Other Creative / Underrated Sets Thread (Read the thread, NO SHITTY GIMMICKS)

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Because Greninja is frail, he isn't there as a sweeper, he's a wallbreaker who needs some support for the set to work, I like to use a bulky Mawile with SD, it gets the job done against pokes that this froggie can't take down, like Gigalith.

A wallbreaker should be able to take down something as tanky as Gigalith with little-to-no problem, not to mention that Gigalith is almost never seen in OU (according to the usage stats, found in approximately 1 in every 2000 teams). Wallbreakers shouldn't have to rely on receiving boosts from anything through BP, but even if they do, they should be able to do better than use a one-time Fake Out and U-turn back out.

If you're really looking for a spectacular wallbreaker that can appreciate a SD boost and shares decent offensive synergy with Mawile, try using Kyurem-B. It has excellent coverage, great bulk to set up a sub with (can also take two Seismic Tosses before sub breaks), and can 2HKO most of the tier with the appropriate move. Its ability Teravolt lets you do some cool things, like use Earth Power against Rotom-W for a super effective hit.

Kyurem-Black @ Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 56 HP / 216 SAtk / 236 Spd
Rash Nature
- Substitute
- Fusion Bolt
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
How about this set? I have used it often and it never fails.
Chesnaught @ Leftovers and Jolly/Adamant Nature
Max Spe and Sp. Def investment

-Leech Seed
-Spiky Shield
-Seed Bomb

Can outstall and defeat many pokes, these are among those I have personally defeated with this set:
-Mega Lucario
That set's completely walled by grass types. At least switch Seed Bomb for a fighting move. Also I don't like the Max Speed Max SpDef spread, you aren't really outspeeding any notable pokemon with full investment so at least tweak it so that you're outspeeding something specific (like defensive Rotom to avoid burn) and put the rest in bulk.
How about this set? I have used it often and it never fails.
Chesnaught @ Leftovers and Jolly/Adamant Nature
Max Spe and Sp. Def investment

-Leech Seed
-Spiky Shield
-Seed Bomb

Can outstall and defeat many pokes, these are among those I have personally defeated with this set:
-Mega Lucario

I feel like Trevenant does this better with Leech Seed, Substitute, Phantom Force, and Will-O-Wisp. Not saying that your set is bad, because SubSeed is awesome, but I think it's outclassed by Trevenant since it has an arguably better typing and movepool. Although it loses some of its bulk, access to Will-O-Wisp (not to mention a much more reliable STAB to break Substitutes with) somewhat offsets this.
This is the most anti-meta thing I've ever used in OU.

Anti-Lead Eelektross
Eelektross @ Life Orb/Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature
IVs: 30 SDef
- Volt Switch
- Giga Drain / HP Ice
- Flamethrower
- Superpower

This set is designed to gain momentum and an advantage for the user in the early game. With no weakness due to typing plus ability excluding Mold Breaker EQs, Eelektross is able to reliably survive hits from all common OU leads. Eelektross moves slower than most any OU viable volt/U turners which means that if your opponent turns out you can switch afterward and both stop the opponents momentum and bolster yours. Eelektross can also use its wide movepool combined with its decent bulk to break common OU spikers such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn and Heatran. Superpower is excellent coverage and despite the lack of power secures a reliable 2HKO on both Max Def Blissey and Max HP Tyranitar. Giga drain should be used with life orb and can 2HKO on Specially Defensive Rotom-W and also can be used to hurt thick fat Mamoswine along with the added heal which helps to mitigate life orb damage, while HP ice can be used against Garchomp and Gliscor who can block you from volt turning. Flamethrower is excellent coverage and destroys defensive steels. Assault Vest is a more defensive choice and can lead to Eelektross being able to come back in the mid-game to absorb a special attack and slow volt turn out while Life Orb damage allows Eelektross to do as much damage as possible in the early-game where it is most useful. The 30 IVs in Special Defense are there so that Genesect gets the Special Attack Boost because a +1 U-Turn from Genesect hurts Eelektross a great deal.

Eelektross can also run a physical set with U-Turn with higher power Atk but lower power moves and worse coverage against most common OU leads without Ice or Grass moves. I haven't actually used one myself but I think a good set would look something like this:

Eelektross @ Life Orb/Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Brave Nature
IVs: 30 SDef
- U-Turn
- Fire Punch
- Drain Punch / Thunder Punch
- Thunderpunch / Knock Off

U-Turn acts as a more reliable Volt Switch which Eelektross can use with impunity. Fire Punch is there for the same reasons as Flamethrower in the special set. Drain Punch destroys Tyranitar and Blissey. Thunderpunch is a good STAB move with great coverage combined along with the rest of the set and can hurt Talonflame and Rotom-W. Knock Off is great utility and reliably hurts the opposing team's strategy with no prediction needed.

Overall, Eelektross is underrated but the surprise factor combined with its deep movepool allow Eelektross to function as a strange Anti-Lead and can help teams to reliably gain momentum in the early game.
I feel like Trevenant does this better with Leech Seed, Substitute, Phantom Force, and Will-O-Wisp. Not saying that your set is bad, because SubSeed is awesome, but I think it's outclassed by Trevenant since it has an arguably better typing and movepool. Although it loses some of its bulk, access to Will-O-Wisp (not to mention a much more reliable STAB to break Substitutes with) somewhat offsets this.
I feel the same way you do. As in that I respect your thinking but disagree. Thanks for being so polite though :). My issues with the set you run and the attack in particular. (not "a much more reliable" move than seed bomb). The reasons are that
1. Normal Types are very common. They are immune to this "reliable" move. That hurts some.
1b.(Yes I know about sap sipper, but two of the most powerful mons with it, Goodra and Azumarill, have better abilities at their disposal). (Pure Power and Gooey resp.)
2. Sorry, but Giratina has the more powerful Shadow Force and nearly never runs it because Phantom Force's wait period lets a normal type (Blissey, Smeargle, etc.) switch in for free.
3.Even if you drop this move, what do you have besides shadow claw or horn leech? The former is not bad, but not judgement, and the latter is Grass-type stab that was such a problem for you on Chesnaught?
4.IMHO, Spiky Shield>Will O Wisp for the purposes of this set. I mentioned how it can leave Chensaught nearly invincible once Leech Seed is up.
5. Especially(!) if you don't run Leftovers, you aren't really that hard to hit.
6. No hard feelings ;), but Trevenant is embarrassingly slow, much worse physically defensively, and has its own share of weaknesses (dark, ghost, maybe more) and loses out on certain resistances (rock, not being weak to bug and u-turn).
7. To sum it up, I think these sets are too different for comparison, because Trev (per se this set) is a defensive will-o-wisper (which Ches is obviously not) whereas Ches is a tank to leech the life out of mons.

Don't get me wrong, that IS a very nice set, especially for WoW compensating for Trev's poor physical defense, but opinions are opinions. Sorry if lists aren't your thing, and good luck! :)
This is the most anti-meta thing I've ever used in OU.

Anti-Lead Eelektross
Eelektross @ Life Orb/Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature
IVs: 30 SDef
- Volt Switch
- Giga Drain / HP Ice
- Flamethrower
- Superpower

Seems very nice and interesting. However, it's quite interesting that you don't' run thunderbolt. Should you put it over superpower?

1) Normal types are common? (hint: they're not). Blissey/Chansey are the only ones you should see in OU and they won't be switching into Trevenant because Leech Seed will heal a massive amount of damage, he's immune to Seismic Toss and nullifies Toxic with Natural Cure.

2) You're right that Shadow Force isn't a great move, however Shadow Claw is reliable. The problem with your Chesnaught set is that it's completely walled by grass types and Sap Sipper pokes, few if any pokemon like to take any combination of two of Shadow Claw/Leech Seed/Will-o-Wisp/Wood Hammer/Horn Leech.

3) Same reason, Grass STAB isn't bad on Trevenant because he has Will-o-Wisp as well and possibly Ghost STAB.

4) Spiky Shield is essentially just Protect which isn't a great move if you're playing against good players, they'll just predict it and gain a free turn, unlike Will-o-Wisp, not many pokemon enjoy being burned.

5) You act as if your opponents have never heard of switching. Leech Seed + Spiky Shield does not make you invincible it just invites something to switch in for free and OHKO you or force you out.

6) Embarrassingly slow? It's only 8 base speed lower than Chesnaught, which hardly outspeeds anything relevant.

7) You're right that they're too different to compare because Trevenant is an OU viable Leech Seed user while your set definitely isn't. I'd be a bit more convinced if you used a fighting move instead of Seed Bomb so that you're not completely walled by any grass type (especially Ferrothorn, which Trevenant laughs at with Will-o-Wisp).
I feel the same way you do. As in that I respect your thinking but disagree. Thanks for being so polite though :). My issues with the set you run and the attack in particular. (not "a much more reliable" move than seed bomb). The reasons are that
1. Normal Types are very common. They are immune to this "reliable" move. That hurts some.
1b.(Yes I know about sap sipper, but two of the most powerful mons with it, Goodra and Azumarill, have better abilities at their disposal). (Pure Power and Gooey resp.)
2. Sorry, but Giratina has the more powerful Shadow Force and nearly never runs it because Phantom Force's wait period lets a normal type (Blissey, Smeargle, etc.) switch in for free.
3.Even if you drop this move, what do you have besides shadow claw or horn leech? The former is not bad, but not judgement, and the latter is Grass-type stab that was such a problem for you on Chesnaught?
4.IMHO, Spiky Shield>Will O Wisp for the purposes of this set. I mentioned how it can leave Chensaught nearly invincible once Leech Seed is up.
5. Especially(!) if you don't run Leftovers, you aren't really that hard to hit.
6. No hard feelings ;), but Trevenant is embarrassingly slow, much worse physically defensively, and has its own share of weaknesses (dark, ghost, maybe more) and loses out on certain resistances (rock, not being weak to bug and u-turn).
7. To sum it up, I think these sets are too different for comparison, because Trev (per se this set) is a defensive will-o-wisper (which Ches is obviously not) whereas Ches is a tank to leech the life out of mons.

Don't get me wrong, that IS a very nice set, especially for WoW compensating for Trev's poor physical defense, but opinions are opinions. Sorry if lists aren't your thing, and good luck! :)
1. Looking at the OU usage statistics, normal types are actually quite uncommon; Mega-Kangashkan is now banned, Togekiss is 31, Blissey is 37, Clefable 45 and that's it. These are the normal types that are in the top 50. And blissey and clefable would wall trevenant anyway, even without being normal-type.
2. Aside from the fact that Giratina is Uber, so the situation is quite different, phantom force for trevenant is mainly for walling purposes, being a better stab is just a nice addition. Though I personally still prefer shadow claw.
3.Ghost is arguably one of the best attacking types this gen, if not THE best, while grass is one of the worst. They don't even compare.
4.The problem with spiky shield is that the opponent can easily play around it, even more so than protect, and even if it works, it's only a relatively small one-time-only effect. Will-O-Wisp, can be played around, too, but it only needs to hit once to make nearly any physical attacker useless.
5. I don't quite understand what this point tries to say.
6. Sure it has it's own share, but all in all, ghost/grass is better than fighting/grass imho.
7. That's actually the main problem I see with your set: Not only that any random grass type completely walls it without any problem, if your opponent switches in any mon on anything other than leech seed, he just needs to use substitute and can proceed to do whatever the fuck he wants. I don't really see the set doing anything at all against a decent opponent.
1. Looking at the OU usage statistics, normal types are actually quite uncommon; Mega-Kangashkan is now banned, Togekiss is 31, Blissey is 37, Clefable 45 and that's it. These are the normal types that are in the top 50. And blissey and clefable would wall trevenant anyway, even without being normal-type.
2. Aside from the fact that Giratina is Uber, so the situation is quite different, phantom force for trevenant is mainly for walling purposes, being a better stab is just a nice addition. Though I personally still prefer shadow claw.
3.Ghost is arguably one of the best attacking types this gen, if not THE best, while grass is one of the worst. They don't even compare.
4.The problem with spiky shield is that the opponent can easily play around it, even more so than protect, and even if it works, it's only a relatively small one-time-only effect. Will-O-Wisp, can be played around, too, but it only needs to hit once to make nearly any physical attacker useless.
5. I don't quite understand what this point tries to say.
6. Sure it has it's own share, but all in all, ghost/grass is better than fighting/grass imho.
7. That's actually the main problem I see with your set: Not only that any random grass type completely walls it without any problem, if your opponent switches in any mon on anything other than leech seed, he just needs to use substitute and can proceed to do whatever the fuck he wants. I don't really see the set doing anything at all against a decent opponent.

Togekiss and Clefable are not Normal anymore. Blissey also doesn't wall Trevenant (coughLEECHSEEDcough).

Does Spiky Shield not block status moves? Well, that's another reason not to run it, if so. If not, then it's no more predictable than Protect. Protect is still really predictable though.
This is the most anti-meta thing I've ever used in OU.

Anti-Lead Eelektross
Eelektross @ Life Orb/Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature
IVs: 30 SDef
- Volt Switch
- Giga Drain / HP Ice
- Flamethrower
- Superpower

Seems very nice and interesting. However, it's quite interesting that you don't' run thunderbolt. Should you put it over superpower?

With Eelektross' coverage I feel that going for the most surprises is more beneficial the T-bolt while Thunderbolt is a useful attack and if your using hidden power ice the psuedo-bolt beam coverage can be beneficial. Yet, IMO superpower is notable damage on Tyranitar and my arch-nemisis Heatran who both lack reliable recovery and hurts many other special walls. Also because its already using a grass move which already hits water SE there has to be significant flying type threat who Eelektross can take out with a T-Bolt that it wouldn't be beneficial to volt switch out on. Talonflame (or Staraptor if your a hipster) dies to a volt switch and Skarmory dies to flamethrower down to sturdy + volt-switch. For these reasons I think Superpower is better than T-Bolt.
Now, for my counter arguments. Enjoy. But first, even thought none of this would "(do) anything at all against a decent opponent." (CQC, I am talking to you right now), this set has never let me down. You are right that using a ghost move is fine due to normal types being uncommon. However, let me clarify some points.
1. Not sure if you saw, but I did say earlier (I think) that I run earthquake sometimes over seed bomb. You should consider that.
2. Yes, the opponent can play around Spiky Shield (which I am nearly SURE blocks status), but I am not a bad predictor most of the time. Remember, if I predict a switch, I can use any of my other three moves.
3. Clarification time. You (fairly) did not understand my point 5. I did not mean that it is easy to hit (i.e. accuracy). I meant it is easy to wear down.
4. As you said, your point 6 was an opinion, but much of typing is.

In conclusion, even thought it may seem bad, it has been hugely successful.

I'll get to you tomorrow if I remember TK, I g2g.

Togekiss and Clefable are not Normal anymore. Blissey also doesn't wall Trevenant (coughLEECHSEEDcough).

Does Spiky Shield not block status moves? Well, that's another reason not to run it, if so. If not, then it's no more predictable than Protect. Protect is still really predictable though.
Oh yeah, you're right, forgot about their type-change, though that only makes my point even more valid. Also, blissey can just heal up against it, and since trevenant can't do that much, it can use the free turns for wish support and/or aromatherapy.

And to the second, as far as I understood it, both it and king's shield don't block status. Though I might be wrong, even a slightly upgraded protect isn't nearly as good as WoW.

Now, for my counter arguments. Enjoy. But first, even thought none of this would "(do) anything at all against a decent opponent." (CQC, I am talking to you right now), this set has never let me down. You are right that using a ghost move is fine due to normal types being uncommon. However, let me clarify some points.
1. Not sure if you saw, but I did say earlier (I think) that I run earthquake sometimes over seed bomb. You should consider that.
2. Yes, the opponent can play around Spiky Shield (which I am nearly SURE blocks status), but I am not a bad predictor most of the time. Remember, if I predict a switch, I can use any of my other three moves.
3. Clarification time. You (fairly) did not understand my point 5. I did not mean that it is easy to hit (i.e. accuracy). I meant it is easy to wear down.
4. As you said, your point 6 was an opinion, but much of typing is.

In conclusion, even thought it may seem bad, it has been hugely successful.

I'll get to you tomorrow if I remember TK, I g2g.


1. You didn't slash it in that specific post, and I honestly can't look up everything you have posted. But even then, earthquake is still walled by nearly all grass types.
2. I'm generally of the opinion that you shouldn't take it for granted that you'll be able to out-predict your opponent because this means you're already a lot better than him, in which case you'd probably win no matter what pokemon you're using. Extending on that point, "I'll just out-predict him" can be said about nearly any set.
Also, I didn't mean to be offensive with "I don't really see the set doing anything at all against a decent opponent.", it's just that most better players will probably have at least one mon that you can't really hurt with this chesnaught, while they can use the free turn to do whatever they want. It probably just destroys any momentum you have.
No offense taken. I just was too lazy to only quote part of your statement, my bad. ;) The problem is, why would I send a chesnaught out against a grass type when I could use another pokemon and switch? In all of my chesnaught teams I have a solution for this (MegaZardY, Heatran, Chandelure, Moltres, Dragalge). Also, I'm not expecting you to search all of my posts, just wanted to let you know.

#2 is totally valid. However, partially due to this sets surprise nature, I find that opponent switches are not able to give the opponent the momentum, at best (if they do switch which is rare) stagnates it.

And to the second, as far as I understood it, both it and king's shield don't block status.
Not so. According to Bulbapedia, Spiky Shield protects the user from "all effects of moves that target it during the turn it is used, including damage." Also included is a list of moves that it doesn't block, and there are no status moves there.
Now, for my counter arguments. Enjoy. But first, even thought none of this would "(do) anything at all against a decent opponent." (CQC, I am talking to you right now), this set has never let me down. You are right that using a ghost move is fine due to normal types being uncommon. However, let me clarify some points.
1. Not sure if you saw, but I did say earlier (I think) that I run earthquake sometimes over seed bomb. You should consider that.
2. Yes, the opponent can play around Spiky Shield (which I am nearly SURE blocks status), but I am not a bad predictor most of the time. Remember, if I predict a switch, I can use any of my other three moves.
3. Clarification time. You (fairly) did not understand my point 5. I did not mean that it is easy to hit (i.e. accuracy). I meant it is easy to wear down.
4. As you said, your point 6 was an opinion, but much of typing is.

In conclusion, even thought it may seem bad, it has been hugely successful.

I'll get to you tomorrow if I remember TK, I g2g.


I just feel extremely uneasy using something that's so easily beat and setup on by stuff like Talonflame, Lucario (I know you said you beat one, but I can't imagine how), Genesect, Aegislash, Heatran, Scizor, Ferrothorn, Gliscor, Dragonite, Gengar with Sludge Wave, Charizard, Skarmory, Landorus-T, Dual Screens Espeon, Alakazam, Bounce Gyarados, Breloom, Venusaur, Mandibuzz, Trevenant, Volcarona, and Togekiss.

That list is comprised of 22 of the top 30 most common OU Pokemon.

Go figure.

I'd be willing to change my opinion if you were to post a few solid replays showing me otherwise, but on paper, your set looks completely outclassed by Trevenant.
I don't know if this has come up yet, but hot damn is Lopunny good this gen:

Lopunny @ Leftovers / Choice Whatever
Ability: Cute Charm / Klutz
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power / Switcheroo / Healing Wish / Work Up / Encore / Heal Bell (if you're not using Cosmic Power due to it being a Tutor Move)
- Agility / Healing Wish / Switcheroo / Work Up / Encore
- Baton Pass
- Magic Coat

Magic Coat negates any Taunting or Encoring (even Prankster taunting and encoring due to its own increased priority) ensuring your Baton Pass. The new addition of Cosmic Power as an egg move is what makes Lopunny a real star in this gen (compared to all the other stuff which it had last gen) allowing you to pass bulk to any fragile sweeper or to any bulky wall you want to make extra wally (Unaware users being particularly noteworthy). Cute Charm enhances its passable 65/84/96 defenses to make it better at its job (causing infatuation 15% of the time - averaging due to gender - when hit with a physical move), or you can just stick with Klutz in case of Trick users to avoid being Choice locked yourself.

From there - you have bags of utility; able to Choice lock another pokemon, double boost (Mega Medicham anyone?), or you can use Healing Wish to get that Mega back on fighting form later in the game. This seems to me, unless I'm missing something, very OU viable as long as you watch for fighting moves - especially if you get it in under dual screens. At any rate, it's better than Smeargle attempting something similar.

Some calcs against common-ish leads:

252+ Atk Mamoswine Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Lopunny: 144-171 (43.1 - 51.1%) -- 4.7% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Mamoswine Earthquake vs. +1 252 HP / 252+ Def Lopunny: 97-115 (29 - 34.4%) -- 4.8% chance to 3HKO
(you were able to pass the defense boost)

252 SpA Thundurus Volt Switch vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Lopunny: 115-136 (34.4 - 40.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
(easily able to pass multiple boosts and reflect Taunt, so long as it's the common TW/Taunt/HP Ice/Volt Switch set and not using Focus Blast)

252 SpA Thundurus Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Lopunny through Light Screen: 131-155 (39.2 - 46.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
(light screen support)

As a final note, imagine passing Work Up and Agility or Work Up and Cosmic Power (should be a valid set as Work Up was a last gen TM but is still learned naturally this gen by field group pokemon) to an Ingrain Mega Venusaur - chilling stuff (an example: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-75145962 - seems like Work Up and Cosmic Power isn't currently legal).

I used Lopunny as an anti-lead for a time, it was surprisingly effective. It can also do Switcheroo+Assault Vest thanks to Klutz, which essentially taunts something permanently.

-Magic Coat
-Thunder Wave

Thunder Wave + Encore allows it shut down things like Dragon Dancers or Shell Smashers, Magic Coat allows it to bounce back hazards; Switcheroo can be used with Flame Orb, Lagging Tail, Choice anything, or Assault Vest.

Especially hilarious is switching into Aegislash's Shadowball and then encoring it.
How about this set? I have used it often and it never fails.
Chesnaught @ Leftovers and Jolly/Adamant Nature
Max Spe and Sp. Def investment

-Leech Seed
-Spiky Shield
-Seed Bomb

Can outstall and defeat many pokes, these are among those I have personally defeated with this set:
-Mega Lucario

I've been using a similar set, except with Hammer Arm instead of seed bomb. The reason I chose to do this is for a couple of reasons: spiky shield and substitute both help negate the horrible speed lowering side effect of the move, and it also makes chesnaught not completely walled by grass types.
Another main reason I use hammer arm is because I have a baton pass sd scolipede on the team, and having that option of passing speed and attack boosts to chesnaught makes the baton pass more of a threat, since chesnaught can make use of the speed boosts for using more hammer arms before he gets outsped.
I just feel extremely uneasy using something that's so easily beat and setup on by stuff like Talonflame, Lucario (I know you said you beat one, but I can't imagine how), Genesect, Aegislash, Heatran, Scizor, Ferrothorn, Gliscor, Dragonite, Gengar with Sludge Wave, Charizard, Skarmory, Landorus-T, Dual Screens Espeon, Alakazam, Bounce Gyarados, Breloom, Venusaur, Mandibuzz, Trevenant, Volcarona, and Togekiss.

That list is comprised of 22 of the top 30 most common OU Pokemon.

Go figure.

I'd be willing to change my opinion if you were to post a few solid replays showing me otherwise, but on paper, your set looks completely outclassed by Trevenant.

I will. Great idea! They might not be up for a while though, I will be busy
I don't know if this has come up yet, but hot damn is Lopunny good this gen:

Lopunny @ Leftovers / Choice Whatever
Ability: Cute Charm / Klutz
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power / Switcheroo / Healing Wish / Work Up / Encore / Heal Bell (if you're not using Cosmic Power due to it being a Tutor Move)
- Agility / Healing Wish / Switcheroo / Work Up / Encore
- Baton Pass
- Magic Coat

Magic Coat negates any Taunting or Encoring (even Prankster taunting and encoring due to its own increased priority) ensuring your Baton Pass. The new addition of Cosmic Power as an egg move is what makes Lopunny a real star in this gen (compared to all the other stuff which it had last gen) allowing you to pass bulk to any fragile sweeper or to any bulky wall you want to make extra wally (Unaware users being particularly noteworthy). Cute Charm enhances its passable 65/84/96 defenses to make it better at its job (causing infatuation 15% of the time - averaging due to gender - when hit with a physical move), or you can just stick with Klutz in case of Trick users to avoid being Choice locked yourself.

From there - you have bags of utility; able to Choice lock another pokemon, double boost (Mega Medicham anyone?), or you can use Healing Wish to get that Mega back on fighting form later in the game. This seems to me, unless I'm missing something, very OU viable as long as you watch for fighting moves - especially if you get it in under dual screens. At any rate, it's better than Smeargle attempting something similar.

As a final note, imagine passing Work Up and Agility or Work Up and Cosmic Power (should be a valid set as Work Up was a last gen TM but is still learned naturally this gen by field group pokemon) to an Ingrain Mega Venusaur - chilling stuff (an example: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-75145962 - seems like Work Up and Cosmic Power isn't currently legal).

Thank you for mentioning a cosmic power BP lopunny set. I was looking everywhere for another person's opinion on one, because there is just so many things lopunny can run! Do you think that lopunny can be running rest+chesto because it sounds like that will almost guarantee 2 cosmic power. Another thing you forgot to mention is lopunny's DW ability, limber. With the new breeding mechanics, you can get a limber cosmic power Lopunny, and limber is useful for getting the jump on t-waves cause lopunny is rather fast. But her other 2 abilities are great two, which of the 3 would you pick? Lastly, are speed EVs important for her? Her attack options are return and POWER UP PUNCH, but I totally forgot about magic coat so screw attacks.

A finalized set would help thx. And the BP recipients you list is just godly.
Thank you for mentioning a cosmic power BP lopunny set. I was looking everywhere for another person's opinion on one, because there is just so many things lopunny can run! Do you think that lopunny can be running rest+chesto because it sounds like that will almost guarantee 2 cosmic power. Another thing you forgot to mention is lopunny's DW ability, limber. With the new breeding mechanics, you can get a limber cosmic power Lopunny, and limber is useful for getting the jump on t-waves cause lopunny is rather fast. But her other 2 abilities are great two, which of the 3 would you pick? Lastly, are speed EVs important for her? Her attack options are return and POWER UP PUNCH, but I totally forgot about magic coat so screw attacks.

A finalized set would help thx. And the BP recipients you list is just godly.
I think Klutz with a Choice Band is the superior ability and item as baton passers are Trick/Switcheroo bait and most users of them are specially focussed - with Magic Coat you shouldn't really be getting TWaved so Limber is a bit pointless. I'm currently running Agility/Magic Coat/Cosmic Power/Baton Pass with the EVs and Bold nature I initially mentioned; I don't think speed EVs are important at all as after an Agility you outspeed the competition anyway. I would highly recommend Dual Screens support, as that more than anything else should guarantee you to get a few boosts if you play your cards right - pair this with a Lum Berry or Magic Guard SD or NP mon and you should be set (or you can get your SD and NP boosts elsewhere, Weakness Policy Mew and Drifblim make good candidates with the prevalence of Knock Off and U-Turn in the case of Mew - EDIT: plus they both can have Magic Coat).

You do need to watch out for Whirlwind, Roar or Dragon Tail (e.g. a Fairy) users after the pass - plus you need to put a stop to Sticky Web as this will reduce speed every time you pass if you have a lengthier chain. So far I've had some success with the set as by using Agility and Cosmic Power you can invest in the attack stat of choice and HP on your recipient giving them great bulk and very high speed.
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I think Klutz with a Choice Band is the superior ability and item

No comment on the effectiveness of Lopunny, as I simply don't have any experience whatsoever using or playing against it, but Choice Scarf is generally a better item to use when tricking something away. Especially in Lopunny's case, in which you don't want it being muscled through, giving something the extra power to do exactly just that can sometimes be detrimental.
No comment on the effectiveness of Lopunny, as I simply don't have any experience whatsoever using or playing against it, but Choice Scarf is generally a better item to use when tricking something away. Especially in Lopunny's case, in which you don't want it being muscled through, giving something the extra power to do exactly just that can sometimes be detrimental.
If you read the moveset I've posted, it doesn't contain Switcheroo it's purely a Baton Pass set. The point was Baton Passers lure Trick and Switcheroo users to prevent the Baton Passing, and most Trick users are specially focused - therefore you receive the scarf and they receive the band which they can't use effectively anyway (it significantly hampers them by making them slower and not boosting their attack).

Although I was in a rush when I posted that earlier, it is all there in the previous post I made just not maybe as coherently as it could be.
If you read the moveset I've posted, it doesn't contain Switcheroo it's purely a Baton Pass set. The point was Baton Passers lure Trick and Switcheroo users to prevent the Baton Passing, and most Trick users are specially focused - therefore you receive the scarf and they receive the band which they can't use effectively anyway (it significantly hampers them by making them slower and not boosting their attack).

Although I was in a rush when I posted that earlier, it is all there in the previous post I made just not maybe as coherently as it could be.

Oh, okay, I get it now. I guess that makes sense, I can't really think of a better option than Choice Band in that case.
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