Pokémon Scolipede

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I was wondering which Mega would profit most from a BP Scoli (+2At +1 Sp).
Mega Heracross came to my mind, however it has the disadvantage of sharing bug types so BP might swap it into certain death.

Mega Tyranitar or Mega Gyrados both have some solid bulk (so does chomp) to survive a swap.
Gyra comes in with Intimidate which is a huge plus since it might force a switch, however Tyranitar surves basically and special attack which isn't focus blast.

Absol also COULD be a solid choice - it's fragile, but if it really does get the setup sponsored it's not stopable by and status-move-prankster-guys anymore (only by a strong mach-punch user).
Mega Garchomp seems a fairly strong contender and so does mega Khangaskan. But the most important thing about Mega pokémon is they're switching into an attack at a time when they most likely have yet to mega evolve. Gyarados and Mawile have Intimidate to help them on the switch in, but Mawile's too slow to be useful. While I wouldn't bet the incoming attack will outright kill them, it could weaken them to the point where the odd priority move ends your sweep. Lucario resists Scizor's bullet punch and has his own to deal with Breloom and Azumaril, but no real answer to Talonflame. Gyarados also resists the bullet punch and aqua jet on top of his intimidate. So Lucario and Gyarados are my recommendations.

If you go with Gyarados, I'd recommend trying out an assault vest pokémon as a second baton passing choice. That way you have a switch in for both special and physical attacks.
Mega Garchomp seems a fairly strong contender and so does mega Khangaskan. But the most important thing about Mega pokémon is they're switching into an attack at a time when they most likely have yet to mega evolve. Gyarados and Mawile have Intimidate to help them on the switch in, but Mawile's too slow to be useful. While I wouldn't bet the incoming attack will outright kill them, it could weaken them to the point where the odd priority move ends your sweep. Lucario resists Scizor's bullet punch and has his own to deal with Breloom and Azumaril, but no real answer to Talonflame. Gyarados also resists the bullet punch and aqua jet on top of his intimidate. So Lucario and Gyarados are my recommendations.

If you go with Gyarados, I'd recommend trying out an assault vest pokémon as a second baton passing choice. That way you have a switch in for both special and physical attacks.
Lucario can run Extremespeed if it's worried about Lucario, which has the same power as Adaptability Bullet Punch whilst also outprioritising Gale Wings.
I am using:

Scolipede (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Speed Boost
- Infestation
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass

Works really well as a Baton passer. It's so easy to trap something that can't hurt you then just boost and pass. This little guy should land in OU
I used one, and it helped me late-game sweep. And I was most surprised I ko'ed a Mega Gengar with it. And it's pre evo's would be more viable this time around, but that's for another discussion.
I am using:

Scolipede (M) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Speed Boost
- Infestation
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass

Works really well as a Baton passer. It's so easy to trap something that can't hurt you then just boost and pass. This little guy should land in OU
I tested this set a while back, but tbh, whilst it performed really well initially, when I made my way up the ranks it had a marked drop in usefulness. Skarmory and Talonflame, and even Sableye to an extent, are almost ubiquitous when you get into the 2000s, which effectively means Scolipede is never really faced with the option of trapping 'something that can't hurt [it]'. The problem was compounded by the fact that the lack of a decent attacking move made it bait for things like Aegislash and even Quagsire. Moreover, it loses a buttload of utility as a cleanup sweeper by foregoing attacking moves, which is partially what makes it so threatening.
I tested this set a while back, but tbh, whilst it performed really well initially, when I made my way up the ranks it had a marked drop in usefulness. Skarmory and Talonflame, and even Sableye to an extent, are almost ubiquitous when you get into the 2000s, which effectively means Scolipede is never really faced with the option of trapping 'something that can't hurt [it]'. The problem was compounded by the fact that the lack of a decent attacking move made it bait for things like Aegislash and even Quagsire. Moreover, it loses a buttload of utility as a cleanup sweeper by foregoing attacking moves, which is partially what makes it so threatening.
You could try some paralyzis support. I usually try to spread paralyzis before setting up with him, but that's my playstyle :)
You could try some paralyzis support. I usually try to spread paralyzis before setting up with him, but that's my playstyle :)
There's no point in passing Speed if you've already slowed down your enemies enough that you don't need it.

And that wouldn't even help in that situation. Talonflame and Sableye use priority to wreck Scolipede no matter how slow they are or how fast it is, while Skarmory can just use Whirlwind to force out Scolipede or whatever it passes to.
I've been reading this thread to decide what I want my Scolipede to do. I don't plan on him being a lead, my Magic Bounce Espeon be the lead the majority of the time. However, if I don't see someone that sets up, I may lead with Solipede.

That being said, I see quite a few good options for Scolipede here, and not sure what works best with my team (Duel Screen Espeon, Knock off TailWind Mandibuzz, Mega Kanga, Azumarill, and Golurk) I know 3 of the 4 moves I plan to use... just not the 4th.

Scolipede @ Black Sludge (Speed Boost)
Adamant Nature
Mega Horn
Swords Dance
Baton Pass
Protect/Substitute/Toxic Spikes
252 HP, 100 Speed, Rest Attack

Protect gives you the free Speed boost. Subsitute could give you a free speed boost, and a sub for passing. Toxic Spike I find to be quite evil, since you can't just recover off the damage. It works very will on my Dragalge team.

I am just not sure which of those 3 to use. All have good benefits... WHat do you think fits my team best?
Now if Lansat Berry still gives +2 stages of Critical hit ratio....

Scolipede @ Lansat Berry
Ability: Speed Boost
Nature: Jolly
158 HP/78 Def/252 Spe

Baton Pass

158 puts Scoli at 300 HP, perfect sub number

the strategy works like regular baton passing, but instead of using swords dance you sub down to get a lansat boost and either use it with Poison tail/another attack for 100% Crit chance tail/50% crit chance Megahorn(assuming lansat gives +2 stages of crit ratio) or you get to pass off the crit boost (because it is passable) and speed boost to an ally that can abuse it (Like Kingdra or Hydreigon maybe?).

This set can be extremely devastating in Lower tiers, and in higher tiers if talonflame hard hitting priority is dealt with or you're able to pull it off against an unsuspecting lead
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Probably a lost cause (the more I read about it feels that way anyway), but I've been trying to find a good speed passer this gen for Marowak, and looks like this might be the best option?

Scolipede @ Black Sludge (possibly Weakness Policy)
Ability: Speed Boost
Nature: (not sure actually if someone could help haha)
252 HP / 252 Spd / 4 Def

-Mega Horn
-Baton Pass

Agility might be a bad idea, but figured first turn I could do the standard Protect idea, and then second turn do Agility, in total netting a +4 speed boost in just 2 turns, and then Baton Passing to Marowak on the 3rd? Any attack targeted at Scolipede at this time would just be a neutral hit for Marowak unless Rock type, so I'm sure it could survive that with what I have invested in it. That said, wasn't sure if Substitute on Scolipede would be a better idea than Agility. Or maybe toss both out and play my chances safer with Scolipede by just giving him Spikes/Toxic Spikes for more general support?

Thanks for the help, just seems like this guy is just miles better than what Ninjask could do since it also seems to have the power to hold it's own in battle if things go wrong, at least for a little anyways.
Scolipede .. DANG This pokemon .. King of set up if you ask me. I am running a rather unique one I guess ...

Scolipede @ Black Sludge
Speed Boost

- Protect
- Megahorn
- Iron Defense
- Baton Pass

Simple. Megahorn is so it doesn't become taunt bait. Protect for black sludge regen and the natures/ev's ensure it doesn't get OHKO. So far .. I haven't been OHKO'd yet and I run my Scolipede as a lead. Just for the record I don't do ranked battles ... not yet testing out teams in battle maison for now. This one though ... Very interesting of a pokemon thats for sure. I am pairing it up with a clawitzer at the moment. They work godlike wonders for me so far. I haven't gotten very far in the maison but for now scolipede is doing me wonders. Its ability to get off at least 3 speed boosts is great. Protect (setup) Protect. I run iron defense cause well .. I have an assault vest claw i'd really love to pass to, making it very bulky the iron defense covers the defense aspect and then there's the speed boosts on top of that. It's just a treasure to have on the team.

Realling loving this pokemon at the moment for its versatility. The amount of different things you could do with this pokemon is just so great that the enemy don't know what to expect. SD? or Spikes possibly? Overall this pokemon has got a place in my hearts right now haha.

I have many different kinds of scolipedes, I do have a full defensive one going Impish maxed in HP/Def running Iron Defense as well. I also have an adamant one set up as a potential sweeper. Out of all of them I like the one I'm currently running the most, it is definitely the best IMO.
I've been using
Scolipede (M) @ Starf Berry
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 240 HP
Jolly Nature
- Poison Jab
- Substitute
- Protect
- Baton Pass

Stall it out with Protect -> Sub, repeat until I'm comfortable switching into Manectric- usually I wait for a free sub or hopefully a Defensive buff from Starf Berry to hide behind for the pass.

Manectric (M) @ Manectite
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature
- Electro Ball
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flamethrower
- Quick Attack

Kind of a gimmick for now. We'll see how it pans out once the tier lists become more condensed.
This is how I build mine

Cockroach Build

Scolipede @ Black Sludge
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk
Impish Nature

-Iron Defense
-Baton Pass

This thing can stay in against just about any physical attacker, even those who can field super effective attacks against it. I frequently can get up to at least +4 def +4 speed with protect letting me milk extra rounds of recovery and speed boosts. People really don't expect a bug type to be that tanky.

Why Iron Defense over Swords Dance or Spikes? Espeon, his favorite passing partner. Even if the pass doesn't go to Espeon, there are plenty other members of my team who would enjoy some extra speed and defense, such as Azurmaril.

Brain Melter Build

Espeon Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef/ 4 SAtk
Calm Nature

-Stored Power
-Dazzling Gleam
-Morning Sun
-Calm Mind

Once Passed a heap of def and speed boosts, Espeon becomes an unexpected tank AND sweeper. Able to take physical hits, and with a calm mind or two, special hits all day long with Morning Sun recovery...all those boosts bring Stored power up to insane levels of power that can pretty much OHKO anything but dark types. Dazzling gleam is there to deal with dark types. Magic Bounce protects all of its boosts from being crippled or phased away.
This is how I build mine

Cockroach Build

Scolipede @ Black Sludge
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk
Impish Nature

-Iron Defense
-Baton Pass

This thing can stay in against just about any physical attacker, even those who can field super effective attacks against it. I frequently can get up to at least +4 def +4 speed with protect letting me milk extra rounds of recovery and speed boosts. People really don't expect a bug type to be that tanky.

Why Iron Defense over Swords Dance or Spikes? Espeon, his favorite passing partner. Even if the pass doesn't go to Espeon, there are plenty other members of my team who would enjoy some extra speed and defense, such as Azurmaril.

Brain Melter Build

Espeon Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef/ 4 SAtk
Calm Nature

-Stored Power
-Dazzling Gleam
-Morning Sun
-Calm Mind

Once Passed a heap of def and speed boosts, Espeon becomes an unexpected tank AND sweeper. Able to take physical hits, and with a calm mind or two, special hits all day long with Morning Sun recovery...all those boosts bring Stored power up to insane levels of power that can pretty much OHKO anything but dark types. Dazzling gleam is there to deal with dark types. Magic Bounce protects all of its boosts from being crippled or phased away.

I faced a team that had almost this exact combination, with the key difference being Substitute over Protect on Scolipede. Iron Defense completely caught me off guard and by that time it was too late, I couldn't break the subs without Scolipede successfully passing and Espeon completely swept me. I lead with my scarfed Rotom-H nearly every time I see one of those things now because of how dangerous it can be if given the chance to set up.
I think, if you're running an Impish set, enough Speed to outrun +ive Base 130s at +1 would be ideal, to avoid Aerodactyl's Taunt/Rock Slide and Jolteon's Tbolt.

On PS I run Impish @ 248 HP/244 Def/16 Spe

Protect/Swords Dance

In game, so, with the lvl cap at 50, the EVs have to change a little bit, but everything else remains the same: 252 HP/ 240 Def / 16 Spe.

The EV spreads allow you to hit an odd HP at each lvl, as well as beating out the aforementioned +ive base 130s by 2 and 1 points at lvl 100 and lvl 50, respectively. It was much better when Mega Gengar was around, as I could fire off an EQ without worry, but I think it's still quite good. It also makes a great BP passer to Mega Garchomp who has resistances to some of Scolipede's weaknesses and greatly enjoys a free +1.
Has anyone tried Agility over Swords Dance/Iron Defense? Was thinking it could maybe trick someone into thinking Scolipede would be out longer, but instead could protect the first turn, then agility the second for a +4 speed boost in just 2 turns and then baton pass out? Of course assuming you have a receiving Pokemon that can still be ok without the SD/Iron Defense boost (like Mawile maybe or something idk). Taunt could probably stop this dead in it's tracks but *shrugs*
Has anyone tried Agility over Swords Dance/Iron Defense? Was thinking it could maybe trick someone into thinking Scolipede would be out longer, but instead could protect the first turn, then agility the second for a +4 speed boost in just 2 turns and then baton pass out? Of course assuming you have a receiving Pokemon that can still be ok without the SD/Iron Defense boost (like Mawile maybe or something idk). Taunt could probably stop this dead in it's tracks but *shrugs*

+4 Speed is so unnecessary and you're better off passing a +2 Swords Dance or Iron Defense to something. It's pretty easy to get Speed Boosts anyways, so passing Speed is not optimal.
I feel that a lot of people overextend with Scolipede. They'll sub down to red health and get the +6 boost when a +3 boost is all that's required to outspeed the entire opposing team (except priority, but not even an 8000% speed boost would help there). Sometimes you need more boosts, but I see people subbing down to really low health against really slow teams.

It's difficult, but possible to get Scoli to pass twice in a game, and I feel that people hang on to their boosts too long.

On an unrelated note, I've been using double spikes Scolipede, and I have no clue whether it's good, or whether people are expecting BP Scoli and end up reacting poorly.

Scolipede @ Black Sludge
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 248 HP / 188 Spd / 72 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Spikes
- Rock Slide
- Megahorn

Double spikes together with 2 attacks with OK coverage. I wanted to use TSpikes, but a better set would probably be Swords Dance instead of TSpikes. If you go with TSpikes and not Spikes I think you'll have a love hate relation with this thing. TSpikes can sometimes completely wreck teams, but it can also be pretty useless against certain teams. Running double spikes allows me to choose which spike I want to use depending on team matchups, at the cost of sweeping potential.

Bug/Rock coverage is OK. It's not stellar, just kinda functional. Talonflame love coming in to stop Scoli, you may be able to catch the reckless Talonflame user with a Rock Slide, but that's what I mean when I said that I dunno whether this is actually good or whether it's only good because it defies people's expectations. The thing I find most interesting about Bug/Rock is that one hits Gyarados, the other hits M Gyarados.

The speed EVs are enough to outspeed Deo-S after one speed boost. HP investment gives Scoli a bit of bulk to maybe allow it to lay spikes multiple times throughout the match. The leftover EVs go into Attack just so I can do that little bit more damage to stuff like Char X or Dragonite or whoever. Deo-S will be tempted to Taunt Scoli to deny BP. So if you use Turn 1 to break sash, then Turn 2 to kill (since you now outspeed) you can now play 6v5, except now YOU'RE the one with a billion speed spiker.

Gyarados is a good switch-in, and at -1, with so little attack investment, Rock Slide isn't gonna do very much unless I get 18 flinches in a row. This is one big reason to go SD instead of TSpikes. Mandibuzz is another great switch in, blowing away spikes with Defog and taking nothing from my pathetic Rock Slides. SD atleast threatens it.

It has so-so matchups against spinners and defoggers. Blastoise can come in at will and spin. If Blastoise has Roar, it will come in the instant Scolipede shows its face. However, M Blastoise with Rapid Spin+3 attacks is more common, and if they suspect BP Scoli, Blastoise is probably not gonna switch in, and if you can get TSpikes up before Blastoise comes in, that really really restricts what Blastoise can do.

Starmie can't come in and spin, due to speed boost. Excadrill has a good matchup. Donphan is kinda OK, though I guess he's somewhat similar to Blastoise in the sense that he has to come in before TSpikes are up.

Gliscor, Skarm, Mandibuzz, Empoleon and Scizor can Defog easily, though I rarely see Gliscor carry it. Latias has to take a SE Megahorn, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was bulky enough to just shrug it off, Defog, Roost, then kill with a Psychic attack
It is probably a case of everyone expecting the sub-passer, because that's what like 99% of them are on the ladder right now. Everyone saw speed boost and decided to have a field day.

Although rock coverage on mons that don't carry rock normally actually does stand a chance of screwing with people. Folks are really used to being able to switch stuff like Talonflame or Charizard in quite freely against stuff that can't carry Stone Miss or water moves.
How viable a lead do you think Scolipede could be? And would it even be worth running one without BP or Sub?

Jolly Scolipede @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP

Swords Dance

SD off the bat, Protect next turn for another Boost. Most players are probably then expecting a Pass, but instead you Megahorn or Earthquake
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