Gen 6 The "Are my Pokémon IVs and Nature good?" Thread

Modest Yveltal : 31/X/28/31/31/26

Only thing that worries me is the speed...


With maximum speed EV investment, you'll still out-speed neutral base-95's, but you've lost out on out-speeding anyone in the 97-98 range (Hydreigon? Who else is there?).
With maximum speed EV investment, you'll still out-speed neutral base-95's, but you've lost out on out-speeding anyone in the 97-98 range (Hydreigon? Who else is there?).
I haven't saved it yet because I know It can be better. At the same time, however, I'm afraid I won't get anything better than this any time soon. Argh! So conflicted!
What set are you trying to accomplish with your Yveltal?
Currently, I have:

Charizard (Y-version obviously)

I'm still working on clearing the game, so the last slot is currently occupied by a Lapras with Strength/Rock Smash/Dive/Waterfall for exploration purposes (Greninja's got Surf for the moment).

I don't know if that's the team I'm sticking with, though. For one thing, there are other pokemon that I'd like to try out. Also, I never really got into battling other players, but after reading around on this site (and a few others), I'd like to give it a shot, as it sounds like it would a lot more fun and engaging than I originally thought. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm basically playing it ear right now and going with whatever pokemon seem cool/interesting to me.

The reason I'm so fixated on Yveltal's IVs (other than being a perfectionist) is becasue it can't be bred, so I need get lucky on the catch. My concern is that I might be pushing my luck if I don't keep the Yveltal I have now.

PS: Sorry if that's not what you meant by "set". While I am trying to take the game more seriously this time around, I've taken a pretty casual approach to the series in the past, so there have been times where I've had to look up some of the terminology. Or I could be over-thinking things, and that's EXACTLY what you meant by "set" :P
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Currently, I have:

Charizard (Y-version obviously)

I'm still working on clearing the game, so the last slot is currently occupied by a Lapras with Strength/Rock Smash/Dive/Waterfall for exploration purposes (Greninja's got Surf for the moment).

I don't know if that's the set I'm sticking with, though. For one thing, there are other pokemon that I'd like to try out. Also, I never really got into battling other players, but after reading around on this site (and a few others), I'd like to give it a shot, as it sounds like it would a lot more fun and engaging than I originally thought. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm basically playing it ear right now and going with whatever pokemon seem cool/interesting to me.
Personally I'd be interested in a Hasty nature for Yveltal since it dosnt really get much for boosting moves or Mild if you want more umf because Yveltal gets priority STAB with Sucker Punch which you can use for possible revenge kills (especially with Giratina, Mewtwo, and Lugia running around) and you want it to hit as hard as it can. This is just some food for thought though.
Personally I'd be interested in a Hasty nature for Yveltal since it dosnt really get much for boosting moves or Mild if you want more umf because Yveltal gets priority STAB with Sucker Punch which you can use for possible revenge kills (especially with Giratina, Mewtwo, and Lugia running around) and you want it to hit as hard as it can. This is just some food for thought though.
Hmmm...I'm REALLY on the fence now! I had planned on going with a special attacker since that would give me an even spread of Physical and Special on my team and Oblivion Wing seems too nice to pass up. Plus, I spent ages breeding Abra to get one with Modest and Synchronize (ironically, I got a Timid Syncronizer on the first catch).

Still, thanks for the input. It seems I still have some thinking to do (and possibly more resetting). No one said it would be easy...
Hmmm...I'm REALLY on the fence now! I had planned on going with a special attacker since that would give me an even spread of Physical and Special on my team and Oblivion Wing seems too nice to pass up. Plus, I spent ages breeding Abra to get one with Modest and Synchronize (ironically, I got a Timid Syncronizer on the first catch).

Still, thanks for the input. It seems I still have some thinking to do (and possibly more resetting). No one said it would be easy...
No problem man, just trying to help. I also forgot to mention the Deoxys forms in there for anyone who might mention them in the future.
I have been constantly trading away Yveltal, wondering which natures are good or not. Can someone identify these good natures?

Modest, Hasty, and Mild mainly. You can also run Lonely or Adamant for Physical mix sets. Rash or Naive if you want to survive extremespeeds better and not give Genesect attack boosts.
Not an uber, but I wanted to share anyway:
Zapdos - #145 (Modest)
HP: 31
Att: 3 - 4
Def: 28
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 31
Hidden Power Ice

I was tempted to accept a 25/x/31/31/31/22 HP Ice Zapdos earlier, but you guys inspired me to keep SRing. Thanks!
The "neutral" natures are all bad competitively, so I wouldn't keep that Mewtwo. 3 IVs will always be perfect with these guys, so it shouldn't take long to get that configuration with a better nature at the very least. And even then, I'd only keep if the other 2 IVs (no need for Atk unless it's MMX) were perfect or very high.

I catch him on first day that I get game that time no any calculator and I just want Modest with x x x 31 x 31
If swap HP and attack this guy will nearly perfect


I lazy to do another reset that why I kept him.


Another good one
what do people think of a 31/8/28/23/31/31 timid HP Ice Zapdos? I'm very tempted to keep it, but that slightly low SpA is bothering me just a bit. Thanks for the advice everyone
I got a 31/1/31/31/30/31 Modest Xerneas the other day. Considering Geomancy, the Sdef shouldn't matter much (also doesn't matter if playing on Lv50 autolevel).
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what do people think of a 31/8/28/23/31/31 timid HP Ice Zapdos? I'm very tempted to keep it, but that slightly low SpA is bothering me just a bit. Thanks for the advice everyone

Sounds good, but it isn't Ubers material, just so you know.

I got a 31/1/31/31/30/31 Xerneas the other day. Considering Geomancy, the Sdef shouldn't matter much (also doesn't matter if playing on Lv50 autolevel).

More importantly is if you have Modest nature to go with that?
So I'm considering getting Articuno sometime soon. I know that it's not the most competitive mon, but if I wanted to use it somewhat competitively, what nature should I be aiming for? I almost never try using legendaries except Lati@s so I have no idea on what's good.
I have a careful Zygarde with 31/25/27/31/31/28. This is good right? I think the attack and def are ok since they are going to be boosted by coil.