Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 34 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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Looking for any females in heavy balls or other apricorn or dream balls, can offer lots of 5IV spitbacks, ill trade 3-4 for any 1 pokemon female in any apricorn or dream ball that matches. IVs don't matter as long as they are decent. I would also give leftovers, PP Mxx or any BP Items of any kind including Ability Capsule.
Moon ball gastly, moon ball misdreavus, love ball ralts and dream ball HA qwilfish are some I got with those balls. What can you offer in return of pokés?
Looking for any Pokemon with favorable nature and or egg moves {IV's don't matter} (If I can have splitbacks for free it would be great) :D

PM me
Moon ball gastly, moon ball misdreavus, love ball ralts and dream ball HA qwilfish are some I got with those balls. What can you offer in return of pokés?

As far as pokemon I have 5IV imperfect laying around got HA Poliwag(In Nest) Joltik, Porygon, HA Durants, SR Pineco, Joltik, Got a perfect extra Skarmory with SR whirlwind and Brave Bird that I don't need since I have multiple perfect as well. I can breed Yamask, Earth Power Deino, Staryu, Magikarp, HA Pinsir(In premier). I would be interested in any female moon ball misdreavus moon ball ghastly and dream ball HA quilfish.
As far as pokemon I have 5IV imperfect laying around got HA Poliwag(In Nest) Joltik, Porygon, HA Durants, SR Pineco, Joltik, Got a perfect extra Skarmory with SR whirlwind and Brave Bird that I don't need since I have multiple perfect as well. I can breed Yamask, Earth Power Deino, Staryu, Magikarp, HA Pinsir(In premier). I would be interested in any female moon ball misdreavus moon ball ghastly and dream ball HA quilfish.
Sorry, but I already got all of those ones.
I'm looking for the following items: Leftovers, Kee Berry, Maranga Berry, and, far less importantly, a Life Orb (I'll eventually get that one when I stop being lazy and do the Battle Maison more).

I'm also looking for Baltoys. I'll take any with one of or some combination of Calm nature, Stealth Rock, and perfect IVs.

Or if you don't have those and want something I'm about to offer still, I'll take a lot of other interesting things too.

In return, I have...
-4 IV, Adamant Bagons with Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse and Rock Head
-4 IV Jolly Mienfoos with Knock Off and Regenerator
-A 4 IV Japanese male Eevee with Timid, Anticipation, Charm, and Covet
-And a few less good things, like 2-4 IV random nature Electrikes and some 1-2 IV Iron Fist Chimchars.
-Oh, and an otherwise derp Polar Pattern Vivillon if you're looking for those. (My pattern is Modern, so I can't make more of these.)
-Pokerus can be included on any of the above on request.

Sorry, no 5 IVs because I'm still at the point where I'm keeping all the 5 IVs I have for my own use.

PM me if you're interested or want the exact IV spreads of the above because I'm liable to miss your post here.
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Looking for foreign (not english) ditto with at least 2 perfect IV's. In return I have 5 31IV larvatars, dienos, and eevees.

ALSO, if you have a foreign game and could catch a Magikarp, I would trade something for much higher trade value.

Send me a message if you can!
I'm looking for the following items: Leftovers, Kee Berry, Maranga Berry, and, far less importantly, a Life Orb (I'll eventually get that one when I stop being lazy and do the Battle Maison more).

I'm also looking for Baltoys. I'll take any with one of or some combination of Calm nature, Stealth Rock, and perfect IVs.

Or if you don't have those and want something I'm about to offer still, I'll take a lot of other interesting things too.

In return, I have...
-4 IV, Adamant Bagons with Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse and Rock Head
-4 IV Jolly Mienfoos with Knock Off and Regenerator
-A 4 IV Japanese male Eevee with Timid, Anticipation, Charm, and Covet
-And a few less good things, like 2-4 IV random nature Electrikes and some 1-2 IV Iron Fist Chimchars.
-Oh, and an otherwise derp Polar Pattern Vivillon if you're looking for those. (My pattern is Modern, so I can't make more of these.)
-Pokerus can be included on any of the above on request.

Sorry, no 5 IVs because I'm still at the point where I'm keeping all the 5 IVs I have for my own use.

PM me if you're interested or want the exact IV spreads of the above because I'm liable to miss your post here.
Can someone help me clone 6 6IV Jap Dittos? I'll let you have one if you help me.

I would literally trade you anything i had for one of those... Please keep in touch if you get it cloned
Im looking for 5-6iv conkeldurr timber adamant jolly with ice punch knock off drain punch mach punch pls msg me if u got one thanks
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