np: UU Stage 13 - Ghosts N Stuff

As far as a Victini ban is concerned, I am completely against it and here is why:

1) This is one of the most commonly seen pokemon in UU, meaning every team ever made for UU will have a counter to this pokemon in mind when they make a team. Every type of Victini set has its flaws and it is fairly easy to counter once you know what the set is. Yes, you might have to take a big hit or lose a pokemon in order to figure this out, but that is no different than any other pokemon you run into. There is always the question of whether or not certain pokemon will be special vs. physical or offensive vs. defensive and it is all about getting that information and exploiting it.
2) Scarfed Victini lacks the power necessary to deal with most of the common physical walls in UU. Even using Bolt Strike on a predicted switch to a water type will not KO unless a lot of prior damage has been taken already, leaving you the opportunity to then switch out to something else that can easily take the unstabbed move. In terms of specific counters, bulky Arcanine completely shuts down any physical variant of this pokemon.
3) Non-Scarfed Victini sets are out paced by a number of pokemon on the tier, most of which pack a move that is super-effective against it. Mienshao, Weavile, Ambipom, Zoraork, Cobalion, and Mismagius all naturally out-speed it along with common scarfers such as Flygon, Chandelure, and Heracross. Sharpedo can also easily protect for +1 and out-speed, though this is not as big of a factor
4) It is weak to stealth rock, which is arguably one of my main reasons for it not feeling overpowered. This pokemon can only switch in a few times and once it has, it is extremely susceptible to being revenge killed by plenty of Pokemon packing priority. Even Ambipom can handle Victini fairly easily with stealth rock up. It is also important to note that there are numerous spin blockers in UU that can easily prevent a rapid spin from occurring as well as the fact that most of the pokemon in UU that can set up Stealth Rock have some very good staying power, allowing them to potentially get a second chance to set it up later in battle if a rapid spin occurred.

Here are at least my top 4 reasons for this pokemon to not be banned, most of which have already been stated by numerous other people. I honestly think this Pokemon has been completely fine in UU and do not see why people are all of a sudden thinking it needs to be banned from the tier. As long as you are prepared for it, it should never be a problem. As for those arguing that you shouldn't have to have a counter to it, wake up a realize that figuring out a way to deal with common threats is the essence of every single competitive game in existence. There are always powerful strategies and the good players will always figure out a way to counter them.
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As far as a Victini ban is concerned, I am completely against it and here is why:

1) This is one of the most commonly seen pokemon in UU, meaning every team ever made for UU will have a counter to this pokemon in mind when they make a team. Every type of Victini set has its flaws and it is fairly easy to counter once you know what the set is. Yes, you might have to take a big hit or lose a pokemon in order to figure this out, but that is no different than any other pokemon you run into. There is always the question of whether or not certain pokemon will be special vs. physical or offensive vs. defensive and it is all about getting that information and exploiting it.

Just because a Pokemon is commonly seen in a tier does not mean every team will have a counter to it for that tier. EVERY Victini set has its flaws; however, the Pokemon itself is not easy to counter as its movepool and stats allow it to laugh at counters to a set Victini is not running. Think that Slowbro will counter Victini? Think again; it just used Thunder and one-shotted you thanks to Specs. Think you'll outspeed with that pathetic Ambipom? Bam! That Ambipom is now dead 'cause Victini's running a Scarf set and being a honey badger due to how frail most of the things that normally outspeed it truly are.

2) Scarfed Victini lacks the power necessary to deal with most of the common physical walls in UU. Even using Bolt Strike on a predicted switch to a water type will not KO unless a lot of prior damage has been taken already, leaving you the opportunity to then switch out to something else that can easily take the unstabbed move.

Scarftini really hates bulky Waters, but they also make perfectly good partners for it. Many of them do not care about other Scarfers since, like you say, running a Scarf means you don't have the power necessary to deal with most walls. Also, your argument is extremely flawed if my Scarf set was special or mixed - pretty sure those Bulky Waters would likely have trouble with Specstini from the getgo, so a Scarfed variant of the same set would likely overwhelm them.

Also, if you're keeping physically-based Scarftini in a match-up against most Bulky Waters you're doing it wrong.

3) Non-Scarfed Victini sets are out paced by a number of pokemon on the tier, most of which pack a move that is super-effective against it. Mienshao, Weavile, Ambipom, Zoraork, Cobalion, and Mismagius all naturally out-speed it along with common scarfers such as Flygon, Chandelure, and Heracross. Sharpedo can also easily protect for +1 and out-speed, though this is not as big of a factor

One does not simply revengekill Victini, again due to its extreme versatility. If you have to run AMBIPOM to counter non-Scarfed Victini I don't know what to say. Also, why would a Flygon ever have a need to run a Choice Scarf when it can use a Choice Band instead? Also, Scarfers would just cause unnecessarily complex prediction wars as a result of trying to get at Victini AND a teammate of Victini's.

4) It is weak to stealth rock, which is arguably one of my main reasons for it not feeling overpowered. This pokemon can only switch in a few times and once it has, it is extremely susceptible to being revenge killed by plenty of Pokemon packing priority. Even Ambipom can handle Victini fairly easily with stealth rock up. It is also important to note that there are numerous spin blockers in UU that can easily prevent a rapid spin from occurring as well as the fact that most of the pokemon in UU that can set up Stealth Rock have some very good staying power, allowing them to potentially get a second chance to set it up later in battle if a rapid spin occurred.

Being weak to Stealth Rock is a non-issue; Kyurem-N, Staraptor, and Froslass were vulnerable to Stealth Rocks, and that did not stop them from being broken. The latter two were also absurdly frail, not possessing Victini's 100/100/100 bulk at all. Kyurem-N's 120/90/90 bulk is somewhat comparable, but Kyurem-N also has a pretty unfortunate defensive typing.

Here are at least my top 4 reasons for this pokemon to not be banned, most of which have already been stated by numerous other people. I honestly think this Pokemon has been completely fine in UU and do not see why people are all of a sudden thinking it needs to be banned from the tier. As long as you are prepared for it, it should never be a problem. As for those arguing that you shouldn't have to have a counter to it, wake up a realize that figuring out a way to deal with common threats is the essence of every single competitive game in existence. There are always powerful strategies and the good players will always figure out a way to counter them.

While I would normally agree with this sentiment, the versatility of many threats in UU is what makes a majority of them difficult to counter. Victini is one of those versatile threats. If you're running a physically-based defensive team with the intent to counter Victini, you are going to be screwed if Specstini is what you face. Unless you want your Rhyperior or Gligar to be eating Grass Knots and Glaciates for dessert, you are likely to lose match-ups with Victini just as easily, if not more than, as you would in terms of losing match-ups to Mew, Heracross, Togekiss, or other 'mons who find themselves in S-Rank.

Responses in bold; I'm legitimately ambivalent about Victini as a Suspect, without any leanings towards pro or anti ban. In regards to the quotes above, I'm somewhat playing a Devil's Advocate just to be certain these arguments have more depth to them than what I'm seeing.
Since I'm forum challenged, I will respond to everything you wrote by copy and pasting. I think you bring up some interesting points, so I will try and explain myself further.

Just because a Pokemon is commonly seen in a tier does not mean every team will have a counter to it for that tier. EVERY Victini set has its flaws; however, the Pokemon itself is not easy to counter as its movepool and stats allow it to laugh at counters to a set Victini is not running. Think that Slowbro will counter Victini? Think again; it just used Thunder and one-shotted you thanks to Specs. Think you'll outspeed with that pathetic Ambipom? Bam! That Ambipom is now dead 'cause Victini's running a Scarf set and being a honey badger due to how frail most of the things that normally outspeed it truly are.

If you are playing in UU, I don't understand why you wouldn't make a team that is able to handle common threats in the tier. It just doesn't make sense to team build and not have those things in mind. It would be like playing OU and not bringing any steel types knowing full well that there are dragons running rampant throughout the tier. I do understand the versatility of this pokemon; however, it is no different than any other pokemon that can run a variety of sets. You take the time to get information and then you counter it. So my Slowbro gets 1 shotted because my opponent is running specs victini. OK, now I know the set and will figure out a way to take this pokemon down based on the knowledge i just gained. Yes, I may have lost a pokemon to figure that out, but now I also figured out a way to take down your Victini. If I don't have anything to handle it, then it is completely my fault and you shouldn't be punished by not being able to use a pokemon that exploits a weakness in my team. Also, why the Ambipom hate? If you brought in Victini on Ambipom, I would assume you were scarfed and if you were bluffing, good for you! That means you just outsmarted me and I deserve to lose a pokemon for it.

Scarftini really hates bulky Waters, but they also make perfectly good partners for it. Many of them do not care about other Scarfers since, like you say, running a Scarf means you don't have the power necessary to deal with most walls. Also, your argument is extremely flawed if my Scarf set was special or mixed - pretty sure those Bulky Waters would likely have trouble with Specstini from the getgo, so a Scarfed variant of the same set would likely overwhelm them. Also, if you're keeping physically-based Scarftini in a match-up against most Bulky Waters you're doing it wrong.

That is true, Victini does have many good partners it can switch out to when it isn't able to take a foe down or is threatened out by a faster scarfer. As far as bulky waters are concerned, they aren't the only thing that are able to deal with Victini, I was just using it as an example (I believe bulky Arcanine is the most solid counter to any Victini set btw). It is common to want to switch in a water type on a predicted Blue Flare or V-Create, but the person using Victini can predict that and go for Thunder or Bolt Strike. Still, in either situation, it is possible for water types to be specially bulky and handle special or mixed Victini as well. Swampert, Milotic, and Suicune are the best examples of this. Yes, it often packs Grass Knot to handle them, but again it is up to you to make that prediction or force me into a bad play and if you guess right, good for you. You just outsmarted me and you should be rewarded for that. Either way, now I know your set and will exploit that to the best of my ability. You are making it seem like Victini can take down an entire team by itself (I know this might not be the case, but it appears as such to me) and I have never experienced that ever happen to me, nor will I ever let it.

One does not simply revengekill Victini, again due to its extreme versatility. If you have to run AMBIPOM to counter non-Scarfed Victini I don't know what to say. Also, why would a Flygon ever have a need to run a Choice Scarf when it can use a Choice Band instead? Also, Scarfers would just cause unnecessarily complex prediction wars as a result of trying to get at Victini AND a teammate of Victini's.

Who are you, Boromir? Anyway, you CAN simply revenge kill this Pokemon once you know the set. Obviously, something has to die for you to be in a position where you can revenge kill it, so by that point, you should know what to bring in to do that and you should have something on your team that can. If you don't, that is completely your fault and not your opponent's for bringing a Victini. Again, why the Ambipom hate? It outpseeds non scarfed sets and can easily revenge kill Victini in that situation or U-turn out predicting you to go into something else. It also can Fake Out the scarfed variants if you stay in and even though it is very easy to switch out predicting that, the option is there. Either way, that is just one of the numerous pokemon I listed that can easily revenge kill Victini or force it out. And yes, you can switch out into other things to handle whatever I bring in to revenge kill Victini, but I am fully aware of that and ready to predict you to do something of that sort because that is how you play this game. Also, Scarfed Flygon is extremely common or at least has been in the past.

Being weak to Stealth Rock is a non-issue; Kyurem-N, Staraptor, and Froslass were vulnerable to Stealth Rocks, and that did not stop them from being broken. The latter two were also absurdly frail, not possessing Victini's 100/100/100 bulk at all. Kyurem-N's 120/90/90 bulk is somewhat comparable, but Kyurem-N also has a pretty unfortunate defensive typing.

I would argue that none of these pokemon are broken either, but that isn't a discussion for this topic. The point I'm making is that in all these situations where I am pointing out an opportunity to revenge kill or switch in a counter on your Victini, you have to switch out and will then take Stealth Rock damage next time you come in if you don't get a Rapid Spin off. So yes, I strongly believe that it is a factor in Victini's case because there are so many things that can force it out and others to take care of it once it is at low health due to entry hazard damage. There is also the situation where a pokemon forcing Victini out can pursuit trap it and get rid of it on sight, which someone mentioned before. While this is a less common occurrence, it might be something that people now look more into in order to easily handle this pokemon since it is not a very difficult thing to do

While I would normally agree with this sentiment, the versatility of many threats in UU is what makes a majority of them difficult to counter. Victini is one of those versatile threats. If you're running a physically-based defensive team with the intent to counter Victini, you are going to be screwed if Specstini is what you face. Unless you want your Rhyperior or Gligar to be eating Grass Knots and Glaciates for dessert, you are likely to lose match-ups with Victini just as easily, if not more than, as you would in terms of losing match-ups to Mew, Heracross, Togekiss, or other 'mons who find themselves in S-Rank.

I agree that there are many versatile threats in UU and that is exactly why this is my favorite tier to play in. Sure they are difficult to counter, but there are numerous pokemon in the tier that are able to do so once you have their sets figured out. Yes, Victini can be physical, special, or mixed. We get it. It has been mentioned 1000 times in this thread. The point is that at the end of the day, once the set has been exposed, it becomes just another Pokemon that you should have something else on your team to handle. If you do not, and I will say this again, that is 100% your fault and not your opponent's for using Victini. That goes the same way for any Pokemon.
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If you are playing in UU, I don't understand why you wouldn't make a team that is able to handle common threats in the tier. It just doesn't make sense to team build and not have those things in mind. It would be like playing OU and not bringing any steel types knowing full well that there are dragons running rampant throughout the tier. I do understand the versatility of this pokemon; however, it is no different than any other pokemon that can run a variety of sets. You take the time to get information and then you counter it. So my Slowbro gets 1 shotted because my opponent is running specs victini. OK, now I know the set and will figure out a way to take this pokemon down based on the knowledge i just gained. Yes, I may have lost a pokemon to figure that out, but now I also figured out a way to take down your Victini. If I don't have anything to handle it, then it is completely my fault and you shouldn't be punished by not being able to use a pokemon that exploits a weakness in my team. Also, why the Ambipom hate? If you brought in Victini on Ambipom, I would assume you were scarfed and if you were bluffing, good for you! That means you just outsmarted me and I deserve to lose a pokemon for it.

I'll focus on this cause I think this is so wrong. You do realize what just happened here right? You lost your Slowbro, and it wasn't even a struggle. Due to information you could not have possibly ever guessed, you have lost a vital part of your team. Yeah sure you can revenge Victini and ko it, you can prevent it from switching in a lot with Stealth Rocks, but that damage is irreversible. You are now open to sweeps from Mienshao, Darmanitan, Flygon, any Fighting-type, Fire-type, or physical attacker. If you think that losing Slowbro that easily is ok then you haven't been fighting anyone halfway decent. And its the same for whatever Vic kos. Rhyperior goes down switching into a lure set? Raikou, Honchkrow, Tornadus, Crobat, Rotom, Darmanitan, can now all have a field day. Snorlax thinks it has a special set and gets marred by V-create? You are now literally open to every single special attacker in the tier. Good players capitalize on this. Look, you lose Pokemon through out the battle. Opponents make good plays, you make bad ones, sacrifices must be made. But this situation is none of the above. Using a special Victini isn't a good move, its just a teambuilding option. Switching in Slowbro wasn't a bad move, otherwise something could die to V-create. And you sure as hell wouldn't sack Slowbro like that. Victini: beatable. The stupid good team support it provides because you can never safely switch in and it often kos vital teammates: much harder to beat.

PS this is UU, base 100 Speed is actually fast
Kyruem is banned because it is so good in the hail...

Choice Specs Victini isn't a thing. No one uses that. If the special set is being used, the two most popular items are Life Orb or Expert Belt. Nonscarfed Victini and Victini locked into V-Create is indeed easy to revenge kill. With a scarf, after one use of V-create, Victini is outsped by a bunch of threats. Threats include: Mienshao, Raikou, Virizon, Cobalion, Azelf, Ambipom, and Weavile.

The issue isn't if Victini is good or not, because all can agree that it is. It is if the versatility is too much for the UU meta to handle. For example, if one were to go for the Grass Knot right off the bat onto an incoming Rhyperior, that Rhyperior will die without any problems. However, that being said, once the set is revealed, it is quite easily played around with. The Special Attacker with LO is pretty much beaten by Umbreon and Snorlax. The reliance on Focus Blast isn't doing too much for Victini. If the set is Physical, having a bulky water + grass type or bulky water + ground type will do it good. For those of you complaining that Bolt Strike or V-create hits so hard, you have to understand if you don't have switch ins to common electric or fire type moves, you're team isn't well built. You shouldn't be having your bulky water stay in on a Bolt Strike more than once.

The mixed set is walled hard by Snorlax, a Pokemon that is quite prevalent in the UU meta. Victini lacks the hard hitting powers from either side of the spectrum, so Snorlax can eat up hits and retaliate with any move in its arsenal.

Is no one understanding that not ALL Victini sets have the effectiveness of all the sets? Again, it seems people don't understand. Victini's do not all have the wall-breaking powers of a Band, avenging capabilities of a Scarf, versatility of a Mixed set, and nuke powers of a special set. You get to choose one of these, and these you stick with!

Getting popped by a Thunder will of course knock out a Slowbro. For tits sakes, you can OHK most Slowbro's after rocks with unboosted Timid Thunderbolt from Raikou. If the Victini set is blatantly mixed/special, don't send in physical walls! If you see U-Turn, you should know how much a physical set should be doing. If it's doing less than what you expect, it's probably mixed/special...ADJUST.

Victini CAN open holes for other teams, but isn't that the same for Mixed Mienshao? Simply bluff the choiced set and go mixed with HP Ice and Grass knot. Don't see anyone complaining about that.
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I'll focus on this cause I think this is so wrong. You do realize what just happened here right? You lost your Slowbro, and it wasn't even a struggle. Due to information you could not have possibly ever guessed, you have lost a vital part of your team. Yeah sure you can revenge Victini and ko it, you can prevent it from switching in a lot with Stealth Rocks, but that damage is irreversible. You are now open to sweeps from Mienshao, Darmanitan, Flygon, any Fighting-type, Fire-type, or physical attacker. If you think that losing Slowbro that easily is ok then you haven't been fighting anyone halfway decent. And its the same for whatever Vic kos. Rhyperior goes down switching into a lure set? Raikou, Honchkrow, Tornadus, Crobat, Rotom, Darmanitan, can now all have a field day. Snorlax thinks it has a special set and gets marred by V-create? You are now literally open to every single special attacker in the tier. Good players capitalize on this. Look, you lose Pokemon through out the battle. Opponents make good plays, you make bad ones, sacrifices must be made. But this situation is none of the above. Using a special Victini isn't a good move, its just a teambuilding option. Switching in Slowbro wasn't a bad move, otherwise something could die to V-create. And you sure as hell wouldn't sack Slowbro like that. Victini: beatable. The stupid good team support it provides because you can never safely switch in and it often kos vital teammates: much harder to beat.

PS this is UU, base 100 Speed is actually fast

But it IS information you can guess because you know Victini can run multiple sets. If I always expect Victini to be physical, I run the risk of a physical wall going down to a special set and vice versa. You should just be prepared for any situation and be ready to face the consequences if you predict wrong. You act as if a team can be completely ripped apart once 1 of the pokemon goes down, but if you are playing against anyone that has any idea how to team build, that should never happen. Why would anyone only have 1 pokemon on their team to take a physical or special hit? If Slowbro is the only thing on your team that can take a physical hit or Snorlax to take a special hit, you are making it so easy for your opponent to sweep you. Even in the event that this is the case, Darmanitan or other physical attackers still should not be able to pull off a sweep regardless of if my Slowbro goes down because you should have something else to prevent that from happening from at least an offensive standpoint

Also, there are 11 pokemon in UU that naturally outspeed Victini and bunch of others that pack priority that is super-effective against it. It's base 100 speed is not that big of a factor.
But it IS information you can guess because you know Victini can run multiple sets. If I always expect Victini to be physical, I run the risk of a physical wall going down to a special set and vice versa. You should just be prepared for any situation and be ready to face the consequences if you predict wrong. You act as if a team can be completely ripped apart once 1 of the pokemon goes down, but if you are playing against anyone that has any idea how to team build, that should never happen. Why would anyone only have 1 pokemon on their team to take a physical or special hit? If Slowbro is the only thing on your team that can take a physical hit or Snorlax to take a special hit, you are making it so easy for your opponent to sweep you. Even in the event that this is the case, Darmanitan or other physical attackers still should not be able to pull off a sweep regardless of if my Slowbro goes down because you should have something else to prevent that from happening from at least an offensive standpoint

Also, there are 11 pokemon in UU that naturally outspeed Victini and bunch of others that pack priority that is super-effective against it. It's base 100 speed is not that big of a factor.
^^ This

You're underestimating the majority of decent UU battlers. When I play against Victini, I don't jump to conclusions on what set it is until each move is revealed. And One Poke down should not tear your down.
But it IS information you can guess because you know Victini can run multiple sets. If I always expect Victini to be physical, I run the risk of a physical wall going down to a special set and vice versa. You should just be prepared for any situation and be ready to face the consequences if you predict wrong. You act as if a team can be completely ripped apart once 1 of the pokemon goes down, but if you are playing against anyone that has any idea how to team build, that should never happen. Why would anyone only have 1 pokemon on their team to take a physical or special hit? If Slowbro is the only thing on your team that can take a physical hit or Snorlax to take a special hit, you are making it so easy for your opponent to sweep you. Even in the event that this is the case, Darmanitan or other physical attackers still should not be able to pull off a sweep regardless of if my Slowbro goes down because you should have something else to prevent that from happening from at least an offensive standpoint

Also, there are 11 pokemon in UU that naturally outspeed Victini and bunch of others that pack priority that is super-effective against it. It's base 100 speed is not that big of a factor.

That's all very nice in theory but the fact of the matter is that when Vic comes out, you have to switch in something (or leave something in). And if you chose wrong something dies every time. When Vic comes out you can't just not switch in a physical wall because if you don't something is marred with V-Create. And when one Pokemon is a multi purpose wall, yes that can be devastating because UU has some damned hard hitters, and it's hard to pack two Pokemon that hard counter it. I had a very successful team that used lure Vic and Raikou to great success, I know exactly what I'm talking about. You KO the counter, wear the check, and sweep. Its all pretty easy, and nearly impossible to predict or prepare for cause Vic is impossible to safely switch into.

And I'm not saying he's blazing, but you can't pretend like 100 is slow or easy to revenge, cause its not really.
That's all very nice in theory but the fact of the matter is that when Vic comes out, you have to switch in something (or leave something in). And if you chose wrong something dies every time. When Vic comes out you can't just not switch in a physical wall because if you don't something is marred with V-Create. And when one Pokemon is a multi purpose wall, yes that can be devastating because UU has some damned hard hitters, and it's hard to pack two Pokemon that hard counter it. I had a very successful team that used lure Vic and Raikou to great success, I know exactly what I'm talking about. You KO the counter, wear the check, and sweep. Its all pretty easy, and nearly impossible to predict or prepare for cause Vic is impossible to safely switch into.

But it isn't impossible to predict, prepare for, or switch into. It might be difficult due to its versatility, but it is not impossible. Even if Victini can "theoretically" guarantee a KO when it comes in, it still has numerous checks and counters that keep it in line, all of which I, along with many others before me, have named. Yes, it is a great pokemon. Nobody is arguing against that, but how does that make it ban worthy? This pokemon has existed in UU for an extremely long time and it has never proven to be too overpowered or over-centralizing to the metagame
Ace, you can't assume you have a perfect prediction every time. You're basically saying the person who is facing Victini is dumber than a box of rocks. If you're unsure if the Victini has Grass Knot, don't switch Rhyperior into it. You force what Victini does to reveal its set, don't let the person using Victini be in control.
Ace, you can't assume you have a perfect prediction every time. You're basically saying the person who is facing Victini is dumber than a box of rocks. If you're unsure if the Victini has Grass Knot, don't switch Rhyperior into it. You force what Victini does to reveal its set, don't let the person using Victini be in control.

How exactly do you do that without having something severely weakened or outright KOed? Practice what you preach. You're not always going to predict correctly either, and the measures you suggest to beat Victini are NOT practical and such hoop-jumping endeavors also suggests that its broken or at the very least, suspect worthy. The player using Victini always carries the cards in their hand because they are the one who knows the moveset at the start of the match and can thus formulate a strategy to lure out would-be "counters" and destroy them. They know what their Victini will beat, you don't. Here's also another wild card to suggest, even if (big if right here) you manage to expose all of Victini's moves without one of your Pokemon taking severe damage (with all the switching going on, your Pokemon are wracking up entry hazard damage FAST) or just being KOed, does that all of a sudden make it negligible threat? Of course not. Slower teams for instance can't even switch into mixed Victini without having something put into 2HKO range and nothing on offense enjoys taking a Choice Band V-Create or heck, even Choice Scarf. The stuff I've been reading on this thread is so profoundly inane. I don't even play UU as actively as some others, but arguments such as "Weak to rocks" and "Pursuit Pokemon can revenge kill Victini" are not good measurements to prove that something isn't broken. A) Pursuit revenge kill means diddly squat when all Pursuit users (minus Snorlax) are OHKOed by the right move/are frail af and B) Victini's bulk is still really good for an offensive Pokemon, despite having its HP chipped by Stealth Rock. For example, 0/0 Victini is never OHKOed by LO Zapdos's Tbolt, even after Stealth Rock. So tell me, how is that something has enough bulk to survive a LO STAB coming from a base 125 SpA (after is has taken 25% from SR with no defense investment, mind you), wields immense versatility, and can still 2HKO 95% of the tier unboosted not suspect worthy or even ban worthy for that matter?
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I must admit I love the "can do" attitudes of Rykard and Aecor. However I'm on the fence about the broken aspects of victini. It's a ridiculously powerful wallbreaker that can be custom fit for any offensive team. I think one of the reasons it's been here for so long is people's obsession over V-Create based physical sets. V-create is awesome, it's retardedly strong, and even sounds cool when you say it out loud. The meta however is well adapted to handle it, Arcanine, Rhyperior, Pert, Slowbro, Chand, kingdra etc. all take physical victini pretty well. Physical Victini is not broken at all. Special Victini and Mix-tini might be. Only recently it feels like special vic has really gained recognition and that's the far more powerful opponent imo. I think defensive arcanine is the closest thing we have to a true victini "counter" but even then that can be situational. Playing around victini is a dangerous game indeed, even once you know the set getting in a pokemon can be a pain due to the impressive coverage and base power of it's moves. I think victini's closest counterpart is Kyurem-black in OU.

That being said, it's an S-rank Wallbreaker, of course it should kick ass. Victini is hazard weak, lacks a lot of power without life orb or choice band and is vulnerable to priority. Victini doesn't end games by itself, but it's sheer power and versatility might prove to much for a balanced meta like UU. Thus where the comparison to Kube ends. Most people admit that OU is offense based, which is why Kube stays, UU tends to be more balanced i find. Maybe that pushes victini over the edge?
How exactly do you do that without having something severely weakened or outright KOed? Practice what you preach. You're not always going to predict correctly either, and the measures you suggest to beat Victini are NOT practical and such hoop-jumping endeavors also suggests that its broken or at the very least, suspect worthy. The player using Victini always carries the cards in their hand because they are the one who knows the moveset at the start of the match and can thus formulate a strategy to lure out would-be "counters" and destroy them. They know what their Victini will beat, you don't. Here's also another wild card to suggest, even if (big if right here) you manage to expose all of Victini's moves without one of your Pokemon taking severe damage (with all the switching going on, your Pokemon are wracking up entry hazard damage FAST) or just being KOed, does that all of a sudden make it negligible threat? Of course not. Slower teams for instance can't even switch into mixed Victini without having something put into 2HKO range and nothing on offense enjoys taking a Choice Band V-Create or heck, even Choice Scarf. The stuff I've been reading on this thread is so profoundly inane. I don't even play UU as actively as some others, but arguments such as "Weak to rocks" and "Pursuit Pokemon can revenge kill Victini" are not good measurements to prove that something isn't broken. A) Pursuit revenge kill means diddly squat when all Pursuit users (minus Snorlax) are OHKOed by the right move/are frail af and B) Victini's bulk is still really good for an offensive Pokemon, despite having its HP chipped by Stealth Rock. For example, 0/0 Victini is never OHKOed by LO Zapdos's Tbolt, even after Stealth Rock. So tell me, how is that something has enough bulk to survive a LO STAB coming from a base 125 SpA (after is has taken 25% from SR with no defense investment, mind you), wields immense versatility, and can still 2HKO 95% of the tier unboosted not suspect worthy or even ban worthy for that matter?
As someone who is 43/3 on the ladder, I can tell you right now that when I play against Victini, I do practice what I preach. would appreciate it if you would not question my ethics when posting an argument. I am evaluating the extent of Victini, not other players. Please learn the difference when arguing. It is better to be though of as a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

Victini can weaken counters with the right prediction, but it comes down to how the prediction goes down. For example, a Crobat normally walls Virizion; however, I cannot tell you how many times that I have clicked that sexy Stone Edge and have done a clean 60% to Stall breaking Crobat, OHKing many after rocks and some residual damage. Does it make Virizon broken? No. Victini can take on Rhyperior and the likes, but Victini itself cannot sweep teams like other users are suggesting. In order to have the power to 2HK the tier, it NEEDS Life Orb. The reliance on Life Orb, coupled by being weak to the two most common priority moves in the UU meta, weakness to all hazards, does not do Victini any favors.

The player using Victini most formulate a strategy in order to lure and KO threats, but is that not the essence of Pokemon? I was unaware that beating usual counters using a lure set was broken. People run HP Ice on fighting types in an attempt to beat Gligar, a common thorn in the physical side. Is Victini different?

The idea of an opponent knowing what a Victini will beat and what it cannot is ridiculous. Scouting is something that high level players often demonstrate. Sure, your Swampert just ate up that V-Create, but isn't a switch to a Fire, Grass, or Steel type something to do now that you want to make sure Victini does not carry the grass knot? If you're going to argue that it can happen at any time, I would rather not debate that. The opponent cannot possibly know if you're scouting, likewise, you cannot possibly know their set until it is revealed.

Victini will hurt would be checks and counters, but many hard hitters will do such. Many Heracross do not run Night Slash, but those who do will be wearing down Cofag and the likes.

The argument about Pursuit is weak as hell. Many Pursuit users are also coupled with the move sucker punch. Do you risk staying in to eat a sucker punch, or switch out and potentially be pursuit trapped? Many Pokes, such as Honk, carry both in order to put Victini in a near check-mate position. These weaknesses are what make Victini not ban worthy. I am not saying it should not be suspected; I am saying it isn't as broken as those who make it out to be. Victini is about as big as a problem as SD Heracross. It hits hard as hell, but relatively easy to check once the set is made out. Rhyperior walls all physical sets, Snorlax and Umbreon handle special sets, and Snorlax takes cares of the mixed set. Victini can be LO stalled easily since it has speed slightly above par, namely by SubCM Raikou and the likes. Weavile can OHK back with Night Slash. Zoroark, the most common being Specs or LO, can maul Victini with a Night Daze. Specs Raikou can Volt-Switch into a check. You guys make it seem as if Victini is unbeatable. Chandelure cannot be OHKd by any of Victini's common moves, yet it OHKs back, yet I see no one complaining. Isn't Chandelure the number one used poke? Scarfed Chandy will beat practically all variants of Victini, as will BandLax and the works.

Slow teams struggle with anything powerful with bulk. SD Virizon beats so many stall teams simply because it hits so hard, has great coverage, and has the natural bulk to take the hits aimed at it. Victini is in the same boat. Although it cannot sweep like Virizion, it can hurt slower teams since slower teams cannot retaliate back.

Is Victini good? Yes. Is it broken? No. It has a great movepool, but scouting for movesets is the key to playing against Victini. Scouting isn't nearly as hard as people make it out to be. For those who play OU, Tyranitar can often run special moves to check would counters, such as Scizor and Gliscor by running Fire Blast and Ice Beam respectivey, does it make TTar broken? No. It has moves to beat its counters; it is up to the two players to see who plays around Victini more skillfully. That is all I have. Victini lacks the speed to sweep and isn't nearly as hard to play around with as people make it out to be.
Aecor, I would like for you describe how you use Victini. I bet, as an apparent good player, you use it as a wall breaker for other pokemon to sweep. So you saying that it can't sweep through other teams and therefore isn't broken is invalid. I completely agree with you that people need to see that Victini is not a sweeper, but that does not automatically not broken. For example, the use of a lure set of your choice, Vic can lure in and beat most of Raikou's check and counters. Victini needs to be seen as the BEST WALLBREAKER IN THE TIER, not a sweeper as a lot of people that say Vic isn't broken claim. As of right now I'm on the fence, but I want to make sure that we're all on the same page so we can get somewhere.
@GULLY I'd argue that gothorita is the best stallbreaker but that's besides the point. Obviously there are ways in which victini can score a crucial KO and other ways it can't/can be taken down itself. I think we need a different way to determine if Victini should be banned other than arguing "it's impossible to play around with most of the time" or "all it takes is a little scouting" because this is going nowhere and both arguments are pretty much valid. Also, let's have no more talk of the worst thing in the world, the PS ladder. Holy shit it's worse than anything ever created and yesterday I saw a guy who was 7-8 and had an acre of 2020 so win/loss ratios and peaks might as well mean absolutely nothing.

This is actually relevant because one can't just consider the average ladder user when discussing victini. Most, of the time, Victini is relatively easy to scout as nine times out of ten, the average Victini user will make it banded or scarfed. This makes it difficult to judge for the suspect as, I feel I haven't faced enough varied Victini sets to actually get a good enough sense of its brokeness. When I play actual good players (generally in friendly matches), I can almost assume victini will be mixed or special which means prediction is still not a problem. With froslass, this wasn't a problem because I'd see the same variation of sets from ladder players and high tier players and it was a lot easier to judge if it should be banned or not.

I'm not sure exactly what I just typed but my point is that I've never really felt like I've truly been put in a position where I really had to play carefully around Victini which doesn't help with deciding its fate.
(btw the only reason i don't lose to it automatically is because i have trusty ambipom's fake out)

Ambipom should be a banable offense. Also how is TR Victini the only thing sweeping an offensive team?


A mixed Victini can destroy almost any core, banded can destroy almost anything, and scarf can be a good revenge killer, but for those on the ban side please explain how it can do all of that at once, it can't. You can say a mixed set can surprise people but most smart people will know it's a possibility, Victini can't do everything, there are a lot of pokemon capable of going mixed, but Victini has many common weaknesses and choiced ones usually need spinners, so like many things, it can do a lot of damage with support.
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Link in Sig will show how I play. I'm not the best, but I certainly know what the hell I am doing when I play. And though I agree the ladder points is stupid as hell, one cannot deny that having a 5:1+ Win/Loss ratio serves as some sort of reference in terms of skills.

When I use Victini, I use it to lure my opponents into something like Rhyperior so I can take it out with Grass knot. Often times, it will work yes; however, not to the extent that those are claiming. Very few times will you be able to one shot a Rhyperior because that's the only initial switch in. If Rhyperior is the only switch in into something like Victini, that team is poorly built, and this is coming from a guy who ladders with a Claydol. Look at the facts and nothing else.

Physical Victini has made itself a history of being walled by Rhyperior. Because of this, other players decided that Grass Knot would be a good way to get passed Rhyperior. Why is that? The answer is simple: We chose one of the most specially frail Pokemon, who (whom?) is 4x weak to Grass, very heavy to be a "hard counter" to Victini. Rhyperior also happens to wall Electric types that lack HP Grass or HP Water. The math is simple: Of course Special Victini will work. But look at Rhyperior. Is it a capable Special Wall? It has piss poor Special Defense and has two quad weaknesses. I see this as no difference as say, Aggron, who has a 4x weakness to ground and fighting. Now, Fighting is a very common offensive typing in the UU meta, this makes Aggron not as viable in the UU meta. Grass is a fairly uncommon offensive typing, used mainly by Roserade, Shaymin, and Virizion. The only other main pokes that carry some sort of Grass move would be the Expert Belt Raikou and LO Offensive Zapdos. Victini is one of the few viable Pokes to be able to kill Rhyperior thanks for Rhyperior being rather frail on the special side. Do not argue that Rhyperior is a good special wall. It's excellent on resisted hits, but a Specs Shadow Ball from Chandelure will still do a number on it.

Victini lacks of the traits of a Pokemon to be banned. It is a very potent wallbreaker, there is no denying that. Where you got that idea, I know not. I even posted how it acts as that trait as a mixed attacker. The fact lies that people believe Victini can do it all. Let us take a look at some former banned Pokes from UU. Staraptor, for example, is prime example of a Poke that should be banned. There were only two real "checks" and "counters" to most sets, them being Physically Defensive Impish Bronzong and Physically Defensive Impish Rhyperior. The fact that fast scarfers, such as Victini, Mienshao, and Raikou, did not exist only compounded the problem like play doh. At the time, base 100 was rather fast. Couple this with Reckless and you have a Pokemon that can literally tear team a new asshole. Staraptor did more work than pornflick chicks. Pokemon that had to counter it was mostly due to typing.

Victini does not have to worry about typing since it has immense coverage; however; Victini relies on: Hazards, Prediction, and Boosting Item. Staraptor did need hazards, but arguably to a lesser extent (much like how Reckless Mienshao does not need Hazards). Victini has a plethora of switch ins, depending on the set. Physical sets are walled by Swampert, Rhyperior, Slowbro, and Suicine. Special Sets are walled by Snorlax, Umbreon, and Specially Defensive Calm P2. Mixed sets are walled by the special walls with the help of something like Gligar or Slowbro. Higher skilled players will not thoughtlessly send in Rhyperior and Suicine into a potential Grass Knot. The modus of operandi is often send it in, then double to something that can take on a Grass Knot. If a a Victini is walled, it will switch out anyways! If it is not, it will stay in to try to nuke your wall with a Super Effective hit. It cannot be denied that when playing a player of equal skill, Victini will be played around with carefully. Victini needs Boosting Items, such as Scarf, Band, and Life Orb, in order to have a wall breaking role. Expert Belt is left out since I don't consider using a 4x super effective hit as something you need boosts with. With these items, the set is already fairly revealed (I have yet to see anyone use a choiced special set). Victini has slightly above average attacking sets with no viable way to boost its damage output without an item. Its ability is not something like Reckless, where it almost gets a free boost.

Trainer AU, a well respected player, uses a Special Victini. I am KittieTesting or whatever. I was testing out other Victini sets and found that playing against the Special Set was rather annoying; however, it is not impossible. Watch the replay to see what I mean. Victini did damage, yes, but did it really do anything for the team?

Victini, although versatile, can only operate as one one depending on the set. If it opts to take on multiple roles, it results in diminishing return. Victini should stay in UU. There are Pokes far more powerful and have equally versatile sets that are not seen as a problem. Kingdra should be used as a fair example. Good day to you sirs.
Alrighty, I saw a question earlier pertaining as to why those that believe Victini should be banned should explain their reasoning, so I guess I'll do so. Be warned, that since I'm currently not getting along with this forums' BBCode, that I wasn't able to use hide tags to shorten this post up. It's long, but in my opinion, worth the read.

At first glance, Victini looks rather mundane, with base 100 Stats across the board. We've all seen these before, and to be honest, its stats aren't great. But very rarely will a Pokemon's stats push them for a ban or keep them from being banned. If that was the case, I'm almost certain that Pokemon like Darmanitan and Chandelure would have been gone ages ago. At the same time, something like Escavalier would have never dropped to RU. So lets please get off any counter-arguments that Victini's rather bland statpool is enough to warrant its stay in UU. Typing is another argument I've seen, with Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Aqua Jet, and Sucker Punch seemingly being the common arguments for Victini being UU-eligible. Using the 1850 stats and saving Stealth Rock for a later argument, I decided to go out and pull out these Pokemon, and test the odds of them actually beating Victini 1-on-1.

The first Pokemon in the 1850 stats that's capable of using Sucker Punch is Hitmontop. And it's ranked at #17 with 12.4% (33352 Hitmontop) usage. Of those Hitmontop on the ladder, only 54.3% (which means about 18110 Hitmontop) of which use Sucker Punch. However, Hitmontop cannot afford to switch-in on any Victini variant. For the benefit of those that argue against making predictions, I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt and just spam Fire-type moves, which isn't that hard to do in this tier. Here's some calculations:

-1 252 Atk Choice Band Victini V-create vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hitmontop: 183-216 (60.19 - 71.05%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Victini Blue Flare vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Hitmontop: 212-251 (69.73 - 82.56%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

So basically, the Physical and Special sets do so much damage to Hitmontop, that it either has to come in on the revenge-kill, meaning you've just lost something important to your team, or it cannot afford to take any previous damage. Since it's not that common for Victini to be on Spikestacking teams, Hitmontop just simply cannot switch-in, especially if for some reason, there happens to be full hazards up, since it's put into OHKO range by both sets. After all is said and done, this is the return that Hitmontop gets if it manages to come in, survive, and get off a Sucker Punch:

0 Atk Hitmontop Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Victini: 112-132 (32.84 - 38.7%) -- 9.38% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
0 Atk Hitmontop Sucker Punch vs. -1 0 HP / 0 Def Victini: 166-196 (48.68 - 57.47%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock (if switching-in on a V-create)

So, what you get is something that can only hope to 2HKO if it doesn't switch in on a V-create, and is only managing a shoddy 2HKO if it does. I guess we can call that Sucker Punch user debunked. So Hitmontop cannot use Sucker Punch to beat Victini. Moving on!

The next Pokemon on the ladder capable of using Sucker Punch is Honchkrow, at #33 in usage. Honchkrow gets a 6.84% usage (meaning there's about 22893 Honchkrow), shares the same Stealth Rock weakness, and unlike Hitmontop, who could I guess tank a non-predicted hit from a weakened Victini, cannot afford to switch-in on anything bar a Choiced Psychic-type move. I won't bother calculating it, as we all know that Honchkrow's Sucker Punch will OHKO Victini. No surprise there. However, I want to point out that Honchkrow CANNOT switch in. Something must faint first. The odds of a choice-locked Victini switching out of a Honchkrow are pretty good too. But I noticed about 25.1% (about 5746 Honckrow) of all Honchkrow run Pursuit. Interesting, so I might as well calculate this.

252+ Atk Life Orb Honchkrow Pursuit vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Victini: 182-218 (53.37 - 63.92%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Alright, so that means if Victini switches out, it's done. Not bad. However, you're looking at something (Pursuit Honchkrow) that sees about 1.72% usage on the ladder, similar usage to something like Walrein. Not what I'd call a reliable check, since it cannot for the life of it switch in. It's a better check than Hitmontop, since it actually threatens Victini with Sucker Punch, and on the odd occasion, even trap it, but that can be a prediction all on its own. Next!

The next Sucker Punch user is pushing into RU territory. Bisharp, ranked at a staggering #56 on the 1850 stats, sees about 3.03% usage (14811 Bisharp). Much like Honchkrow, Bisharp is guaranteed to be seen running Sucker Punch, and can and will OHKO Victini with it. However, Bisharp faces the same problem Honchkrow does, that being it cannot switch-in to anything bar a Choice-locked Zen Headbutt or Psychic. Even though it's fully capable of beating Victini, it cannot trap it nor take a hit from it (again, just spamming Fire-type attacks for those that cannot deal with prediction arguments), so I wouldn't list it as even a reliable check due to it being so uncommon and Victini being able to safely switch-out on it. At this point, we're fully enveloped into RU territory, as Houndoom, the next user, sees itself ranked at #67. It gets 1.87% usage, slightly more than Pursuit Honchkrow. Thanks to its ability Flash Fire however, Houndoom is a more reliable check, and probably the most reliable at this stage in the discussion, to any opposing Victini variant. Houndoom even gets Pursuit, which is run about 36.6% of the time. Despite being able to almost safely switch-in on Victini and threaten with either Sucker Punch or Pursuit, any of Victini's coverage moves will be doing some heavy damage to Houndoom, Bolt Strike and Brick Break being the main culprits. Anything beyond this point is probably irrelevant to discussion, as the next Sucker Punch user available, Spiritomb, only sees 0.598% of usage in the tier. The odds of running into one of those are so small that it's not even worth discussing.

In Underused, there's two Pokemon that viably use Aqua Jet, those being Azumarill and Feraligatr. Yes, both can switch-in on either V-create or Blue Flare. Yes, both immediately threaten and OHKO with Aqua Jet. However, both of them get destroyed by a Bolt Strike, making switching in a little more dangerous than both Azumarill and Feraligatr would prefer. Another downside to these Pokemon is their usage. Azumarill is ranked #50 in the 1850 stats, seeing 4.07% usage. Feraligatr is in an even worse ranking, sitting at #109 and 0.437% usage. Even though these Pokemon can beat Victini 1-on-1, the odds of encountering them are significantly small, especially those of the latter, and neither Azumarill nor Feraligatr are capable of trapping Victini, leaving it free to switch out as it pleases. Because of the above arguments, I wouldn't list them as counters, but solid checks, much like Houndoom. There's only a few aspects that they have to worry about, but are still capable of beating Victini. Not too shabby.

I touched on this briefly with both Honchkrow and Houndoom, only saving a few others for this section of the discussion. Heracross does have access to Pursuit believe it or not. However, very few people take advantage of this, and opt to instead run other moves. Pursuit, along with the likes of other moves, combine in the Ubuntu Pastebin for Heracross' moves in a section called "Other", which gets about 17.5% usage on all Heracross. If I had to guess, as I'm expecting moves like Reversal, Endure, and Rock Slide in there as well, I'd target Pursuit at about 1.7%, since the move itself does have use, and Scarf Heracross uses it perfectly, but probably won't see as much use as the Endure+Reversal sets do. Heracross is a polar opposite to the likes of Houndoom, Azumarill, and Feraligatr however, as Heracross really cannot afford to switch-in on Victini at all, and in fact, never should. This means that once again, you're losing a Pokemon in order to bring this thing out. Krookodile is the other "big" name in Pursuit-trapping. Krookodile, a Pokemon sitting at #57 on the 1850 stats, seeing 2.93% usage, carries Pursuit about 34.2% of the time. Much like Pursuit Honchkrow, the odds of running into it are not very high. Much like many Pokemon listed as an example, Krookodile can switch-in on certain moves, but cannot take a Fire-, Bug-, Fighitng- or Grass-type attack from Victini. As I've mentioned before, Krookodile has to come in on the revenge-kill in order to come in safely. Something must faint, you must be put down a man. After that, you're free to trap and OHKO. Escavalier is another name I'll point out, as it takes on the TR Variants of Victini very well, and only fears Fire-type attacks. Unlike Krookodile or Heracross however, Escavalier is exceptionally slow, and cannot even come in on the revenge-kill sometimes, as non-Choice variants of Victini obliterate it. Pursuit is one of those moves that just isn't reliable enough in UU to break Victini with. Not enough quality Pokemon run it, and Victini tends to outspeed the users, and in the extreme case of Escavalier, even after a V-create. Not something I'd consider to be a huge threat to Victini considering its awkward distribution.

I'd like to take this time to mention that the only reason I was using usage statistics is to show the threat level a Victini would experience of running into one of these Pokemon, and most of which, weren't very high. You cannot argue that a Pokemon that only sees >5% usage to be a solid check to Victini. If something has that low of usage, it's for a reason, usually because that Pokemon isn't that great. Remmeber, Victini is never a one-Pokemon team. It has partners, and the users aren't usually dumb enough to play super-liberally with Victini if they see said Pokemon.

With those parts of the arguments on "what beats Victini" out of the way, I'd like to focus my attention to those screaming bloody murder at Stealth Rock. These are textbook morons, if nothing but players who know very little about the way this tier works. Yes, Stealth Rock gets very decent distribution in this tier, yes the Pokemon with access to Rapid Spin suck, and yes the spinblockers in this tier are exceptionally good at doing their job. However, it is not impossible to keep Stealth Rock from being set in the first place. Pokemon like Crobat, Cinccino, Tornadus, and Sableye, just to name four, are all adept at keeping Stealth Rock off the field and in most cases, can beat all users of Stealth Rock. However, in the off chance that Stealth Rock is laid, it doesn't beat Victini, but is simply a deterrent. Ace Emerald and I were at one point using a team that had two Flying-types, Crobat and Tornadus, and because of the lack of a decent spinner, opted against using one. I managed 100 battles with said team, and never found hazards to be an issue, as once the late-game boils around, Pokemon like Tornadus and Victini are too strong to stop, even if they're at 75 or 50% HP. It's not hard to lead of a match against an opponent and just beat the shit out of their hazard layer. Someone touched on this earlier, but Rhyperior has two quadruple weaknesses. If I didn't know any better, I'd say leading with a Grass- or Water-type during a match when Rhyperior is on the opposing team is a bloody intelligent thing to do. Sad part is, most people leave their Rhyperior in expecting you to use it to set up on. At the end of the day, the point I'm making here is that Stealth Rock doesn't beat or break Victini. It's only a deterrent, and one that if it has to, can deal with. Look at some of the previous suspects banned from UU. Kyurem and Staraptor were both weak to Stealth Rock, and thanks to their formidable power and only slight need for team support, still managed to get nerfed. I believe that Victini is in this same boat, as the lack of safe switch-ins, the need to lose a Pokemon in order to bring out a viable check, and the hell it can raise with some team support makes it too good for the tier.

Victini is a Pokemon with very few safe checks, and almost no counters. It has access to one of the strongest moves in the game, and has one of the best movepools in regards to coverage. Its base stats, albeit not phenomenal make it a very difficult Pokemon to deal with towards the latter stages of a match. I also believe that despite the effect not being entirely severe, that Victini does cause some bottlenecking in regards to teambuilding, as teams without a Victini check are more than likely ran through with ease. Unlike Kingdra, Raikou, or Heracross, who can all be dealt with via some form of improvisation in a time of need, Victini is a very punishing Pokemon that will destroy teams not prepared for it. Also unlike the aforementioned top-tier threats, checking Victini usually requires smart prediction or sacrificing a Pokemon in order to bring a check out, and in some cases, elements of both. Part of what makes Victini a very dangerous, and potentially even a broken threat, is that like Kingdra, is that figuring out what set Victini is running can be very difficult to do, and once you know, it can be too late.

All that said and done, I'm still considering "Do Not Ban" as a valid option, as I know that there are many players who want to see it stay and they too raise good arguments as to why. I'm still open to debate on this, as I know that one, the reasons I gave for banning it aren't the only reasons it should go, two, there are a fair amount of Pokemon capable of revenge-killing Victini after a V-create or after one of their teammates have fainted, and three, there are worse Pokemon in the tier, such as Chandelure and Kingdra, that should have been looked at a bit more closely during their times of suspect.
The idea of priority hampering Victini is the argument for it staying. People are saying there are no ways to overcome, where in reality, these are valid ways to check and counter Victini. Victini will not ALWAYS be at above 50%. Sometimes Victini must come in on an resisted hit to keep momentum going. This damage with hazards will strip away Victini's very respectable bulk little by little, to a point where a Pokemon can come in and revenge.

A deterrent is a way to prevent Victini from rampaging. For example, if you have rocks in the field, after downing a Pokemon, if you send in a common Sucker Punch User, more than not Victini will switch out. Because of this, although Sucker Punch damage is not landed, an additional 25% is stripped away from Victini by just having SRs on the field. Victini will more likely than not be able to land a bit hit on something, yes, but does that make it broken? No. By knowing the set, the proper check can be implemented during battles. The problem lies not with Victini, but the fact that people rely on Rhyperior and Swampert to wall Victini. Victini can run Grass knot, act accordingly. If Snorlax were the optimal check to use (similarly to Chandelure), Victini would not be deemed broken. In case you've all forgotten, Chandelure can 2HK BandLax with HP Fighting after rocks. Victini can boast the same, but why is Chandelure not seen as a problem seeing as it can beat its usual counter? Pursuit Snorlax exists because of Ghosts like Chandelure. Banded Lax can deal with Victini.
Choice Locked pokemon, Victini in specific, are pretty easy to wall once you've played against them enough. If you carry the proper counters on your team, and have some decent prediction skills, you can almost completely wall it. If victini is brought in on a poke with Protect, you're even better, and if hazards are on the field it can't switch out too much either.

I'll explain a little better. In Victini's physical set, the common coverage moves (bar U-turn) are V-Create, Bolt Strike, and Zen Headbutt. All of these have typings that can be completely nixed by a Flash Fire, Ground/Lightningrod, and Dark poke. The special set runs Blue Flare, Psychic/Psyshock, and a Thunder move (sometimes grass knot as well but that's honestly pretty easy to wall too), all of which are walled similarly.

This in my mind, is what makes Victini all the less broken (choiced victini, at least). Even if you're only immune to two of those attacks (say, you're running a houndoom, or a krookodile, or a rhyperior and an chandelure, or any number of things...), with some proper prediction you can effectively shut down Victini, gain a free turn to do whatever, and force it to possibly take more entry hazard damage coming back in again to try once more.

This is a replay of me taking down a victini with an (almost) mono-poison team. I obviously have no perfect counters to Victini on the team, Qwilfish being close but still getting hurt quite a bit by Bolt Strike/Zen Headbutt. However, by playing my cards right with immunity and hazards, I was able to take down Victini to a point where Skuntank could finish it off with Sucker Punch. I obviously am very skilled got pretty lucky to have hit all of the predictions right, but it's just something you can figure out after playing against Victini for a while, and playing with it.

I'd also like to touch on the notion that I've continued to see that judges Victini based on how much damage it deals or how many pokes it kills. In my eyes, this isn't a great way to judge a pokemon and its relative brokenness. Yes, Victini can V-Create your physical wall for 40% and then just switch out, but you have to take into account that when you switch out, your opponent gets a free turn and gets to deal a lot of damage to you, status an important wall, set up hazards, spin, or whatever. What happens with "nuke" pokes like Victini often is that yes, they do end up being the MVP of most matches and getting you all the kills, but that doesn't mean they didn't use up turns or valuable team support doing it. I think the most absurd but parallel example to compare it to would be Retaliate Slaking. Yes, the power of banded or scarfed Retaliate Slaking is immense, but you have to bring it in after something dies, and you need to bring something else in to take the hit after you've nuked something. Due to the fact that Victini does have to be switching out a lot to be effective and nuke the most things, and because it is weak to priority and hazards, that stuff can wrack up pretty quickly.
ALright, it's about time I responded to this (again) with my final argument, after being on the fence, I now finally have come up with my final standing: Victini is broken .

Now before you scream "obv idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about" let me explain.
Alright, when you see Victini/Raikou/filler/filler/filler/filler (filleri s nto really filler, I just can't come up with a decent team example because no matter what I say people are going to scream it's not a regular raikou + vic team) on the ladder, what are you most threatend of?
That's right, you probably said Raikou, if so:
When your scared of playing around raikou, you obviously must have something that can mildly check it, so you assume your fine, THEN the person eventually gets victini a free switch in, Victini now gains momentum with uturn(safest move to spam imo) alright, now you THINK you know the victini set, FAST FORWARD SOME AMOUNT OF TURNS LATER, victini is in again, and you know what set it is, turns out, your in a situation where your best victini switch in is rhyperior, and you think it's banded? What do you have to lose? so you switch it in, victini vcreates and is Life Orb, then you start doubting your assurity of it being banded, then the thoughts come that it is MixTini, now your in a situation where victini is either having the chance to kill you off with grass knot, or they are pure physical so they uturn to raikou on your switch out from rhyperior both of those are very threatening where your raikou check is either dying , or raikou gets a free switch in and the opponent can gain momentum with respectable level prediction.

Alright turns out you decide to stay in because, mixtini just happens to be low this month on usage, then BAM! grass knot. Now what are you thinking now? Oh shit my Victini check just died, but what actually happend? Your Raikou check/counter just died. BUT your focused on victini, since it is in at the moment, so you switch in a bulky water like suicune, then subCM raikou gets a free switch in and you know realize what the fuck that victini did to your team.

This my friends, is known as the Victini effect. You see? Now that you were worried about Victini, Raikou was the one that really swept your team.

Now this leads me onto my point: Victini is broken as an extreme offensive sweeper support. This might not make much sense, but think about it, You had a Specially Defensive Rhyperior, Raikou should not be able to destroy your team that easily, but then you see Victini was the mischievous bastard behind all of it. Victini was the one that caused the raikou sweep, victini is what caused your team to have a GAPING Raikou weakness.

I mean seriously, Victini was the reason Raikou swept you, Victini is not sweeping you, it lets bazaar and standard shit sweep you to no tomorrow.

The reason most of the arguments here aren't going anywhere is because your not realizing WHY Victini is broken: Of course Victini has no safe switch ins for fucks sake it's a WALL BREAKER. That being said, The reason why Victini is broken (at least imo) is because: It beats so much playstyles so easily just by running a certain set 'But it can't run all of it's sets :repeat argument here:" - Most non banners here. So what? It only needs to run a set that supports the main sweeper of your team well. Of course I can't run all my sets at once? Why would I need to? I only need one set to basically invalidate the counters of my sweeper? The reason why it beats so much playstyles, is because it's a amazing wall breaker that can let ANY UU sweeper do it's job WAY too well.

So anyway's that's my pro-Vic ban argument, remember to tag me if you have a response to this (or quote it) so I can get an alert/notification :]

Good arguments. The only flaw I would point out is that Raikou + Victini is often paired up together. Due to that and that reason only, the assumption that Victini is mixed/special is almost always going to be right. If you look at their usual counters (Pert and Rhyp), Victini will more often than not opt to go with Mixed/Special to take it down, thereby opening a hole up for Raikou to sweeper.

In addition, U-Turn damage is something you can look at. For example, if I switch in a Suicine into a Flygon's U-Turn, I can often tell if it's scarfed or banded. Scarfed will be doing a little over 10% whereas Banded will do like 16-18%.

Also, Specially Defensive Rhyperior is garbage for anything other than checking Electric types (Um, it's a ground type sir. It gets 2hk'd by every water type in the tier un-invested, while it cannot do much back...).

The move U-Turn itself shouldn't be seen as broken. Double Switching is a viable alternative if you don't want to reveal the set. If you think U-Turn is broken (which your argument actually seems to be about), then Scarfed Mienshao + Specs Kingdra would be classified as broken since they both cover each other very well.

Again, Snorlax would wall the typical Victini + Raikou Core. This is a core I use very often on the ladder, and it's fairly effective, though it does squat against Snorlax. I wouldn't say it would make the job easier for ANY Special Sweeper, for things such as Calm Mind Virizion,

Putting your win condition onto one special sweeper is generally not a good idea. Typically, if a Poke like an Umbreon is seen, the special sweeper would be one of the last alternatives. Victini has to rely on Focus Blast to do consistent damage to Umbreon/Lax. But either case, I see your argument is very valid, very very much unlike some other posters. I still insist that Victini is not broken because it in itself cannot sweep teams. DD Kingdra can actually sweep teams WHILE being a wall breaker. Victini cannot.
Machamp walks all over Snorlax for Victini + Raikou cores to sweep, and it brings coverage that Victini and Raikou don't usually run. Here is the set I've been playing with:


Machamp (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
Nature: Adamant
-Stone Edge
-Bullet Punch
-Light Screen

With Snorlax, Umbreon, Raikou, Chandelure, and Victini being prominent in today's UU, Fighting/Rock coverage does very well, which neither Victini nor Raikou can perform without using up their Hidden Powers (which would preferably be Ice or Grass in most cases). Dynamicpunch also drives non-Ghost-type walls nuts with the 100% confusion rate, making it easier to keep momentum as they either switch out or run the risk of hurting themselves. However, Machamp was not designed to sweep, so I've been playing with a weird toy in the last slot: Light Screen. This helps to capitalize on Machamp's decent bulk, catch opponents off-guard, and help my Double Booster Porygon-Z set up and sweep. You could certainly run Ice Punch here, but most Pokemon that are weak to it are hit hard enough by Dynamicpunch or Stone Edge, namely Roserade, Flygon, and Zapdos. It has served as an excellent tank and status spreader for me, go ahead and try it!!
Machamp walks all over Snorlax for Victini + Raikou cores to sweep, and it brings coverage that Victini and Raikou don't usually run. Here is the set I've been playing with:


Machamp (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
Nature: Adamant
-Stone Edge
-Bullet Punch
-Light Screen

With Snorlax, Umbreon, Raikou, Chandelure, and Victini being prominent in today's UU, Fighting/Rock coverage does very well, which neither Victini nor Raikou can perform without using up their Hidden Powers (which would preferably be Ice or Grass in most cases). Dynamicpunch also drives non-Ghost-type walls nuts with the 100% confusion rate, making it easier to keep momentum as they either switch out or run the risk of hurting themselves. However, Machamp was not designed to sweep, so I've been playing with a weird toy in the last slot: Light Screen. This helps to capitalize on Machamp's decent bulk, catch opponents off-guard, and help my Double Booster Porygon-Z set up and sweep. You could certainly run Ice Punch here, but most Pokemon that are weak to it are hit hard enough by Dynamicpunch or Stone Edge, namely Roserade, Flygon, and Zapdos. It has served as an excellent tank and status spreader for me, go ahead and try it!!

What snorlax/umbreon stays in on a machamp?
"Victini now gains momentum with uturn"

"victini is in again, and you know what set it is, turns out, your in a situation where your best victini switch in is rhyperior, and you think it's banded? What do you have to lose? so you switch it in, victini vcreates and is Life Orb"

Just to point this out, you would have seen the life orb recoil with the u-turn, but I get what you are saying and am only mentioning this out just to be sassy.

The point you are making here is that Victini supports other offensive sweepers way too well, but isn't that the point of using a wall breaker in the first place or teams where the offensive pokemon are able to support each other to allow the others to sweep? What is so bad about there being a good mixed wall breaker in the tier? I'm sure Victini is not the only pokemon capable of doing this in UU, it's just that it is an easy option to pick because people have chosen to develop its metagame as such instead of another pokemon. For example, Mienshao can run a very effective mixed set with HP Ice, Grass Knot, Hi Jump Kick, and either Fake Out, U-Turn, or Stone Edge, has much greater staying power than Victini due to Regenerator, and is also faster than it. Now I'm not saying this is broken or anything, I'm just saying this can act as a wall breaking set that can pave way for different sweepers than Victini. Because one of the biggest counters to Mienshao is arguably Cofagrigus, Houndoom could be a great partner for it since it can potentially get a free nasty plot on Cofagrigus. This might not be a perfect example, but this sounds similar to using Victini with Raikou in the situation you described above since the two offensive pokemon on your team are supporting each other. I don't think this is broken or too good by any means. It sounds to me more like good team building by the person who is using the pokemon as opposed to the pokemon themselves being overpowered.

To me, the argument comes down to whether or not this capability is too game breaking for the tier.

Is Victini a great pokemon? Everyone here believes it is
Are there checks to Victini? Absolutely.
Are there pokemon that can counter each one of the sets that it run? Of course.
Do you possibly have to lose a pokemon to find out what set your opponent's Victini is running? Sometimes, but not always if you predict right
Is the threat of losing a pokemon on a wrong prediction against a Victini so great that it means your opponent can now automatically win the match against almost every type of team? People seem to be arguing very strongly for this, but I think that still remains to be seen.