Pokémon Delphox

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So, we all know that neutral natures suck, but I got the blessing of a shiny female that I'd hate to part with. I'll breed for a more competitive mon later, but for the meantime in-game, what set should I work towards? (Blaze ability by the way)
Delphox should be OU. With the high possibility of a raise in Fairy & Poison types coming into the OU tier, Delphox is perfect against them. Honestly, for that reason alone it should be OU. I've been using a Modest Delphox with Psychic/Flamethrower/Grass Knot/HP Fighting, and it's coverage is amazing, with only Gyarados really walling the mess out of me. If you're worried about speed so much, go with Choice Scarf/Modest Nature.
Also, for those comparing it to Victini which is in UU; Delphox is faster than Victini with higher Sp.Atk.
Agreed completely.
Delphox's speed and sustainability is really all it has over Victini. Victini has way more power, though it can't hit stuff repeatedly and it cripples itself to do so. Victini isn't superior in every way or anything, but a pure offensive set is something Victini does better.

I really love the Power Herb+Solar Beam Magician combo. It counts it as 2 turns in 1, so you are able to use the Herb and also steal an item, on the same turn.

That's actually a cool idea.
Delphox's speed and sustainability is really all it has over Victini. Victini has way more power, though it can't hit stuff repeatedly and it cripples itself to do so. Victini isn't superior in every way or anything, but a pure offensive set is something Victini does better.

That's actually a cool idea.
I thought that was confirmed not to work. Or is that just for gems?
Delphox should be OU. With the high possibility of a raise in Fairy & Poison types coming into the OU tier, Delphox is perfect against them. Honestly, for that reason alone it should be OU. I've been using a Modest Delphox with Psychic/Flamethrower/Grass Knot/HP Fighting, and it's coverage is amazing, with only Gyarados really walling the mess out of me. If you're worried about speed so much, go with Choice Scarf/Modest Nature.
Also, for those comparing it to Victini which is in UU; Delphox is faster than Victini with higher Sp.Atk.
Sorry but with how high some fairies' SpD is, any non SE move won't do enough. And I don't think poison will gain any popularity for defensive purposes in OU. Overall I'd say Delphox just isn't enough to merit a spot on an OU team and should be in UU where it might actually be useful
Furthermore, err, poison types... Top ones I can think of are [Mega] Venusaur and Gengar. The Saurs, maybe, though they likely have some way to hold their own [Sun making Regularsaur faster, giving it a chance to Sleep Powder or EQ or something, and for Megasaur to be dat tank and potentially stall it out...] And Delphox has no business whatsoever taking on a Gengar. Not to mention that it's not like Delphox is the only fire-type out there; lots of good ones exist, like Darmanitan, Heatran, and others, who resist the faeries [many of which are actually quite weak], and don't rely on merely passable offenses and some nice speed along with "meh" bulk. Furthermore, as for other faeries, Azumarill gives literally zero fucks about Delphox [Aqua Jet to the face], and Togekiss doesn't really care about much that it can do and just Paraflinches it to death, while MegaMawile has Sucker Punch, and nice bulk overall. So, what does it end up countering? Maaybe Sylveon, if it lacks Shadow Ball? Gardevoir, which often carries Shadow Ball, too? Maybe Florges, though I'm not sure what the hell that thing runs?

It's also not like going to UU or RU is a bad thing, you know. In fact, it allows the poke to really shine and do well, as opposed to being bogged down in a tier where it's shit, aka Donphan in OU, Dusclops in UU, Dusknoir [I think?] in RU, etc. Don't like this stigma about being lower-tier as being bad, it just means another environment suits it better, or the OU meta is just unkind to it. Take Swampert, for example. Excellent Pokemon, staple in third and even fourth gen, which caused many pokes to run HP Grass just to nail Swampert. However, fifth gen brought not only Venusaur into the spotlight, but also boosted water attacks via rain that it just couldn't handle, and the final [and arguably most important] nail in its coffin - Ferrothorn - which cockblocked it in every way. Sure, power creep was a part of it, but the environment is just as important - a reverse success story would be the aforementioned Venusaur, which got all the tools it needed to succeed in fifth gen, namely an excellent ability with a great partner, a great buff to Growth, nice coverage moves, and solid stats all around - Venusaur was still a great Pokemon before then, but his abilities [both literal and otherwise] just weren't super great for the fourth gen OU metagame, and thus, he was UU. Simple.
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I certainly see Delphox being UU... her speed is pretty good not Greninja good but good all the same... plus Magician+Switcheroo can be lethe against Pokemon who are dependant on an item (Chansey probably doesn't like getting a Psyshock in the face AND loosing evolite)
So, we all know that neutral natures suck, but I got the blessing of a shiny female that I'd hate to part with. I'll breed for a more competitive mon later, but for the meantime in-game, what set should I work towards? (Blaze ability by the way)

I have a neutral ability one as well, just because I wanted a female, and I was tired of reset for an hour at the start... plus it has pretty good stats.

Right now I run:
Mystical Fire
Future Sight
Grass Knot

It did well for most of IG... but I may be changing for a SUbMind set

Mystical Fire
Calm Mind

Throw up a sub, get a calm mind or 2, then start hitting with Mystical Fire to just ruin special attackers.

COngrates on the shiny though! you lucky bastard.
Sorry but with how high some fairies' SpD is, any non SE move won't do enough. And I don't think poison will gain any popularity for defensive purposes in OU. Overall I'd say Delphox just isn't enough to merit a spot on an OU team and should be in UU where it might actually be useful
STAB Psyshock?. But in all seriousness, Delphox was designed for gamefreak's perfect world where fairy types are dominant and poison types are as common as any other. Of course all that was their thekty crafting. Back in Gen 5 it would be a great check to many things, But it came in the wrong era. Viable? To some extent, though hardly a full time OU with the current Meta.
Power Herb goes in a different order I think.

Charging move - Power Herb - Attack

Rather than... Gem + attack at the same time.
I tested this ingame with a Lv 30 Braixen from my Friend Safari. It works... interesting... I can't see it being super-useful, but it is better than nothing.
I tested this ingame with a Lv 30 Braixen from my Friend Safari. It works... interesting... I can't see it being super-useful, but it is better than nothing.
Huh, so she does get a gimmick to abuse. Having a base 120 power grass attack for free in UU against all of those water types is interesting. At the very least she counters Quagsire.

Delphox will probably get better with age, the way a lot of the starters have. She has the stats to be halfway decent, but her typing is awful defensively and her movepool isn't the greatest thing ever. I'm sure she'll get an interesting super-secret ability and some better moves down the line, or something. Hope that the furries have the same effect on her as they did on Lucario to ensure her popularity is long-lasting. Gamefreak seems to notice these things, if the Mega Evolutions are any indication.
Hope that the furries have the same effect on her as they did on Lucario to ensure her popularity is long-lasting. Gamefreak seems to notice these things, if the Mega Evolutions are any indication.
That's a disturbing thought...

I'm breeding Fennekins now in an attempt to have all of the Gen VI Pokemon battle-ready (I've got 6/whatever there is already). I've decided on Timid and I'll be using that Magician gimmick. I wonder if there will be any benefit to using Power Herb + Magician over something like Life Orb... It's a shame that these things don't steal Mega Stones.
I like the solarbeam-white herb bit mentioned earlier. But the thing with that is you want to be careful with when you use it. You don't want to steal ANY item. What use is a gem outside your moveset? Or black sludge?

In any case, wouldn't also be smart to run solarbeam along with overheat? Just for more options?
^Power herb and white herb are two different items. Power herb cancels a charge turn and white herb restores stat drops.

To add on white herb wouldn't be a good choice imo, since the item is used up after the attack, meaning you fail to steal the item on the same turn. Meaning delphox may be forced to switch out before stealing an item which also makes white herb a wasted item
I like the solarbeam-white herb bit mentioned earlier. But the thing with that is you want to be careful with when you use it. You don't want to steal ANY item. What use is a gem outside your moveset? Or black sludge?

In any case, wouldn't also be smart to run solarbeam along with overheat? Just for more options?
You bring up a good point about being selective with your magician, but its worth noting that gems will lose popularity after their nerf.

Overheat vs. Fire Blast vs. Flamethrower is an old argument that has no right answer, but I'd run fire blast since white herb + overheat doesn't work like power herb + solar beam.

Adding a psyshock and another coverage move works best imo, but I don't know how this fox'll turn out after the tiers solidify
I'm liking Delphox so far. Cool concept for a pokemon, with a very interesting movepool and set of tricks.

Not sure what I think about Mystical Fire. I'm currently trying to use it as a way to screw over potential switch-ins, but most of the pokemon switching in on Delphox seem to be physical attackers. That said, it would be beyond awesome if a counter walked right into a S.Att drop and got their life orb snatched with Magician, but probably because that would never happen enough to make it worth it.

Magician with Switcheroo could be a fun way to annoy an opponent and mess with their strategies. You might even be able to benefit from a lifted choice item if Delphox has maxed S.Att and Spe EVs and an all-attacking movepool anyways. Kind of iffy to depend on a gimmick like that though, so maybe the calm mind or straight choice sets are better.

Though I don't think 260 hp is enough to use with Wish.
Imo, a Choiced set (Scarf or Specs) with Switcheroo is the way to go, regardless of Magician. This is the set I plan to run:

Delphox @ Choice Scarf / Choice Specs
Blaze / Magician
Timid 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Fire Blast
-Grass Knot / Shadow Ball

Delphox's move pool is rather shallow, making its coverage options disappointingly poor. If you're licky enoigh to get the right IVs for a good Hidden Power or play on an online simulator you can us that as your last slot.

This set make it incredibly hard to wall, as you can hit from both sides of the attacking spectrum or cripple walls with Switcheroo. Fire / Psychic has decent coverage and isn't resisted by one single type. However, Pokemon like Heatran and Tyranitar can give Delphox a rough time. If only it could learn Focus Blast its coverage would be so much better.
^Power herb and white herb are two different items. Power herb cancels a charge turn and white herb restores stat drops.

To add on white herb wouldn't be a good choice imo, since the item is used up after the attack, meaning you fail to steal the item on the same turn. Meaning delphox may be forced to switch out before stealing an item which also makes white herb a wasted item

Ah okay, thanks. I can make that mistake because I've never used either XD

You bring up a good point about being selective with your magician, but its worth noting that gems will lose popularity after their nerf.

Overheat vs. Fire Blast vs. Flamethrower is an old argument that has no right answer, but I'd run fire blast since white herb + overheat doesn't work like power herb + solar beam.

Adding a psyshock and another coverage move works best imo, but I don't know how this fox'll turn out after the tiers solidify

What nerf is this exactly? I didn't know gems got nerfed

in that case I think I prefer Fire Blast. Always have if Heat Wave wasn't an option which I always considered the most superior fire type special move.
Back In gen5 I have used a Ninetales with WoW/Hypnosis/Roar/FB.
I assume Delphox can do similar stuff with Switcheroo/WoW/Hypnosis/FB
What nerf is this exactly? I didn't know gems got nerfed
Gems now give a 1.3 boost to attacks rather than a 1.5 boost. It's a pretty big nerf, which is probably why you can't find any gems other than Normal Gem ingame.

Also, Magician Power Herb Solarbeam Delphox is pretty gimmicky, but useful. It can steal an important item from say a tank or a sweeper, and it's on-demand rather than relying on luck from berries/sashes since Gems aren't available ingame (I play mostly wifi lol)
Gems now give a 1.3 boost to attacks rather than a 1.5 boost. It's a pretty big nerf, which is probably why you can't find any gems other than Normal Gem ingame.

Also, Magician Power Herb Solarbeam Delphox is pretty gimmicky, but useful. It can steal an important item from say a tank or a sweeper, and it's on-demand rather than relying on luck from berries/sashes since Gems aren't available ingame (I play mostly wifi lol)

That's kind of annoying. They're one time use for a specific type. Why nerf it...

I think the best PowerHerbBeam situation is when someone tries to get the drop on you or force a switch with a bulky water. Hitting them hard and robbing them of the leftovers they would normally use to recover from it is quite the blow to deal.
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