Media Minecraft Discussion Thread

I think you'll find a dirt house is very bad, protection wise. I assume you never played the game.

This game isn't based off of combat. I'm going to complain about the storyline in TF2, because it sucks. Well it was made just to explain some questions and stuff, not as a centerpoint of the game.

There are tons of craftable items, what?

Yes, exploring is fun, but did you ever make a goal for yourself and try to achieve it?

As for mods, are you saying DayZ is a cop-out to make Arma II more fun? Wait, MC isn't advertised as that? I think you'll find that by asking people around, most will say that a big part of MC is the mods. As for the patching, if a patch to any game comes out, it breaks mods and texture packs and stuff.

If you're in MC, out in the middle of night, and you don't feel like you NEED to survive, then somethings wrong.

You are supposed to go inhabit it. That's like saying Sim City is bad because the world starts empty.

Yeah we get it Java is bad. Whatever, it works.
So the combination of shitty Internet, five upper level courses, tennis season, and having a potential romantic interest means that I have zero time to do anything on the server. Sorry! I will be back during spring break!~
The game is at most 25% about combat. The game's focus is on (who would have guessed) mining and crafting. Meaning exploring and building.

I'm not saying your complaints are completely invalid but they are misguided. You don't buy Pokemon for a fast paced action game and rate it poorly because you didn't get what you are looking for.

I feel like you didn't read my entire post, but I'll give you the benefit of doubt. I address the fact that the thing I liked the most was adventuring and finding new things, but there aren't many things to mine, nor craft. You get the same basics. Also you say that I rate it poorly because I didn't get what I was looking for, but as I said I didn't get what I was PROMISED. Pokemon never promised me that it was going to be fast paced and action-y, but Minecraft did say there would be so much more to it, and when I pay money to help the game get completed I didn't get what I was promised.

It's like when you pay someone to build you a deck for your house and what you get is a couple of palettes tied together. Combat was the least of my worries. When you have a vast world and only so much to do in it gets pretty stale fast. At least I hope Starbound will have the hype back it up.

I think you'll find a dirt house is very bad, protection wise. I assume you never played the game.

This game isn't based off of combat. I'm going to complain about the storyline in TF2, because it sucks. Well it was made just to explain some questions and stuff, not as a centerpoint of the game.

There are tons of craftable items, what?

Yes, exploring is fun, but did you ever make a goal for yourself and try to achieve it?

As for mods, are you saying DayZ is a cop-out to make Arma II more fun? Wait, MC isn't advertised as that? I think you'll find that by asking people around, most will say that a big part of MC is the mods. As for the patching, if a patch to any game comes out, it breaks mods and texture packs and stuff.

If you're in MC, out in the middle of night, and you don't feel like you NEED to survive, then somethings wrong.

You are supposed to go inhabit it. That's like saying Sim City is bad because the world starts empty.

Yeah we get it Java is bad. Whatever, it works.

I actually like the storyline and world built for TF2, so I don't get why that was brought up. As for ARMAII, no I'm not saying the mod is bad, but also that ARMAII can stand alone as it's own game as it is more complete, even if it can be really silly. Yes, I agree that mods can be a great thing for a game and I really love the fact that the community does such things, but the game feels more like you have to get mods in order for there to be more depth to the mediocre quality of vanilla minecraft. I wanted it to be a solid game and mods would have just been icing on the cake. Instead it's like minecraft is flower and everything else is the eggs, sugar, baking soda, icing, etc.

All I pretty much did was adventure and I set out goals. I tried to find out how to navigate the prerendered caves of the world and look for all the dungeons I could. Sure I'd find the stuff but the treasure that would be yielded was less than stellar. I had found what I was looking for, and the reward of my labor was a couple of items that really didn't do much for me. In the end all I did was adventure as there wasn't much else to do when I've already had whole cities built.

Taking all the craft-able items and listing them off you get around 200 items that can be made. This includes the various steps and blocks you ca make. I feel like there should be around 200-300 craft-able items alone, plus building materials on top of the 200-300 whatever. Even if the use is fairly useless or purely cosmetic, how can you furnish a house without many things?

Now the topic of feeling like I need to survive is really a subjective issue. I can understand that people really want to feel like they are immersed in the world and that survival is most definitely imperative, but in reality if night falls you can just dig a hole and sit in it all night and be perfectly fine, but yes you don't have to play the game that way. Sure it would be one of the most effective things you can do on short notice, but it doesn't mean you have to, yet you still can. At the same time in the middle of the night I really am not scared of the enemies as they are easily kite-able and can be killed or led into obstacles fairly easily. I could out play the enemies easily, not that the game should be any more difficult, but I would like more varied attack patterns and mob variety.

As for Simcity, I find that to be a fine game as well as the point is to build the city, and watch as things play out which was really interesting. When you've built up a world in minecraft as wait to see what plays out... well, nothing really happens. There aren't others living in your towns, there aren't problems that you have to address that are nothing more than acts of god. No budget to balance, nothing but a ghost town and the enemies that show up when the sun goes down. Like a blocky I Am Legend.

In the end though, I'm not saying people can't like the game, and I guess I can see why people would like to play multiplayer legos, but because of the way the game is it lacks to the imagination. Minecraft is incredibly shallow, which doesn't mean that it's awful, but when I was promised more depth and saw little to no results over the years of development I was done. I reget my use of money, and didn't get what was promised. Not only was the depth lacking, I was also promised when I bought in alpha I would get all versions released after for free, but when I'd have to pay for phone/xbox/whatever versions despite buying into empty promises the morale is low.

I'm not telling anyone to stop enjoying the game, but I have many grievances that I'm probably pretty sure am not the only one that feels this way, but my response was to just give up and be filled with regret, so if anyone can still get enjoyment out of this sub-par product I salute them. You are a stronger individual than I, but I will also not let myself be fooled again and hastily purchase any games with large promises with cash that I'm not ready to lose.

That being said, Happy Merchant Notch is a douche bag and I wish misfortune upon him.
i enjoy the scent and taste of warm urinal cakes

lol faget kid mineycraft is the best game EVER???
just som punk kid tryin 2 clonk on ur bonkers talkin all that GOOD SHIT lol
get recked son and DOUNT let me see u comin eround thes parts again or im guna give u a real leson on the TRUE meaning of OWNAGE:pimp::pimp::pimp:!!!!!!!!
lol faget kid mineycraft is the best game EVER???
just som punk kid tryin 2 clonk on ur bonkers talkin all that GOOD SHIT lol
get recked son and DOUNT let me see u comin eround thes parts again or im guna give u a real leson on the TRUE meaning of OWNAGE:pimp::pimp::pimp:!!!!!!!!

dis guy( lol get it) is the begist fugen turbonerd shid eetur. only raisin u tink ur hawt is kuz u got sum shite anime nerd abatar get rekt scrub onlee resun y i dond bet ur @$$ is cuz my gurl don wan me 2 go bak 2 san kwintun pentitenchury. I poop on u kid.
I have three words for you FEED THE BEAST. It adds a great endgame and it solves the problem of not enough items to craft.

I have to say i love it but my damn computer loves to have me play it at 3 fps when optifine is on and i've allocated the maximum amount of memory to it.
Ok so I got the free version off their website and have been playing and need help. I cant find any sheep for wool or cows for armor. I found coal and iron while digging and have come across some wood underground and which looks to lead to a cave. What should I do? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: My goodness chill on the pirating discussion, I did not do it so you all can calm yo tits.
Ok so I got the free version off their website and have been playing and need help. I cant find any sheep for wool or cows for armor. I found coal and iron while digging and have come across some wood underground and which looks to lead to a cave. What should I do? Thanks in advance.

Keep searching honestly. Plains is the best biome to find either. Cows show up a lot in forests and sheep show up a lot in taiga, etc.
Ok I found 6 iron and 2 wool but something called a enderman killed me because I didnt know how to get home, is there a command to take me to my spawn point?

EDIT: What can I do with a spider eye?
Ok I found 6 iron and 2 wool but something called a enderman killed me because I didnt know how to get home, is there a command to take me to my spawn point?

EDIT: What can I do with a spider eye?

the only thing you can do to go home is to suicide
spider eyes are a (terrible) food source, and are used for brewing poison potions. they are also used in the crafting of fermented spider eyes, which are also used in potion brewing.
As soon as you can make a bed that will be your new spawnpoint until you sleep in another bed or break the bed. If you find it to hard switch to peaceful mode no mad mobs and no hunger.
In the end though, I'm not saying people can't like the game, and I guess I can see why people would like to play multiplayer legos, but because of the way the game is it lacks to the imagination. Minecraft is incredibly shallow, which doesn't mean that it's awful, but when I was promised more depth and saw little to no results over the years of development I was done. I reget my use of money, and didn't get what was promised. Not only was the depth lacking, I was also promised when I bought in alpha I would get all versions released after for free, but when I'd have to pay for phone/xbox/whatever versions despite buying into empty promises the morale is low.

That's like saying you buy Skyrim for PC and you think you should get it free for XBOX. PE and XBOX Edition are *DIFFERENT* games, not *VERSIONS* of PC Minecraft.
Not saying you have to like it but you're going about it in a highly immature way, what with insulting developers because they didn't make a game to fit your standards. The world doesn't revolve around you, buddy.
That's like saying you buy Skyrim for PC and you think you should get it free for XBOX. PE and XBOX Edition are *DIFFERENT* games, not *VERSIONS* of PC Minecraft.
Not saying you have to like it but you're going about it in a highly immature way, what with insulting developers because they didn't make a game to fit your standards. The world doesn't revolve around you, buddy.

But the only thing I'm complaining about is that Notch said what he was going to do, so that's all I wanted. In the end he never delivered what he promised. He even did say that buying in that early gave you access to everything minecraft. I also like how once again it feels like people didn't actually read my post but saw some buzzwords they didn't like adn respond to such accordingly. I'm not saying the world revolves around me, nor do I think I've argued in an immature way, especially because I'm voicing my opinoon which, guess what, everyone has a different one and no one person is correct. If your bonkers got clonked so much to actually go out of your way to insult me, then I'm sorry. Gotta not get so heated over the internet though hombre.

If your bonkers got clonked so much to actually go out of your way to insult me, then I'm sorry. Gotta not get so heated over the internet though hombre.

the only reason you're getting this is because you came into the one place on smogon forums that discusses minecraft, and post a negative opinion about it. we have 180+ pages of chat, and that probably means most the posters here really really enjoy the game
when we reset the nether, please consider dropping a skele spawner in there.
spending hours for a couple skulls is a (BAN ME PLEASE).