XY UU Beta Discussion (Read post #32)

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Yanmega slaughters you, although I'm not sure how common it is this gen.

Otherwise, nice set. I love substitute on sweepers
Actually yanmega does bot slaughter due to being behind a sub and most mega absol having fire blast it can easily deal with it and most people would never switch yanmega in as most mega absol have SD and the dragonfly can not take a +2 SP
Weavile banned? There goes my one good team. Diggersby too? There goes the other one. Ban Hydreigon and I'll have to start my UU career over again :[
Exactly. Literally this morning I made a new team with diggersby, and Hydreigon is on my other team. Seriously though, Weavile? He can't use both of his new stabs at the same time and dies to priority and fighters. He seemed really balanced to me
Been running a stall team for a bit, meaning that Kyurem not being banned while Diggersby (admittedly tough to wall, but not too hard) and Weavile (Aggron lols at it erryday) did get the boot is kinda meh to me. Idk what makes Weavile supposedly banworthy anywaym but whatever, it'll get unbanned during the tests imo. Good thing Cham and Voir got banned though, hated trying to wall these things (had Doublade for Megacham I suppose, but Mega Garde (especially with CM) takes a shit on stall teams no questions asked)

Now ban Kyurem and Hydreigon :o
Yesss.. ban everything that stands in the way of stall.
Exactly. Literally this morning I made a new team with diggersby, and Hydreigon is on my other team. Seriously though, Weavile? He can't use both of his new stabs at the same time and dies to priority and fighters. He seemed really balanced to me

Well Weavile could still use Ice Punch + Knock Off, which was honestly all it needed. Icicle Crash has 10 more BP and a flinch chance but the accuracy can be costly anyway. I can remotely understand why Weavile can be deemed broken but still...

Right. But bug buzz goes through the sub and swiftly KO's.

You are right that a 0/0 yanmega can't take a +2 SP, (0/212 can, but I doubt it'd be worth it), but I still think Yanmega would win. Yanmega switches in on a substitute, it KO's with bug buzz. You can't SD under your sub, as Yanmega KO's you. If you are successfully able to Sub and SD without yanmega coming in, you have an awful opponent. If you SD on the switch, you're being very risky as what was in previously could hurt you. It's usually safer to Sub on the switch, and that's when yanmega comes in. Also, a Sub - SD set doesn't seem great, as you lose out on so much coverage.
Yanmega obviously isn't a perfect counter, but it is a great check (especially if you're running 212 Def. / 252 Sp. A / 44 Spe.), but it is a nice check to the set you posted.
yea but absol outspeeds without a speed boost and most absols are non Sub just sd so it would not want to switch also i dont even think yanmega can take a SP after SR.
Wow, my friend made two teams consisiting of weavile, mega gaedevoir, mega heracross, diggersby, politoed, landorus, thundurus-t, wobbuffet, scolipede, manaphy, deoxys-s, bisharp, kyurem-B. and guess what?, they all got banned :D He's seriously raging now :)))
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Weavile being banned surprises me a lot, since it's not significantly more potent than last generation. Knock Off sucks, but it's still frail and it still has almost hard counters in defensive pokemon that can take a +2 hit. Mega Aggron laughed all day, most bulky waters still fared well enough.

Although I love to use it and it's my coveted stallbreaker, I think Kyurem should have been banned, since it's nearly as potent as Kyurem-B. It lacks the ability to smash things with physical attacks without investment, but a set of Outrage / Draco Meteor / Ice Beam / Earth Power is very effective at breaking physical and special walls. It's much more manageable in comparison to the unadulterated brokenness that was Kyurem-B, but it's still got great coverage, huge power from both sides of the spectrum, and ridiculous bulk with a decent typing.

But I'm happy with the other 4 bans, since, even if a few of them could be dealt with, they made the metagame less fun. With the megas remaining, I expect Blastoise, Aggron, and Absol to take up most of the usage.
With most fearsome knock off users like bisharp and weavile gone, there's fewer pokemon left to abuse knock off. So I think the discussion about knock off is irrelevent. Though crawduant is powerfull, It's slow. Even though knock off is still the most spammable move in UU, with the two of the main three users, weavile and bisharp gone, I think chansey, porygon-2 and other eviolite users will rise in usage. Go porygon-2!
Sticky Web - y
Hawlucha - y
Stealth Rock - yy
Scald - yyy
Toxic Spikes - y

Why did any of these 5 things even get put up for a ban? What even uses Sticky Web and is remotely good? Is Scald actually even close to broken or is it just still annoying like it has always been? Why is Stealth Rock actually getting discussed for an UU ban, is there any actual reason as to why or is it just too ubiquitous? What makes something like Hawlucha even close to broken? Why is Toxic Spikes actually on here when it has never been even remotely a problem anywhere else in the history of Pokemon?

I really hope this means the bans aren't getting really lenient, as there are already a ton of BL stuff (16 is around as much as the post Gen III BLs combined and it seems like quite a few more is going to be added in the future) Seeing something like Toxic Spikes or Stealth Rock on a potential banning list makes me worried that UU will be robbing lower tiers that may really need these moves.
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I just love when people get worked up over stuff that didn't actually happen lol

Also, just for the record, it has never been, and it never will be, the concern of an upper tier to cater to what a lower tier needs or wants--not that RU even knows what it needs or wants since it doesn't even exist.

Also, since people still seem to not get it, bans are SUPPOSED to be really lenient under this system.
Swamp-Rocket, I don't think we really need to worry about stuff like Toxic Spikes getting banned. They were only nominated because some council members are silly, and I think that pretty much everything that was possibly broken has been banned. The main 3 remaining suspects that I think could be problematic are Haxorus, Hydreigon, and Kyurem, but they're all manageable, and once UU goes out of beta we can work on retesting all of the bans back in. I expect Thundurus and Weavile to be unbanned fairly easily, while the rest are a mixed bag of controversial (Medichamite, Diggersby) and oh hell no (Kyurem-B, Landorus).
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