XY UU Beta Discussion (Read post #32)

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They are huge because it is in perspective in how close you are to the 'mon, but still. Am I the only one that thinks these tiers are pretty balanced? I actually wouldn't mind seeing Thundy-T, Heracrossnite, and a couple of other things dropping.
Hmm, I like forward to when we start suspect testing the Pokemon currently in BL. Asides from Kyurem-B, Manaphy, Terrakion and Landorus I don't see anything which I personally find outright broken. I especially would like to retry the weathers, as I didn't see too much of them before they got sent to BL.
If the information shown here (http://pokebeach.com/2013/12/information-on-diancie-hoopa-and-volcanion) is true, Diancie's stat spread will probably be something along the lines of 50/100/150/100/150/50, with its offenses boosted by 50 each. We don't know much about it, but its Diamond Storm attack looks to be the best Rock type move in the game and these stats seem pretty good and well suited for Trick Room. Based on the little information we know, it seems to be more of an OU poke than a UU one IMO.

Yeah it is difficult to say at this point where Diancie would fall but definitely its typing is quite good, and chances are it will be a good way around the rising popularity of Char-X/Y. Regardless rock is quite helpful because of the threat of flying/fire types, UU isn't a stranger to this even last gen especially with fire, as of late which really have gotten a new lease on life thanks to defog mechanics helping to mitigate their problems with SR.
I think that in order to start talking about Diancie we should at least 1) wait for it to be released AND 2) wait for it to actually fall to UU, or at least get to the put where it is almost about to drop.
I could already see Diancie being a solid check to Mega-zards and Talonflame, so I wouldn't be too surprised if it stayed up in OU. For now I think we should steer away from that topic though here, and talk about it in a thread which is more fitting.
Hmm, I like forward to when we start suspect testing the Pokemon currently in BL. Asides from Kyurem-B, Manaphy, Terrakion and Landorus I don't see anything which I personally find outright broken. I especially would like to retry the weathers, as I didn't see too much of them before they got sent to BL.

Rain was ridiculous even with the nerf. Every team had politoed, torn-t, keldeo,kabutops, etc.. rain shouldnt even be allowed a second chance...

Drought i didnt see much of though even after rains ban. It had potential to be strong with sweepers like victreebel and powerhouses like victini darm chandy and entri.

Sand isnt too bad. It doesnt really have as many abusers. Dont get me wtong stoutlanx is very good, but with mega aggron around, it makes the mighty dog look like a pup as it shrugs off attacks.

Hail has definitrly been hit the hardest tbh. It got nerfed so hail stall is no longer viable (yay). Blizzspam is okay, but assault vest makes things difficult especially in the case of metagross and escavalier. Even with a mega evo, i dont see aboma at all...
hi hello

Official Announcement

Another vote just took place over PM, here are the nominations and the amount of yes votes out of 12 that they received (yes, we are aware that some of these seem rather silly, you have Nas to thank for that lol!)

6 or more y's = ban.

Hydreigon - yyyyy
Chansey - yyy
Chandelure - yyy
Medichamite - yyyyyyyyyyy
Gardevorite - yyyyyyyyyy
Diggersby - yyyyyyyyy
Sticky Web - y
Keldeo -
Knock Off - yyyy
Weavile - yyyyyyyy
Crawdaunt - yy
Jirachi - y
Hawlucha - y
Stealth Rock - yy
Scald - yyy
Kyurem - yyyyy
Gothitelle - yyyyyy
Toxic Spikes - y

So with that, Medichamite, Gardevoirite, Gothitelle, Weavile, and Diggersby are now BL. Hydreigon and Kyurem were barely spared at 5 votes a piece. The 5 bans will be live on the ladder as soon as Joim or Zarel get around to implementing them (probably some time tomorrow).

That is all.

Feel free to make fun of us for voting on things like Toxic Spikes now, especially Royalty.
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With the weavile ban I don't think mence can safely drop to uu he lost one of his biggest counters, but I dunno with floregus running around and others as well as sr weakness it might be ok
How come Haxorus doesn't even appear in the list?

I'm kind of surprised for Weavile's ban, didn't see that coming. Personally I like the other bans, they make for a much less offensive meta.
So medicham and vardevoir bit the dust, which leaves blastoise as the supreme mega of uu!

But seriously, the list of viable megas is definitely shrinking. Who do we have besides blastoise? Ampharois cool but slow. Aero doesnt have a lot of bang, but it can outspeed most of the meta. Manectric is cool with a great sp attack and speed and access to intimidate. Aggron is very good too.

Scald was on the chopping block? Ayiyi...
mega houndoom is the best offensive mega atm. people are sleeping on it but its seriously stupidly good. +2 (from nasty plot obv) OHKOs keldeo if you managed to get a flash fire boost before mevoing and it does like 70%+ w/o it lol

its also faster than latias so it cleans up nicely with fire/dark stabs if you don't manage to boost. and its atk isn't all that shabby either so it can still run pursuit as a filler.

just don't use sunny day that set is bad.
Drought and Drizzle are banned.

Aside from that, sand is pretty ok in UU, though you need to be more careful with Hippowdon because weather is no longer permanent. It's easy to find Stoutland suddenly losing Sand Rush if you don't handle it well enough.

That said, I haven't run sand ever since Bisharp was banned, so yeah =/

My bad, didn't notice that since Politoed and Ninetales weren't banned.
Well, with a secondary sand setter or two you should be able to keep up enough sand to manage Stoutland. Without drought and drizzle it should be even easier keeping sand on the field, the main problem I see is simply the type weakness overlap that's bound to happen on a sand team.


Is there any sort of UU threat list someone can link me to? Obviously not a definitive one, since pokemon are getting moved up, but something that gives a general idea.
It seems as if every time I put a decent team together, one of those 6 Pokemons gets banned.

Anyway, I am completely okay with Diggersby and Medichamite. The point is that UU has way more (and admittedly better) Special Walls than it does have Physical Defense walls, and both could just run rampant once ghost-types are gone (which isnt all that hard this gen, because Knock Off). However I feel as if the meta is pretty balanced right now. There remain enough offensive and defensive mons in the tier to make it work. Also every playstyle is viable. HO got users like Mienshao, Hydreigon, Keldeo, etc. while there remain enough defensive mons in the tier to make Stall and Balance work as well. VoltSwitch is also a very fun playstyle in this meta, and so is Baton Pass (I have to admit scolipede's ban has hurt BP though).

Gardevorite getting banned is fine too, that thing was just a little too powerfull, even with stuff like Florges and Chansey running around.
I don't get Weavile's ban though, it seemed not broken to me.
Also lol Scald and SR

So yeah I'm kinda wondering when exactly this will become an official tier and I can try XY RU out at last.
Does anyone else consider Zygarde somewhat broken? Specifically the subcoil set, which absolutely shits on defensive teams (scald from essentially anything doesn't break sub, mega manectric's HP ice does about 50%, roar and whirlwind don't work because it's faster than anything that would use them and hits first with dragon tail, easily sets up on dragon tail from essentially anything with even 0 coils so cannot be reliably pHazed, and oh yeah, you wouldn't be able to reliably switch in a counter anyway due to dragon tail. It sets up on everything. And now that mega gardevoir (the only consistent threat to it that I've found) and weavile are gone....

Am I the only one who thinks this? Try subcoil people. I use it on every team.

Edit: Also Zygarde doesn't give a shit about fairies other than Gardevoir, because he can easily take multiple moonblasts, and outspeeds and 2HKOs even physically defensive Florges after a coil. So no DTail immunities to worry about. His sub is not broken by Foul Play or, again, scald from anything that I've noticed. There's also the fact that he has other viable sets with different counters (and that, for some reason, people seem to use more often than subcoil)

Edit2: Okay, the only real threat left is bulky waters with ice beam, but really, they're not hard to deal with.
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So ever since bisharp left i have found a new dark type saviour that i love and that is sub mega absol as he threatens so much out and can easily get a sub up. From there he can sucker punch like nuts with out drawbacks and has perfect coverage with dark/fairy/fire. All this allows him to sweep signifacnt portions of the meta and since he is immune to status thanks sub and magic bounce he is almost unstoppable once he gets going.
So ever since bisharp left i have found a new dark type saviour that i love and that is sub mega absol as he threatens so much out and can easily get a sub up. From there he can sucker punch like nuts with out drawbacks and has perfect coverage with dark/fairy/fire. All this allows him to sweep signifacnt portions of the meta and since he is immune to status thanks sub and magic bounce he is almost unstoppable once he gets going.
Yanmega slaughters you, although I'm not sure how common it is this gen.

Otherwise, nice set. I love substitute on sweepers
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