Other Looking Ahead to Gen VI Mark II (SEE POSTS #818 & #858)

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Aurorus gets Snow Warning as its hidden ability. I'm not sure what to think of it. Without perma-weather it seems pointless to build a team around hail, M-Abomasnow is better in pretty much every way except for speed and it can't beat any other weather inducer 1-on-1 because of those nasty weaknesses.
On the other hand it does have great special bulk and Sp.Atk as well as a fantastic movepool and base 70 base speed is just enough to make good use of Choice Scarf.
It might be good enough to use in the lower tiers.
Where are people seeing Aurorus getting Snow Warning
Oh. I just thought PS was going to treat Megas as independent mons as they're doing now.
It will. Pretty much just like Giratina-O. An independent mon that is required to hold an item.

EDIT: I think I misunderstood earlier... You'll still have to actually Mega Evolve them in battle, just like normal. I hadn't had my coffee yet.......... And feel stupid...
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Sorry but Mismagius isn't fairy either. Faced one, could use Dragon moves against it. :(

Well that's disappointing.

So all we have is Togekiss for a fairy we can get behind? At least it's giving dragons the good-old 4-slot move syndrome. But still, Dark and Steel had awesome stuff from the beginning. This new typing, really doesn't look that good.

I'm still holding out on the Lake Spirits, but really, I'm expecting them to be pure Psychics too. (The fact that they have fairies in their bloody names, actually makes me more sure GF won't think about touching them.)
It will. Pretty much just like Giratina-O. An independent mon that is required to hold an item.

If that is correct, don't you think PS battles will be a lot different from battles with DS?
I really think that treating the Megas as independent mons is the best, but then simulators and DS will become more distant.
nooo fuuuck nooo it should've gotten Chlorophyll. Now what the fuck are we going to do with Florges?
Anything that could be used in single battles would've worked...
True, but Chlorophyll made a damn lot of sense flavor-wise and would give Chlorophyll something thatdidn't have grass typing for a change of pace. Not to mention with that SpA and speed it would've ruled under sun but alas. I guess Florges ain't bad, still, but it could've been so much more.

Here's to hoping it gets Sleep Powder and Quiver Dance.
Is it possible that Florges gets a different ability from Floette?
I doubt it'd get chlorophyll but for some reason the ability reminds me of things like friend guard that are inexplicably only on pre-evolutions
why did everyone suddenly forget Azumarill? 50 ATK plus huge power, water/fairy typing, STAB aqua jet and Play Rough, 100/80/80 defenses... it seems pretty good to me
Because megamawile and it's amazing 105 attack backed up by huge power with access to sucker pursuit which is a pretty amazing combination not to mention its physical movepool is far superior to azumarill
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