Tatertot's Bizarre Bazaar

Hello again,

Would you be interested in any of the following?
- Blue Female Shellos, Relaxed, Storm Drain, 31/x/31/31/31/0, Yawn, Nest Ball
- Female Starly, Adamant, Reckless, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Double Edge, Roost, Timer Ball
- Female Remoraid, Quiet, Sniper, 31/x/31/31/31/0, Water Spout, Water Pulse, Repeat Ball

Hi! I'd be interested in both Shellos and Starly, what would you like for them?
Hi! I'd be interested in both Shellos and Starly, what would you like for them?

Awesome, I'm interested in:
- Female Jolly Shellder, Skill Link, 31/31/31/xx/31/31, Heavy Ball, Rapid Spin, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, Aqua Ring
- Female Jolly Larvitar, Guts, 31/31/31/xx/31/31, Friend Ball, Iron Head, Dragon Dance, Pursuit, Stealth Rock

Would that be ok?
Awesome, I'm interested in:
- Female Jolly Shellder, Skill Link, 31/31/31/xx/31/31, Heavy Ball, Rapid Spin, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, Aqua Ring
- Female Jolly Larvitar, Guts, 31/31/31/xx/31/31, Friend Ball, Iron Head, Dragon Dance, Pursuit, Stealth Rock

Would that be ok?
Sure, sounds great. I'll send you a PM when they're both ready
Does anything else from my list interest you for a spitback trade of a female Dream Ball Kricketot and Sneasel with HA? I can send you a link to my full list if you like?
Does anything else from my list interest you for a spitback trade of a female Dream Ball Kricketot and Sneasel with HA? I can send you a link to my full list if you like?
I'm sorry, I thought I replied when you asked me earlier through PM, but it must not have gone through XP yeah, if you could send me your list, that would be great
Hey! I'd like a female eevee HA in dreamball (4/5iv spitbacks are fine)

I can offer the following 5iv
Lure ball tentacool
Timer ball starly HA
All deerling season formes (except spring currently breeding)
Summer is in Nestball
Autumn in repeat ball
Winter in premier ball
Hey! I'd like a female eevee HA in dreamball (4/5iv spitbacks are fine)

I can offer the following 5iv
Lure ball tentacool
Timer ball starly HA
All deerling season formes (except spring currently breeding)
Summer is in Nestball
Autumn in repeat ball
Winter in premier ball
I'd love a female Autumn Deerling :) I'll let you know when it's ready
The list is on another site. I have yet to make a thread on here. My list will most likely be updated again today. http://www.marriland.com/forums/pok...ial-ball-females-apricorn-dream-safari-sports
How about for a female Glameow? Would you be able do to this spread?:

Glameow @ Dream Ball
Thick Fat
-Wake Up Slap
-Last Resort
I'd love a female Autumn Deerling :) I'll let you know when it's ready

How about for a female Glameow? Would you be able do to this spread?:

Glameow @ Dream Ball
Thick Fat
-Wake Up Slap
-Last Resort
I can do that. The Glameow will also have Assurance and Flail as egg moves. I'll let you know when it is done.
I can do that. The Glameow will also have Assurance and Flail as egg moves. I'll let you know when it is done.
Oh, awesome! Great :)
Tatertot your front page doh. FREEZIN MAH IPHONE SAFARI. That's right I'm not using propa English irks you right ;).

Jk haha, nice thread ^_^
Banned for life

Haha, thank you :) I know there's too many images, but it's too pretty, I can't bear getting rid of any DX
Sorry to bother you but ETA on the eevee? It'd be great if I can have it today.
I won't have it until Monday night at the earliest, I have 4 orders before you, and I'm done breeding for today. :/ is there a reason you need it early?

i'm interested in the heal ball cleffa. i would like to hatch it myself, if you have any checked eggs to trade. if not, i'd like a female, since i will use it to breed my own.

here's what i have to offer that you don't have listed in this thread:

31/31/31/x/31/31 adaptability jolly corphish with dragon dance, aqua jet, knock off, and superpower, in a net ball
31/x/31/31/31/31 unburden modest swirlix in a heal ball
31/31/31/x/31/31 rock head adamant aron with head smash in a poke ball
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I have the Glameow ready. Let me know when you can trade.
Great, I'll let you know when I'm finished with them!

i'm interested in the heal ball cleffa. i would like to hatch it myself, if you have any checked eggs to trade. if not, i'd like a female, since i will use it to breed my own.

here's what i have to offer that you don't have listed in this thread:

31/31/31/x/31/31 adaptability jolly corphish with dragon dance, aqua jet, knock off, and superpower, in a net ball
31/x/31/31/31/31 unburden modest swirlix in a heal ball
31/31/31/x/31/31 rock head adamant aron with head smash in a poke ball
Sorry, I'm not interested in any of those
Just wondering if Chimecho (in a Dream Ball) with 4EMs interests you, and if you'd like a Litleo (in a Luxury Ball) with all 4EMs? Both will be female and perfect, of course.
Just wondering if Chimecho (in a Dream Ball) with 4EMs interests you, and if you'd like a Litleo (in a Luxury Ball) with all 4EMs? Both will be female and perfect, of course.
I'm interested in both :) for Litleo, I wouldn't mind a male, since I already have a Luxury Ball one and just need the egg moves. So whichever comes put first, male or female, I'll take. What would you like in return?
Puff the Magic Dragon FTW against Klefki!! He would ooze out a toxic haze that will cause Klefki to immediately become really hungry and then want to take a nap. Boom, game over, Klefki out for the count for hours :)
I'm interested in both :) for Litleo, I wouldn't mind a male, since I already have a Luxury Ball one and just need the egg moves. So whichever comes put first, male or female, I'll take. What would you like in return?

Sweet :D, can I get a female of this:
#104 Cubone
Ability: Lightning Rod (or Rock Head, whichever comes out first)
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0 (actually prefer 31/31/31/x/31/31, but whichever is easier for you)
Egg Moves: Skull Bash, Iron Head, Perish Song, Endure

and this
#629 Vullaby
Ability: Overcoat
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: Roost, Knock Off, Foul Play, Mean Look

Details of my Chimecho:
Female / Bold / Levitate / Cosmic Power, Future Sight, Recover, Hypnosis / Dream Ball / 31/x/31/31/31/31
Most likely Female coz of the gender ratio lol / Timid / Unnerve / Entrainment, Fire Spin, Snatch, Yawn / Luxury Ball / 31/x/31/31/31/31

ETA: Think you may also be interested in a JAP male Vanillite with Ice Shard, Autotomize, Magnet Rise and Imprison | a Scrappy Kangaskhan (Safari Ball) with Focus Punch, Focus Energy, Circle Throw and Double-Edge | a Castform (Dream Ball) with Hex, Disable, Ominous Wind and Clear Smog
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Puff the Magic Dragon FTW against Klefki!! He would ooze out a toxic haze that will cause Klefki to immediately become really hungry and then want to take a nap. Boom, game over, Klefki out for the count for hours :)
Comment with this on the post on my profile, not here :P
Will both of them be female and have HA?
Of course.
Sweet :D, can I get a female of this:
#104 Cubone
Ability: Lightning Rod (or Rock Head, whichever comes out first)
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/0 (actually prefer 31/31/31/x/31/31, but whichever is easier for you)
Egg Moves: Skull Bash, Iron Head, Perish Song, Endure

and this
#629 Vullaby
Ability: Overcoat
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Egg Moves: Roost, Knock Off, Foul Play, Mean Look

Details of my Chimecho:
Female / Bold / Levitate / Cosmic Power, Future Sight, Recover, Hypnosis / Dream Ball / 31/x/31/31/31/31
Most likely Female coz of the gender ratio lol / Timid / Unnerve / Entrainment, Fire Spin, Snatch, Yawn / Luxury Ball / 31/x/31/31/31/31

ETA: Think you may also be interested in a JAP male Vanillite with Ice Shard, Autotomize, Magnet Rise and Imprison | a Scrappy Kangaskhan (Safari Ball) with Focus Punch, Focus Energy, Circle Throw and Double-Edge | a Castform (Dream Ball) with Hex, Disable, Ominous Wind and Clear Smog
Oh, duh, I forgot that Litleo's gender ratio is like that XP

I'm interested in Castform, what would you like for that?