A New Challenger has Appeared!!


XAHKI1 - "RHYPERIOR" -Tank mode-
Heavy Fire Tank unit
Height: 7'10
Weight: 1 T
Construction: Solid Rock
Fixed Armanents: x2 "Hammer Arm" located on forearms; "Horn Drill" mounted on nose; "Horn Attack" mounted on forehead; "Stone Edge" cannon/mace mounted on tail tip; "Rock Wrecker" cannons mounted in forearms, belt-and-drum fed from backpack and belt.
Features: Retractable "Earthquake" tank threads; external "Geodude" bullet packs;

Height: 30'02
Weight: 1.2 T
Construction: "Rock Head"
Propulsion: "Rock Polish"
Fixed Armanents: "Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang" mounted on jaw; "Dragonbreath" cannon located in mouth; "Stone Edge"/"Double Edge" fins mounted on odd torso limbs; heated "Iron Tail"
Features: "Sandstorm" generator mounted on four limb from head; "Dig"
Holy fucking shit with pussy on the side.
Your Rhyperior interpretation has the EXACT same pose as Tunnel Rhino from Mega Man X3. I swear.
Also, Gardevoir seems pretty hot. :naughty: But all in all, your artwork kicks some serious ass, I like Scizor, Steelix, and Nidoking the best.
Yay, bumped so I don't have to necropost.

Anyways, Starmie and Snorlax are the best so far. Steelix and Rhyperior was really creative too. Only question is what is sticking out of Gardevoir's dress? Seems like a boner... But it does say female... Can you clearify for me?
Crap, Rhyperior made me jump with glee.

Looks like it could be a Transformer, or something off of Beast Wars, which is a Transformers spin-off with transformations based on animals and not cars.
Yay, bumped so I don't have to necropost.

Anyways, Starmie and Snorlax are the best so far. Steelix and Rhyperior was really creative too. Only question is what is sticking out of Gardevoir's dress? Seems like a boner... But it does say female... Can you clearify for me?

It's the same horn that all the other Ralts-volutions have.
Both Autocons and Decepticons are shivering by the mere sight of that Steelix and that Rhyperior. Awesome job.

lol "Autocons" XD

I was actually thinking of gundam while drawing, at least with Steelix, but I guess it turned out this way xd

Hyra: If you mean where the dress parts, that's a fold. If you meant the thing between her boobs, that's what Castlevaynia said.

Thanks for all the comments
Oh... Okay, it was a fold... It was just in exactly the right position. I didn't even see the horn though...
The fact alone that you succeeded in making Magmortar look awesome is great enough, but I love your style.
Gonna start putting up more non-pokemon work. I'll still do it, but just on the side



Of the recent ones, I also have Chun-Li, Cammy, Sakura, and Tifa, but I don't feel right posting it here, so it's in my da page in my sig.

XAHKI1 - "RHYPERIOR" -Tank mode-
Heavy Fire Tank unit
Height: 7'10
Weight: 1 T
Construction: Solid Rock
Fixed Armanents: x2 "Hammer Arm" located on forearms; "Horn Drill" mounted on nose; "Horn Attack" mounted on forehead; "Stone Edge" cannon/mace mounted on tail tip; "Rock Wrecker" cannons mounted in forearms, belt-and-drum fed from backpack and belt.
Features: Retractable "Earthquake" tank threads; external "Geodude" bullet packs;

Height: 30'02
Weight: 1.2 T
Construction: "Rock Head"
Propulsion: "Rock Polish"
Fixed Armanents: "Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang" mounted on jaw; "Dragonbreath" cannon located in mouth; "Stone Edge"/"Double Edge" fins mounted on odd torso limbs; heated "Iron Tail"
Features: "Sandstorm" generator mounted on four limb from head; "Dig"

You my friend are truly gifted, you surpass that of even my art skills.