Other Critical Hits

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Spamming Draco Meteor/Overheat/Leaf Storm is a decent idea for things that don't get other boosting moves as well, since LO Dragon Pulse only comes to 110.5 BP. Though +1 LO Dragon Pulse comes to 165.75, so anything with Work Up should just use that with LO.
Except a crit draco meteor sums up to 195 BP, which is still higher than a +1 LO dragon pulse
Kingdra @ scope lens
252+ spa/252 spe (modest nature)
Focus energy
Draco meteor
Hydro Pump

This could be interesting set for kingdra. With sniper multiplying crits to 2.25x and crits inherently ignoring stat drops, kingdra can spam ultra-powered draco meteors to his hearts content after a focus energy. Hydro pump is so that it doesn't get walled completely by fairies.
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Kingdra @ scope lens
252+ spa/252 spe (modest nature)
Focus energy
Draco meteor
Hydro Pump

This could be interesting set for kingdra. With sniper multiplying crits to 2.25x and crits inherently ignoring stat drops, kingdra can spam ultra-powered draco meteors to his hearts content after a focus energy. Hydro pump is so that it doesn't get walled completely by fairies.
Sniper Kingdra's crit Draco Meteor hits slightly harder than Victini's sun boosted V-Create. I think such a set could be viable, especially if you can give it a few turns of rain support to help it break through it's counters.
252+ SpA Sniper Kingdra Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 208 SpD Ferrothorn in rain on a critical hit: 197-232 (55.96 - 65.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
(197, 199, 201, 204, 206, 209, 211, 213, 216, 218, 220, 222, 225, 227, 229, 232)
252+ SpA Sniper Kingdra Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill in rain on a critical hit: 321-378 (79.45 - 93.56%) -- 43.75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
(321, 325, 329, 333, 336, 340, 344, 348, 351, 355, 359, 363, 366, 370, 374, 378)
252+ SpA Sniper Kingdra Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Empoleon in rain on a critical hit: 191-225 (51.34 - 60.48%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
(191, 193, 195, 198, 200, 202, 204, 207, 209, 211, 213, 216, 218, 220, 222, 225)
252+ SpA Sniper Kingdra Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Chansey in rain on a critical hit: 343-405 (48.72 - 57.52%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
(343, 348, 351, 355, 360, 364, 367, 372, 376, 379, 384, 388, 391, 396, 400, 405)
*All changes to base power and mechanics accounted for*
I went to try Kingdra, but the crit change is still not implement on Showdown :/
My idea is for doubles to pair it with Togekiss to set up TailWind while you Focus Energy. Then spam Follow Me+Draco Meteor of death until you die. Then bring in Malamar to topsy turvy for +4 2.25x Muddy Water at +2 speed.
You guys have been warned lol. I feel like it'd be even more dangerous as a surprise, but I can't run it right now.
Considering the new Critical hit table, I think that Octillery should get some love.

Octillery @ Scope Lens
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Modest
Ability: Sniper
- Focus Energy
- Water Spout / Surf
- Ice Beam
- Energy Ball

Pair it with Speed Boost + Baton Pass Scolipede and watch it destroy teams.
Considering the new Critical hit table, I think that Octillery should get some love.

Octillery @ Scope Lens
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Modest
Ability: Sniper
- Focus Energy
- Water Spout / Surf
- Ice Beam
- Energy Ball

Pair it with Speed Boost + Baton Pass Scolipede and watch it destroy teams.

This will probably only work if you can pass it a sub, Octillery gets OHKO'd by a lot of things. And tbh, Octillery probably isn't the best option for this, being outclassed by the likes of Kingdra. Maybe in RU/NU?

Btw, does anyone know if Focus Energy can be Baton Passed?
Maybe this could work

Item: Weakness Policy
Ability: Unburden

-Focus Energy
-Knock Off

He has the bulk to set up 2 Focus Energys - unless hit by a very effective hit; Which in this case would trigger weakness policy and unburden.

Either way Drifblim could become a solid mixed sweeper like this (in his tier).
Another one to consider is Nidoking (Nidoqueen too, but she's better at defense and support).

Nidoking @ Scope Lens
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid/Modest
Ability: Sheer Force
-Earth Power
-Fire Blast
-Ice Beam
-Focus Energy

His old GenV UU set, now with a 1.5 boost in power (over life orb's 1.3) and ignoring defensive buffs (calm mind being the only notable one). Drawbacks are of course can't switch out or it will lose the buffs, and no more substitute (but with the new infiltrator and sound-move mechanics, this may be minor).

Another option is a physical set, since he got the base attack increase this generation.

Nidoking @ Scope Lens
EVs: 252 Atk/ 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Ability: Sheer Force
-Focus Energy
-Poison Jab/Rock Slide

This set utilizes critical hits better, at the cost of not taking advantage of Sheer Force as much. Still, it gives him a strong Earthquake without life orb damage or choice locked. Superpower becomes mock close-combat since the attack debuff is ignored with a critical hit. Poison Jab for fairies, or Rock Slide with Earthquake for the great Rock/Ground coverage combo.

You waste 1 turn of setup in order to get a 50% chance to deal 20% more damage - or 30% less damage - than you'ld deal with Life Orb.
Since Live Orb doesn#t have recoil when used with Sheer Force, I'ld still go for it over Scope Lense.

While the attack build might work Nido lacks the bulk for 2 setups - and the speed to safely spamm Superpower.
Another one to consider is Nidoking (Nidoqueen too, but she's better at defense and support).

Nidoking @ Scope Lens
EVs: 252 Atk/ 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly/Adamant
Ability: Sheer Force
-Focus Energy
-Poison Jab/Rock Slide


Don't use it. Ever. You would be better off with Hone Claws netting you a guaranteed 1.5x boost and a Life Orb that would sprinkle on an extra 1.3 boost on top of that to net you a 1.95 boost (1.5 * 1.3).

On a personal note, I'm really happy with what Game Freaks did with critical hits this gen. The threat of repetitious attack being able to break through in CM / BU wars is still there in addition to preventing walls from sitting in a position time stalling all day. The threat of an unsalvageable , chance-induced hit, however, has been greatly diminished. In a couple of games I have been critted in, I can't believe the hit I would have sustained in gen 5 would have been 33% more damage (.5/1.5) than the damage I just took. The nerfed crits allow you to still be in a position to recover from them (most of the time).
I wished they gave Scope Lense +2 instead of +1 though.
Since Focus Energy grants +2 only super luck users can make Lense work.
Wait, there is no Super Luck user who can use Focus energy.

I guess we found our problem.


Let me explain:

2 turns of setup for + 50% A & +50%SpA (+status drop ignore + def buff ignore).
No further setups possible.

While 1 turn of setup grants +100% A or 100% Sa on a normal specialized sweeper.

So, even if your opponent uses Light Screen /Reflect the "normal" buffs still win.

If we take Scope Lense, Super Luck and a +Crit Chance move we loose an item for a less than 40% (most likely ~20% ) chance to deal 50% more damage on a move which usually has a much lower base power than other moves of the same type.
Taking several moves with +crit chance usually results in poor coverage and not taking those means you just used an item slot to empower 1 skill only.

In the end crits still don't seem to be a mechanic you want to rely on.
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I wished they gave Scope Lense +2 instead of +1 though.
Since Focus Energy grants +2 only super luck users can make Lense work.
Wait, there is no Super Luck user who can use Focus energy.

I guess we found our problem.


Let me explain:

2 turns of setup for + 50% A & +50%SpA (+status drop ignore + def buff ignore).
No further setups possible.

While 1 turn of setup grants +100% A or 100% Sa on a normal specialized sweeper.

So, even if your opponent uses Light Screen /Reflect the "normal" buffs still win.

If we take Scope Lense, Super Luck and a +Crit Chance move we loose an item for a less than 40% (most likely ~20% ) chance to deal 50% more damage on a move which usually has a much lower base power than other moves of the same type.
Taking several moves with +crit chance usually results in poor coverage and not taking those means you just used an item slot to empower 1 skill only.

In the end crits still don't seem to be a mechanic you want to rely on.
It's one turn of set-up. Focus energy is +2 on one use, Scope Lens is +1, so all together that is +3 and 100% in one turn.

For super luck, its the ability, scope lens, and high crit move for +3 and 100%, but all the super luck users have better things to do (Mega-evolve, serene grace, moxie, and Unfeazant can wander the street for breadcrumbs?)

...with that said, I totally forgot about Nidoking's hone claws and re-thinking about it, wallbreaking is best when you can switch in and wreck things. Setting up kinda screws with the momentum. Oh well, the idea was novel if not viable.

So the only real viable users of focus energy are Hydreigon and Kingdra for endless Draco Meteor spam (with fairy coverage move of course). The other snipers too, to lesser degrees.
This will probably only work if you can pass it a sub, Octillery gets OHKO'd by a lot of things. And tbh, Octillery probably isn't the best option for this, being outclassed by the likes of Kingdra. Maybe in RU/NU?

Btw, does anyone know if Focus Energy can be Baton Passed?

I have a replay (in OU) where it KOed three Pokemon before falling down because it only had +1 Speed instead of +2 or +3. Still it holds the niche of a 100% accurate, 100% crit Sniper Water Spout. I know it only works in dedicated TR or BP teams outside of NU.
I thought +4 was 100%? Saw that a few pages ago. Or was it wrong?
It's not wrong, but it's misleading.

Stage 4 (super luck + scope lens + focus energy, for example) is 100%
Stage 3 (scope lens + focus energy, or super luck + scope lens + high crit. move) is also 100%

This is all given stating that Stage zero is the base critical hit chance. This has caused a lot of confusion due to differences in semantics (some people write Stage 1 as the base, instead of Stage Zero, even though they mean the same thing).

Bottom line, with a scope lens and focus energy you get 100% crit in one turn of set up. How much that is worth is subject to debate.
Not worth it on most Pokémon, probably worth using on Sniper Kingdra. One turn of set-up gives it a 2.25x time (87% as strong as a +2 Life Orb) with no recoil and the ability to spam Draco Meteor. Clean OHKO on anything less specially bulky than CroCune (or for Dragon resists, 252/0 Jirachi). Kingdra is still too slow to sweep, but it's definitely a viable option and could be good with Sticky Web support. Salamence with FE/Draco Meteor/Fire Blast/Earthquake might be half decent, but probably not worth it. Infernape would much prefer Nasty Plot or Swords Dance and it's completely outclassed by SD+LO on Sniper Drapion, so I'd say that's pretty much it.
I don't think there are better stat boosting moves for mixed sweeper ( //ignore: Shelll Smash), that's why I suggested it for this role :p

Focus energy + scope lens would be like work up, except forcing you to not use LO or lum berry.
Not really ideal tbh.

I only really see kingdra abusing crits viably because sniper gives it the 2.25x damage and draco meteors for days, but it still sucks that it would basically need the set-up turn, rather than being able to fire off LO boosted attacks right off the bat. (though the mixed attacking potential is pretty good)
Okay, so let me get this straight with Critical Hit rates:

So long as you have 3 of these satisfied:
Ability is Super Luck
Holding Scope Lens
Using High-Crit rate move
Used Focus Energy

You have a 100% crit rate, correct?
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