Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

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"Wouldn't be UU"
lol yeah just like Deo-D and Keldeo are UU by usage, as well as Terrakion, I believe?
Nah. Usage arguments are horse shit, no pun intended.

Anyway, it is actually getting an OU analysis. It's not done yet, but it could merit a look.

I don't see how those things have anything to do with Raikou, it's been UU for a while and there's nothing to suggest it won't be UU again in XY. It had OU sets last gen, too, but that doesn't mean it's not generally outclassed and underpowered for OU (otherwise it would be BL).
True, and I'm not saying it's suddenly gonna explode into OU, but it's not like it doesn't have things it can do this gen, nor that it sucks simply due to its UU status.
I need someone to do math for me:
How many Speed EV's would a Modest Deoxys-S need to outspeed any Choice Scarfed Pokemon w/ Base 110-112 speed, a nature that increases speed (e.g. Timid), and max speed EV's? These are at level 50 btw.
Valentines day has come and gone, and I lost the love of my life. They say it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all, but I can't say I agree. Nothing will fill the void that was Genesect. Will I ever be happy again?
Valentines day has come and gone, and I lost the love of my life. They say it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all, but I can't say I agree. Nothing will fill the void that was Genesect. Will I ever be happy again?

If Genesect was the love of your life, you probably were not very happy in the first place.
Is there an optimal Zapdos EV spread which allows it to counter both Aegislash and Mega Pinsir?

You can try 248 HP / 64 Def / 192 SDef with a Calm nature. This will allow you to avoid the 2HKO from M-Pinsir's unboosted return after Stealth Rock damage, or a +2 Return after Stealth Rock and one round of Leftovers recovery. You will also survive two unboosted Shadow Ball from Aegislash after Stealth Rock. Theoretically could you be 2HKO'd with SR by the CRUMBLER set, but keep in mind, you're always faster, and if you Roost the damage you'll avoid the 2HKO.

What are the most common pokemon for countering and checking Mega-Gardevoir?

Lots of them. Aegislash, Scizor, SDef-Heatran, and the blobs are the most prominent ones. You can also use any faster physical attacker, that can stomach a Hyper Voice, or (better yet) a bulky one with priority. Keep in mind, though, that M-Gardevoir can learn Will-o'-Wisp and might take advantage of that against your physical checks.
You guys are bull shit if yall cant beat a blaziken yall suck a greninja can out move a blaziken with speed boost on the first move with a super effective water or flying attack
You guys are bull shit if yall cant beat a blaziken yall suck a greninja can out move a blaziken with speed boost on the first move with a super effective water or flying attack
No, Speed Boost Blazikens always run protect, which means they'll take no damage turn 1 and outspeed (even Adamant vs. Timid) and OHKO Greninja turn 2 with HJK.

Even if the Blaziken didn't have protect, Greninja would have to be in on Blaziken literally turn 1 (as in they lead with Blaziken and you lead with Greninja) because first of all Greninja will die if it switches in on a HJK, and second of all even if it somehow actually switches in safely that gives Blaziken a turn of speed boost.
No, Speed Boost Blazikens always run protect, which means they'll take no damage turn 1 and outspeed (even Adamant vs. Timid) and OHKO Greninja turn 2 with HJK.

Even if the Blaziken didn't have protect, Greninja would have to be in on Blaziken literally turn 1 (as in they lead with Blaziken and you lead with Greninja) because first of all Greninja will die if it switches in on a HJK, and second of all even if it somehow actually switches in safely that gives Blaziken
No, Speed Boost Blazikens always run protect, which means they'll take no damage turn 1 and outspeed (even Adamant vs. Timid) and OHKO Greninja turn 2 with HJK.

Even if the Blaziken didn't have protect, Greninja would have to be in on Blaziken literally turn 1 (as in they lead with Blaziken and you lead with Greninja) because first of all Greninja will die if it switches in on a HJK, and second of all even if it somehow actually switches in safely that gives Blaziken a turn of speed boost.
Pokemon is about strategy if you cant find a way to beat a pokemon then you just suck
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What was the reasoning for Genesect to not be sent to Ubers? He seems to be as versatile as Mega Lucario, especially at lower skill brackets.

Um... Gene was sent to Ubers, you'd know that if you read the Suspect Test thread or the Banlist. I answered a question similiar to this earlier saying that Lucarionite and Gensect got the boot last page.
i nee him to trick room not for himself but for mawile
Pure TR support isn't the most appealing use of a moveslot in Singles, mostly because of the 5-turn limit and you having to switch in order to take advantage of it. In Singles it is often advised to run an offensive tank in order to capitalize of TR right away instead of loosing momentum to the opponent. Reuniclus has a rather meh defensive typing and won't stay long enough if you keep switching it in and out, even with Magic Guard.

Have you ever considered Slowbro? It has strong natural defensive stats, a much better typing and does not have to rely on Focus Miss for coverage; Regenerator ensures that it will stick with you for quite a while.
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