Other Creative / Underrated Sets Thread (Read the thread, NO SHITTY GIMMICKS)

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Magneton (This is like the most never used set ever)
Item: Eviolite
EV Spread : 252 DEF 252 SP DEF
Its DEF When maxed will be 602 with Eviolite.
Its SP DEF Will be around only 200-300
Thunder Wave

This guy is the practical opposite of a Blissey, Hes the defensive tank!
Magneton (This is like the most never used set ever)
Item: Eviolite
EV Spread : 252 DEF 252 SP DEF
Its DEF When maxed will be 602 with Eviolite.
Its SP DEF Will be around only 200-300
Thunder Wave

This guy is the practical opposite of a Blissey, Hes the defensive tank!

You know, there's a reason why people don't use this set.
Magneton (This is like the most never used set ever)
Item: Eviolite
EV Spread : 252 DEF 252 SP DEF
Its DEF When maxed will be 602 with Eviolite.
Its SP DEF Will be around only 200-300
Thunder Wave

This guy is the practical opposite of a Blissey, Hes the defensive tank!

That set would be great if jokemons was a metagame.
Magneton (This is like the most never used set ever)
Item: Eviolite
EV Spread : 252 DEF 252 SP DEF
Its DEF When maxed will be 602 with Eviolite.
Its SP DEF Will be around only 200-300
Thunder Wave

This guy is the practical opposite of a Blissey, Hes the defensive tank!

It's his first post here, I think it can work though. Lots of changes have to be made though. Don't forget, magneton was RU last gen, which is not great, but at least not NU.

1) Firstly, to run a defensive set, max out a defense and don't max out the other, invest in HP.

2) Toxic + Thunder Wave + Discharge won't work. You need to choose one status move - Discharge is best, having a good chance to paralyze and doing nice damage.

3) Since protect and toxic are out of the system, rest + sleep talk is in, as a form of recovery and will choose a good move usually, occasionally choosing rest.

4) Flash Cannon is a good filler.


Item: Eviolite
Nature: Bold
Ability: Sturdy/Analytic
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpAtk
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Flash Cannon
- Discharge

By the way, magneton's defense + eviolite is killer:

252 Atk Life Orb Iron Fist Infernape Mach Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Magneton: 88-109 (28.9 - 35.8%) -- 20.7% chance to 3HKO

252+ Atk Dragonite Fire Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Magneton: 92-110 (30.2 - 36.1%) -- 46.9% chance to 3HKO

Slowking / Slowbro
Item: Heat Rock
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 4 Sp Defense

Sunny Day
Fire Blast
Dragon Tail / Other utility move

Slowbro is often only considered as a physical wall, while Slowking doesn't see all that much use. However, they have an interesting niche as a Sun setter. Sun teams face the issue of overloading on Grass and Fire types, which are usually the abusers. These two don't face that issue at all, and actually bring a fair amount to the table as they can complete any FWG cores you might have. Regenerator is just awesome for a Sun setter, letting them switch in and out as they please, abusing their excellent bulk. The two of them even pack Fire Blast, allowing them to take advantage of the sun themselves.

Slowking / Slowbro
Item: Heat Rock
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 4 Sp Defense

Sunny Day
Fire Blast
Dragon Tail / Other utility move

Slowbro is often only considered as a physical wall, while Slowking doesn't see all that much use. However, they have an interesting niche as a Sun setter. Sun teams face the issue of overloading on Grass and Fire types, which are usually the abusers. These two don't face that issue at all, and actually bring a fair amount to the table as they can complete any FWG cores you might have. Regenerator is just awesome for a Sun setter, letting them switch in and out as they please, abusing their excellent bulk. The two of them even pack Fire Blast, allowing them to take advantage of the sun themselves.

This set can work, but the way you put it makes it rather useless. Firstly, if you want to do some damage at the least, add CM or just invest in SpAtk. There's no point in having only offensive moves if you are physically defensive. Second, instead of dragon tail use slack off. It increases the longevity of Slowking/Bro. This is a gimmicky set, and may work better on a sun team. I see a small niche for it though.
This set can work, but the way you put it makes it rather useless. Firstly, if you want to do some damage at the least, add CM or just invest in SpAtk. There's no point in having only offensive moves if you are physically defensive. Second, instead of dragon tail use slack off. It increases the longevity of Slowking/Bro. This is a gimmicky set, and may work better on a sun team. I see a small niche for it though.
Dude, the whole point of this set is to be the sun support of a sun team. This isn't something you slap on a team randomly, it needs to actually be useful to the team.
Moreover, I'm not attempting to break through anything with this, its just a pivot and a Sun setter. Ideally, you won't be staying in for a long time at all, just popping in, setting up sun, and getting out. The moves are only for certain situations, such as picking off Ferrothorn with Fire Blast, forcing out Keldeo with Psyshock, or racking up hazard damage and scouting switches with Dragon Tail.
Dude, the whole point of this set is to be the sun support of a sun team. This isn't something you slap on a team randomly, it needs to actually be useful to the team.
Moreover, I'm not attempting to break through anything with this, its just a pivot and a Sun setter. Ideally, you won't be staying in for a long time at all, just popping in, setting up sun, and getting out. The moves are only for certain situations, such as picking off Ferrothorn with Fire Blast, forcing out Keldeo with Psyshock, or racking up hazard damage and scouting switches with Dragon Tail.

When I said sun team, I'm referring to drought ninetales to be one of the pokes on the same team. I already knew that it isn't just a random poke.
Smeargle @ Focus Sash/Lum Berry
Own Tempo
252 HP/252 Spd/4 Def
-Heart Swap
-Baton Pass
-boosting move of choice/Ingrain/Taunt/Skill Swap

Designed for the suspect ladder, as a check to both SwagPlay and Baton Pass. When an opposing Baton Pass team has garnered enough boosts, simply Heart Swap to steal them away and Baton Pass them to your own team-mate, stopping their chain cold and setting up your own win-condition in one fell swoop (a good one to try would be Stored Power + Hyper Voice MGardevoir). Alternatively, if you find yourself up against a SwagPlay team, you can use a Lum Berry to avoid the first Thunder Wave and Spore in return. From there, one can either steal Prankster from the next Swagger abuser with Skill Swap, or attempt to shut them down with Taunt, prompting constant switching or free turns, which synergises well with entry hazard laying. Against other types of teams, it can Spore things and steal other small boosts, but it's usefulness is otherwise diminished. Just a small idea that I came up with that probably wouldn't hold up in practice; however, what do you guys think?
Here's a core set I've used to some extent and had mild success with, peaking at about 1480ish with the team I used this on:

Torkoal @ Leftovers
Ability: White Smoke
Bold Nature
248 HP / 228 Def / 16 SpAtk / 16 SpDef
-Stealth Rock
-Lava Plume
-Earth Power
-Clear Smog

Looks bizarre, I know, but bear with me. Part two:

Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
Calm Nature
248 HP / 24 Def / 16 SpAtk / 220 SpDef
-Ice Beam
-Mirror Coat/Toxic

I should probably explain myself at this point, since I'm sure many of you are scratching your heads at the suggestion of Torkoal being viable in OU, as he appears to be a much worse version of Heatran. And, by himself, he really isn't much good in OU at all. However, when paired with Milotic, the defensive synergy between the two is very strong. Torkoal is a pure fire type, and Milotic pure water. Torkoal's massive 70 / 140 defensive bulk allow it to tank many unboosted physical hits, and Milotic's 95 / 125 special bulk even more special ones. Both Scald and Lava Plume complement each other well with their good coverage and 30% chances to burn each. Milotic's access to recover makes it very durable, and can be irritating to take down. Toxic is more reliable than Mirror Coat, but after Stealth Rock, a Mirror Coat from Milotic OHKOs Char-Y after tanking a solar beam, and the same story for Rotom-W's T-bolt. A physical attacker such as Breloom or Scizor does this core good, as it often lures in Will-O-Wisps from Rotom, allowing you to switch in to Milotic and give yourself a free 50% defense increase. I personally use Toxic Orb Breloom with these two, offering some better defensive and offensive coverage. As for Torkoal, Clear Smog is a neat move, as it damages and clears stat boosts, allowing Milotic not to waste a moveslot with Dragon Tail as this actually affects most Fairies.

And there you have it. I admit, it isn't perfect, but it is surprisingly solid and I think deserves some recognition.
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Just want to make a quick post,

Charizard-Mega-X @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Spd / 228 Atk / 28 SAtk
Naughty Nature
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Dragon Dance/Earthquake
- Outrage
- Flare Blitz

I really forsee this being a prevalent set at least in tournaments as an effective lure. The whole point is to kill quagsire which is really only on teams nowadays to deal with charx. HP grass could ohko is you changed the nature and put more in spatk, but It does like 80% so if you hit it on the switch with another move you can easily finish him with hp grass. Then it just comes down to if you want to dragon dance or have all the coverage.
basically reposting my Dragonite set from the nbt

Dragonite (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 56 Atk / 252 SAtk / 200 Spd
Lonely Nature (+Atk, -Def) / Mild Nature (+ SAtk, -Def)
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Superpower
- Extreme Speed

In the current OU Metagame( return of Stall teams, balanced and Charizard-Y era), this set helps you against these three typologies of team.
Draco Meteor, Dragonite's best STAB move with its 140 Base Power, hits hard bulky ground like Landorus-T,pokémon that is used many times in balanced teams, Hippowdown and Gliscor, used as teammates of Charizard-Y in popular teams and in stall teams as phsycal defensive part of it, Quagsire cant deal against a 100 base satk Draco Meteor with massive SAtk investiments.
Fire Blast completely destroys steels like Skarmory, Excadrill, Scizor, Ferrothorn, Mawile, Forretress and 2OHKOEs Aegislash.These pokémons are often used in balanced, stall and Charizard-Y based teams(ex: aegislash is used in Charizard-Y as bulky steel and Latwins trapper with pursuit)
Superpower knocks out principally Tyranitar, Heatran and Bisharp, outspeeded thanks to the investiments in speed.
At last but not least theres Extreme Speed, the popular priority move, allows you to finish weaken pokémons istantly, thanks to its level 2 priority and make good damages anyway with the Lonely nature and 56 Atk investiment plus Orb.


Azumarill (M) @ Assault Vest
Trait: Huge Power
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Aqua Jet
- Knock Off
- Play Rough
- Superpower

That set is so good, Assault Vest tanks better Keldeo, Aegislash, Heatran, Greninja w/out Hidden Power Grass and other big threats in the actual metagame.
Also you can fake the Choice Band w/aqua jet or Play Rough and then hit hard with Knock off(specially against Aegislash) and Superpower.
A twist on standard Talonflame:

Talonflame (F) @ Salac Berry
Trait: Gale Wings
Evs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
-Bulk Up/Swords Dance
-Flare Blitz
-Natural Gift

This is a version of standard Talonflame that serves as a lure to an extent. It has the standard sweeping capabilities, but with a neat combo. With Salac Berry equipped, Natural Gift becomes a physical, Base 100 Fighting-type move, giving excellent coverage with its two STABs. This allows Talonflame to beat "counters" with some prediction (though the Salac Berry disappears after use).

+1 252 Atk Salac Berry Talonflame Natural Gift (100 BP Fighting) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 440-520 (108.9 - 128.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
*assumes the common scenario of Tyranitar switching in on Talonflame, while it uses Bulk Up.

Even better still is that, once Tyranitar is removed and the Salac Berry is consumed, you now have a 165-BP Acrobatics (including STAB) with possible attacks boosts as well, and Talonflame no longer misses its Flying gem. Flare Blitz is the usual secondary STAB. Note that there is no room for Roost (the attacks become too weak without boosting moves), so make sure you have Defog/Rapid Spin support. Latios is a good choice since it appreciates having Tyranitar removed and can run Surf/Ice Beam to overpower Hippowodon, and it resists Talonflame's water and electric weaknesses, while Talonflame carries a 4x bug resistance and scares most Ice-types out immediately after it comes in.

+1 252 Atk Salac Berry Talonflame Natural Gift (100 BP Fighting) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 226-268 (58.5 - 69.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Here is a replay with this set in action:
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Mega Charizard Y (F) @ Charizardite Y
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake
- Solar Beam
- Roost

The Flare Blitz Zard-Y is here, say goodbye to every Chansey/Blissey! If you rly hate stall teams that set can do a good work, even if the standard Zard Y is generally better because that set loses power on pretty much the whole threat list but yer it still does a great job against stall teams and it's somewhat gimmick as well so I had posted it. Moves are p standard, Flare Blitz 2HKOs Blissey/Chansey but destroys Zard-Y too due to the recoil, EQ hits Heatran n Tyranitar and Solar Beam for coverage on Rotom-W, Quagsire and blablabla. Not too good but still useful sometime.
When I said sun team, I'm referring to drought ninetales to be one of the pokes on the same team. I already knew that it isn't just a random poke.
Late but there is absolutely no reason to run Ninetales. It is a terrible Pokemon. Manual sun is better than Ninetales sun (but really you should just be using Char-Y) just because of how shittastic Ninetales is.

Don't say Mega Houndoom, that's not a reason to run Ninetales either.
Late but there is absolutely no reason to run Ninetales. It is a terrible Pokemon. Manual sun is better than Ninetales sun (but really you should just be using Char-Y) just because of how shittastic Ninetales is.

Don't say Mega Houndoom, that's not a reason to run Ninetales either.

Or any sun-setter would work, is what I mean.

Mega Charizard Y (F) @ Charizardite Y
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake
- Solar Beam
- Roost

The Flare Blitz Zard-Y is here, say goodbye to every Chansey/Blissey! If you rly hate stall teams that set can do a good work, even if the standard Zard Y is generally better because that set loses power on pretty much the whole threat list but yer it still does a great job against stall teams and it's somewhat gimmick as well so I had posted it. Moves are p standard, Flare Blitz 2HKOs Blissey/Chansey but destroys Zard-Y too due to the recoil, EQ hits Heatran n Tyranitar and Solar Beam for coverage on Rotom-W, Quagsire and blablabla. Not too good but still useful sometime.

Uh, Hello?
Chansey and Blissey have MASSIVE HP stats; Flare Blitz will put Zard Y in K.O Range or possibly dead if your Opponent sac's their Chansey and lets you hit it with Flare Blitz. You are forgetting the Recoil. Plus, they can stall you out of HP and Roosts by using the Softboild/Wish + Protect Spam. I'd also Recommend Naive Nature since Zard Y already has a decent Sp.Def stat.

- When up against Chansey/Blissey, just switch to Breloom or Aegislash. -sigh-
Uh, Hello?
Chansey and Blissey have MASSIVE HP stats; Flare Blitz will put Zard Y in K.O Range or possibly dead if your Opponent sac's their Chansey and lets you hit it with Flare Blitz. You are forgetting the Recoil. Plus, they can stall you out of HP and Roosts by using the Softboild/Wish + Protect Spam. I'd also Recommend Naive Nature since Zard Y already has a decent Sp.Def stat.

- When up against Chansey/Blissey, just switch to Breloom or Aegislash. -sigh-

The issue of recoil was already mentioned in the post by Alexander. already. Sure, it might be a bummer losing your Mega in such a fashion, but potentially knocking out a fat blob can let your other specially-based 'Mons wreck havoc on the opposing team: not bad!
Reposting this set from my OP on Victory Road but whatevs.

A set that is getting fairly popular among high level players is offensive Scolipede.

Scolipede @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Megahorn
- Poison Jab
- Earthquake

This set goes to show that Scolipede can do more than just baton pass boosts to his teammates. Megahorn and Poison Jab are the preferred STABs as they hit the hardest and do solid damage to a number of common switch ins. Earthquake is for coverage against things like Terrakion and Heatran. Another reason this set is great is the unpredictability. Most people assume that when they see a Scolipede he will be baton passing speed and attack boosts to teammates for an easy sweep. To their demise they find out you are offensive with a Life Orb and kill the Pokemon you sent in to Taunt it. Lastly Bug / Poison typing is solid in today's meta game and is a hard combination to come by.
Late but there is absolutely no reason to run Ninetales. It is a terrible Pokemon. Manual sun is better than Ninetales sun (but really you should just be using Char-Y) just because of how shittastic Ninetales is.

Don't say Mega Houndoom, that's not a reason to run Ninetales either.

no, you're wrong, I've played sun extensively in XY OU and manual sun is not more useful than ninetales, manual sun kills momentum way fuckingh arder and still requires a heat rock and moveslot for sunny day so its not like the sunny day user is going ot be any more useufl than ninetales really. Further still Charizard Y's 5 turns of sun is basically useless as team support. Also, MEga Houndoom is a far, far better sun abuser than mega charizard Y, the only valuable mega to a sun team other than Houndoom is in fact mega Charizard X who is amazing in the sun but regardless Mega Zard Y is a completel waste on a sun team as it completely self sufficient whereas the purpose of a sun team is to support its powerful abusers. Mega Charizard Y is significantly inferior as its lower speed and much lesser power significantly increases the nuber of checks and counters it has, while also decreasing the number of pokemon it can check.

Mega Charizard X is the best sun abuser by a wide margin thanks to its longevity and near unwallability, however Houndoom still rivals it in power and has much better speed.

If you're using a sun team I strongly encourage you try and support the team with only manual sun users or mega charizard Y only to notice how badly it fails.
no, you're wrong, I've played sun extensively in XY OU and manual sun is not more useful than ninetales, manual sun kills momentum way fuckingh arder and still requires a heat rock and moveslot for sunny day so its not like the sunny day user is going ot be any more useufl than ninetales really. Further still Charizard Y's 5 turns of sun is basically useless as team support. Also, MEga Houndoom is a far, far better sun abuser than mega charizard Y, the only valuable mega to a sun team other than Houndoom is in fact mega Charizard X who is amazing in the sun but regardless Mega Zard Y is a completel waste on a sun team as it completely self sufficient whereas the purpose of a sun team is to support its powerful abusers. Mega Charizard Y is significantly inferior as its lower speed and much lesser power significantly increases the nuber of checks and counters it has, while also decreasing the number of pokemon it can check.

Mega Charizard X is the best sun abuser by a wide margin thanks to its longevity and near unwallability, however Houndoom still rivals it in power and has much better speed.

If you're using a sun team I strongly encourage you try and support the team with only manual sun users or mega charizard Y only to notice how badly it fails.

Being honest, I think that you said what I should've said in response :] Really good points here.
no, you're wrong, I've played sun extensively in XY OU and manual sun is not more useful than ninetales, manual sun kills momentum way fuckingh arder and still requires a heat rock and moveslot for sunny day so its not like the sunny day user is going ot be any more useufl than ninetales really. Further still Charizard Y's 5 turns of sun is basically useless as team support. Also, MEga Houndoom is a far, far better sun abuser than mega charizard Y, the only valuable mega to a sun team other than Houndoom is in fact mega Charizard X who is amazing in the sun but regardless Mega Zard Y is a completel waste on a sun team as it completely self sufficient whereas the purpose of a sun team is to support its powerful abusers. Mega Charizard Y is significantly inferior as its lower speed and much lesser power significantly increases the nuber of checks and counters it has, while also decreasing the number of pokemon it can check.

Mega Charizard X is the best sun abuser by a wide margin thanks to its longevity and near unwallability, however Houndoom still rivals it in power and has much better speed.

If you're using a sun team I strongly encourage you try and support the team with only manual sun users or mega charizard Y only to notice how badly it fails.
I love mega Houndoom, but I have to disagree. Mega Charizard Y is the best sun abuser in the tier by a large margin, as it requires zero switch ins and has far greater momentum from the get-go than Ninetales. I'm not saying Mega Houndoom is bad, as it is undeniably powerful in the sun, but any other auto weather-setter such as Politoed or Tyranitar brings it to a screeching halt, and the whole process must be repeated. Also, due to solar power, Houndoom requires much more team support in sun than Zard Y, whereas Zard can function well on his own.

And yeah, Ninetales is pretty bad.
Cofagrigus (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Mummy
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Will-O-Wisp
- Trick
- Haze

I use this set as a Blob counter and Mega Pinsir, Mega Mawile and Mega Gyrados check/counter. For the blobs I use trick to give it the specs and make it useless. For Mega Mawile and Mega Pinsir I burn them and the mummy ability lets me cripple them badly since they no longer have Aerilate or Huge Power. You can also use Haze for the Baton Pass teams that are becoming rampant on the ladder.
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I love mega Houndoom, but I have to disagree. Mega Charizard Y is the best sun abuser in the tier by a large margin, as it requires zero switch ins and has far greater momentum from the get-go than Ninetales. I'm not saying Mega Houndoom is bad, as it is undeniably powerful in the sun, but any other auto weather-setter such as Politoed or Tyranitar brings it to a screeching halt, and the whole process must be repeated. Also, due to solar power, Houndoom requires much more team support in sun than Zard Y, whereas Zard can function well on his own.

And yeah, Ninetales is pretty bad.

No, you misunderstand. A sun team is a team that seeks to abuse sun to its fullest potential by supporting with sun setters, and trappers like Dugtrio to ensure the sun stays up and counters to it are gone. Zard Y is bad on this kind of team because it doesnt fully abuse the support, such as tt-ar being gone or sun support becuas it does it all by itelf. This makes it a better pokemon in general, however it is a waste to build a sun team around zard Y, rather than just a "Weatherless" team.
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Atk / 176 SpD
Careful Nature
- Return
- Earthquake
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

I'm a lazy bum so I'm just going to c/p my post from the Viability Rankings thread: Snorlax with Rest is absolutely amazing atm, he lets you scratch so many special attackers off your threat list. But unlike the likes of Chansey, Snorlax can actually provide some meaningful offence. He's one of the best in the game at sponging various special attacks and Thick Fat is just great, giving him numerous opportunities to set up. I've only been using him a few days so I haven't figured out an optimal EV spread, but I currently run a weird set is 252 HP / 80 Atk / 176 SpD with a Careful Nature and Lefties, and use Return/Earthquake/Rest/Sleep Talk. There's almost certainly a better moveset out there somewhere, but this one is pretty simple to use. This spread allows it to avoid the 2HKO from Timid Charizard Y Focus Blast. It walks all over Leftovers Thundurus-I, which is what good players high in the ladder use nowadays anyway, Life Orb Thundurus will KO itself with recoil as Snorlax heals up. Mega Gardevoir is another special attacker that can't even 2HKO with the inaccurate Focus Blast. The ever increasingly popular Raikou, Zapdos, and Manetric do laughable damage to it as well. Rotom-W is something hilarious like a 7HKO, while Snorlax can just Rest to deal with Will-o-Wisp. Greninja might as well pack it's bag and go home, as should the Latii twins. Even +3 Manaphy can't 2HKO with Surf, so you could probably run Roar or something if you're not comfortable facing that thing. Hell, the only special attackers that can 2HKO it are Keldeo with Secret Sword and Lando-I if Focus Blast hits for 2 turns in a row. While you should never switch him into them, this mofo is actually surprisingly good at eating physical hits from S/A+ threats as well despite no physical investment. Bisharp for one fails to 2HKO while unboosted, while Snorlax comfortably 2HKOs with EQ. Unboosted Charizard X often has trouble getting a 4HKO thanks to Thick Fat and Leftovers, while Snorlax again comfortably 2HKOs in return thanks to the Attack investment. Hell, AEGISLASH fails to OHKO with Sacred Sword, while Snorlax has a good chance of OHKOing with EQ. Yes, that's the thing with 150 base Attack.
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