Pokémon Kangaskhan

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Sorry, my bad. I'm not too familiar with using Sableye. All I knew was that Ghost typing plus fast or Prankster Wil-o-wisp was a good answer to Khan. The Air Balloon lets Sableye come in on predicted Earthquakes, and should Khan be running Crunch max Defense plus Recover should leave Sableye in a good position.
TBH you shouldn't even be running Air Balloon. Leftovers is a must on Sableye. I mean, what happens if you run into a MKanga that uses Crunch over Earthquake? And now you have a wasted item slot.

But anyway, this shouldn't be discussed here. You want to discuss Sableye builds, go to the Sableye thread.
I'm sorry, you forgot two essential moves to every Sableye set.


If you're not running these moves on a Sableye, you're doing it wrong.

The best thing about Sableye though is that he's not a niche answer, there are some mons he cant deal with like Talonflame or Guts users, but a ton of physical pokemon out right now are walled, checked or killed by Sableye.

So Kangaskhan doesn't require a very akward or incredibly niche response that is useless for the rest of your team.
I am new here to the forums. i have been coming to this site for quite a while now but just now created an account because i wanted to talk about mega khan. i personally run a set with Dizzy punch, Outrage, Sucker Punch, and Protect with 252 in speed and attack and this set just wrecks havoc. people switch in expecting Power up Punch and get an outrage to the face. Dizzy punch's confusion has saved me too but i am almost completely walled by steel types and a burn on it just about makes it useless.
I am new here to the forums. i have been coming to this site for quite a while now but just now created an account because i wanted to talk about mega khan. i personally run a set with Dizzy punch, Outrage, Sucker Punch, and Protect with 252 in speed and attack and this set just wrecks havoc. people switch in expecting Power up Punch and get an outrage to the face. Dizzy punch's confusion has saved me too but i am almost completely walled by steel types and a burn on it just about makes it useless.

Welcome to the forums, but I gotta call you out on your set.. you're not really using Kangaskhan to its full potential. Outrage isn't a very good move on something that isn't Dragon, and giving your opponent time to bring in a steel type and set up is not good at all. Dizzy Punch isn't a good move at all...even Body Slam is better. Return is WAY more powerful, and you shouldn't be relying on Confusion anyways. I'm not even sure what Protect is meant to do, since you're losing out on a lot of coverage, and honestly there's not point to it.

Kangaskhan@Jolly/Adamant Nature
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 Hp
-Sucker Punch

The reason Kangaskhan is so good is that you power-up-punch to get up to +2, and just Massacre things. Even when you're burned, you can just keep spamming PuP until you're at +4 or so, and you're still putting a dent in everything. I applaud you trying something new, but Outrage is not a good move on anything not called Salamence or Garchomp, and even that's debate-able with all the new Steels and Fairies introduced. Just try the set above and you'll see why this thing is probably gonna get banned.
Talonflame can outspeed Kanga and of course take an earthquake, but not return.

Mismagius (lol Mismagius) is the only pokemon that can 100% go into return or earthquake and will-o-wisp before Kanga can move.
So that's the third (fourth if you count Sableye) non-OU ghost mentioned on this forum. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when we go down tiers looking for solutions for Pokemon isn't that a sign that it might be broken?
So that's the third (fourth if you count Sableye) non-OU ghost mentioned on this forum. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when we go down tiers looking for solutions for Pokemon isn't that a sign that it might be broken?


It's an issue when you have to go down several tiers to find something, and Sableye was very nearly OU during the beginning of BW, in many cases he had a good usage and was an answer to many of a metagame's woes.

It's broken if you have to use something like a Corsola with a very weird moveset to counter one very specific pokemon that is useless vs everything else. Mega Gengar is uncounterable, Mega Kangaskhan is counterable, and often by an entire type.

It's an issue when you have to go down several tiers to find something, and Sableye was very nearly OU during the beginning of BW, in many cases he had a good usage and was an answer to many of a metagame's woes.

It's broken if you have to use something like a Corsola with a very weird moveset to counter one very specific pokemon that is useless vs everything else. Mega Gengar is uncounterable, Mega Kangaskhan is counterable, and often by an entire type.
I wouldn't say MKanga is completely counterable. If conditions are in MKanga's favor (i.e. good prediction, a +2 PUP, etc) then pretty much nothing can switch into it without getting 2HKOd. However, MKanga has 4MSS, and often has to carry a coverage move to let go of another, and thus that's why if there's any argument as to why MKanga is OU, it's because it can't beat everything by itself. Ghosts like Sableye and Coffy are more checks than anything, because sure they can Burn MKanga, but they risk getting hit hard in the process.
I wouldn't say MKanga is completely counterable. If conditions are in MKanga's favor (i.e. good prediction, a +2 PUP, etc) then pretty much nothing can switch into it without getting 2HKOd. However, MKanga has 4MSS, and often has to carry a coverage move to let go of another, and thus that's why if there's any argument as to why MKanga is OU, it's because it can't beat everything by itself. Ghosts like Sableye and Coffy are more checks than anything, because sure they can Burn MKanga, but they risk getting hit hard in the process.

True, but with lefties and recover a Sableye can switch into MKanga.

252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 151-178 (49.6 - 58.5%)
252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 121-144 (39.8 - 47.3%)

He has very likely two turns to burn Kangaskhan, at which point Sableye walls him completely with Recover and can kill him with Foul Play.

Sableye also stops him from ever getting PUP off. If your opponent has a Kangaskhan, the trickiest moment is getting that WoW off, which is much more likely Gen VI than it was in Gen 5. After that Kang can switch out, but he'll never be able to set up without Sableye switch in.
Sableye will only lose to extraordinarily bad luck rather than being purely out matched.

Kangaskhan's only sure-fire way to beat Sableye is to not mega evolve and attempt to PUP Sableye one at a time.

252+ Atk Kangaskhan Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 127-151 (41.7 - 49.6%)
252+ Atk Kangaskhan Power-Up Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 68-82 (22.3 - 26.9%)
+3 252+ Atk burned Kangaskhan Return vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 159-187 (52.3 - 61.5%)

Meanwhile just PUPing once guarantees that Sableye can 2HKO with Foul Play.

Sableye isn't a true "Kang can't do shit here" Counter, but I'd be safe in saying that 90% of the time Sableye stops him cold.
Remember that if a MKanga sees a Sableye switch-in, she better gtfo or else she deserves that Burn. And then Sableye will get progressively weaker over time if MKanga keeps switching to something that threatens Sableye and doesn't give a shit about Burn.

But regardless, all I meant was that MKanga can't really be countered. Sableye is a pretty damn good check. I know, because I run one, and I lol at MKanga all day with it.
Also just because it can't be countered, doesn't mean there's no way to play around it. I run dual screens T-Wave Klefki and it neuters Mega Kangaskhan enough for me to KO it most of the time. Even Mega Gengar can take the second hit of Sucker Punch (assuming you predict the Sucker Punch the first time and Sub up) with Reflect. Most other teams I've seen run a bulky Ghost-type or a Rocky Helmet mon. Also I recently put Foul Play on Klefki and it's working wonders. (The ironic part is that I put it there for Aegislash)

That said, though, Mega Khangaskhan is not the easiest mon to play around. I've been swept by well-played Mega Kangas more times than I'd care to admit. You do have to carry multiple mons on your team that can play around it in some way or other, which is not really easy to do.
Remember that if a MKanga sees a Sableye switch-in, she better gtfo or else she deserves that Burn. And then Sableye will get progressively weaker over time if MKanga keeps switching to something that threatens Sableye and doesn't give a shit about Burn.

But regardless, all I meant was that MKanga can't really be countered. Sableye is a pretty damn good check. I know, because I run one, and I lol at MKanga all day with it.

Thing is you can also predict the switch out and safely Recover while he switches something in. You can also double switch and gain momentum on your opponent by switching to Sableye then immediately to a pivot. When predicting correctly you actually force your opponent to switch more than you do, and by Recovering with Lefties Sableye will always be able to absorb an EQ in a pinch.

But here's the thing, if you're using a Sableye to wall his Mega and prevent it from affecting your team you've already gained massive ground.
Nitzudono said:
Sableye also stops him from ever getting PUP off.
Just FYI, all Kangaskhans should have Scrappy and, thus, can Power Up Punch on the switch before it Mega-Evolves. And, in my experience, most people wait to mega-evolve if there is a ghost type on the opponents team. Plus, no offense to Sableye, but if you're using it to solely deal with Mega-Kangaskhan, you might as well use SubDisable Gengar who can wall all of Kanga's common attacks without a balloon.
Just FYI, all Kangaskhans should have Scrappy and, thus, can Power Up Punch on the switch before it Mega-Evolves. And, in my experience, most people wait to mega-evolve if there is a ghost type on the opponents team. Plus, no offense to Sableye, but if you're using it to solely deal with Mega-Kangaskhan, you might as well use SubDisable Gengar who can wall all of Kanga's common attacks without a balloon.

lol SubDisable Gengar.

If you can predict the sub (hint: it will almost always go for Sub against you Turn 1 because of Sucker Punch), you can use some other move, let that get Disabled, then use Sucker Punch.

And I don't really know if anyone actually runs SubDisable normal Gengar anymore anyways.

Sableye is a decent answer to Mega Kangaskhan and is very useful outside of it. I don't know why I haven't been seeing them more, really. Taunt fucks with every stall team (though not as well as Mega Gengar), while Will-O-Wisp screws with offensive mons.
Just FYI, all Kangaskhans should have Scrappy and, thus, can Power Up Punch on the switch before it Mega-Evolves. And, in my experience, most people wait to mega-evolve if there is a ghost type on the opponents team. Plus, no offense to Sableye, but if you're using it to solely deal with Mega-Kangaskhan, you might as well use SubDisable Gengar who can wall all of Kanga's common attacks without a balloon.

Not going mega ASAP leaves you open for a burn from a faster ghost like Gourgeist. That extra speed from the mega form is really required to make sure you prevent getting burned. It's much safer just to run Crunch than to try and get a single boost from PUP imo.
It's REALLY hard to disable an attack besides Sucker Punch. Just keep using Substitute until Kangaskhan switches out or uses Sucker Punch. Then you outspeed and disable Sucker Punch the turn after. Also, I can't be the ONLY person using SubDisable Gengar. It certainly is more viable than Sableye in OU.

That's a good point GLS. But I have never seen anyone running Crunch. From the 1000s to 2100s+, I have only seen Return/SuckerPunch/EQ/PuP and saw Fake Out or RockSlide like twice. Likewise, most teams should have something to easily switch into Gourgeist's attacks or Will-o-Wisp.
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Just FYI, all Kangaskhans should have Scrappy and, thus, can Power Up Punch on the switch before it Mega-Evolves. And, in my experience, most people wait to mega-evolve if there is a ghost type on the opponents team. Plus, no offense to Sableye, but if you're using it to solely deal with Mega-Kangaskhan, you might as well use SubDisable Gengar who can wall all of Kanga's common attacks without a balloon.

Again, I addressed that, Scrappy Kang STILL loses. He gets burned, and he needs to be +4 or better to deal more than 50% of Sableye's HP, meaning he needs to be +4 to out damage recover. +1 alone means Sableye 2HKOs with Foul Play.

It's even worse than that.

+2 0- Atk Sableye Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kangaskhan: 331-390 (94.3 - 111.1%)

Kangaskhan can't even risk powering up. Meaning that Scrappy is pretty useless against Sableye.
Again, I addressed that, Scrappy Kang STILL loses. He gets burned, and he needs to be +4 or better to deal more than 50% of Sableye's HP, meaning he needs to be +4 to out damage recover. +1 alone means Sableye 2HKOs with Foul Play.

It's even worse than that.

+2 0- Atk Sableye Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kangaskhan: 331-390 (94.3 - 111.1%)

Kangaskhan can't even risk powering up. Meaning that Scrappy is pretty useless against Sableye.
Not to be contemptuous, but I NEVER said that Kanga beats Sableye 1 on 1. I just was saying that without Mega-evolving, it can touch Sableye and wear it down especially with hazards. Hence why I replied to your quote that literally said Sableye stops a PuP from happening.
For those of you scoffing at Sableye, the joke is on you. Sableye is a reliable way to deal with pretty much all the currently common leads, most setup sweepers, and now Mega Kenga.

Sableye has some unnoticed buffs as well, Will-o-wisp buffed to 85% accuracy, SpA nerfs across the board, the new crit mechanics, which allow Sableye to Burn+Recover stall much more effectively, and that last one is absolutely huge if you used Sableye last gen.

Don't hesitate using Sableye one bit, the way the meta is shaping up is giving him the right meta to succeed in.
Scrappy Kangaskhan can poke Sableye, but Sableye can heal off the damage easily and cripple or destroy Kangaskhan if it stays in. Sableye is still a full stop, even if Kangaskhan has a couple more options that way.

i have yet to encounter more than one Mega Khan that carries crunch on PS, or on DS. It's just not common. Every time i have switched my Def Dusclops into it, taken a normal type move, burned it, then comfortably out stall or switch. with DUSCLOPS of all things, DUSCLOPS (i make this point because you guys say it sucks, so i am countering it with a sucky mon, therefore, based on this communities logic, Khan should not be quickbanned.) While crunch will easily become a more common move and i won't be able to outstall it anymore, for now it works. Even with crunch, it still whiffed return on Dusclops, and i burned it. The most common set i see is
Fake Out, PUP, Sucker Punch, and Return. Thats it. I have only encountered one Crunch Khan, and it didn't have earthquake or PUP, so i ferrothorned it to death.
"Can be countered with a bad Pokemon" is not a valid argument against banning something. Did you read the discussion on banning Blaziken? One big argument was that the only thing that can wall it, Slowbro, has no place in OU. Granted, this was a poor argument because Azumarill counters it better and is very much OU-viable. But it doesn't change the fact that being countered by bad Pokemon is not some big strike against Uber status: it's in fact quite irrelevant.
Scrappy Kangaskhan can poke Sableye, but Sableye can heal off the damage easily and cripple or destroy Kangaskhan if it stays in. Sableye is still a full stop, even if Kangaskhan has a couple more options that way.

"Can be countered with a bad Pokemon" is not a valid argument against banning something. Did you read the discussion on banning Blaziken? One big argument was that the only thing that can wall it, Slowbro, has no place in OU. Granted, this was a poor argument because Azumarill counters it better and is very much OU-viable. But it doesn't change the fact that being countered by bad Pokemon is not some big strike against Uber status: it's in fact quite irrelevant.

I agree. If bad Pokemon countering stuff was enough to not make it broken, then Kyogre would be OU cause Ludicolo and Gastrodon destroy it.

Anyway I havent seen the STosser on Pokebank much, has anyone faced it yet?
I agree. If bad Pokemon countering stuff was enough to not make it broken, then Kyogre would be OU cause Ludicolo and Gastrodon destroy it.

Anyway I havent seen the STosser on Pokebank much, has anyone faced it yet?

SToss is just as if not more scary than the normal PuP set. It 2HKOs pretty much the entire meta, doesn't need to set up, doesn't fear burn, is free to invest in bulk and has room to do shit like pass massive wishes while still beating most ghosts on the switch in with crunch.
SToss is just as if not more scary than the normal PuP set. It 2HKOs pretty much the entire meta, doesn't need to set up, doesn't fear burn, is free to invest in bulk and has room to do shit like pass massive wishes while still beating most ghosts on the switch in with crunch.

Why not use Knock Off? It has a lot more utility then Crunch on a Pokemon that'll be spamming SToss for the most part. Do you have any recommended teammates to pair it with?
Fighting resists that appreciate Wish support like Lando-T and Aegislash make good partners, along with answers to the few things that can take two Seismic Toss (notably Hippowdon). I've found it does really well on defensive teams that appreciate Wish support and would otherwise struggle against other defensive teams.

Also Bite is a non-terrible option over Crunch on Wish sets. Though significantly weaker than other Dark moves, the flinch gives you a better-than-even chance to get the heal without wasting a slot on Protect while still hitting most Ghosts reasonably hard without Attack investment.

0 Atk Choice Band Kangaskhan Bite vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Trevenant: 198-234 (52.94 - 62.56%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 Atk Choice Band Kangaskhan Bite vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gengar: 238-280 (90.83 - 106.87%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
0 Atk Choice Band Kangaskhan Bite vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash: 112-132 (34.56 - 40.74%)
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