Pokémon Goodra [REVAMP]

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base stats according to Bulbapedia and Serebii are 90/100/70/110/150/80

its ability Gooey will make it pretty dangerous. Either hit it with a special attack and do virtually no damage or hit it with a physical attack and weaken your sweeper by getting a speed drop. Choose wisely.
After losing to an infinite amount of subseed trevenants and one humiliating mega venusaur, I'm starting to feel like sap sipper might be a better choice.
Well it doesn't seem Goodra will be a huge threat without the right moveset and even then may place a lower tier. However here is a set I believe Goodra can pull off.

Goodra @Leftovers/ Chesto Berry
EVs: 252 Def/ 100 SpDef/ 152 SpAtk
Calm/ Modest Nature
- Dragon Pulse/ Draco Meteor
- Focus Blast/ Rest
- Sludge Bomb/ Toxic
- Ice Beam/ Dragon Tail

This set take full advantage of Goodra's amazing SpDef sat and turns this slimy pokemon into a wall. Dragon Pulse/ Draco Meteor for the nice STAB bonus. Toxic/ Dragon Tail is to rack up nice damage across the team with poison. Focus Blast can take care of Ice types, or bulky pokemon such a Tyranitar.
Well it doesn't seem Goodra will be a huge threat without the right moveset and even then may place a lower tier. However here is a set I believe Goodra can pull off.

Goodra @Leftovers/ Chesto Berry
EVs: 252 Def/ 100 SpDef/ 152 SpAtk
Calm/ Modest Nature
- Dragon Pulse/ Draco Meteor
- Focus Blast/ Rest
- Sludge Bomb/ Toxic
- Ice Beam/ Dragon Tail

This set take full advantage of Goodra's amazing SpDef sat and turns this slimy pokemon into a wall. Dragon Pulse/ Draco Meteor for the nice STAB bonus. Toxic/ Dragon Tail is to rack up nice damage across the team with poison. Focus Blast can take care of Ice types, or bulky pokemon such a Tyranitar.

Where is the Assault Vest? I see that as being the item of choice on this mon (unless it gets Recover).
About: Garchomp countering Goodra.

I found that my Goodra really appreciates Fairies (Aromatisse, Togekiss, Klelfi, etc) on it's team for two reasons:

They're immune to it's biggest weakness (Dragon, because most counterswitch-in Fairy and Ice attacks are coming from the special side, and most physical Ices don't actually want to eat Goodra's Fire Blast), and they can set Reflect for it. Goodra behind Reflect is a different beast:

Turn 7
Dugtrio, come back!
Go! Goodra!
The foe's Gyarados usedDragon Dance!
The foe's Gyarados's Attack rose!
The foe's Gyarados's Speed rose!
Turn 8
The foe's Gyarados usedFrustration!
Goodra lost26.8%of its health!
Goodra usedThunderbolt!
It's super effective!The foe's Gyarados lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Gyarados fainted!

Also, Goodra can use a Speed Boost or two to cover the stat it's really lacking the most. A fast and mixed Goodra is a complicated monster to defeat.

If ya'll think Garchomp counters Goodra, at least a screen or +3 speed makes Garchomp not a big deal. But Magic Guard and Cosmic Power CLEFABLE absolutely walls any Goodra without a poison- or steel-type attack. Immune to STAB (including your phaze), immune to Toxic, and laughs off all of your other forms of attack.
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base stats according to Bulbapedia and Serebii are 90/100/70/110/150/80

its ability Gooey will make it pretty dangerous. Either hit it with a special attack and do virtually no damage or hit it with a physical attack and weaken your sweeper by getting a speed drop. Choose wisely.
Don'y forget that it can also learn counter. So not only a speed drop but take any damage you give back harder if you choose physical.
So Calm nature, EVs should be 252 HP and 252 Defense? or should I drop some from Defense and put in Special Attack?
Depends on what you want it to do. Goodra isn't too physically frail anyway, especially with 252 HP EVs; I'd put the rest into SpA to cause as much damage as you can.
has anyone tried a curse set

I was literally JUST coming into this thread to theorymon this as you posted this.

Rest would be necessary on a Curse set, leaving only two more moveslots. I was thinking Infestation would be a good way to wrack up some passive damage and also prevent switching out once your opponent realizes your strategy. The final moveslot would obviously be something physical; possibly Outrage, since you likely wouldn't leave Goodra in against Fairies anyway. So something alone the lines of

Goodra @ Assault Vest
Relaxed, 252 HP 252 Def 4 SpDef
-Outrage/Aqua Tail?

The problem is Goodra might lack the initial physical bulk to tank hits before resting. After a quick look at a mass damage calc, anything that can hit Goodra super effective physically is probably still 2HKO-ing it at +1 Def. Realistically to survive long-term, Goodra would need to be able to tank 3 hits: it could get to +1 as a counter switches in, +2 as it takes a hit at +1, then it would have to take another hit at +2 as it Rested. Beyond this, many strong special hits are capable of 3HKOing Goodra, though you could potentially stall out the PP of those moves with Rest.

100% theorymon, it seems as though Curse Goodra may be capable of taking out weakened teams once you have removed Fairy/Dragon threats, similar to Curselax in old eras. However, it also seems as though it's likely outclassed by Goodra's other sets.
Curse Goodra sounds good on paper, you could possibly try a set with near to max spdef and some defense EV's (enough to live an Outrage from standard SD Chomp so you KO back with Outrage sounds reasonable) and Curse/Rest/Outrage/Sleep Talk. You'd definitely need Magnezone support because it deals with Steel-types and Fairies, but it could work since it's unexpected. After two Curses it's pretty damn bulky and Outrage will hurt. Oh and we all know how Sleep Talk and Outrage go together. Makes Dragons think twice before trying to kill you in your sleep.
Curse Goodra sounds good on paper, you could possibly try a set with near to max spdef and some defense EV's (enough to live an Outrage from standard SD Chomp so you KO back with Outrage sounds reasonable) and Curse/Rest/Outrage/Sleep Talk. You'd definitely need Magnezone support because it deals with Steel-types and Fairies, but it could work since it's unexpected. After two Curses it's pretty damn bulky and Outrage will hurt. Oh and we all know how Sleep Talk and Outrage go together. Makes Dragons think twice before trying to kill you in your sleep.
Personally I think I'd rather run Curse/Lefties/3 Attacks for coverage, since mono-dragon now fails to do anything to fairies, forcing you out.
If we are theorymoning, why not try a Infestation+Toxic+Protect+Rest set with Gooey and Chesto berry? Simply enough, you trap the incoming switch in, use Toxic, Protect as they helplessly get harmed by Infestation + Increasing Toxic pain, and Rest.

Or a Physical based mixed set (100 ain't far from 110):

Sap Sipper/Gooey
252 Atk/ 252 HP/ 4 SpA

- Earth Quake/Power Whip
- Fire Blast / Flamethrower
- Dragon Tail/Outrage
- Sludge Wave

Pretty much guaranteed to hit the entire meta, while Sludge Wave allows you to hit Fairy's hard.
If we are theorymoning, why not try a Infestation+Toxic+Protect+Rest set with Gooey and Chesto berry? Simply enough, you trap the incoming switch in, use Toxic, Protect as they helplessly get harmed by Infestation + Increasing Toxic pain, and Rest.
The problem is, most switch-ins into Goodra either threaten KOes or are Steel-types, meaning they simply don't care for the Infestation Toxic stalling business. A set like that is also asking for a Substitute user / Poison-immune setup sweeper to come in and ruin its day.
I really don't think Assault Vest is the way to go on Goodra. With 90/70/150 defenses it would much rather have 6.25% recovery each turn, it's already taking very little damage from Special attacks.
I really don't think Assault Vest is the way to go on Goodra. With 90/70/150 defenses it would much rather have 6.25% recovery each turn, it's already taking very little damage from Special attacks.
This is what I've found. I tried using Assault Vest at first, then tried ChestoRest and realized that even without using Rest, its durability was about the same. The only time I really noticed a difference was Greninja's Ice Beam going from about 40% with Assault Vest to about 60% without. Leftovers are so much better; Goodra can last long enough to make use of them.
This is what I've found. I tried using Assault Vest at first, then tried ChestoRest and realized that even without using Rest, its durability was about the same. The only time I really noticed a difference was Greninja's Ice Beam going from about 40% with Assault Vest to about 60% without. Leftovers are so much better; Goodra can last long enough to make use of them.

What about if you have Wish Support? I plan to have an Alomomola giving it';s huge wishes to my Sap Sipper Goodra. Assault vest will let her kill anything, then I can switch to Alomomola to heal her back up to full.
I'm not very practiced with competitive battling, but I'm trying to learn. After following this thread all week, I wanted to submit my idea and see how well it jived with you guys. Yes, it's a weather team.

Based on a previous suggestion, paired Goodra up with a Klefki with the following moveset:
-Rain Dance
-Magic Room/Thunder Wave
-Play Rough

Goodra's moveset:
-Draco Meteor/Outrage
-Muddy Water/Aqua Tail/Sludge Bomb/Sludge Wave

I was disappointed that Klefki doesn't learn U-Turn or something similar by level or TM. Anyone know if maybe this will be an egg move? I haven't decided on an EV regimen yet. For Klefki, some balance of Def, Sp. Def, and Spd. For Goodra, Sp. Def, and either Atk or Sp. Atk depending on if you choose Outrage and Aqua Tail. I also haven't decided on held items. Seems like Leftovers are always a go-to.

As for my choice of moves, I hate passing up an opportunity to get 100% accuracy with Thunder with Rain, and Hydration turns Rest into a huge recovery asset for as long as it's still raining. Draco Meteor, obviously, is there for STAB, while Outrage is an option if you don't like the drop in Special Attack. Muddy Water and Aqua Tail are there to take advantage of the boost from Rain, since it's as good as a STAB. Aqua Tail is slightly more accurate, but I would only choose it if you go with a physical EV spread. Sludge Bomb/Wave are there for the occasional pesky Fairy-types, which you may or may not encounter. And maybe someone can enlighten me on this: I don't see why everyone goes the route of Sludge Bomb instead of Wave. Wave is slightly more powerful, but only has a 10% chance to poison, vs. Bomb's 30%. Maybe match it up with Klefki and pair Sludge Wave with Thunder Wave, and Sludge Bomb with Magic Room.

What are your thoughts? And please be gentle, this is my first time proposing a competitive battle strategy.
Regarding curse sets, this one was posted a couple of pages back and seems to have been over looked

On conformation that Goodra gets Curse, I thought of an old but still cool set idea:

Curselax 2.0 (Call me bold? I'm actually very Careful)
Careful Nature
EVs: 252 Hp 252SDef 4Atk/Def (Play with them how you will, I am unsure what the best spread is for this)
Ability: Sap Sipper
Dragon Tail/Outrage
Earthquake/Aqua Tail

Arguably one of the best ways to make this thing all physical, IMO. Sap Sipper>Gooey since you are too slow to really benefit from it (and it makes sure Breloom and Amoonguss can't interrupt your boosting). Outrage is your strongest physical move (thought the lock-in is annoying), but Dragon Tail makes you able to double as a bulky phazer (and the negative priority is an afterthought with curse). EQ and Aqua Tail are for coverage (I prefer EQ since it makes Aegislash easier to handle). Curse is your boosting move and Rest is your only form of recovery (but Goodra has the bulk to wait 2 turns and loves the status removal).

Ideally you use it as a counter to stall pokes, since with Rest the worst thing most walls can do is phase you out (and I believe Roar/WW fail if you don't go second). Beyond that, this is possibly one of the best counters to Ferrothorn in existence, as you are immune to Leech Seed and Power Whip, and Curse makes Gyro Ball worthless (even if it crits). Aqua Tail and EQ make it an effective anti-FWG poke (with the right support). You could try Aqua Tail with Hydration-Rest, but I honestly prefer EQ + Sap Sipper.

Also, you never set up with it unless you can either a) punch a massive hole in your opponent or b) can sweep. That is to say, never hesitate to get a boost or two on a free switch or to scare something out (like a Ferrothorn or Breloom).

If you do not have EQ, then Aegislash is a huge pain in the Arceus. King's Shield removes the attack boosts you get (if it is well timed) and Sacred Sword ignores your defense boosts--be ESPECIALLY careful when you are locked into Outrage and/or the Sword gets an SD or two off.

Fairies--not as big of a deal as you might think, though still dangerous. Azumarril hurts but is manageable after enough curses. Sylveon however, is probably your biggest fear since you cannot phase it and it can Calm Mind in your face all it wants (but again, an EQ can potentially destroy it if you boost enough) on top of it all, it can shrug off status support with Heal Bell. Togekiss is irritating since it walls you completely and can Air Slash flinch you to death.

Skarmory--can phase you out and is overall a real nuisance, but that is all it can do. If you have EQ, it cannot roost as effectively (if at all).

Dragons--mostly the physical ones, but they can smash you before you can hit back with Outrages/Draco Meteors.

You are countered by whatever your moveset limits you to. Dragon/Water leaves you open to Aegislash while Dragon/Ground leaves you open to Togekiss.

1) Fairy killers--biggest "DUH" with this thing, you need something to remove or incapacitate Fairies to use this. Scizor (regular or Mega) comes to mind as an excellent choice since a Bullet Punch can easily obliterate most fairies Banded or after an SD (and it doesn't care about Togekiss's paraflinch BS). Goodra also can phase out one of Scizor's biggest counters--Volcarona (I doubt a Bug Buzz will 2HKO a Specially Defensive Goodra, even after +1). Steel types in general are excellent partners since they love the white blob's ability to handle Fire types while Goodra likes the fairy-killing. Another perfect choice is Mega Gengar, it can trap and kill fairies with Sludge Bomb, Skarmory with TBolt/Shadow Ball, and Dragons with Dazzling Gleam. Not to mention, Goodra handles Blissey and Ferrothorn for Gengar--just be careful of Aegislash, as it can wipe out both if you are careless (and don't carry EQ).

2) Hazards--I don't really need to say much, but rocks at least to hinder Togekiss (especially if you are using DTail + EQ) and break Skarm's Sturdy. TSpikes help with Sylveon (if it doesn't have heal bell). Some good Spikers are Greninja (who has Ice Beam for Togekiss and Dark Pulse for Aegislash) and Klefki (with the sword-killing Foul Play).

3) Pivot receivers--Pardon my awkward wording, but this is something like Scizor or Sub Gengar that likes having a free turn to set up. Goodra's bulk makes this easy to do, and you can even use DTail to force in something and get your free switch.

Final Notes:
This has potential to be, as the name indicates, the next Curselax-level poke (not as meta-defining, but still very potent), but you NEVER boost blindly with it. It isn't something you can throw into a team and expect it to work, IMO, but with the right support, it's a freaking monster. However, it is also an effective pivot with proper prediction and can be an excellent phazer as well.

Long? Yes, but I admit I really like this set, and its potential.

EDIT: Also wanted to mention that a mixed Curse set is useable, but I find it inferior (since the second physical move is for hitting fairies with boosted hits). Really, it is up to your preference.

I like the look of it a lot, but could someone tell me the benefits of using rest? Leftovers seems like sufficient recovery and rest could allow your opponent to switch in counter. Could Rest be swapped out for Infestation? You switch in on a poke that doesn't threaten Goodra, trap them with infestation and then proceed to set up with Curse.
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