2012 USA Election Thread: Obama projected winner

Who are you going to vote for in the 2012 Election?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 221 54.8%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 44 10.9%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 37 9.2%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 85 21.1%
  • Vermin Supreme

    Votes: 11 2.7%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 5 1.2%

  • Total voters
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sometimes i wonder if the deck knight account is just a satire of republicans created by a group of liberal smogonites


Reassuring to know that Americans are choosing to continue being progressive

and that the rights of people who aren't old, white rich conservatives matter to more people that I thought
Well i thought Romney would win. I don't really care since their both the same guy anyways.

Hilary for 2016? Only politician i like(yes because she is kind of hot)
why can't Republicans lose gracefully? you lost, get over it

maybe when you stop using old outdated ideas that terrify the growing minority-majority to be people would support you guys
Cheney Bush 2016
(Also I should probably get a new avvy now...)
I really don't mind the outcome that much because I plane on spending at least a year abroad while in college.
Wow, Byrne was finally banned.

But yeah, the economy is not worth the rights of women and LGBTQ people. Very glad Obama won, and hopefully he will work on the economy
Once you go black...
It seems the world is also cheering the result, most likely because the Stock Markets love affair with Barry...
I voted for Obama. Man with no plan, but at least he has a realistic grip of the problems, unlike this guy:


I hope the president will figure out that regulation and economy are what he has to tackle, not medical care...
Relying on Dodd Frank is like having sex using tighty-whities as a condom... you get no protection and it just kind of burns really bad.
Senate looks to have gone more left than before along with Obama getting re-elected, provided Tester doesn't lose his seat anyway.

Democrats are starting to gain house seats too as the counting shifts toward the West Coast.

Nate Silver picked this one damn near perfectly.

Very glad Obama won, and hopefully he will work on the economy

Economy will do basically the same thing under either candidate being victorious.
Why are people responding in tones which imply Obama is even a liberal? He's more or less Bob Dole, a "Rockefeller Republican." What planet does someone like Deck Knight even live on?
Why are people responding in tones which imply Obama is even a liberal? He's more or less Bob Dole, a "Rockefeller Republican." What planet does someone like Deck Knight even live on?

You think Obama is a Rockefeller Republican and you question what planet I live on? Do you know the anything about political philosophy at all?
Over the past 40 years republicans have slowly become more extremist and the democratic party has absorbed a lot of their more moderate ideals.

Honestly, I am surprised, this was a land slide election, there is a chance Obama will get over 300 points, possibly winning almost all the swing states outside of North Carolina.

I hope the republican party in its current form just dies in the next decade. Maybe by the 2030s we could have some legit 3rd party candidates. A 3 way race between the Libertarians, real-Democrats, and the Green party democrats would be pretty dam cool I have to admit. I would imagine in my made up future the Libertarians will absorb a lot of the republicans. Ill still demonize whoever I am against because I am douche.

BTW, how the hell did the republicans hold unto the house? I am not sure how exactly how that happened?
The latest numbers from the major Norwegian newspaper say this:

Obama: 54,525,823 votes.
Romney: 53,560,351 votes.

Hardly a million more votes (a grand two percent) for Obama. By the raw numbers, he didn't win by that much (but still got a majority, thank Bob. Imagine the fuzz if he didn't). Still, he got almost 50% more electoral votes than Mitt.

What a weird system.

Oh, and congrats to Obama. Or "too bad", whatever. I think the job as "POTUS" has to be one of the most stressful jobs in existence. I really can't imagine who wants to be in a position where half the world hates you for doing the job you've got the way you do, and the other half hates you by principle. Just compare pictures of presidents before and after eight years in that job.
It's looking like America is going the way of the fall of Ancient Rome with the possibility of Obama getting assassinated like what happened with Julius Caesar. I feared this day might come, God help us all. I see the U.S. Government jumping off the fiscal cliff and we're thrown back into a recession that will be made much worse by going into another war in the Middle East with Iran.

I may be overreacting a bit but you know what they say that people who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Obama still had the same youth vote that he did 4 years ago and sadly nobody learned from the last 4 years. Unemployment is still close to 8%, Gay Marriage has become the apparent norm in society, and we are still bankrupt with a 9% Approval Rating in Congress.

Our founding fathers warned us about having a 2 party system in Government and this Election is just more proof that Government doesn't work. We've become too attached to being the world police similiar to empires of the ancient past and it seems like we may be destined to fail like they had. At the rate we're going it seems like both Democrats and Republicans want us to default on our own National Debt. Got $16 Trillion?
Well it appears I have a small amount of crow to eat.

I completely blew the Presidential race, obviously. But I don't think my assumptions were off base, for one simple thing I haven't figured out yet: The House GOP has kept its majority and in fact gained seats.

This is a ticket splitting of unprecedented proportions. At the most local levels, every single GOP House race almost to a man stayed in the same control as it was before the election. This means that the situation on the ground (the basis of my prediction) was such that for some reason people voted for President Obama, then went down ballot and voted for their existing Congressman, even if that person was a Republican.

Yet one of the major Obama campaign themes was Republican obstructionism in Congress. I don't have any rational explanations for this. I do have some irrational ones, which I will share under the premise that these explanations follow from voting not being a completely rational act.

1. People believed the first black president deserved two full terms.

His clear and utter failure in the first term did not prevent people from believing that presidents are somehow entitled to two terms. Since we've had the last two presidents win two terms, there may still be some latent thought that it would be racist to deny Obama a second term.

2. Obama's massive expansion of the poverty and dependent class blame Bush as a specific person rather than Republicans as a party for the economic mess.

This isn't a rational thought to hold in your head based on campaign messaging, but it does make sense if you think that Presidents somehow control the economy and as a President Obama needed two terms to undo two terms of Bush. If you are utterly ignorant of the fact that Congress has the power of the purse, this line of thinking makes total sense.

Now, I still believe the left is going to lose, big time. And that people are tired of the left and will abandon it in droves. This is because Obama's second term agenda will be the same as the first. This means:

1. More poor people dependent on government assistance.
2. Massive civil disobedience from Catholics in particular and the employees of religious organizations that will not violate their beliefs because of government edicts in the HHS Mandate.
3. A death spiral into an economic depression as Obama attempts to borrow, spend, and regulate his way out of a financial crisis.

I'm cool with that. People will get exactly what they voted for. And while it's going to be incredibly nasty to be an American in the next four years, Obama's second term will finally be the wake up call the country needs.
Keep fucking that chicken, DK <3
There are more poor and unemployed people now than when Obama took office.
There are more people dependent on government assistance now than when Obama took office.
Peoples lives are in tatters and ruins as they subsist on what is essentially a taxpayer-provided comfortable poverty that is fiscally unsustainable in the long term.

When that system collapses, those people will be the first to suffer. Obama's party is so unserious they won't even pass a budget. They are so feckless they won't even put their spending priorities down on paper. They just want a blank check to spend more.

Again on the election results, I certainly didn't expect the most epic ticket-splitting in history to occur. Why would I? In ordinary circumstances an expansion or keeping of the largest Republican House majority in decades would mean a victory up-ticket as well. Usually it's the top of the ticket that brings the coat-tails down to lower ballot races. In this case the lower ballot was highly successful - but not reflected further up. This is a fascinating anomaly, and it explains why I borked up the electoral college prediction so badly.

On the plus side it appears America at least wants Republicans to control the source of every monetary bill (the House of Representatives). So at least there will be some semblance of fiscal sanity in Washington. There will have to be, America is already writing a check its ass can't cash, and the bill is coming due soon.
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