Pokémon Staraptor

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should not be used huh? well I do use it late game and it wins the game for me I have yet to give the opponent a free turn because I play smart and only use giga impact when either the pokemon left don't have sub or boosting moves(and I dont care about boosting moves because of my unaware Pokemon) as well as on the last Pokemon in play. This is a strategy that has been proven effective and I will keep using it until the meta game changes and it becomes no longer effective.
I'm going to end this argument.
Heres a set for staraptor:

Staraptor @ Choice Band / Choice Scarf / Life Orb
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Double-Edge
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat / Quick Attack
- U-turn / Roost / Giga Impact / Quick Attack

Colour code meaning only uses that particular move on that particular set, but you can also use moves not coloured.

Blue: Banded
Red: LO
Green: Scarf
Purple: Giga Impact (horrible on Staraptor BTW)

Although, the best options come first in the slashes, but the latter ones can still be used.

Edit: But really, Giga impact is not even worth the slash, also, colour Coded.
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252 Atk Choice Band Staraptor Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 459-541 (65.1 - 76.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Reckless Staraptor Double-Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 441-520 (62.6 - 73.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Is someone seriously considering Giga Impact on Staraptor? 3% is definitely not worth the free set up turn it gives the opponent. I completely fail to see how Giga Impact has any help in winning games that Double Edge cannot, especially when it gives the opponent a chance to do ANYTHING he wants. If you really need something that has no recoil, then use Return.

the extra power is worth it when its the difference between getting the ko or not on a Pokemon that if the enemy survives your dead anyway (I would only recommend using giga impact when there are 1 or 2 Pokemon left so you dont give the enemy a turn of set up )

Well, I would like to see a case where Giga Impact can kill something relevant that Double Edge cannot and that it is absolutely necessary to kill.
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I'm going to end this argument.
Heres a set for staraptor:

Staraptor @ Choice Band / Choice Scarf / Life Orb
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Double-Edge (Giga Impact Should Not go here)
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat / Quick Attack
- U-turn / Roost / Giga Impact (It's Fine Here) / Quick Attack

Although, the best options come first in the slashes, but the latter ones can still be used.

I would slash Adamant in front of Jolly, just because Staraptor thrives on being impossible to switch into. It's not meant to sweep, so it doesn't need the extra speed.
I would slash Adamant in front of Jolly, just because Staraptor thrives on being impossible to switch into. It's not meant to sweep, so it doesn't need the extra speed.
Staraptor needs all the speed it needs, as It is very frail. It's worth a slash, but not in front.
Staraptor needs all the speed it needs, as It is very frail. It's worth a slash, but not in front.
As I said, it thrives on being difficult to switch into. It doesn't matter how fast the opponent is if they are switching.
And since Choice Scarf Staraptor is the most used set (for some strange reason), you can usually force switches by bluffing scarf and net a surprise KO.
As I said, it thrives on being difficult to switch into. It doesn't matter how fast the opponent is if they are switching.
And since Choice Scarf Staraptor is the most used set (for some strange reason), you can usually force switches by bluffing scarf and net a surprise KO.
Alright Slashing it in front, you make a good point.
Shouldn't Jolly be with Band while Adamant with Scarf? I've always had the impression that with a Band you desperately need more Speed, while having a Scarf gives you enough speed to outspeed the unboosted metagame so you'd rather have Adamant for more power. Correct my if I'm wrong, I'm not sure about it.
This thing hits so fucking hard. My Reckless Adamant, Choice Band Brave Bird took 66% out of Aegislash's Shield Form. I love this angry bird.
quick attack good to use on this thing or is u-turn better? for both scarf and banded sets.
U-turn helps with walls that would want to switch into you and send in a check for free. It also helps Magnezone get in for Skarmory trapping.
Giga Impact on Staraptor is a very bad idea.. i cant even think of 1 pokemon where the little extra damage would count. Just because you won games with it doesnt mean its a good option :P i won games with a special Mega-Charizard X but that doesnt mean its good. in my opinion Giga Impact is only useable on Slaking (i lost count on how many games i won because the enemy did underestimate Slakings Speed and DMG with Choice Band and hey Aegislash is gone.. i can use it again \o/).
Giga Impact on Staraptor is a very bad idea.. i cant even think of 1 pokemon where the little extra damage would count. Just because you won games with it doesnt mean its a good option :P i won games with a special Mega-Charizard X but that doesnt mean its good. in my opinion Giga Impact is only useable on Slaking (i lost count on how many games i won because the enemy did underestimate Slakings Speed and DMG with Choice Band and hey Aegislash is gone.. i can use it again \o/).

Using Giga impact/slaking is super risky, as the enemy can just send out their azumarill/zardx/Lucario, and set up for free.

Stick to BB, DE, CC; and a pick of quick attack/U-turn.

252+ Atk Choice Band Staraptor Giga Impact vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 381-448 (94.3 - 110.8%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Reckless Staraptor Double-Edge vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 364-430 (90 - 106.4%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

There isnt even that big a deal.
Giga Impact on Staraptor is a very bad idea.. i cant even think of 1 pokemon where the little extra damage would count. Just because you won games with it doesnt mean its a good option :P i won games with a special Mega-Charizard X but that doesnt mean its good. in my opinion Giga Impact is only useable on Slaking (i lost count on how many games i won because the enemy did underestimate Slakings Speed and DMG with Choice Band and hey Aegislash is gone.. i can use it again \o/).
Sometimes I wish those moves used the old Gen I mechanics (KO=No recharge) so people might actually have a reason to use them.

Also because Hyper Beam's sound effect is godly. :3
I personally run Facade so that stray burns don't mean dead bird as I find myself using BB or CC the majority of the time. It's won me a couple of games were the opponent thought about setting up on that burned raptor just to take a 210 BP attack to the face
Giga Impact on Staraptor is a very bad idea.. i cant even think of 1 pokemon where the little extra damage would count. Just because you won games with it doesnt mean its a good option :P i won games with a special Mega-Charizard X but that doesnt mean its good. in my opinion Giga Impact is only useable on Slaking (i lost count on how many games i won because the enemy did underestimate Slakings Speed and DMG with Choice Band and hey Aegislash is gone.. i can use it again \o/).
Just use double edge with reckless. It's nearly as powerful, and no waiting a turn
I agree with Gerard, U turn is a bad option on Spam til it dies Staraptor. Brave Bird, CLose Combat Double Edge and Facade is all you need. Last one is a move I use on Band Terrakion too: It abuses the status condition, including burn, to deal massive damage. Da bird even gets STAB from it.
252+ Atk Choice Band Staraptor Facade (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-W: 336-396 (110.5 - 130.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO (Adamant Nature)
252 Atk Choice Band Staraptor Facade (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-W: 306-360 (100.6 - 118.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO (Jolly Nature)

Seems pretty good. Though This is just Sp.Def Rotom. I haven't went on PS for some weeks, so I don't know if Rotom-W are Physically Defensive or Specially Defensive. Though Facade is pretty good, even when burned, making the bird not completely useless.

This is for choice band:
252+ Atk Choice Band Staraptor Facade (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 357-420 (88.3 - 103.9%) -- 25% chance to OHKO (adamant nature)

Jolly gets 2HKO on it. So here's my question: Is you are using Facade on Staraptor, would you use Choice Banded, or Choice Scarf?
Choice Band. Choice Band Staraptor's use is to serve as an easy-to-use Wallbreaker. If Staraptor is burned, everyone ignores it as a threat. This can be used to surprise players, as a boosted Facade is only slighty weaker than a Double Edge from a healthy Staraptor. About the 25% chance to OHKO: It is a 100% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock, which is often present when you are using a sticky web team or a standart team in general.
what do you sacrifice for it though? U-Turn is good early game whenever you can trap Skarmory or do double U-Turn against say Ttar. Quick Attack has its merits too.

1st of all ... X's description of staraptor = waaaay better

2nd, Reckless on staraptor is great making him quite a reckless bird (LOL but no jkes intended) with double edge - Brave bird.

3rd with reckless those moves have incredible power + STAB.

...Hah Staraptor is great!
Ignoring the person stating the completely obvious...
Has anybody considered a Bulky Staraptor with Intimidate/Defog? I really haven't seen a set like this, but its natural bulk isn't too terrible. It can really pack a punch, unlike what I consider its Defogging partner Mandibuzz. This probably isn't the best idea considering its weakness to Stealth rocks, but hey, I guess it's fun to think about it.
I guess it isn't all that bad, given Mandibuzz and Staraptor actually have pretty good typing, and with Intimidate Staraptor can actually take physical hits slightly better than Mandibuzz.
252 Atk Landorus-T Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Mandibuzz: 166-196 (39.2 - 46.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Landorus-T Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Staraptor: 144-170 (38.6 - 45.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

However you're sacrificing a shit-ton of power and speed just to take hits a little better than Mandibuzz, so imo it's not viable at all, as the damage you take less is very minimal, Mandibuzz' typing is better, and takes special hits much better as well. But yeah, the last part I agree about. It's fun to think about random ideas that probably end up bad, but hey, imagination is awesome.
What makes staraptor more viable this gen? Its flaws are still as big as last gen but people seem to mind them not as much
I'm not so sure myself.
Staraptor is a great pokemon, no doubt.
I think it might be because of the increase in Ghost and Dark moves, since steels no longer resist them. Ghost hitting everything neutral or SE besides normal and dark, and Star is immune to it, and can take out most darks as well.
There also is a rise in steels due to fairies, which thankfully, he has CC for.
And last but not least, Talonflame and Staraptor together.
Don't understand? Its simple: SpamBraveBird4Dayz.
What makes staraptor more viable this gen? Its flaws are still as big as last gen but people seem to mind them not as much
Talonflame and Pinsir are huge. Those two enjoy cleaning up late game, and Staraptor is great way to let them do it. Banded Reckless Double Edge takes care of Rotom-W and Zapdos, Banded Close Combat destroys Tyranitar, and Banded Reckless Brave Bird weakens the rest. Before it wasn't that great, since its only purpose was to go kamikaze. But now, its main purpose is to support two of the best Pokemon in the metagame.
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