.48% | 
 | 91   | Regigigas          | -18    | -25.43% | 
 | 92   | Meganium           | -01    | -02.40% | 
 | 93   | Mantine            | -07    | -05.85% | 
 | 94   | Volbeat            | +09    | +16.77% | 
 | 95   | Kingler            | -06    | -04.57% |
 | 96   | Mawile             | -13    | -11.51% | 
 | 97   | Grumpig            | -10    | -06.30% | 
 | 98   | Stunfisk           | +15    | +44.91% | 
 | 99   | Relicanth          | +10    | +23.82% | 
 | 100  | Hypno              | +02    | +07.20% | 
 | 101  | Vileplume          | -05    | -06.02% | 
 | 102  | Basculin           | -02    | -05.91% | 
 | 103  | Beheeyem           | -04    | -08.08% | 
 | 104  | Shuckle            | -07    | -11.47% | 
 | 105  | Simipour           | +02    | +01.02% | 
 | 106  | Klang              | +36    | +74.55% | 
 | 107  | Dunsparce          | +19    | +35.97% | 
 | 108  | Machoke            | +11    | +23.10% |
 | 109  | Simisear           | -19    | -26.36% | 
 | 110  | Banette            | +01    | +08.94% | 
 | 111  | Dodrio             | +09    | +16.92% | 
 | 112  | Murkrow            | -08    | -17.95% | 
 | 113  | Emolga             | +01    | +01.64% | 
 | 114  | Zweilous           | -06    | -14.10% | 
 | 115  | Huntail            | +59    | +134.58%| 
 | 116  | Lopunny            | +65    | +189.21%| 
 | 117  | Golduck            | +00    | -01.55% | 
 | 118  | Tentacool          | -17    | -30.90% | 
 | 119  | Shiftry            | +06    | +05.62% | 
 | 120  | Wailord            | -04    | -04.22% | 
 | 121  | Swanna             | -16    | -28.22% | 
 | 122  | Beartic            | +15    | +18.16% | 
 | 123  | Gabite             | +11    | +12.94% | 
 | 124  | Spinda             | +00    | -01.76% | 
 | 125  | Victreebel         | +32    | +55.42% | 
 | 126  | Bibarel            | +01    | -01.89% | 
 | 127  | Vigoroth           | +37    | +77.71% | 
 | 128  | Heatmor            | +07    | +07.04% | 
 | 129  | Exploud            | +11    | +15.79% | 
 | 130  | Magmar             | +02    | -03.13% | 
 | 131  | Tropius            | -16    | -18.52% |
 | 132  | Duosion            | -22    | -28.85% | 
 | 133  | Whiscash           | -27    | -37.74% | 
 | 134  | Simisage           | +02    | -00.38% | 
 | 135  | Kecleon            | -02    | -02.16% | 
 | 136  | Granbull           | +36    | +79.69% | 
 | 137  | Raticate           | -07    | -08.16% | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- +

Increases of 15 or more spots
Gothitelle    (+128)    (138 --> 10)
Lopunny        (+65)    (181 --> 116) (Are/Were (if it's fixed) that many people abusing broken Klutz?)
Huntail        (+59)    (174 --> 115)
Vigoroth       (+37)    (164 --> 127)
Klang          (+36)    (142 --> 106)  (Still yet to crack the top 100)
Granbull       (+36)    (172 --> 136)
Victreebel     (+32)    (157  --> 125)
Skuntank       (+29)    (47 --> 18)
Seismitoad     (+28)    (79 --> 51)
Sawsbuck       (+25)    (85 --> 60)
Gurdurr        (+22)    (51 --> 29)
Raichu         (+21)    (78 --> 57)  (MORE USAGE THAN PIKACHU)
Marowak        (+20)    (69 --> 49)
Dunsparce      (+19)    (126 --> 107)
Ninjask        (+18)    (55 --> 37)
Arbok          (+18)    (82 --> 64)
Stunfisk       (+15)    (113 --> 98)
Beartic        (+15)    (137 --> 122)

Decreases of 15 or more spots
Wartortle      (-30)    (18 --> 48)
Tangela        (-29)    (41 --> 70)
Rotom-Frost    (-28)    (62 --> 90)
Whiscash       (-27)    (106 --> 133)
Duosion        (-22)    (110 --> 132)
Simisear       (-19)    (90 --> 109)
Gigalith       (-18)    (49 --> 67)
Butterfree     (-18)    (60 --> 78)
Regigigas      (-18)    (73 --> 91)
Audino         (-17)    (58 --> 75)
Tentacool      (-17)    (101 --> 118)
Flareon        (-16)    (50 --> 66)
Swanna         (-16)    (105 --> 121)
Tropius        (-16)    (115 --> 131)
Piloswine      (-15)    (56 --> 71)

Increases of 33.33% or more
Gothitelle    (+848.19%)
Lopunny       (+189.21%)
Huntail       (+134.58%)
Granbull       (+79.69%)
Skuntank       (+78.21%)
Vigoroth       (+77.71%)
Klang          (+74.55%)
Gurdurr        (+66.21%)
Seismitoad     (+58.09%)
Victeebel      (+55.42%)
Sawsbuck       (+51.03%)
Ninjask        (+48.01%)
Stunfisk       (+44.91%)
Ludicolo       (+39.89%)
Arbok          (+38.94%)
Raichu         (+38.48%)
Marowak        (+37.08%)
Dunsparce      (+35.97%)

Decreases of 25% or more
Wartortle      (-47.85%)
Whiscash       (-37.74%)
Tangela        (-37.68%)
Rotom-Frost    (-37.48%)
Tentacool      (-30.90%)
Duosion        (-28.85%)
Swanna         (-28.22%)
Butterfree     (-27.02%)
Audino         (-26.71%)
Simisear       (-26.36%)
Regigigas      (-25.43%)

Garbodor's 12 spot drop and Sawk's 7 spot drop get special mention as two of the biggest examples of Gothitelle shaping the NU Metagame.

On another note...

| 162 | Diglett | 433 | 0.598% | 372 | 0.621% |
| 197 | Gothorita | 223 | 0.308% | 191 | 0.319% |
| 198 | empty | 222 | 0.307% | 0 | 0.000% |
| 206 | Wynaut | 159 | 0.220% | 134 | 0.224% |
I claim responsibility for at least half the Gothorita and Wynaut usage and probably at least 25-30% of the Diglett. WOO GOTHORITA USED ONE MORE TIME THAN FORGOT TO ADD MEMBER TO TEAM!!!1!

The Five Least Used Fully Evolved Pokemon in NU (That Actually Have Usage) AKA the YOU ARE USED LESS THAN SUNFLORA Award for Excellence in Failure:
| 230 | Watchog | 70 | 0.097% | 59 | 0.099% |
| 234 | Minun | 58 | 0.080% | 47 | 0.079% |
| 262 | Kricketune | 27 | 0.037% | 23 | 0.038% |
| 277 | Unown | 18 | 0.025% | 14 | 0.023% |
| 319 | Wormadam | 7 | 0.010% | 6 | 0.010% |

Also, Should These Three Be Able To Be Used In the Tier?
| 281 | Vulpix | 17 | 0.023% | 15 | 0.025% |
| 299 | Snover | 10 | 0.014% | 9 | 0.015% |
| 306 | Hippopotas | 9 | 0.012% | 7 | 0.012% |
I Know That Their Weather Abilities Are Banned, But Were They Just All Moved To NU Without Waiting For the Natural Tiering Process to Bring Them Down?
Why are so many people using LO Miltank?

LO Miltank hits quite hard, but the main reason is that she has a really nice speed tier, and when invested in speed can catch quite a lot of people off guard! Miltank is still decently bulky without investment, and has recovery to separate her from other Normal-types
 | 6    | Gardevoir          | 8291   | 11.459% | 6688   | 11.171% | 

 | 28   | Musharna           | 4617   |  6.381% | 3707   |  6.192% |
Gardevoir is cool, but we all know Musharna deserves that spot.

Gardevoir maintains that spot because it's arguably the most versatile mon in the tier, as evidence by it's whopping 7 on site movesets.

Not necessarily because it's the best Psychic in the tier.
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Usage  | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Golem              | 2952   |  4.083% |
 | 2    | Cinccino           | 2472   |  3.419% |
 | 3    | Ninjask            | 2166   |  2.996% |
 | 4    | Armaldo            | 2110   |  2.918% |
 | 5    | Probopass          | 2076   |  2.871% |
 | 6    | Golurk             | 1837   |  2.541% |
 | 7    | Bastiodon          | 1738   |  2.404% |
 | 8    | Regirock           | 1702   |  2.354% |
 | 9    | Garbodor           | 1659   |  2.295% |
 | 10   | Miltank            | 1459   |  2.018% |

Okay, so we still have people using Golem to set up Stealth Rock, and we have people that like winning killing those Golem with Cinccino. Then we have a high number of players relying on Baton Pass (good lord that's just terrible). After that it looks like we just have different Stealth Rock leads, with an exception on Garbodor who would be laying other hazards. If anyone wants to know why Stealth Rock is always assumed to be on the field, here's your answer. I'd say any Pokemon on the list that can survive hits from Cinccino should be used more, as Golem really just provides opponent's who carry Cinccy with starting momentum (not a good thing).

| 103  | Beheeyem           | 1251   |  1.729% | 997    |  1.665% |

Are you fucking kidding me? If it's this low next month I'm going to have a full post of bitching. Use Beheeyem. It is strong. Its Choice Specs set hits harder than Superman's heat vision.

| 118  | Tentacool          | 916    |  1.266% | 756    |  1.263% |

This is still unacceptably high.

| 198  | empty              | 222    |  0.307% | 0      |  0.000% |

Lol. Everything below this wasn't even worthy of being used by some players who couldn't figure out a sixth Pokemon for their team.

| 232  | Rattata            | 63     |  0.087% | 53     |  0.089% |

Definitely not top percentage.

| 93   | Mantine            | 1467   |  2.028% | 1211   |  2.023% |

Too low. MANtine is a great Pokemon, especially on dedicated rain teams. Try him out and you won't be disappointed.
Gurdurr + Skuntank is making a comeback this month :D Best combo in NU even with Gothitelle around

| 299 | Snover | 10 | 0.014% | 9 | 0.015% |
I accounted for all of these usages!!
my thoughts:

6    | Gardevoir          | 8291   | 11.459% | 6688   | 11.171% |

  • Switch places with Musharna please
 7    | Miltank            | 7900   | 10.919% | 6666   | 11.134% |

  • not top 10 worthy, its good for sure, but it should be like #25 or something.
24   | Charizard          | 5042   |  6.969% | 4125   |  6.890% | 
 | 25   | Ludicolo           | 4917   |  6.796% | 4079   |  6.813% | 
 | 26   | Gorebyss           | 4853   |  6.707% | 3815   |  6.372% | 
 | 27   | Swellow            | 4845   |  6.696% | 3784   |  6.321% | 
 | 28   | Musharna           | 4617   |  6.381% | 3707   |  6.192% | 
 | 29   | Gurdurr            | 4584   |  6.336% | 3775   |  6.306% | 
 | 30   | Regirock           | 4532   |  6.264% | 4032   |  6.735% | 
 | 31   | Cacturne           | 4431   |  6.124% | 3674   |  6.137% | 
 | 32   | Ampharos           | 4363   |  6.030% | 3667   |  6.125% | 
 | 33   | Carracosta         | 4151   |  5.737% | 3579   |  5.978% |

  • I believe all of these are underrated, Ludicolo would be in my top 10, Mushy as well. But every single one of these should be moved a few spots higher.
39   | Electrode          | 3741   |  5.171% | 3328   |  5.559% |

  • Legit, Electrode finally getting usage
48   | Wartortle          | 3130   |  4.326% | 2577   |  4.304% |

  • Maybe the ladderers do listen to us?

| 51   | Seismitoad         | 2751   |  3.802% | 2391   |  3.994% | 
 | 52   | Glaceon            | 2708   |  3.743% | 2186   |  3.651% | 
 | 53   | Camerupt           | 2678   |  3.701% | 2342   |  3.912% | 
 | 54   | Regice             | 2662   |  3.679% | 2124   |  3.548% | 
 | 55   | Serperior          | 2637   |  3.645% | 2170   |  3.625% | 
 | 56   | Electabuzz         | 2577   |  3.562% | 2149   |  3.590% |

  • Some more underrated mons, Ice moves are strong right now, Glaceon and Regice are some of the best users. Seismitoad is a great utility mon, Serp can run a myriad of sets, Camerupt is strong and Buzz is on my team :)

62   | Zebstrika          | 2345   |  3.241% | 1971   |  3.292% |

  • The era of Zebra's is over, the Raseri era has begun <3

 70   | Tangela            | 2136   |  2.952% | 1781   |  2.975% | 
 | 71   | Piloswine          | 2081   |  2.876% | 1871   |  3.125% |

  • "Wow" should be enough, Tangela used to be one of the best Pokemon in the tier, Piloswine still is.

93   | Mantine            | 1467   |  2.028% | 1211   |  2.023% |

  • 39 would be a lot better.

My basic thoughts: I'm not angry at these stats, some stuff is still overrated, some is underrated. But thats always true. Piloswine deserves a lot more love, please use it :)
LO Miltank hits quite hard, but the main reason is that she has a really nice speed tier, and when invested in speed can catch quite a lot of people off guard! Miltank is still decently bulky without investment, and has recovery to separate her from other Normal-types

Also factor in Sap Sipper. LO + SS boost(of course predicting a grass move) + STAB Return/Double Edge/Body Slam can sweep an entire team. I'm not really surprised that she is 7th; I'm glad she moved up from last month.
Ok, after being inactive the last few days, I think i'll weigh in here.

| 1 | Amoonguss | 11452 | 15.828% | 9442 | 15.771% | | 2 | Cinccino | 11117 | 15.365% | 9043 | 15.105% | | 3 | Alomomola | 9624 | 13.302% | 7777 | 12.990% | | 4 | Golurk | 9125 | 12.612% | 7713 | 12.883% | | 5 | Absol | 9035 | 12.488% | 6952 | 11.612% | | 6 | Gardevoir | 8291 | 11.459% | 6688 | 11.171% |

Not too far from last month here, all of them are solid mons that deserve their usage.

| 10 | Gothitelle | 6833 | 9.444% | 5691 | 9.506% |

obvious jump was obvious. Goth is a great pokemon and it can run a multitude of sets, and this variability is probably his best feature.

| 16 | Haunter | 5448 | 7.530% | 4333 | 7.238% |
| 18 | Skuntank | 5409 | 7.476% | 4306 | 7.192% |

Nice to see people using these again :)

| 31 | Cacturne | 4431 | 6.124% | 3674 | 6.137% |

A bit low to me considering i see him on EVERY TEAM. But whatever. Apparently he's the best spiker now or something. I kinda prefer sub + 3 attacks tbh though.

| 194 | Dwebble | 240 | 0.332% | 232 | 0.388% |

Why the fuck is he so low? I realise im the only one who uses this, but come on!

| 61 | Rampardos | 2432 | 3.361% | 1925 | 3.215% |
| 62 | Zebstrika | 2345 | 3.241% | 1971 | 3.292% |
| 63 | Kangaskhan | 2337 | 3.230% | 2002 | 3.344% |
| 64 | Arbok | 2326 | 3.215% | 1877 | 3.135% |
| 68 | Tauros | 2186 | 3.021% | 1722 | 2.876% |
| 69 | Ursaring | 2167 | 2.995% | 1733 | 2.895% |
| 70 | Tangela | 2136 | 2.952% | 1781 | 2.975% |
| 71 | Piloswine | 2081 | 2.876% | 1871 | 3.125% |
| 73 | Linoone | 1979 | 2.735% | 1606 | 2.683% |
| 76 | Fraxure | 1888 | 2.609% | 1395 | 2.330% |
| 78 | Butterfree | 1862 | 2.574% | 1602 | 2.676% |
| 80 | Jumpluff | 1760 | 2.433% | 1458 | 2.435% |
| 81 | Persian | 1752 | 2.421% | 1564 | 2.612% |
| 82 | Golbat | 1729 | 2.390% | 1444 | 2.412% |
| 83 | Liepard | 1678 | 2.319% | 1481 | 2.474% |
| 88 | Slaking | 1591 | 2.199% | 1288 | 2.151% |
| 94 | Volbeat | 1461 | 2.019% | 1350 | 2.255% |
| 95 | Kingler | 1451 | 2.005% | 1151 | 1.923% |
| 96 | Mawile | 1446 | 1.999% | 1235 | 2.063% |
| 98 | Stunfisk | 1412 | 1.952% | 1229 | 2.053% |
| 99 | Relicanth | 1362 | 1.882% | 1140 | 1.904% |
| 102 | Basculin | 1256 | 1.736% | 989 | 1.652% |
| 106 | Klang | 1181 | 1.632% | 941 | 1.572% |
| 110 | Banette | 1076 | 1.487% | 981 | 1.639% |
| 111 | Dodrio | 1075 | 1.486% | 863 | 1.441% |
| 112 | Murkrow | 1025 | 1.417% | 845 | 1.411% |
| 121 | Swanna | 887 | 1.226% | 706 | 1.179% |
| 125 | Victreebel | 840 | 1.161% | 699 | 1.168% |
| 127 | Vigoroth | 819 | 1.132% | 641 | 1.071% |
| 128 | Heatmor | 814 | 1.125% | 676 | 1.129% |
| 129 | Exploud | 812 | 1.122% | 666 | 1.112% |
| 138 | Wormadam-Trash | 712 | 0.984% | 625 | 1.044% |
| 141 | Octillery | 663 | 0.916% | 544 | 0.909% |
| 145 | Seviper | 633 | 0.875% | 522 | 0.872% |
| 148 | Shelgon | 584 | 0.807% | 452 | 0.755% |

All these great pokes are horridly underused in NU :[ you should try some of them.
Yay for actually decent stats this month.

| 10 | Gothitelle | 6833 | 9.444% | 5691 | 9.506% |

It got a lot of usage for not being here for the full month. It's banned now in UU so we won't have to worry about it down here.

| 7 | Miltank | 7900 | 10.919% | 6666 | 11.134% |

Pretty great mon that I have been using quite a lot as a good pivot and "sweeper". Miltank can also get boosts from stuff other than Amoonguss such as Ludicolo Giga Drain, or Torterra's Wood Hammer so it provides a lot more use than just as a switch-in to Amoonguss. I don't think it should be so high since it's not a threat without a Sap Sipper boost but it should be in the teens.

| 209 | Chinchou | 148 | 0.205% | 145 | 0.242% |

Blame me for the Chinchou usage but it is a surprisingly decent mon able to wall many threats such as Rain Dance Swanna, Rotoms, Simipour, and Zebstrika so it's not that bad. Plus it destroys the #1 ladderer in NU.

| 62 | Zebstrika | 2345 | 3.241% | 1971 | 3.292% |

I love this mon. It's really great and is an excellent pivot just like Miltank into Grass-type moves with Sap Sipper. Deserves a lot more usage than this.

| 96 | Mawile | 1446 | 1.999% | 1235 | 2.063% |

Great mon that needs more love.

| 42 | Torkoal | 3609 | 4.988% | 3227 | 5.390% |

SMASHKOAL. Best spinner in NU.

| 76 | Fraxure | 1888 | 2.609% | 1395 | 2.330% |

Still too low for being such a great Dragon-type.

| 74 | Swoobat | 1962 | 2.712% | 1553 | 2.594% |

This thing is so dangerous. It can deal so much damage after a Calm Mind and it can easily get a couple against Amoonguss.

Pretty pleased with the usage stats and hopefully with Underdog, more underused mons will get usage.