XY UU Beta Discussion (Read post #32)

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But also removes your own hazards, which can be a major hinderance if you are running Spikes, Toxic Spikes and/or Sticky Web on your own team. That is why Rapid Spinners are always welcome to teams who have hazards of there own, and is why we continue to want good Spinners even though we have Defog. Depends on what team you are using.
Watch your mouth, son. Assault Vest Hitmontop is a legend at taking hits man. Also who the fuck gives a shit about spinners when you have this awesome move called defog that, *gasp* isn't type-blocked.

The problem with that is that hitmontop can't do squat in return. It can't even rapid spin against ghosts due to lack of foresight, you lose out on toxic which was probably one of the few good points about it, and as for its STAB? One reduces its ability to take any sort of hit (CC), while the other makes it even worse against ghosts than it already is (HJK).

Defog is good certainly, but there's the problem of removing both teams hazards. I won't deny either crobat or latias in their roles, but you still have to reset your own rocks.
At this point on teams where I can't fit Mega-Blastoise I always find myself resorting to the offensive Defogger and bulky SR setter combination. The reason why something like LO Latias + Hippo works so well is that you can always afford to keep SR up while still pressuring the opponent's hazards setter. Offensive teams that really require Spikes support are probably better off running an emergency Defogger than relying on a Pokemon like Hitmontop which isn't shitty per se but a huge momentum killer.
I also find it fun to build teams that aren't weak to hazards, which is something much easier to accomplish on Offense where you can afford to worry less about defensive synergy. We have access to a lot of good Steel-types, Levitators and Regenerator mons which can go a long way to help with SR and Spikes.
However it means I often have difficulty justifying something like Def Rotom-H on Defog teams because you're basically foregoing your own rocks to check opposing Fire- and Flying-types :/
252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Psycho Cut vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Cofagrigus: 138-163 (43.1 - 50.9%) -- 52.7% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Ice Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Gourgeist-Super: 170-202 (45.4 - 54%) -- 91.8% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Thunder Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 184-218 (46.7 - 55.3%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Mew: 176-207 (43.5 - 51.2%) -- 62.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Psycho Cut vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Jellicent: 172-204 (42.5 - 50.4%) -- 41% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Those look like very shaky counters after SR to me.
Well then...
252+ Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 120+ Def Mew: 156-185 (38.6 - 45.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Psycho Cut vs. 252 HP / 140+ Def Cofagrigus: 126-148 (39.3 - 46.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

And you know, standard MCham can't kill both Slowbro AND Gourgeist at the same time.
-Psycho Cut
-Bullet Punch
-Thunder Punch / Ice Punch
The problem with that is that hitmontop can't do squat in return. It can't even rapid spin against ghosts due to lack of foresight, you lose out on toxic which was probably one of the few good points about it, and as for its STAB? One reduces its ability to take any sort of hit (CC), while the other makes it even worse against ghosts than it already is (HJK).

Defog is good certainly, but there's the problem of removing both teams hazards. I won't deny either crobat or latias in their roles, but you still have to reset your own rocks.
Hitmontop learns both foresight and toxic. Idk what you're saying. Also it gets intimidate and 4 forms of priority 3 of which can get a technician boost, to make a solid revenge killer. It's STABs are bad defensively but hit hard off of 95 attack. And overall, 50/95/110 defensive stats are very good, especially with intimidate and investment.
I just double checked his movepool to be sure. Also, just take a good look at his huge movepool. He can: foresight spin, run an effective technitop set (Mach/bullet punch, fakeout, pursuit, etc), bulk up, agility for the gimmicky, and a few other sets with lots of good moves
Hitmontop learns both foresight and toxic. Idk what you're saying. Also it gets intimidate and 4 forms of priority 3 of which can get a technician boost, to make a solid revenge killer. It's STABs are bad defensively but hit hard off of 95 attack. And overall, 50/95/110 defensive stats are very good, especially with intimidate and investment.
I just double checked his movepool to be sure. Also, just take a good look at his huge movepool. He can: foresight spin, run an effective technitop set (Mach/bullet punch, fakeout, pursuit, etc), bulk up, agility for the gimmicky, and a few other sets with lots of good moves

You need to check the context in which he's talking about Hitmontop: he's replying to a post about Assault Vest Hitmontop, which can't foresight or toxic.

Eh I don't think Hitmontop's a bad Pokemon in this meta TBH, but when you have more offensive hazard-clearing options in Latias, Crobat and Blastoise, its really hard to justify a slot for Hitmontop on most teams.
You need to check the context in which he's talking about Hitmontop: he's replying to a post about Assault Vest Hitmontop, which can't foresight or toxic.

Eh I don't think Hitmontop's a bad Pokemon in this meta TBH, but when you have more offensive hazard-clearing options in Latias, Crobat and Blastoise, its really hard to justify a slot for Hitmontop on most teams.
Ohhh sorry Silenced. I didn't see that.
But still I think hitmontop is taking a lot of heat when he actually does have a good niche in uu
He really does have problems beating Ghosts though: with no way of touching them outside of a predicted Foresight on the switch, or Sucker Punch/Pursuit. Latias, Crobat, Empoleon and all the other defoggers dgaf about ghosts and Blastoise can just kill them.

He's not at all shit, but he's not the best option either for a spinner. When March comes and Starmie and co. make their /probably/ inevitable drop into UU, Hitmontop will have a lot more competition to deal with.
When I run spikes, I pretty much just run spikes without any hazard control (like last gen I guess). That pretty much restricts me to using more offensively oriented spike teams. My thinking is that in spike vs spike matchups, neither of us is at an advantage. This sort of thinking can really cost me in matchups where I'm facing a spiking team with Blastoise on it.

Hitmontop had a rough time last gen with spinning. It was used a lot but it was not particularly good at doing its job. I liked it, but it wasn't reliable at doing the one thing it's supposed to do; rapid spin. It could hit Chandelure on the switch, but pretty much lost to every other ghost. I don't see it having any easier a time this time around. AV sounds interesting, but it loses its only way to beat a ghost (Toxic) and its only way to spin on one (Foresight). In theory, the presence of Defog should reduce the importance of spin blocking, but a) Cofag is still relevant and can still block Hitmontop all day long b) Jellicent, Gourgeist and Doublade are joining UU as viable ghosts
Well then...
252+ Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 120+ Def Mew: 156-185 (38.6 - 45.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Psycho Cut vs. 252 HP / 140+ Def Cofagrigus: 126-148 (39.3 - 46.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

And you know, standard MCham can't kill both Slowbro AND Gourgeist at the same time.
-Psycho Cut
-Bullet Punch
-Thunder Punch / Ice Punch

Now those look like counters!

True, but you listed them together so I did as well. Not to mention it's very unlikely you'd ever see them on the same team.
I haven't played much UU at all, but can anyone tell me how weather does in the UU metagame? Considering all the main automatic setters are allowed.
In particular I'm interested in sand because you have Stoutland and a plethora of good rock types. Can anyone who has used sand in UU give some good advice/abusers?
I haven't played much UU at all, but can anyone tell me how weather does in the UU metagame? Considering all the main automatic setters are allowed.
In particular I'm interested in sand because you have Stoutland and a plethora of good rock types. Can anyone who has used sand in UU give some good advice/abusers?

Drought and Drizzle are banned.

Aside from that, sand is pretty ok in UU, though you need to be more careful with Hippowdon because weather is no longer permanent. It's easy to find Stoutland suddenly losing Sand Rush if you don't handle it well enough.

That said, I haven't run sand ever since Bisharp was banned, so yeah =/
One of the more defensive cores are as rowdog said, florges and mega aggron/doublade both compliments each others type very well, though a ground/fire resistance like zygarde, rotom-h, hydriegon is needed... The classic F/W/G core works well too. UU is filled with very good fire and water types such as darmantian, victini, rotom-H, arcanine, swampert, slowbro. There's like only three-four good grass type pokemon in UU in the shape pf shaymin(which I think is getting forgotten), two spikers (ches naught, roserade)

Cofagrigus also works well with florges/snorlax as well
as assualt vest slowbro. Cofagrigus even got a new toy! (Toxic spikes). Stuff like mew and zapdos are pokemon that can fit into pretty much every defensive cores. But one thing u should be careful with defensive cores: beware of hyper-offence oriented pokemon like diggersby or spammable dangerous moves like Knock off as they can, if played right destroy your defensive cores.

As for offensive cores, mega blastoise & darmanitan & life orb roserade is a good example. Abusing megas in offensive corrs is always a good idea(usually).
I just have to disagree with you one this point. There're 7 good grass types(As in grass's that I would give a B rank or higher). Shaymin and Celebi are great 100 stat legendaries. Roserade is great offensively and as a spiker, Chesnaught is a great spiker/wall, Virizion is a good wallbreaker, and Amoongus and Tangrowth are good walls. Grass as a type is really underrated right now and actually offensively does really well in the metagame as well as defensively.

Edit: I'd even argue that they're more good grass types than fire types right now. I consider there to be 5 good fire's (Victini, Darm, Arc, Entei, and Rotom-H) So go grass:pimp:
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What is everybody's opinion on Diancie? It's typing seems pretty meh being immune to Dragon, resist Bug, flying and fire, neutral to most types and weak to grass, water, ground and steel types. I looked at the video online and it looks like a special attacker. If Diancie is supposed to come from Carbink, what if it does a stat swap like Aegislash? Carbink and defensive Aegislash have similar stat spreads (60/150/150 vs. 50/150/150) Do you think Diancie would make a bigger splash in Ou as a possible Talonflame Counter?
If the information shown here (http://pokebeach.com/2013/12/information-on-diancie-hoopa-and-volcanion) is true, Diancie's stat spread will probably be something along the lines of 50/100/150/100/150/50, with its offenses boosted by 50 each. We don't know much about it, but its Diamond Storm attack looks to be the best Rock type move in the game and these stats seem pretty good and well suited for Trick Room. Based on the little information we know, it seems to be more of an OU poke than a UU one IMO.
I just have to disagree with you one this point. There're 7 good grass types(As in grass's that I would give a B rank or higher). Shaymin and Celebi are great 100 stat legendaries. Roserade is great offensively and as a spiker, Chesnaught is a great spiker/wall, Virizion is a good wallbreaker, and Amoongus and Tangrowth are good walls. Grass as a type is really underrated right now and actually offensively does really well in the metagame as well as defensively.

Edit: I'd even argue that they're more good grass types than fire types right now. I consider there to be 5 good fire's (Victini, Darm, Arc, Entei, and Rotom-H) So go grass:pimp:
I forgot about celebi and co.. I was only watching pokemon above the UU. Sorry but, although they are good when making cores, amoongus, virzion, tangrowth are all under the uu cutoff. They all have niches like assault vest, spore, good typing but they ain't good enough like those fire types and water types. They're good I say as you pointed out, but not the best... While fire types and dragon types loop around the tier, there isn't a place for grass types..
Edit: Don't get me wrong, oddish, amoongus, venusuar, chesnaught are all in my list of favorite pokemon, and i do generally like grass types (and mudkipz!!) with oddish ranked at #3. But UU isn't the best place for grass types than say, RU where grass types rocks!

Edit2: Actually, there is one more grass type above the UU cutoff that we all somehow forgot about,..... Whimsicott
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I forgot about celebi and co.. I was only watching pokemon above the UU. Sorry but, although they are good when making cores, amoongus, virzion, tangrowth are all under the uu cutoff. They all have niches like assault vest, spore, good typing but they ain't good enough like those fire types and water types. They're good I say as you pointed out, but not the best... While fire types and dragon types loop around the tier, there isn't a place for grass types..
Edit: Don't get me wrong, oddish, amoongus, venusuar, chesnaught are all in my list of favorite pokemon, and i do generally like grass types (and mudkipz!!) with oddish ranked at #3. But UU isn't the best place for grass types than say, RU where grass types rocks!
I Will agree to disagree. I don't want to get into an argument over grass type's viability but just because something is under the UU cutoff doesn't mean it's bad or it's niche is small. See why Keldeo and Landorus dropped to UU. Btw I do think that Virizion, Amonguss, and Tangrowth are good enough for UU just people don't use them very often but they are very effective when used correctly.

Edit: Not to bash you further, but saying that because fire and dragon types are "common" (Which is debatable) as a reason for grass not being viable is like saying that because Gardevoir and Florges are common, that Hydregion isn't viable.
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did it and already changed my pants.

On to more serious things, can someone provide a rudimentary rundown of the current trends in UU as well as a preliminary Speed Tier(s).
- Mega on seemingly every team
- Offensive FWG Core is pretty strong
- Defog being fairly common as well as spikers
- Knock off
There are probably trends that I missed but for the most part there isn't really that many "clear" trends or a dominating metagame for the most part.

For speed I would say if you have something offensive, it should try to be at base 100 to match all the base 100 stat everything legendaries as well as Zapdos, timid Roserade, Mega Cham and Garde, and just barely outspeed Hydregion and Haxorus.
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what natures should my pokemon have and which ones are regular attackers or special attackers?
Team Torkoal Druddigon Greninja Golurk Malamar & Dedenne


  • 140px-540Sewaddle.png
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Can we all put aside our differences for a second to orgasm over the new ps sprites?
I was playing random battles and boy is corsola HUGE in 3d. Why would corsola be the same size as kyurem???? Seriously showdown,
adjust the sizes!!!

Edit: btw i would like to apologize to oddish about my mistakes and doubting the grass types in UU.. Amoongus was even viable in OU too. I guess i was a bit of a noob? Anyways, sorry
I was playing random battles and boy is corsola HUGE in 3d. Why would corsola be the same size as kyurem???? Seriously showdown,
adjust the sizes!!!

Edit: btw i would like to apologize to oddish about my mistakes and doubting the grass types in UU.. Amoongus was even viable in OU too. I guess i was a bit of a noob? Anyways, sorry
Haha it really doesn't matter I just like to defend grass types at all costs :/
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