Little Cup Pokemon Give Away - over. Still some left over

This sounds awesome. Just now getting back into Wifi (never played a game before since real life got to me before I could actually build a team) and this sounds like a great way to get pokes to play my new favorite meta, :D
blarajan, yes please.

Anything we can do to promote a more active LC Wi-fi playerbase would be awesome. I think giveaways are a great start. Promoting LC Wi-Fi battle videos and Youtube videos would also be a good idea. Tournaments would also be ideal.
The reason LC Wifi never really existed was because EV training level 5 pokémon was always really difficult, due to the low EXP required to level up these Pokémon. Thanks to super training, it is now possible to EV these pokémon without battling! I'm pretty sure this will make LC Wifi more popular.
I've been interested in trying WiFi LC out but didn't think there were many others interested in it. If anyone else is interested, I guess I should start breeding a team or two up at some point.
I've got an LC wifi team ready. Its much easier to get LC mons now with super training, but I don't know how many people we can get for an LC Wifi tourney. I'd guess 16 tops. :/
Caledrith, you might be surprised. DuncanKneeDeep got 19 for his a few months back.

I'm going to propose something a little bit radical: Smogon historically has a strict "no discussion of hacking, no trading hacked Pokemon" policy. But it *might* be worth it to relax this policy to offer some gen'd versions of some of the more difficult breeds (Porygon and Staryu spring to mind--I'm working on a legit Porygon now, and levelling an egg using the Pomeg glitch is a PITA of epic scale).
Staryu is nigh impossible to breed, at least for Hydro pump and rapid spin.

We're going to have a 24ish person LC tourney here where I live pretty soon, but I know from experience that there are like maybe 2 other people that have mons complete. Its pretty difficult.
On the plus side for Porygon and Staryu (and all the other Pomeg mons) there's the Battle Tower cloning glitch in Emerald, which may or may not fall into the category of hacking (but then again it's a glitch similar to the one being exploited) so if that's considered a "legal" mon, then you only need to get one, at which point you can clone the rest. Of course, if it's not legal, then forget I said anything.
Merritt, cloning glitches are 100% legal (why wouldn't it be if something as crazy as Pomeg glitch is legal?).

Think about it: where would we be without them?
Antar We'd be in a world where Gen III legendaries were worth more than Gen IV.

So anybody who wants to do Gen III LC mons only needs to create one. And then do all the different natures it needs. On the plus side, it's a more valuable thing than something like Bullet Punch riolu.
A wi-fi tournament? Very interesting. I have never played LC on the cartridge, so I think it would be fun to do so. I'll participate in a tournament, so count me in!
Really great of you to do this, Zabuza! Haven't played Little Cup on console since Stadium 2, so this is really appreciated.

The Avalanches: I would more than gladly have a 5IV Jolly Diglett. Something you want in exchange?