2013/2014 Soccer/Football Thread

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Inter are pursuing Mikel and Torres :) If all goes well, we'll get Costa and Paulinho and dump the trash in Inter's backyard. Sure, there are better playmakers out there but our only realistic targets are Paulinho and Khedira but I wouldn't want the latter at Stamford Bridge as he has just come back from an injury (remember Torres?) and more importantly, he's too similar to Matic. In another news, Napoli have agreed a deal with Jackson Martinez (pending an agreement with Porto). A really good striker who should be healthy competition for Higuain.
After watching the West Ham - Tottenham game, whoever in our scouting team thought that buying Paulinho is a good idea should be fired.
At least he is better than Ramires, but that is not saying much.
tml, I know that every signing is a risk but... I'm just saying. And yeah it would be funny if Costa would flop... (or not)
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Really happy with South Korea's squad. Yes, the squad is pretty young and relatively inexperienced, but the talent is definitely there. I'm interested in seeing who gets the captaincy.
Mourinho says Edin Dzeko should have won POTY instead of Luis Suarez, "He is fair. He doesn't dive or try to get opponents sent off."

Mourinho stirring shit up? Dzeko -> Chelsea???
Chelseas badge for next year
How's Agent Carroll and Agent Downing holding up? 4-0 to the Ham of the West yes?

Aaaand while we're on the subject of Diaby and assuming everyone likes good goals :D:

Also: 1966 - Austria won Eurovision, Liverpool won the title, Atletico Madrid won league, Real won Euro Cup & England won World Cup. Holy shiet lol!
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Gratz City. And we're going to end the season with a loss/draw at Cardiff, how typical of us.

Edit: Nvm
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At the start of this season I said Kyle Walker should be nowhere near starting for England, mainly because he relies on his pace too much to recover from his mistakes.
I take it back now, if he's fit I'd start him over Johnson, all Johnson does is make mistakes and then moans on Twitter! The number of times he's been caught out today is embarrassing. God forbid we see him coming up against Ronaldo etc etc
While it was frustrating to watch as a Chelsea fan, the title race was anything but boring and I can't say that I didn't enjoy witnessing Manchester United's considerable decline. Overall, a decent season.
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