
Hi there

So I have noticed that on the site there is no "Auto Merge" function for multiple posts.

By this, I mean if I were to make multiple posts in a row, example being if I were replying to more than one person, then my posts would merge. This would help differentiate different posts from different people, discourage multi-posting(Well, eliminate it really), and also make the Forums that much prettier. =)

I don't know if its difficult to code or anything, but saw that it wasn't suggested, so I thought I would bring it up.

You can actually reply to multiple people at once by clicking Reply on all of the posts you want to reply to.
By this, I mean if I were to make multiple posts in a row, example being if I were replying to more than one person, then my posts would merge.
Anyways, I support this idea. If it were to have a little indicator showing it was added though, that would be nice, but that's just me.
I'll add it as a TODO, but I don't know when I'll be able to get around to it. We are a bit understaffed on programmers atm
i dont agree with removing double posts alltogether like this feature suggests. double posting can be useful at times, particularly in say a data or c&c thread. sometimes you need to make a new post in order to inform people about new information. double posting can also be useful for bumping an important discussion provided you have something relevant to add to it.

i dont agree with your suggestions current implementation, but maybe i'll agree with a different implementation. sure, double posts are annoying when used improperly, but they're also needed in some cases.

Another forum I'm with has it where if you double post within a certain period of time it will merge the posts, but will keep them seperate if they exceed the time. The timeframe is less than 15 minutes so anything that exceeds it will be marked as a second post.