Nintendo 3DS Discussion Thread - Mark 2

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so I only realized the other day that the new professor Layton is out. I watched the trailer and omg it looks so cool. I have so many questions that need to be answered. I also really want dual destinies, but I've only played the original and justice for all so far. I feel like I must play the others before dual destinies. Is this true? Is there stuff in DD that potentially spoils previous games? Or am I ok just getting DD outright?
There's no hard rule that says that you need to play the previous games to enjoy DD (hell you can technically skip Apollo Justice, despite the fact that DD is a direct sequel) but it's strongly recommended. Ace Attorney has a rich character history, and you'll miss out on tons of contextual callbacks and nods to the previous game. Hell, even the game's very premise (Phoenix Wright returning to the courtroom) is lost on you if didn't play Apollo Justice or the preceding games. That said, the best reason to play the previous Ace Attorney games is because they're phenomenal games in their own right.

Please refer to these survival guides.
thanks all
I started t&t on an emulator, but playing on emulators sucks compared to the actual cart so I stopped :/
the games are just really hard to find, I usually get one for Xmas and one for my bday, which are on opposite sides if the year which is cool.
the games are hard to find :/ but I'll definitely try and play them before DD, thanks for the recommendations
thanks all
I started t&t on an emulator, but playing on emulators sucks compared to the actual cart so I stopped :/
the games are just really hard to find, I usually get one for Xmas and one for my bday, which are on opposite sides if the year which is cool.
the games are hard to find :/ but I'll definitely try and play them before DD, thanks for the recommendations

i actually really like playing the AA games on emulator. you can get through the text faster with the superspeed button and whatnot. but ive already played the whole series multiple times so when im playing through them i dont read as carefully as i normally would i guess
i actually really like playing the AA games on emulator. you can get through the text faster with the superspeed button and whatnot. but ive already played the whole series multiple times so when im playing through them i dont read as carefully as i normally would i guess
I just don't feel like I get the full experience with an emulator. I love being able to take it with me where I want, which you can't really do as easily with a computer. I also really like just lying in my bed and playing some AA. Its a great feeling imo
new zelda :OOOOOOO

if you preorder from gamestop (i know) you get oracle of ages free!

very hype

Gamestop is Oracle of Seasons, Best Buy is Ages, at least for the US.

(I preordered, but I don't think I'll pick it up right away, with Super Mario 3D World is out on the same day.)
Looking forward to new Zelda, didn't realize there was a preorder bonus

think I'll preorder it since Amazon doesn't say anything about release day shipping and Newegg hasn't had a deal on it yet
So being the smooth dude that I am I managed to crack the top screen of my 3ds xl. Its not like a major crack or anything, definitely still playable just annoying and frustrating to look at. Its off on the right side and a thin long crack breaks off to the middle of the screen but its faint.
Anyway nintendo said it would 125 to fix so got damn thats a lot.
With the target black Friday sale for 3ds xl at 150 that seems like a better option but I have a few questions.
Do any of you guys have experience with selling 3ds xl's with cracked screens at gamestop or something like that? What could I get for it?
Also is it possible to transfer all my save data over to a new device if all of it is saved on the SD card? Dont want to lose dat progress on Phoenix Wright.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate it.
Yeah, a hard system transfer is available under the Options/Preferences/System app thingy. I did that when I bought my XL and wanted to transfer my stuff to it from my regular 3DS. It takes roughly 15-20 min iirc. But it's a complete transfer, so the old device will be like brand new.
Just bought the DLC case for Dual Destinies, and I am so fucking hype. Consensus from people that have played the Japanese version is that it's probably the best filler case in the series. If it tops 5-3, 3-2, and 3-3 for me then it's going to be the best six bucks I've ever spent.
Sooooo Im guessing this would be an appropriate place to post...
Anyways, Black Friday and the holiday shopping season is bearing down upon us fast, and Nintendo recently released A Link Between Worlds, as well as a special edition 3DS XL. I personally think both the game and the DS look fantastic, so the bundle is veeeeery tempting to me right now. I actually have the Zelda Edition 3DS that came with Ocarina of Time from about 2(?) years ago and I still love it's design, so I'm not sure if it'd be worth selling to get the XL. I'm hoping some people could weigh in on this: is the XL markedly better than the regular size 3DS, is it worth selling one Limited Edition version to buy another, possibly better, one, and are there any other comments you have regarding the differences/similarities between the systems?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
3DS XL is better. Hands down.

The only reason to get the regular one is because it's smaller and you want to carry it around in your pocket without it bulging. Otherwise XL>Regular.
Beat LoZ:LBW with everything collected 100%. I didn't have to use any guides, I had zero deaths the entire game, and I finished with 9999 rupees. While pretty fun, it was incredibly easy which is not something I usually encounter in LoZ games. I think I only got stuck once the entire game and it was because I had a moment of temporary stupidity... I'd recommend it for those who want an entertaining Zelda experience, but not to those who are looking for any sort of challenge.
I'm tempted to buy the new Zelda game, but I'm not 100% sure yet. To all of those that have played the game, can I ask what the gameplay is like? Because I played both Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, and a disappointingly large portion of the battles were just tapping the screen repeated. As one who has never played any of the older games (those before Ocarina of Time), I don't know much about the older-style games. Is the A Link Between Worlds worth it? Is there any replay value after you've beaten the game?
Link to the Past is either the first or second best Zelda game depending on who you talk to. The worst part about Link Between Worlds is the lack of pink hair.
please don't mention those abominations in the same post as good zelda games again

link between worlds isn't quite as good as link to the past, but it's worlds better than those piles of shit
just bought the last Zelda lbw xl bundle at my local target for 150. Now I gotta decide if I should keep it or turn a $200 profit :)
just bought the last Zelda lbw xl bundle at my local target for 150. Now I gotta decide if I should keep it or turn a $200 profit :)

You don't sell sacred consoles/handhelds like that! You cherish them!!!! You...PLAY WITH THEM!!!!

(Uber Zelda fanboy signing off)
Let's be honest, Virtue's Last Reward didn't have plot holes, it had plot craters. Still a great game with an amazingly good story the first (and likely the only) time you play it, but once you go back and realize some of the becomes hard to believe.

I'd still recommend the hell out of VLR because the storytelling is really good, the writing is mostly spot-on, and the puzzles were interesting (fuck the dice game).
Chiming in to say that for me Bravely Default is really everything it's hyped up to be. There's a robust Jobs system, a deceptively simple battle system, and an adjustable encounter rate so you can either rush through dungeons with ease or grind to your heart's content; plus the fast forward and the auto-battle features makes grinding for Job Points a breeze. All in all if you like old school Final Fantasy games you will like Bravely Default.
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