2012 USA Election Thread: Obama projected winner

Who are you going to vote for in the 2012 Election?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 221 54.8%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 44 10.9%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 37 9.2%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 85 21.1%
  • Vermin Supreme

    Votes: 11 2.7%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 5 1.2%

  • Total voters
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pretty sure there is no real "left" in America and Obama is as center right as you can be, anyone who votes for the GOP needs to reanalyze why they would vote for extremists & headcases
Guess I should finally weigh in here.

What can I say, obviously I'm disappointed that Obama won another 4 years. Going into Election night Obama was clearly in a position to win based on a variety of sources. The people have spoken and when I saw that more than half of the nation blamed the bad economy on Bush STILL based on the exit polls, I knew it was going to be a bad night for Romney. I really dont get how they can justify blaming Bush for the bad economy when Obama held the office for 4 years is beyond me. One would think its time for him to finally own the economy but I guess not.

All I can hope for is that the gridlock ends in Washington and meaningful, bipartisan, legislation gets passed namely tax reform. I just don't want to see 20 trillion dollars of debt when Obama leaves office, however thats probably asking a bit too much.

In the mean time, go enjoy Fox News lose it when Ohio is called: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/karl-rove-causes-fox-news-chaos-by-challenging-obama-victory-projection/
The people have spoken and when I saw that more than half of the nation blamed the bad economy on Bush STILL based on the exit polls, I knew it was going to be a bad night for Romney. I really dont get how they can justify blaming Bush for the bad economy when Obama held the office for 4 years is beyond me. One would think its time for him to finally own the economy but I guess not.

Because that's not how economics works... You don't just come in, and BAM! band-aid and everything's gone. There's multiple factors here like outsourcing, war "investment", the crooks at Wallstreet, ect. There are years and years of damage here. Logically no President would be able to fix an economy in four years, it may even be 12 to 15 years until America is back where it was. Obama knows this and that's why he doesn't look for short-term band-aids like many GOP solutions and wants to invest in America's future because the President can't fix an economy by themselves. America has to do it, and we hold a very small amount of responsibility to contributing to the country's rise or demise. You have to understand the limits of the president's power.

BTW before someone complains about gas prices, before you make yourself look stupid realize that oil is a world economy and not a national one. The President has little to no effect on the price of oil. Drilling here wont do anything either.
Well it appears I have a small amount of crow to eat.

I completely blew the Presidential race, obviously. But I don't think my assumptions were off base, for one simple thing I haven't figured out yet: The House GOP has kept its majority and in fact gained seats.

Nope. Looks like in addition to gains in the Senate, the Dems will be picking up a couple extra house seats too. Looks like you got it all wrong.
It is not rational at all to vote for a Republican Congressman and a Democratic President...

And why not? Candidates should be judged on their own merits and not by which party they run under. I refuse to call myself anything but an Independent for exactly this reason, despite the fact I largely vote Democrat because the Republican party is filled with so many religious extremists and self-serving millionaires. And the GOP party line just continues to drift further from center. :/

What isn't rational is voting for a Republican (Democratic) Congressman and then also vote for a Republican (Democratic) President, or vice-versa, simply because they both affiliate with the same party. I can be a Packers fan and proclaim general superiority over the Vikings while still admitting Adrian Peterson is a much better RB than anyone on the Packers' roster.
I really dont get how they can justify blaming Bush for the bad economy when Obama held the office for 4 years is beyond me. One would think its time for him to finally own the economy but I guess not.


I'd note that the Government job losses are not much to do with Obama, given the cuts in Government jobs have mostly been by the states. The truth is that in a free market system government policy has very little to do with the state of the economy.
Let's all blame one man for an economic crisis that started -5 months or earlier into his term!

(Bush isn't the whole story, either... j/s)
Gotta say it was awesome driving through rich white neighborhoods for work Wednesday morning and seeing all the Romney yard signs sticking out of trash cans. I imagine garbage men enjoyed their work more than usual this week as well.
I know it's a bit late, but:

Paul Broun is still in office, you know the guy who thinks all science is lies from the pit of hell, who is on the house science committee. Much change still has to be done.

Broun is the representative of Georgia's 10th district, which has voted Republican since 1995, so I don't think this guy is leaving for at least another term.

I must say, a good nuimber of people in my dorm deserve to be put in that Tumblr.
ha ha ha amazing

It's actually refreshing being shown people like that who aren't liberals. It's like conservatives can be overly emotional and make gross exaggerations, too! Who woulda thought?
I'm glad that Obama has been elected president, and his acceptance speech was inspiring. However, I am unhappy with his past four years, and I hope Obama is ready for the major work ahead of him. Things definitely have to change from his previous term.
I'm glad that Obama has been elected president, and his acceptance speech was inspiring. However, I am unhappy with his past four years, and I hope Obama is ready for the major work ahead of him. Things definitely have to change from his previous term.

Looking at the house of congress it looks like it's going to be a rather inactive 4 years. Hopefully they at least can balance the budget and do some things that Obama has said he'd do.
What motivation does he have for changing things in this term?

His future career as a politician is pretty much dead, as far as I can recall, only 3 presidents did anything after they were president (or president twice), Quincy went back into the house (and died on the house floor), Garfield became president 4 years later after his one term, and FDR ran again... and again.

Usually under a presidents second term, they attempt more stuff because they no long have to play politics anymore, instead the only thing they can look forward to is the next 4 years and trying to leave a mark on history. At least in theory anyway, there are still presidents that continued to play the game to make sure afterwards they could make plenty of books and speeches.
No, see, the "change" in question is a change in his agenda between the two terms.
I'm glad that Obama has been elected president, and his acceptance speech was inspiring. However, I am unhappy with his past four years, and I hope Obama is ready for the major work ahead of him. Things definitely have to change from his previous term.
This isn't going to happen.
why can't Republicans lose gracefully? you lost, get over it

the exact same reason Democrats apparently can't win gracefully

but everyone keep talking shit to Deck Knight, it's all good
as far as I can recall, only 3 presidents did anything after they were president (or president twice)

Jimmy Carter made some pretty notable humanitarian contributions after his presidency, even if some of it wasn't really political- his foundation has almost made the Guinea worm disease the second disease to ever be eradicated by man (after smallpox), he negotiated with Kim Il Sung and Muammar Qaddaffi, is a huge support to Habitat for Humanity. He even won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, 22 years after his presidency.
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