Pokémon Scizor

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What about the thief. This gen it has 60 base power, which gives a good answer to aegislash.

For choice band scizor pursuit has a lot more utility. Thief on swords dance Scizor sacrifices much needed coverage moves in order to get past one pokemon. Choice Band Scizor would rather just U-turn on it in order to conserve momentum.
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Mine is

Scizor @ Life orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 Speed
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Superpower
- Bullet Punch
- Quick Attack
Been using SD mScizor and it's been working really well. Most opponents switch out when they think I will U-Turn and I actually Sword Dance, giving me the option next turn to U-Turn really hard into something or just hit something really hard with Knock Off or Bullet Punch. Or I just switch him into a lot of Pokemon since it's bulky as hell and give them a strong ass U-Turn with the Mega Evo turn.
For choice band scizor pursuit has a lot more utility. Thief on swords dance Scizor sacrifices much needed coverage moves in order to get past one pokemon. Choice Band Scizor would rather just U-turn on it in order to conserve momentum.
I agree it doesnt have much use with a choice banded scizor but lately in many of my battles i have been using mega scizor with bullet punch, thief. and bugbite with sword dance and it has been giving me good coverage. with the fighting, dark, and fairy types that resist thief i can use bullet punch or bug bite to victory.
I think thief can be a notable option for SD scizor.
Guys. I just got a Scizor with Defog, knock off, and bug bite. Can you help me to build a set with those moves?
I don't see it getting any use at all honestly, u-turn is such a great move, and if you want a move you can stay in and use I'd stick with bug bite, which is 60BP before technician and STAB. It isnt as strong on the 2nd use but bug has so many resists (fairy!) that I don't think scizor will be spamming bug stab over and over.

Quick question regarding Fury Cutter and Technician. Does the move still get the boost from the ability when it's power increases past 60?
You might want to include a defensive pivot set in the op as Mega-Scizor has more physical bulk than Skarmory and one less weakness as well as having access to knock off, U-Turn, Defog, And roost for survivability and staying power not to mention it has good special bulk to take neutral hits with.
I agree it doesnt have much use with a choice banded scizor but lately in many of my battles i have been using mega scizor with bullet punch, thief. and bugbite with sword dance and it has been giving me good coverage. with the fighting, dark, and fairy types that resist thief i can use bullet punch or bug bite to victory.
I think thief can be a notable option for SD scizor.
Scizor gets Knock Off too, which is more powerful.
Man I'm really enjoying Mega-Scizor lately. I love bulky sweepers and he has all of the right qualities. The increase in prevalence of fire types is a bit tough, but it can be worked around. The set I've been enjoying most is this:

EVs: 252 Hp / 212 SDef / 44 Spe Careful
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance

Giving Mega-Scizor 212 special defense EVs and a careful nature even out his awesome natural bulk on both sides. Combined with his typing and access to roost mega-scizor can wall a lot of top OU threats. I really like the utility u-turn gives over something like bug bite or knock off. This set is not meant to set up once and plow through every team. I don't think Scizor's stab typings and spped tier are good enough for that right now. Instead this set becomes a workhorse, coming in multiple times a game, applying offensive pressure and giving momentum to soften his counters. When it comes time to sweeping a battered team, bullet punch is all he needs. Mega-Scizor is fantastic for the old bulky sweeper scizor. It doesn't feel like any other pokemon with these moves
I'm thinking of trying something like:

Scizor@ ??? (Haven't decided yet since my Mega slot, Leftovers and Life Orb are already taken)
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP/40 Atk/216 Sp. Def
-Bullet Punch
-X-Scissor/Bug Bite (Either work since X-Scissor after STAB is BP 120, Bug Bite after STAB + Tech Boost also has BP 120)

I'm stumped on what item to use though..
Quick question regarding Fury Cutter and Technician. Does the move still get the boost from the ability when it's power increases past 60?
No, once a move goes past 60 base power, it doesn't receive the boost. For example, Pursuit will only get the boost if the opponent doesn't switch out, otherwise the base power doubles to 80 and puts it out of Technicians range.
I'm thinking of trying something like:

Scizor@ ??? (Haven't decided yet since my Mega slot, Leftovers and Life Orb are already taken)
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP/40 Atk/216 Sp. Def
-Bullet Punch
-X-Scissor/Bug Bite (Either work since X-Scissor after STAB is BP 120, Bug Bite after STAB + Tech Boost also has BP 120)

I'm stumped on what item to use though..
Bug Bite after Technician boost reaches 90, X-scissor doesn't have the boost, only reaching 80. Bug Bite is always superior unless you don't have access to Pokebank.
Hey, just looking for a bit of advice.

I bred an adamant scizor but I did something stupid and didn't think to look up how it learns moves beforehand so now I have my bred scizor but it doesn't have defog, bug bite or superpower. I'm basically just wondering what options there are for movesets with it now

also why do people use acrobatics on pokemon holding an item thats not flying gem, wouldn't aerial ace be better?

and finally, x scissor with stab is 120 power, is bug bite 120 from both boosts or is one boost applied to the already boosted attack making it 135?

I play a lot of Ubers where mega-Scizor is one of the most commonly used mons. However, all Ubers sets run Toxic (due to a lack of steel/poison types, a lot of bulky mons that you want to wear down with Toxic (and it's easier because a lot of them don't carry lefties, like bulky Arceus formes).

Just out of interest I've been messing around with a Toxic support mega-Scizor in OU and while it isn't excellent if played well you can predict a Steel-type coming in and U-Turn out (the issue is that you get 4MSS and if you want to run U-Turn you have to lose out on one of Toxic, Bullet Punch, Defog and Roost, all of which are pretty important. Otherwise you can just double switch if you're confident your opponent will go for a steel).

Would anyone else say there is any use for Toxic Mega-Scizor in the metagame?
I play a lot of Ubers where mega-Scizor is one of the most commonly used mons. However, all Ubers sets run Toxic (due to a lack of steel/poison types, a lot of bulky mons that you want to wear down with Toxic (and it's easier because a lot of them don't carry lefties, like bulky Arceus formes).

Just out of interest I've been messing around with a Toxic support mega-Scizor in OU and while it isn't excellent if played well you can predict a Steel-type coming in and U-Turn out (the issue is that you get 4MSS and if you want to run U-Turn you have to lose out on one of Toxic, Bullet Punch, Defog and Roost, all of which are pretty important. Otherwise you can just double switch if you're confident your opponent will go for a steel).

Would anyone else say there is any use for Toxic Mega-Scizor in the metagame?
I would probably rather use that slot for something more important. Like Roost or Bullet Punch. IMO Scizor has no business using Toxic.
Hey, just looking for a bit of advice.

I bred an adamant scizor but I did something stupid and didn't think to look up how it learns moves beforehand so now I have my bred scizor but it doesn't have defog, bug bite or superpower. I'm basically just wondering what options there are for movesets with it now

also why do people use acrobatics on pokemon holding an item thats not flying gem, wouldn't aerial ace be better?

and finally, x scissor with stab is 120 power, is bug bite 120 from both boosts or is one boost applied to the already boosted attack making it 135?


Bug Bite and Superpower are Tutor moves, Bug Bite is rather mediocre anyway.

Viable alternatives are U-Turn(/X-Scissor) and Brickbreak, Defog can be bred on but only from pokemon transferred over from 4th gen.

And yes Aerial Ace hits harder than Acrobatics+Item, however with the prevalence of Knock Off in the current meta going itemless or having your item knocked off is a possibility.

Bug Bite + Technician and STAB is 135 BP.
Ah so thats why people prefer acrobatics, that makes sense, thanks.

bug bite isn't medicocre with technican and stab though its superior to x scissor and u turn.
I would use u turn but u turn is kind of counter productive on a SD set.

So any advice what set to use on a scizor without bug bite, superpower or defog. Or should I just go back and rebreed
Losing all 3 of the moves puts you in a bit of a pickle because a U-turn set wants either Superpower (for CB) or Defog (for bulky Scizorite support), and the SD set wants Bug Bite. You should probably rebreed to get one of them which will allow you to run any of the sets I mentioned.
Honestly Bug Bite isnt all that needed on an SD set, Bug is resisted by many things and doesn't get good coverage with Steel.

If you're limited to XY Breeding I'd probably go for one of these sets:

Defog M-Scizor:
252/252+ HP/Def Impish
Bullet Punch, U-Turn, Roost, Defog

Choice Band:
252/252+ HP/Atk Adamant
Bullet Punch, U-Turn, Brick Break, Pursuit

SD M-Scizor:
252/252+ Spe/Atk
Bullet Punch, Thief/Brick Break, U-Turn, Swords Dance

The first two sets are pretty self explanatory, the last one uses U-Turn in early game to provide momentum and sets up and sweeps when your counters are dealt with.
You can't actually get Defog on Scizor unless you have a 'mon from an earlier generation that already knows it, so the first set is kind of out of the question in his case. You might also consider Rock Smash over Brick Break in the second set, as the powers are very close with Technician and the possibility of lowering defense is more consistent than Brick Break's ability to go through Reflect and Light Screen.
You can't actually get Defog on Scizor unless you have a 'mon from an earlier generation that already knows it, so the first set is kind of out of the question in his case. You might also consider Rock Smash over Brick Break in the second set, as the powers are very close with Technician and the possibility of lowering defense is more consistent than Brick Break's ability to go through Reflect and Light Screen.

Well you can breed Defog on if you have a mon in the bug group with Defog (I could hook you up, pm if interested), Rock Smash is still significantly weaker 60 BP vs 75 BP I'd say the defense drop is most likely irrelevant as you'll generally won't attack more than once or twice in a row anyway and if you do get the Defense drop (50% chance) and attack twice in a row it's still only as strong as 2 Brick Breakers.
I'm thinking of trying something like:

Scizor@ ??? (Haven't decided yet since my Mega slot, Leftovers and Life Orb are already taken)
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP/40 Atk/216 Sp. Def
-Bullet Punch
-X-Scissor/Bug Bite (Either work since X-Scissor after STAB is BP 120, Bug Bite after STAB + Tech Boost also has BP 120)

I'm stumped on what item to use though..

No, once a move goes past 60 base power, it doesn't receive the boost. For example, Pursuit will only get the boost if the opponent doesn't switch out, otherwise the base power doubles to 80 and puts it out of Technicians range.
Have you thought of Assault Vest? I was really interested in this set and I'm gonna run it.
Scizor @ Scizorite
Light Metal (Technician)
Adamant / Careful
- Roost
- U-Turn
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit / Knock Off

I want to run a set like this, but what is an optimal nature + EV spread? I would greatly appreciate it if someone could run calcs on Scizor to see how much offense it needs to pursuit trap certain pokes and how much Def / SpD it needs to wall other pokes. I have no experience using Scizor myself, so that's why I ask.
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