5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

First of all, THANK YOU The Agonist for your list, that's just perfect :D
And my second point, if I'm rng breeding on my black edition for my white2 game, do I have to use the white2 id/sid only for shininess or also for dreamworld ability?
Yes, you would use the ID/SID combination of the game where the egg is going to hatch. Remember not to use international parents though; if you do the pokemon will not be shiny.

I don't quite understand what you meant for the ability part.
you don;t need to put seconds. only if you're aiming for a certain one. :) and, yes, soft reset at that time.
I did and am still not receiving any results. This is getting rather frustrating :(

Are you using the time when you start from the DS menu, like you should be, or something else (like the time when you press Continue)? Are you leaving all your buttons alone until the Gamefreak logo?
Okay here is my exact process, as suggested (Parameter Search for White 2)

Prereqs: All of my information (MAC Address, version, language, ds type, and held buttons)

I am setting my time I start from the DS Menu at 21:24:00

I don't press ANY buttons until the gamefreak logo comes and goes, then i hit A once it starts the motion picture that comes up directly after gamefreak.

i start up my game, turn off C-Gear (have tried with it off and on, still doesnt work either way). Then immediately use Sweet Scent. I capture the pokemon, upload it to Pokecheck to get the IVs, copy them into the min/max IV area.

I leave Soft reset unchecked and leave Only Search for Min&Max GxStat checked and hit Search. I never find any results when I do that.
For a seed that has a required cute charm lead but the nature is bold can you still use a syncer for that seed or you have to accept the nature that appears?
If you can find a way to have a lead with both Cute Charm and Synchronize then I'd love to hear it.

I am setting my time I start from the DS Menu at 21:24:00

I don't press ANY buttons until the gamefreak logo comes and goes, then i hit A once it starts the motion picture that comes up directly after gamefreak.

You need to be more specific here.

i start up my game, turn off C-Gear (have tried with it off and on, still doesnt work either way).

Wait, turning it off in-game, or starting the game with it already off? Letting the C-Gear turn on at any point will advance the IVRNG, ruining your calibration attempt.
Sorry, I meant I hit A to start up the game from the DS Menu at 21:24:00 which is the time I entered into the Parameter Search for the place where you put the date and time.

And no, not turning it on/off in game, I mean restarting the entire process all over.
The thing is, even when I put the result in Seed Finder and search, I never get any results, even when I individually change my minimum Timer0's to the three other Timer0's I got when calibrating. This leads me to think that there is a fundamental, obvious step I'm missing, so if anyone is interested I'll outline what I do:

1) Set up my profile. (I know it has what is at least sometimes the right Timer0 because I got the target Genesect earlier)
2) Search for TID "00199" and nothing else in the left column, and the default settings in the right column (min/max 28/40), except for "calculate min frame" sometimes checked. (but the problem persists either way)
3) Find a result, choose one where the initial frame/target frame are identical.
4) Set up Date/Time on DS Lite and start the game appropriately, with the right keypresses, then skip through the cutscenes after the Gamefreak logo animation begins.
5) Select New Game, press A through everything, name the characters without saying "No" at any point, press A through until gaining control of the character.
6) Flip Trainer card to get TID. Put TID into Seed Finder, as well as the time-related data and min/max frames. (The min/max seconds/frames are broadened drastically if there are no results, and there are only occasionally results even then, with completely different seconds and target frames lower than initial fames)
7) Get no results, do #4-#6 and receive a different result every time, none of which give any result however broad or narrow the Seed Finder search.

I don't know what timer0s you got, but generally speaking for Black 2 on a DS Lite, it's 1104 - 1106. I have gotten occasions where I hit 1103 and 1107, but it's very rare.

I did the research for you and you hit Timer0 1106.


It shouldn't need to be turned off since it shouldn't be turned on in the first place. I'm hoping you mean "leave the C-Gear off".

Yes I meant I leave the C-Gear off altogether. I say no from the time it asks you right when you hit "Continue"
Thanks! I'll be on a 3DS XL... I have no idea what the VCount and VFrame is on them (if anyone else does, please let me know). If I can get this info from someone, then should I be good to find my parameters with 1 iteration of getting my starter if I sort through the list and discount the results with an invalid VCount or VFrame, or is success still an uncertainty (possibly depending on getting a starter with a small range of IVs in at least 1 stat as you said, etc.)?

Well, I can't guarantee anything and unfortunately for you, if I recall correctly, many people have been saying there's a lot of Timer0s on the 3DS XL (up to 20 I hear). I'm assuming you'll be doing this many times, so write down the possibilities (hopefully, there will be no more than 2 per each time you calibrate) and find the ones you hit most often. There be some kind of sequential order that you'll see. Otherwise, I recommend borrowing a DS Lite when you RNG.

This is a list of Timer0s that TheAlleyKat posted earlier for Black 2. I'm not sure if it's for a 3DS or DSi (it's in the range of Timer0s for the 2 systems), but it's something I suppose. You might want to PM to find out what system is being used, so you don't have to extensively calibrate to find everything.
I don't know what timer0s you got, but generally speaking for Black 2 on a DS Lite, it's 1104 - 1106. I have gotten occasions where I hit 1103 and 1107, but it's very rare.

I did the research for you and you hit Timer0 1106.


Thank you, I think my problem was that I didn't also check 1106 when I got that ID; I had about five different seeds I tried for the desired ID. One or two of the times that no result showed for 1103, 1104, 1105, and 1106, the ones I got while finding parameters, might have been because they were hit with 1107, one I didn't use. Thanks, I'll go back to work on it.
Does walking through the tiles in the Regi rooms increase PID rng? They don't have encounters but it seems that my initial PID rng frame is off.
If RNG Reporter found exactly 1 result for my DS parameters, is that going to be final? Will that be accurate?
Or do I have to repeat the process and get the same result for it to be accurate?
This is my first time RNGing Gen 5.
If RNG Reporter found exactly 1 result for my DS parameters, is that going to be final? Will that be accurate?
Or do I have to repeat the process and get the same result for it to be accurate?
This is my first time RNGing Gen 5.
You want to repeat the process a few times as there is always more than 1 Timer0 you can hit; In BW that number is 2, but in BW2 that number can be as high as >10. If you're doing this in BW I would recommend doing between 10-15 trials, If you're doing it in BW2 however, you might want to try the process at least 20 times.
You want to repeat the process a few times as there is always more than 1 Timer0 you can hit; In BW that number is 2, but in BW2 that number can be as high as >10. If you're doing this in BW I would recommend doing between 10-15 trials, If you're doing it in BW2 however, you might want to try the process at least 20 times.

I have Black 2. Ugh. So I gotta keep redoing the process until I get a pair of Timer0s?
Hi I am posting again, still can't even find a result when I search my parameters in White 2.

I did everything exactly the same as I did for Pokemon Black (same spot of grass, followed the procedure correctly) and got a result for Black, but not for White 2.

does anyone have any idea what typical Timer0s in White 2 are so I can search using those? I'm all out of ideas as to why this isn't working and no one else seems to have much of an idea either.
Hey guys,

I am trying to capture the stationary volcarona in black 2...

Using RNG Reporter 9.9.64 beta

I managed to get the right nature, ability and it is shiny,
but the iv´s are wrong...

if my target frame was 121 , i did the chatot pitches to 120...

do you know where my problem is ? is it the timer0 controlling problem that i am not hitting the right on ?

i looked for my most common timer0 and it is 18A6 and 18A7... the seed for volcarona i want is on 18A6, 1 keypress

i tried it like 20 times and it never had the perfect iv´s...

hopefully anyone knows where my problem is :)

thanks for your help
Hey guys,

I am trying to capture the stationary volcarona in black 2...

Using RNG Reporter 9.9.64 beta

I managed to get the right nature, ability and it is shiny,
but the iv´s are wrong...

if my target frame was 121 , i did the chatot pitches to 120...

do you know where my problem is ? is it the timer0 controlling problem that i am not hitting the right on ?

i looked for my most common timer0 and it is 18A6 and 18A7... the seed for volcarona i want is on 18A6, 1 keypress

i tried it like 20 times and it never had the perfect iv´s...

hopefully anyone knows where my problem is :)

thanks for your help

Can you tell us what seed you're trying to hit and at what time?
Looking at the adjacent seeds might help you but you shouldn't get the nature/shiny right if you're missing your seed.