Pokemon for Trade, come and take a look (Pokebank pokes, Shinies & other Non-Shiny competitive stuff

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If it is fine with you, would you be ok to trade everything in one shot or would you want to trade for my poke first then pass me the Togepi later?

Hi. I am interested in your Plasma Genesect. Will you be willing to trade it?
Yea thats fine with me :) I also have a hasty shift gear one not on my thread with epseed, iron head and blaze kick shiny
Yea thats fine with me :) I also have a hasty shift gear one not on my thread with epseed, iron head and blaze kick shiny

I already have the Shiny Genesect already. But thanks for the offer. I got to sleep soon but Im hoping that in 22 hours time or so we could do the trade.
Hey interested in the hustle timid nidoran female with 5 Ivs expect attack and the imperfect shiny genesect with hasty nature and 31 Ivs in attack and speed cmt
Hi. After your rounadabout claiming on one moment that you thought I pokegenned my own Arceus (and possibly many other pokemons) and changing your perceptions the next moment, I am really not sure whether the objective of your message is to flag me publicly as a person who trades hacked stuff or whether you are still interested in trading with me.

Though let me first say that apart from the legendaries, which obviously have to be pokebanked over from previous generations, the rest of my pokemon (barring one or two that I explicitly stated to be pokebanked) are all Kalos breed with the pentagram sign on them, and as far as I know there is no way to hack out stuff in Gen 6 at least for now, so I don't think the random OTs is really a concern unless you are looking at the legendaries, which are technically legitimate unless proven otherwise.

Regarding whether I am the OT of any of these pokemons, no I am not the OT for the most of them (though a I am the OT of a few of the non-legendaries, with the majority of my other pokes being stuff that I got either from trades or from friends), and I am certainly not the OT of those legendaries I have put up in my thread. Also, some of the OTs are in Japanese and I don't have the software to type Japanese, so please go easy on those who are not very technologically savvy.

Anyway, since you asked about which pokes are from me, I'll just state it below, you decide whether you want to trade with me or not.


Infernape - 5IVS except SPA, Jolly Nature, OT. GW, ID No. 10270, has Fake Out and Thunderpunch (Bred on my friend's DS)

Dragonite - 5IVS except SPA, Adamant Nature, OT. GW, ID No. 10270, has Extremespeed (Bred on my friend's DS)

Galvantula - 5IVS except Defense, Timid Nature, OT. KAI, ID No. 05408 (Bred on my friend's DS)


Charizard (Charizadite Y) - 5IVS except Attack, Timid Nature, OT. IMF, ID No. 17442. Has Dragon Pulse as an Egg Move. (Self-bred)

Skarmory - 5IVS except SPA, Impish Nature, OT. IMF, ID No. 17442 (Self-bred)

lonflame - 5IVS except SPA, Adamant Nature, Gale Wings Ability, OT. AntiC, ID No. 44709 (Bred on my friend's DS)

Nidoran (Female) - 5IVS except Attack, Timid Nature, Hustle (DW) Ability, OT. IMF, ID No. 17442, has Venom Drench as Egg move (Self-Bred)

Phanpy - 6IVS, Adamant, Pickup Ability (meaning Sturdy once it evolves into Donphan), OT. IMF, ID No. 17442. Has Ice Shard as an Egg move. (Self-Bred)


Mamoswine - 5IVS except SPA, Jolly Nature, Thick Fat Ability. OT. IMF. ID No. 17442. Has Stealth Rock, Icicle Crash and Icicle Spear for Egg Moves. (Self-Bred)

Greninja - 5IVS except Attack, Timid Nature, Protean Ability. OT. GW, ID No. 10270. Non-Shiny. Has Toxic Spikes as an Egg Move. (Bred on my friend's DS)

Frillish (M) - 5IVS except Attack, Calm Nature, Water Absorb Ability. OT. GW, ID No. 10270. Non-Shiny. Has Acid Armor, Confuse Ray and Pain Split as Egg Moves. (Bred on my friend's DS)

Whimsicott - 31/?/31/?/31/31 IVS, Impish Nature, Prankster Ability. OT. GW, ID No. 10270. Non-Shiny. Has Encore as an Egg Move. (Bred on my friend's DS)

Mamoswine - 5IVS except SPA, Adamant Nature, Oblivious Ability. OT. GW, ID No. 10270. Non-shiny. Has Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash as Egg Moves. (Bred on my friend's DS)

If you read the edit, you'd see that I clearly apologized for suspecting your Arceus might not be legit as I didn't know that OT was from an event. Given the existence of Pokecheck and the relative ease that one can have in getting many mons with many OTs (yes, they can be obtained without the ribbon very easily), I do feel it is concerning when a thread has a ton of different OTs and doesn't explicitly say where they came from. This is even more problematic when you don't list what your OTs are for the cartridges you have. I also have no idea how "technically savvy" you are, so asking questions about concerns I have regarding your mon is completely fair. Furthermore, if I wanted to publicly shame you would I have apologized in the very next breath? All I did was state my concerns about your thread before committing to a trade with you--completely fair IMO. At any rate, here's what I said for reference; the end bit is the most important: "I didn't realize that MICHINA was an Event OT, so the Pokecheck Arceus probably isn't yours. Apologies for that. But I am still curious about what mons you are the OT of before I trade.
If it is fine with you, would you be ok to trade everything in one shot or would you want to trade for my poke first then pass me the Togepi later?

Is it possible to just do the two for yours? Unless you want to rearrange which two you want, I think your rules said 1 legend for two 5-6IV non-legends
If you read the edit, you'd see that I clearly apologized for suspecting your Arceus might not be legit as I didn't know that OT was from an event. Given the existence of Pokecheck and the relative ease that one can have in getting many mons with many OTs (yes, they can be obtained without the ribbon very easily), I do feel it is concerning when a thread has a ton of different OTs and doesn't explicitly say where they came from. This is even more problematic when you don't list what your OTs are for the cartridges you have. I also have no idea how "technically savvy" you are, so asking questions about concerns I have regarding your mon is completely fair. Furthermore, if I wanted to publicly shame you would I have apologized in the very next breath? All I did was state my concerns about your thread before committing to a trade with you--completely fair IMO. At any rate, here's what I said for reference; the end bit is the most important: "I didn't realize that MICHINA was an Event OT, so the Pokecheck Arceus probably isn't yours. Apologies for that. But I am still curious about what mons you are the OT of before I trade.

I believe I have addressed your "concerns when a thread has a ton of different OTs and doesn't explictly say where they came from" in my previous post. I said it before, and I'll say it again, I am not the OT of most of my pokes, and definitely not the OT of the legendaries in my thread. Most of my stuff are obtained from either trades or from friends. Also, the pokes that are not legendaries (or explictly stated to be pokebanked) are Kalos-born with the pentagram sign on them. My legendaries are either event pokes, or pokes that are nonetheless technically legitimate unless proven otherwise, so all in all I don't see a need to worry about legitimacy. Hopefully that can allay your worry about trading for hacks.

At any rate, to quote one sentence from my previous post: "Anyway, since you asked about which pokes are from me, I'll just state it below, you decide whether you want to trade with me or not."

The pokemon I already listed to you in my previous post are those pokes that I am the OT of. (Infernape, Dragonite, etc.)

Please make up your mind whether you want to trade. This is getting really annoying. I didn't create a trade thread, nor did I ask you for a trade so that I can quarrel with you. If you have any further queries, please private message me and not clutter my thread (you wouldn't like it if someone were to have a war with you on your thread do you?).
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Hey interested in the hustle timid nidoran female with 5 Ivs expect attack and the imperfect shiny genesect with hasty nature and 31 Ivs in attack and speed cmt
anything in my thread interest you 0.0? that giratinia look nice.
cmt for Jirachi

Sorry, I can't really find anything that interests me.

Is it possible to just do the two for yours? Unless you want to rearrange which two you want, I think your rules said 1 legend for two 5-6IV non-legends

It is certainly fine by me. It is just that I like your togepi and was hoping you could just breed one for me so that I would save the hassle of having to breed one by myself from scratch, but I can understand if you don't want to.
It is certainly fine by me. It is just that I like your togepi and was hoping you could just breed one for me so that I would save the hassle of having to breed one by myself from scratch, but I can understand if you don't want to.

I can breed it for you if that's what you're wanting, you didn't specify in your first post lol
Update: Turns out my Reuniclus has 0 Speed ivs, I had marked it wrongly.

Shoutout to Issues for pointing it out to me via pm. Thanks pal.
I have a 6IV Shiny Ditto
6IV Shiny Entei
6IV Shiny Azumarill with Aqua Jet
For the shiny latios.

Hi. Could you list the details of your pokes? (eg. Nature, Ability (for the ditto, Im assuming Azumarill has Pure Power) OT, ID No., Moveset)
Hi. Could you list the details of your pokes? (eg. Nature, Ability (for the ditto, Im assuming Azumarill has Pure Power) OT, ID No., Moveset)

Azumarill - OT -Steven
ID No. - 23896
Adamant Nature
Ability - Huge Power
Aqua Jet
Play Rough
Brick Break

Entei - OT - GAMESTP
ID No. - 01171
Adamant Nature
Move set
Stone Edge
Extreme Speed
Crush Claw

Ditto (Japanese )
OT - R A Y
ID No. - 38733
Ability : Limber
Adamant nature
Azumarill - OT -Steven
ID No. - 23896
Adamant Nature
Ability - Huge Power
Aqua Jet
Play Rough
Brick Break

Entei - OT - GAMESTP
ID No. - 01171
Adamant Nature
Move set
Stone Edge
Extreme Speed
Crush Claw

Ditto (Japanese )
OT - Ray
ID No. - 38733
Ability : Limber
Adamant nature

Hi. Sorry but im going to have to turn down your offer. I already have the Entei and a shiny Limber ditto, the azumarill seems great but it does not have belly drum.
Hey again could you cmt for

Both deoxys (thought ot plasma was hacked but if not do want)

Shiny medicham (kalos bred?)

Shiny mawile

Hi. Nice of you to drop by again.

Regarding your question about Deoxys, they are both event Deoxys.


Also, the Medicham and Mawile in question are all Kalos bred.

Anyway, I am interested in 2 of your following pokemons:

OT: Gamestp

NOTABLES: Psycho Boost, Extreme Speed, Zap Cannon

(Interested if the Gamestp Deoxys's ID No. is 06218 or that of some other event OT)


NOTABLES: HP Ice Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, Espeed, Weather Ball

(Though I would like to know the Raikou's ID No. before I can decide whether I want it)

Which two pokes would you like in return for the two pokes I mentioned?

P.S. I might take some time to prepare the pokes you requested since one of my DS is with my friend currently.
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